The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 17

by Honor James

  “Ah, well them you can totally use it on,” she assured him. “And believe me, that’s something that I’ve already promised them, so you will have to come up with something else, love. I told them that I would cut them off with a rusty spoon and plant them so that I could grow some dickweed.” It wasn’t a very lovely threat, but it was what came out of her mouth at that moment.

  “Seriously?” he asked, shooting her a look once he was driving, “Well that’s just kind of wimpy, darling,” he teased with a laugh.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Council was gathered. Talon had read everything, and it had taken him several hours to calm enough to even call the meeting. Now the Dragon sat in his Throne practically pulsating with raw anger and energy. Chrissy was there, too, right behind Tryg’s Throne looking calm, serene, and at peace, beautiful to boot. She was one hell of a sexy woman. Too bad they hadn’t had some time for Tryggr to show her how he felt before they’d gotten bum-rushed to the Chambers.

  You show me all the time, honey, now stopping thinking of me naked, because you are seriously distracting me, Chrissy voiced through their open connection. I’m supposed to be watching everyone, remember?

  “Why have I been brought here?” Evan Jackson demanded as he was pushed into the room by the guards sent to gather him up. “I demand to know just why you have brought me back here when my nephew has obviously taken his place.” The slur in his voice spoke of his anger that Tryg had done just that.

  “You were not given leave to speak,” Talon said as he stood up slowly, “so I suggest you zip it before I do it for you.” Oh yeah, he was beyond pissed. He was holding onto the Dragon by the merest thread. “Council, we are here today to clean house,” he said just as all the doors were sealed, guards on the inside. Something that had never, ever been done in all their history. And all the guards were Dragons that were fully and heavily armed.

  Chrissy squeezed Tryggr’s shoulder and in his mind asked again, And you are sure that we are safe in here? That no one will make it to us, right? That your uncle hasn’t paid off the guards as well? She had their child to worry about. She had to be sure.

  The guards are all loyal to Talon. All are Dragon and all those that have fought battles with him for centuries. They couldn’t be bought and would gut those that even dared to try. We are very safe, he told her, reaching up to touch her hand on his shoulder. Aiden is right behind us. He is to watch out for you and you alone.

  Thank you. She knew how silly it was, but dammit she was worried. This man before them had killed her mate’s parents, had cavorted with the Mage and something far darker in order to gain the throne that he felt would be his. I love you, Tryggr, but now it’s time, she whispered when she saw Talon shoot them a look.

  Squeezing her fingers, he stood up and pulled out a small stack of envelopes. Handing half the stack to his left and the others to his right, Tryg waited until everyone had one. “If you will open the envelopes and pull out the sheet within,” he requested.

  “On this sheet of paper I’m asking you to remove is solid proof that my Team has found. That Team includes Quincy Wallace, King of the Mages, and myself, Tryggr Jackson, King of the Jaguars, as well as others who have greatly helped in this endeavor to uncover the truth.” Tryggr took a long breath before continuing.

  “On this sheet of paper you will see the names of those that are guilty of treason not only against the Crown that leads this Council but those of many of the Thrones here. These names are people who have murdered, raped, pillaged, and blackmailed their way either into a position here in this Chamber or onto a Throne not rightfully theirs. On this sheet you will see six names of Council members who have been helping those that are trying to kill our mates. They have also been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be plotting to overthrow our sitting Council head, Talon Silverwing of the Dragons, in a plot to take the Changers, Mage, and others into positions of power and enslave the humans.” The noise in the Chamber got so loud at that point he couldn’t be heard any more.

  Holding up a hand Talon got them to settle down a little before taking up where Tryggr had left off. “My Team has uncovered not only those assisting in this plot but subplots and plans as well. While I can’t give you everything as we are still working on a number of leads I can freely share with you this. Due to a Council member’s assistance in this plot against the Crowns of several races plus against this Council, many have been hurt and killed. He was integral in not only the kidnapping of my Royal Guard Aiden Fairbanks but also an attack on the Fae Queen’s lands and home. That attack was focused not only on Queen Katherine but on the bond-mate of Laighean, one of her Royal Guards.

  The Council Chambers was suddenly roaring with all the voices talking over one another and Talon had to bang a fist on the table to regain control. “Humans who were apparently promised huge sums were sent onto Katherine’s lands with orders to kidnap her as well as Laighean’s bond-mate Charisma. Through interrogation we’ve discovered that they were to kill all Changers they could as long as they got the women out alive. Only under the most severe conditions were those men to kill the Queen and Charisma. This extreme measure was to ensure that there would be no children born by either woman by their Changer and Fae mates.”

  “We’re not yet sure just who is behind this scheme beyond the names we’ve given you,” Tryggr took up once more. “But the Team is continuing to delve into everything and everyone in association with the Council member responsible.” He paused and took a deep breath before he read off the names of those involved as well as the primary man who’d very nearly destroyed so many lives.

  Chrissy squeezed Tryggr’s shoulder and heard the roar from his uncle when his name was given as well. “I have only been nice to you, you little fucking overeager pup,” the man said as he turned to face Tryggr. “And you dare to question me? I’ve fucking ruled where you were too goddamn afraid to rule! I deserve that fucking Throne, not you and certainly not your fucking bastard.”

  “You killed our servants, my parents in their marital bed, and had my sister raped while a Mage you paid had me pinned to the floor to bear witness to her rape by that gang of butchers,” Tryggr said, managing to stay chillingly calm. “The money trail was clear and distinct, sir, especially since you’ve been using that Mage to this day.” He looked to the left where a Mage was dragged in, very clearly chained in a manner to keep the man from casting a spell, his mouth gagged as well.

  Evan looked at the mage and then his tune changed. “He spelled me,” he muttered. “That’s why I was there. I didn’t want to do it and I have been atoning for that sin for years and years. I have always been good to you, Tryggr. After all, you are alive today, are you not?”

  “No thanks to you, sir,” Tryg said calmly, his anger a cold flame in his chest. “The Dragons came to assist us, to offer me medical help, and to attend to our dead. You were nowhere to be seen for nearly a fortnight, Uncle, and when you did arrive, you stunk of nothing but alcohol and sex. We knew where you were, building your alibi to the event, but you left a money trail. Besides”—he waved a hand to Quincy—“King of the Mages has already pulled the memories from the minds of those still alive and shown them to Talon of the Dragons and myself. He also spoke of them to Katherine of the Fae, who has also questioned the Mage and found, in this moment before his death, that he spoke nothing but truth, did he not, Queen of the Fae, Ear of Truth?” They’d rehearsed it all, but keeping it all straight and on track was a bitch, especially when Evan kept trying to jump ahead of all they’d planned for the reveal.

  Katherine rose and nodded. “This is true. Upon the time of his arrest, the Mage that was used to kill the former King of the Large Cats spoke only truth, and in that truth, Evan Jackson, he pointed to you.” She murmured, “He told us of your plan, of your entire plan to ensure that you were the one who would take the Throne, that you were the one who would gain all that there is to being King.”

  Tryggr gave a small bow to Katherine as she reclaimed her
seat and looked to his uncle once more. “From this day forth, Evan Jackson of the Jaguars, you are stripped of all titles, all lands, and all monies you may have had. You are forever removed from the line of the Jaguar Royalty, and your name shall be forevermore removed from all writing of our people. You are no longer Jaguar and you are no longer Evan Jackson. You are now, and for all time, the nameless one.” While Evan would likely be executed, the stripping of titles, lands, and monies would send those he backed into a tailspin, all part of the plan to shake them up and ensure they got them all.

  Talon stood in the stunned silence, waiting until Tryggr sat once more. “Veril Son-Ton of the Foxes, you are hereby stripped of your title King of the Foxes, stripped of all other titles, lands, and monies. You are removed from the Fox line of Royalty and stripped of your name. You are forevermore to be known as the nameless one. Graham Shaunessy of the Lions, you are hereby stripped of your title King of the Lions,” Talon said. And so it went for the Vipers, Minor Reptiles, Minor Cats, and the Falcons. “All those nameless and their consorts, mistresses, assistants, and aides are hereby remanded into the custody of the Dragon Royal Guard to be taken to the Cells of the Council. Guards, remove these traitors from our midst,” he ordered as absolute hell broke loose.

  Chrissy watched in horror the removal of the traitors. She listened to the hissing from the Snakes and winced when she watched the Dragons slamming them into cages as they moved. “Oh God,” she breathed. “I so do not like this,” she told him softly and looked to the men and women being removed. “So many Thrones that have to be filled once more,” she whispered. “Goodness, this is going to be some tumultuous times for us.”

  Holding her hand, Tryg nodded. The rightful heirs will be found by Gaia and they will take their Thrones. But only once the rest of the rot from the Royal Houses are cleansed. Even now between the Dragons, Fae, and magic users like the Mage and Sorcerers, the other traitors are being removed from their homes to be brought to justice. It will be months of trials and too many deaths, but when fighting the darkness and Chaos’s hold, we can’t be too lenient.

  No, I know that we can’t, honey, but still. Chrissy sighed and laid her hand over her belly. I feel for the children. We need to ensure that none of the children that are innocent are held accountable for the sins of their mothers and fathers.

  And none will be. He looked up at her. They are the innocents, and Talon would never punish them for something they had no part in. They will be protected, and the clan will take them in if it’s necessary. Only those that are guilty are ever punished. Even all of them will have a fair trial and a chance to dispute the evidence. Including Evan. While his fate had been sealed long before he’d been dragged back before the Council, he would stand trial for his deeds.

  Chrissy nodded, and after everyone was gone who needed to be gone, she dropped into Tryggr’s lap with only the smallest tug from him. “It feels as if we are starting all over again,” she murmured looking around the Chambers.

  “In a manner of speaking, we are,” he told her honestly. Glancing around to the others who were all standing, talking, and huddled in little groups, Tryg sighed. “But it’s for the better. Get rid of the cancer now so we can grow strong again and keep our peoples safe.” Settling his hand on her belly, he rubbed slightly and smiled. It always made him smile when he rested his hand where their child grew. “He or she will have a much better world to come into, darling.”

  “I know that, which is why I’m so glad that we did this now instead of later,” she murmured. “How much longer do we need to stay here, love? How long until we can head home?” She had watched as Katherine and her mates Sullivan and Mac had slipped out of the Chamber, so she was sure it wouldn’t be long for them.

  “Soon,” he murmured quietly to her. “We will be some of the last ones out though, so be patient.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Talon wants to ensure most leave before we head out just in case there are any hard feelings still brewing.”

  “Oh I’m sure that there are more than a few hard feelings,” she murmured. “But I honestly don’t care. You were right. It had to be done, love. It was more than past time for it to be done, and now that it is, life will go on and we will be all the better for it, right?”

  “Absolutely,” he agreed with a smile, pulling her close to kiss her lips. Leaning back, he looked around. “It will be hard to rebuild, but the effort will be worth it totally. It just means a few extra hours here. Which as long as you’re with me is perfect,” he whispered, hugging her closer to him.

  “Tryggr, I will be with you for now and for all time. I love you, honey. I love you so very much, and I want to have every single moment with you that I can have. As long as I have you with me, anything is worth it.”

  “Ditto, my lovely mate, ditto,” he told her honestly with a grin. Wrapping his arms around her, Tryggr held her close as he relaxed back and waited. The hardest part was out of the way, the roughest to come, and then it would be merely building. Life would be okay. Their life would be just fine.




  Born in the mid-seventies, this thirty-something woman has only been writing for the last six years of her life, faithfully that is. Honor has always been scribbling a phrase, a curious word, or the oddest of thoughts down on anything she could find laying about. Now she piles them up before her and, if one catches her fancy, she further explores it to whatever its end might be.

  A lover of books, her reading material spans from Shakespeare to mysteries and all the way to the erotic. Anything and everything she can lay her hands on she’ll read. Though, these days, she leans more toward the paranormal than anything else.

  Poetry was her first love, lasting about three solid years. Don’t ask. She won’t show many of them to anyone. Then short stories became the focus and finally she began to write for more than just writing what came to mind. She started to write for pleasure and to tell the story that begged to be told.

  Life and family came next. Working full-time as a customer service representative and raising two children got in the way and the writing that she so loved as a teenager seemed to be pushed off to the back burner of everything.

  So several years passed and her children turned into more than the babies that demanded her attention and into young children and then teenagers with different demands, ones that allowed her to once more spread her imagination to the wind and ask for more, want more.

  As with all great things the door to her notebook-written world might have been closed and placed on hold, but where a door closes another one opens, and in this case it was with the advent of buying a computer.

  Honor spends many a sleepless night pounding at the keyboards. She is a consummate professional in her daytime career. However, at night her visions swing to the fantastical, and in those long hours after the children and husband are in bed, she weaves together words and blends up stories that not only bring a whole new meaning to romance, but sizzle the pages with a heat that will have the readers begging for more.

  For all titles by Honor James, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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