Sassy Ever After: In My Mate's Sight (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: In My Mate's Sight (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 3

by Cassidy K. O'Connor

  She set the last few bites of donut down and leaned back in her chair with a heavy sigh, for a minute he worried he had gone too far.

  “That almost deserves to be broken into multiple questions, am I scared in general because I’m blind? Am I scared because the murderer is still on the loose? Am I scared I will be alone for the rest of my life?”

  Her head cocked to the side then she whistled a pattern, a few seconds later the whistle was returned. Caeden’s jaw dropped as he watched a small bird fly over and land on the arm of her chair. It stared at her intently, as if waiting to continue the conversation.

  She whistled another pattern and laughed when it sang back. He couldn’t believe his ears, he was mated to Snow freaking White.

  “Tell me about him?”

  “How do you know it’s a him?” Caeden leaned over but didn’t see any obvious male parts. Then again, he knew almost nothing about birds.

  “It’s a wild canary, they only sing when in solitary to express their desperate loneliness. I hope like me he doesn’t choose to wallow in fear or isolation and instead face each day with optimism.”

  “Well that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard, never thought I would feel bad for a bird.” His hands itched to grab her into a hug and tell her he would always be there for her, he had no choice, she was his other half.

  “It’s not that bad really, now finish telling me about him.”

  “He’s black and yellow and sitting two inches from your right hand.”

  She looked over at Caeden with a look of complete exasperation. “Please tell me your attention to detail is better than that, help me see him.”

  Properly reprimanded, he leaned forward to study their new friend before speaking again. “He’s tiny, probably could fit in the palm of my hand. He’s got fluffy feathers, not sleek. His body is mostly yellow with white swirled throughout and his head is mostly black with yellow swirled through it. He’s really quite beautiful.”

  “He sounds amazing.”

  “Have you always been able to speak bird? You don’t speak dog, too, do you?” She laughed at his joke and the canary flew up to the tree above them.

  “I don’t think I speak bird or any other animal, I’m just a really good listener.” She picked the donut up again and finished it off. “Speaking of dogs, when do I get to meet Thumper?”

  Caeden’s inner animal growled at the stupid name Rook had given him. If he wasn’t his boss’s mate, he would be planning retribution. Then again, the sheriff may owe him after asking him to do this.

  “I have to go into the office this afternoon, I think one of the guys will be bringing him over while I’m gone.”

  “I almost forgot, did you bring the treats for him?” Each of her fingers slid into her mouth as she licked the glaze off. Caeden’s erection was painfully pushing against his pants. “Are you still there?”

  “Oh, sorry, my mind wandered for a minute,” he adjusted himself and tried to clear both his heads. “I brought a container full of bacon, already cooked, you can give him some whenever you want.”

  “Bacon, really? Is that healthy? Shouldn’t we buy like rawhide bones or something?” Her head cocked to the side, intently staring his way.

  “Thumper is a pretty special dog, he lives for bacon.” Caeden struggled not to gag as he said the name given to him.

  “He sounds awesome, I can’t wait to meet him. Aunt Constance and I made him a bed for when he’s here.” She leaned forward mischievously, “Between you and me, though, if he tries to jump in bed with me, I’ll let him, I can’t wait to have a dog!” The excitement shined beautifully from her eyes.

  Caeden bit back a groan, he wished she hadn’t admitted that he, well, his animal was welcome in bed with her. If he didn’t distract her he would never survive this. “I have an idea, want to take a walk around the block? I can show, I mean...take you to a few places.”

  Her tinkling laughter stopped him, “It’s okay, you can say show me. Don’t worry about insulting me and remember, if you give the details, I will see everything. I really want you to make me feel everything.”

  Caeden choked on the sip of coffee he had just taken, “Well okay then, let me introduce you to Blue Creek.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Not to complain but I feel like you are arresting me.” Koira shrugged her arm to indicate his hand wrapped tightly around her upper arm. “Are you leading me to your squad car, officer?”

  Heat rushed to his cheeks. When they had stepped out of her apartment, she had held her arm out and he grabbed it that way out of habit. “I’m sorry, I don’t usually get the opportunity to escort a beautiful woman around town.” He grabbed her hand and tucked it into the crook of his arm. “Let me try that again.”

  “Much better, I feel like such a lady now. Carry on, good sir.” He loved that she felt comfortable teasing him.

  “I do have a question, I thought we were past the sunglasses?” He stared at his reflection in her lens.

  “You may be okay with me but I’ve found it’s easier to wear them, plus I don’t know your town yet. Let’s take it one step at a time.” She turned back to the street and waited for him to walk.

  Caeden understood exactly what she was feeling, when he first moved here he was hesitant to shift in front of others. “Okay, so across the street is a coffee shop, they stay open till midnight so a lot of kids like to hang out there and do homework. If we turn left there is a market that is open twenty-four hours a day. You can get all of the basic stuff but there is a large grocery store a couple of blocks away.”

  As they walked, he noticed her mouth moving silently in rhythm with the tap of her cane. Puzzled, he couldn’t help but ask, “What are you saying?”

  “I’m counting, I want to be able to come here on my own so if I count the steps from my apartment to the door of the market, I can easily find my way back and forth.”

  The idea of walking outside all by yourself with no sight scared him, he was a big enough man to admit she was much stronger than he was. “How did you manage to move away from your mom? I would imagine she didn’t want to let you go.”

  “She cried a lot as moving day came and when I first moved out, she called me hourly and wouldn’t let me go outside by myself. Each day the calls got a little more sporadic and eventually she got used to it.”

  “I can’t even imagine what that was like, you are so much braver than me.”

  “First off, I wasn’t brave, I cried myself to sleep the first week but I was determined to make it work so I pushed through. And what are you talking about you not being brave, you’re a cop. That has got to be one of the most dangerous jobs I can imagine.” Caeden couldn’t help the feeling of pride her words inspired in him. “Then again with how poor you seem to be with giving details, maybe you aren’t a very good one after all.” Her laughter rang down the road, people turned to look at her. They were openly curious about the stranger he was walking with.

  “There’s not much to say, it’s a few buildings and trees.” She tsked at him and shook her head. “Okay, the buildings are made of red brick, they have that comfortably worn look that makes you think of home. All of the businesses have big picture windows with scroll work on them and various flowers in planters. There are vibrant green trees the same color as your eyes spaced every five feet along the way. The market has a fruit stand out front, the strawberries are red as your lips and,” Caeden grabbed an orange and split it open, “the oranges are so fresh, they’ll tantalize your tongue.” He slid a small wedge between her slightly parted lips. He knew he was taking a risk but she was his mate after all.

  He was glad to see her face was flushed and her breathing had quickened, he could smell her desire stronger than the juice of the orange running down her chin.

  “Holy shit, you learn fast.” Koira cleared her throat and took a deep breath, he had definitely gotten under her skin. “What else do you have for me?”

  The loaded question had his brain fritzing,
so many options were running through his mind. Since he knew her less than twenty-four hours, he better keep it light, for now at least.

  “Let me pay for this orange you so rudely ate before purchasing and we’ll keep going.” He laughed at her gasp of mock outrage as he handed a dollar to the stock boy and told him to keep the change. “If you are quite done molesting the fruit, can we continue this tour?”

  “Deputy Shepperd, I do believe you are a scoundrel of the worst sort. I wonder if my aunt knows how naughty you are. I’m not sure she would appreciate you trying to corrupt her only niece.”

  He was corrupting her? Almost everything out of her mouth was sexual. Maybe it was time to embrace her style. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “It will be our little secret.”

  Shivers ran down her spine at the heat of his breath on her skin.

  “I just remembered Barbara’s son owns the Horney Wolfe Bar just up here on the right. Let’s stop in and see who’s around. I will warn you, though, it is a shifter bar so don’t go wandering off without me. And for god’s sake, if a guy named Raptor is there, just ignore him. He’s a vampire and loves the ladies but from what I hear, he found his mate recently so he’s been tamed a bit. Rumor is he’s trying to be on his best behavior so she doesn’t get wind of his past proclivities.”

  “This sounds absolutely wonderful, we had shifters in town but I’ve never been to one of their places.” Caeden enjoyed the look of excitement on her face, it felt good knowing he put that there.

  He continued his description of the area as they walked to the bar. He held the door open for her and wasn’t surprised to see Rook sitting just inside. He was the pack enforcer and spent his time between all of the clubs and bars the Wolfe pack owneds.

  “Hey man, didn’t expect to see you guys in here.” Rook shook Caeden’s hand then awkwardly held his hand out to Koira. “I’m not sure if you remember me.”

  “Mr. Rook, of course, thank you again for volunteering your time and helping with my apartment.”

  “Is Mason around? I was hoping to have a quick chat with him.” Caeden scanned the bar looking for the owner.

  “I think he’s in the back. I’ll take Koira over to the bar and keep her company while you’re gone.”

  Caeden spotted Raptor in the corner and silently pointed to him, Rook rolled his eyes and waved his hand to shoo Caeden off. “Now, Ms. Scott, you are in luck. You get to trade in your current escort and upgrade to a much better one, me.”

  Caeden rolled his eyes as he placed her hand on Rook’s arm. “I’ll be right back.”

  As Caeden walked away, he heard Rook loudly whisper to Koira, “Thank God that guy’s finally gone, now you can really have some fun.” He needed to start carrying a notebook so he could tally up all the times he was going to repay Rook for his taunts.

  Chapter Eight

  “Lael, come meet our newest resident.” Rook led her to the bar stool and waited while she adjusted. She leaned her cane against the bar but didn’t take off her sunglasses. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Just some water please, I just ate the most orgasmic orange and could use the drink to wash it all down.”

  Lael walked up as Koira finished her statement. Her eyebrows drawn up, Rook looked equally shocked by her words. “Here you go, sweetie, I enjoy water after a good orgasm, too.”

  Koira laughed as she was handed a glass. “Can I ask a favor of you guys before Caeden comes back?”

  Rook and Lael both nodded before realizing it was pointless. “Yes, of course,” Rook answered.

  She leaned in and whispered, “Please tell me he is as hot as he sounds.”

  “I think you and I are going to be fast friends, would you like to go, Rook, or me?” Lael leaned her elbows on the bar. He motioned for her to go ahead. “Sugar, he is so much hotter than he sounds. He’s tall, tanned, and muscled all over. His hair is a rich brown, almost the color of chocolate I would say, and big puppy dog brown eyes.” Rook rolled his eyes at her joke. “His lips are full and ready for kissing and don’t get me started on that ass. Trust me, sister, if you get a chance to take him for a spin, I highly suggest you do.”

  “Oh my god, do women really talk about men this way?” Rook was shocked at her bluntness. “I was going to say he has cute dimples and laugh lines.”

  “That’s nice but I think I like her description better.”

  “Yeah, Rook, so lame.” Lael stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Ssshhh, he’s coming back, start telling me about the club or something.” Koira took another sip of water and looked toward Lael expectantly.

  Rook was impressed, she either sensed or smelled Caeden before Rook even caught his scent.

  “I like working here, Mason’s pretty cool and I like talking with the customers.” Lael dried a glass as she talked nonchalantly.

  “Koira, I’d like you to meet Mason, Barbara’s son.” Koira turned on the stool and held her hand out, waiting.

  “My mom mentioned she had been at your new place. I hope you are enjoying our little town so far.” Mason’s large hand swallowed her much tinier one. “Caeden was telling me that you are a musician. I’ve been looking to add some new entertainment around here. If you’re up for it, I’d love to hear a song.”

  “I didn’t know you were looking, I know lots of people.” Three exasperated faces swung toward Lael, she was the only one who hadn’t caught on.

  “What do you think, want to do it?” Caeden was grinning from ear to ear.

  “What have I got to lose, it’s not like I will see if anyone is appalled by my voice.” She slid from the stool and waited.

  Caeden led her to the raised platform the piano was on and sat her down before returning to the bar.

  “You know I don’t let women sing in here, it causes too many issues. If she starts a riot, I expect you to take care of it.” Mason leaned against the bar and waited patiently.

  Every person in the bar quieted down and turned to watch. With her tiny frame, pale skin and long blond hair, she looked too good for this place and everyone inside knew it.

  As soon as the music started, it was obvious she had skill. Her voice was unlike anything he had heard before. She was singing Unchained Melody, there was so much hope and pain in her voice it brought tears to his eyes. How could someone so young have so much depth, she took the breath from him? He wanted to believe it was the mating that was causing the reaction but one look around the room and he knew it was her. She was magic, weaving her spell around everyone.

  As the last note rang out, chairs scraped the floor and shifters of all kinds were converging on the stage, all wanting to take claim of his woman.

  “Shit, I warned you.” Mason shook himself out of the daze he was in and headed for the stage, Caeden and Rook right on his heels.

  Caeden jumped on the stage and gently pulled her up while Mason and Rook pushed back on the crowd. Faces had started shifting, animal eyes were staring down Caeden. He led her off the stage, hoping she didn’t sense how dangerous their current predicament was.

  “Hey honey, why be with a pup when you can be with a wolf?” Caeden swung toward the wolf who called out and flashed his own animal at him. A full minute ticked by before the arrogant asshole backed down.

  When he first moved to town there were a few wolves who gave him a hard time for being a dog shifter. They were testing the pack mentality and wanted to see where he fit in. It didn’t take long for most of them to give up and leave him alone. The few that did give him a hard time, like Rook and Brogan from the station, did it purely out of friendship.

  “Caeden, is everything alright? I feel closed in.” Rook and Mason made a path and led them to the door. Lael was waiting and handed the cane to Koira.

  “It was nice meeting you, I hope we can hang out again some time.” Lael squeezed Koira’s shoulder before heading back to the bar. “Okay, boys, show’s over, come get a drink and tell me all your problems.”

  “Koira, if you want I’d be hap
py to book you a few nights a week. We’ll have to get a ton of security in here but I think you will draw in a huge crowd.” Rook shook his head in agreement with Mason’s assessment. It was going to take every pack enforcer they had to keep the animals at bay.

  “I’m not so sure if that’s a good idea anymore.” Caeden swung the door open hard enough that it hit the outer wall.

  “Was it that bad? I thought it sounded in tune.” Koira’s look of disappointment ripped at Caeden’s already pounding heart.

  He pulled her in front of him and cupped her face with both hands, “You have no idea how amazing you were. I’m just not sure the town can take a repeat performance. You’ll have every man in a ten-mile radius wanting you and I’m not sure I like that very much.” Screw it being less than twenty-four hours, he pulled her to him and kissed her with every ounce of emotion he had coursing through him. He always knew things were different with your mate but he wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of desire and love that flooded him. Her hands slid around his sides and locked behind his back as she sighed into his mouth. Sweet baby Jesus, why did he cross this line? How do you go back to normal life after something so life altering?

  “I’m not going to apologize for doing that but I will say I’m sorry if you didn’t enjoy it.” Caeden’s forehead rested against hers as he tried to calm his raging hormones.

  “I think you should apologize,” she took a long dramatic breath, “for stopping too soon.”

  Caeden couldn’t hide his smile as he kissed her again. Relief flooded him that she was accepting his advances, mating was always easier when both parties wanted it from the start. He’d heard stories where one mate resisted for whatever reason and it usually drove both people mad with desire till they gave in.

  “How about we get some lunch before I have to head into work?”

  “No offense, because I really want to get to know you, but I am dying to meet Thumper so I want this lunch to go quickly.”

  His animal was fighting to come out and give her what she wanted but he wasn’t ready to tell her he was a shifter. Most humans were good with his kind but he had been rejected by women before. Even if she was his mate, he wanted her to fall in love with the man first. “Let’s go get you some food then.”


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