Picture Me Naked (Stoddard Art School Series)

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Picture Me Naked (Stoddard Art School Series) Page 7

by Lisa A. Olech

  Ed looked at her with a frown on his face. “Well call me crazy, Zee, but I don’t care that you’re dumber than a post. You’re my dumb post, and I’m not ready to let you go. What’s mine is mine. Hell, I’m even willing to marry you.” He threw a hand in the air. “You forget I’m on my way up at Speedy Quick. I’ll have my own repair garage, soon. You know, plenty of money. Hey, how about I buy you new boobs for a wedding present? Guess they’d be more of a present for me, huh?”

  Zee snapped. “That’s it. Out!”

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m just kidding. I know your boobs are a sore point with you. Two sore points, get it?”

  “Get out! You’re wrong, Ed, I’m not yours. I never was! Neither are my boobs! I don’t have to take your abuse. I’m done! Period!”

  “Calm the hell down! Jeez, you can’t even take a joke!”

  The timer rang in her hand. “Time’s up. Good bye.”

  “You know what, Zee? You can be a class-A pain in my ass. You wouldn’t know a good thing if it hit you over the head. One of these days you’re gonna regret losing me, and when you come crawling back, I’ll just stand there and laugh in your face!”

  Zee held the timer up. “Did you hear the bell?”

  Ed snatched the timer from her hand and whipped it against the wall. The hard plastic shattered. “Fuck the timer! I’m not done!”

  Fear made Zee’s body shake. “If you don’t leave right now, I’m calling the police.”

  A slow, evil smile spread over his face. His voice became low and deadly calm. “Go ahead. Call the cops. I’ll just have to make sure they aren’t wasting a trip for a lousy, two-buck timer.” He spit the last words at her like venom.

  Zee opened the door. Her heart pounded in her chest. “Please leave. Now.”

  “When you realize no one else wants your big, sorry ass and there isn’t another man on the planet who’ll deal with all your crazy shit, you’ll come back begging. How’s it gonna feel when I’m the one throwing you out?”

  Zee fought the lump in her throat. The threat of tears kept her silent. She stood by the open door.

  Ed stomped past her in anger. “Stupid bitch.”

  Zee slammed the door, flipped the deadbolt, put on the chain, and checked the peephole. He was gone. She unclenched her jaw as her insides trembled and twisted. She leaned her forehead against the door and closed her eyes.

  Damn him. She rubbed at the knot in her stomach and took a deep breath. Isabella circled around her ankles. “Forget him, Bella, he’s gone. Maybe he finally got the message?” A dark thought nudged the back of her mind. What if she was wrong? What if he didn’t stop?

  The smell of Chanel filled the room.

  “Why did you let that horrid little man into the apartment?”

  “He wouldn’t have gone away, Nana.”

  “Don’t let him in again.”

  “I won’t.”

  “You should invite the pretty one over.”

  Zee laughed a short bitter laugh. “I don’t plan to do that either.”

  “You believe all the ugly things Ed says.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Not in your head, but he’s bruised your heart.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Zee sniffed.

  “Of course it matters. You’re lovely and talented. Don’t let the ravings of a lunatic convince you otherwise.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Nana. I can handle it.”

  Zee retrieved the sketch of Jagger from outside. The fixative spray allowed her to touch the drawing now without smudging it. She ran a tender finger along the bow of Jagger’s lip. He’d never speak to her like Ed did. Her throat tightened again. She couldn’t help but reach out to stroke the flow of his drawn hair. Was it as soft as it appeared?

  A shiver ran through her. She set the sketch aside and rubbed at her goosebumped arms. She was being foolish. Just as stupid as Ed believed her to be. This drawing was only a fantasy. It wasn’t real. Daydreams and flights of the imagination weren’t going to help her get control of her life. They wouldn’t help her win that fellowship. They sure as hell weren’t going to heal her bruised heart. The only things to do that were time, distance, and hard work.

  Chapter Ten

  Wednesday morning, Jagger was determined to arrive on time for a change and strolled into the classroom. Zee was already there talking to Leah. She was busy securing her hair with a fat clip. Several shiny spirals refused to be tamed and spilled out to frame her face.

  “G’day, ladies.” He smiled at Zee. “How’s George this morning?”

  She zipped her sweatshirt up tight. “George is fine. I had to tighten that ignition wire connector screw thingie again this morning. Thanks for showing me where it was.”

  Leah looked at her in disbelief. “You fixed George?”

  “Don’t look so shocked. I can turn a screw. ’Course, I ruined my new palette knife in the process.”

  Leah patted her shoulder. “I’m impressed. You’re dabbling in auto maintenance. Ed should really be worried now.”

  Zee held out her hand to stop her. “Please, don’t say that name.”

  “Uh-oh. What happened?”

  She shot Jagger a look before answering. “Later.”

  Had something else happened between her and Ed since Monday? He couldn’t help but wonder if there was any connection between him and that ignition wire coming loose again. One way to find out. “I thought I fixed that screw tighter than a fish’s arsehole.”

  Leah laughed. Zee just shrugged. “I can’t explain it. I’m just thankful you showed me how to fix it.”

  “Glad to be of help.” Jagger ran a hand through his hair and frowned. “After class, I’ll take another look and make sure the threads aren’t stripped.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I do a lot of things I don’t have to do. But speaking of stripped…” Jagger gave her a wink. “Best be getting to it.”

  Class ended. Jagger dressed and pulled up a chair next to Zee’s space and ate his lunch while he waited for her to finish her clean up.

  “You don’t need to hang around. I’m sure the car’s fine. You certainly have better things to do than to wait for me.”

  “I don’t mind. Take your time.” He put the top back on his water bottle and pointed to her canvas. “You’re so good. Very talented.”

  Zee raised her eyebrows. “Um…thanks.”

  “I’ve noticed how you work. It’s different from the rest of them. The building could collapse and you wouldn’t flinch.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “Wow, thank you.” She went back to wiping out the last of her brushes. “You make it easy.” She flashed him a look. “I mean, you’re one of the best models I’ve worked with. You really know how to show your body.”

  He shrugged. “I’ve done some studying.” Right now he was studying how the fine hair on the nape of her neck curled into two perfect corkscrews. He was noticing the curve of her ear with the small gold hoop piercing its lobe, and he was wondering how it tasted.

  “Well, you’re good at it. You seem very comfortable. That in itself is a talent.” She stopped what she was doing, glanced back at him and shook her head. “I couldn’t do it.”

  “Always been more comfortable without my clothes. It’s how I relax. My mum used to say if I wasn’t afraid I’d get arrested, I’d be naked all the time. Drove her a bit daft.”

  Zee went back to her brushes. “Hell, if I had a body that looked as amazing as yours, I’d be naked right now.” Jagger’s eyebrow shot up. If he wasn’t careful, it wouldn’t be the only thing shooting up. Zee clamped a hand over her mouth and looked at him with wide eyes. “I mean…what I meant to say—never mind. I’m sorry. I’m just tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night. Best if I keep my mouth shut. I’ll be finished here in a minute and we can go see to that screw.” This time her hand covered her eyes.

  Jagger couldn’t help but laugh as Zee’s ears turned pink to match her shoes.

bsp; Soon, they headed out to the parking lot. “I appreciate your taking the time to do this.”

  “I don’t want you to get yourself stranded somewhere.”

  Zee loaded her supplies and popped the hood while he retrieved the yellow handled screwdriver he’d used the other day.

  “I wish I’d had your screwdriver this morning.” To prove her point she held up a palette knife with its tip twisted and warped.

  “I’ll give you this one. You can start your own toolbox.”

  “I can’t take that. Suppose you need it yourself?”

  “I have several. Don’t want you killing any more knives.”

  Jagger looked over the cable fitting, unscrewed the entire assembly and looked closely at the threads of the screw. “Everything looks spot on. It shouldn’t have come loose.” He put everything back together and secured it. He closed the hood and handed Zee his screwdriver.

  Her fingers brushed his as she took the tool. In the sunlight, her eyes had these amazing silvery flecks. Her gaze held him captive. “It seems like I’m always thanking you lately.”

  “Save it for when I do something really great.” Jagger wished she wouldn’t look at him like that. He’d love to give her a list of all those “really great” things he’d like to do to her. Like kissing every inch of her. He’d start at those two little spirals of hair behind her ears and not stop until he reached her ankles.

  Zee graced him with a smile. “If I was more like Leah, I could come up with some flirty response to that.”

  “I’m glad you’re not her. Don’t get me wrong. I like her a lot, but the way she looks at me sometimes.”

  “Like you’re a six-foot parakeet at a starving cat convention?”

  “Wearing catnip boxers.”

  Laughter bubbled out of her like a fountain. “That’s Leah! I love her. She’s so…Leah.” She laughed again. “She does have a crazy crush on you, but don’t worry, she’s madly in love with a sweet guy named Ted. Your catnip boxers are safe.”

  “And what about you?”

  “Me?” After their laughter, the question seemed to surprise her.

  “Any chance you’ve got a crazy crush on me, too?” He reached out and tested the softness of a stray curl and looked into those sterling eyes. Zee’s lips parted as she held his gaze. His knuckle brushed the line of her jaw.

  A pickup rolled into the parking lot and slowed to fit into the space next to Zee’s car. Jagger tugged her closer to get her out of the truck’s path. The driver waved as he jumped out of the cab.

  Jagger looked down. He still held tight to Zee’s arm. Her eyes were focused somewhere in the middle of his chest. They were so close. He ran his hand gently from her elbow to her shoulder and back again. “So?” He breathed in the scent of her hair. She smelled like those cookies his mother used to make with the strawberry jam.

  Zee took a nervous step back. “I’m sorry, Jagger.” She handed him back the yellow-handled screwdriver. “I-I don’t have crushes.” She rubbed the spot where he had tugged on her arm. It was the same spot where Ed had grabbed her. “I have to go.”

  Jagger wanted to beat his head against the tailgate of that damned truck. He was such an idiot! “Zee…”

  She opened her car door and looked back at him. “Thank you. I appreciate all your help. Really. I just…” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’ll see you Friday.” Jagger watched George pull away.

  Chapter Eleven

  The weight of Jagger’s body pinned Zee to the couch. She sighed with pleasure. Raising her leg, she cradled him between her thighs as he pressed himself against her. She moaned and arched her back. Fingers kneaded her breast. Warm breath caressed her skin. The slowness of his hands drove her mad with desire. Her clothes clung to the hot dampness of her skin. If he didn’t rip them from her and take her now… She whimpered in frustration.

  “Jagger. Please. Oh God, I need you.”

  He nuzzled the juncture between her shoulder and neck. Delicious waves spread through her. Her sex pulsed. Ached. Zee rolled her hips upward, moaning. She ran her hand through the soft fullness of his hair as Jagger kissed and nipped his way up her throat. He licked her chin and along her jaw. His tongue was rough as sandpaper. He smelled like…like fish? Was he purring?

  Swimming to break the surface of her dream, Zee awoke with Isabella sitting on her chest. “Oh, Bella. Get off!” Zee shoved the cat away. Isabella jumped down and flipped her indignant tail in offense.

  Zee groaned loudly into the dark. Her body still pulsed. She was hot and sweaty and horny as hell. If she went back to sleep, would the dream finish? Would Jagger…?

  “Dammit!” Zee laid an arm across her eyes. What time was it?

  No sleep last night and that embarrassing scene with Jagger earlier had her dropping her things and face-planting the couch as soon as she made it through the door. Her head had been pounding. She’d seen Jagger’s pitying face all the way home. She’d just wanted to close her eyes for a minute.

  How long had she been asleep? Long enough to dream about him. Only this time it wasn’t his pity she was seeing. The image of his glorious body returned. In her dream she remembered running her hands over the play of muscle and skin. Laying a kiss upon the center of his chest, reaching down to grasp the hard length of his… Good Lord, girl!

  Zee pushed herself off the couch and whacked her knee on the coffee table. “Aaahh!” Pain and frustration radiated through her. She put her hands on her hips, bent at the waist and cursed. Loudly.

  She fumbled to turn on a light. Blinking against the assault on her eyes, it took a moment to read her watch: 11:37. She’d been asleep almost seven hours. Now she was wide awake, bruised and frustrated as hell. Great. Zee’s stomach growled. Add starving. At least that she could fix.

  A quick meal of eggs and toast washed down with a glass of wine had only served in easing her hunger for food. Her body and her mind still hungered for something else. Someone else. Too bad that wasn’t on the menu.

  Moving into the dining room, the table cluttered with work, Zee held up a sketch of Jagger. It was one of the quick angry sketches she had done last week.

  Zee sipped on a second glass of wine as she contemplated the drawing. Even though it was only comprised of wide slashes of charcoal, her mind’s eye could conjure the missing details. Evidently, her mind’s eye could conjure all sorts of things about Jagger.

  She studied the drawing again. It wasn’t her usual style. It was heated and sparse, but she liked it. There was something about the impulsive outline. The rapid strokes of black across white needed no explanation or definition. It was pure emotion.

  Zee moved the painting that stood upon her easel and replaced it with a fresh canvas. Looking back at the sketch, she wondered if she could get the same effect with paint. Her hands reached for her usual colors.

  Perhaps it was the soft edge from that second glass of wine; perhaps it was her rebellious mood or her traitorous body. She couldn’t say, but she wanted new. Daring. Bold. Vibrant.

  Out of the tubes of paint she grabbed bright cobalt blue, alizarin crimson, and phthalo green. She kept these vivid colors in her arsenal, but in years of doing portraits and nudes, these fat metal tubes rarely saw use. Their pigments were much too rich. They had the strength to overpower all other colors, so she’d always been taught to use them sparingly. Not tonight. Great globs of dark jeweled brilliance graced her palette. The decadent cherry red of the crimson looked good enough to eat.

  Dipping the brush into the red, she swept it over the stark white of the canvas mimicking the line of Jagger’s broad shoulder. The garish fuchsia screamed at her. Zee stood stunned for a moment. She reached for a larger brush. No, that’s still not right. Dammit, she needed her knife. The ruined one.

  Frustration welled in her. “Damn.” She drained her wine glass and retrieved the box from the fridge. Zee filled the glass again and held its chilled curve to her lips while she contemplated the misguided mess on the canvas. She looked over at the
fat tin tubes and then back to her palette. She had plenty of paint. Placing her glass on the table, she reached out and scooped a dollop of the crimson onto the ends of her fingers. Following the sweep of color she just made, she smeared the thick tint over the canvas until she felt the rough texture of its surface beneath her fingertips.

  That worked. Zee liked the effect, too. She smiled an impish smile as all at once she was back in kindergarten with her first finger paints. Scooping up more, she used her fingers and the back edge of her hand to imitate the strokes she would have made with her knife.

  Paint pushed under her fingernails and oozed between her fingers. Cobalt stained her wrist as she pushed and spread the cacophony of color over the stretched fabric. She loved the feel of the paint as the smell of linseed oil surrounded her. When she dipped her fingers into her mixture of oil and turpentine to thin out a certain area, she smiled at the slickness.

  Before her in vivid, gaudy color, Jagger’s body took shape. Zee’s breath caught as her fingers created the definition of his chest. Warmth radiated from the blue flesh shadowed with greens and purples. Her left hand soon joined her right in the sweep of a thigh and the curve of a hip.

  The room was getting warm. She reached up to unzip her sweatshirt ruining the garment and staining her chest. Zee barely noticed. Purple fingers grasped her wineglass and smudged her cheek as she drank.

  Grabbing still more tubes of paint, Zee added to the chaotic disorder on her palette. Fingered waves of light represented Jagger’s hair. Swipes of yellow joined blue to highlight the muscles of his chest and thighs.

  Hours and too many glasses of wine later, Zee stood back in appraisal. Orange fingerprints added to the smears on her glass.

  “What a mess.” Zee smiled at the familiar voice behind her.

  “Thanks.” She took another swallow.

  “I’m not talking about the painting. I think that’s…”

  “Well, Nana?”

  “I’m trying to think of the right word.”


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