Sassy Ever After: In My Mate's Sight (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: In My Mate's Sight (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 7

by Cassidy K. O'Connor

  Caeden smiled proudly, he knew they were speaking of him and he was happy to hear she liked what she felt even though she was bragging to her mama about him. It did surprise him to know a guy had praised him, he never thought about how other men judged him. It was kinda nice knowing others thought you were attractive.

  “I’ll let you get back to work, I just wanted to check in. I’ll call tomorrow and tell you how my performance was. Love you.” Koira tossed her phone onto the couch and laid back with a deep sigh.

  She patted the couch and called him; he jumped up and laid across her legs, laying his head against her breasts. She stroked his back gently, “If he is here, he didn’t hurt Mama finding me. I actually hope it is him, that means he isn’t back home and she isn’t in danger. If only she had told her boss to fuck himself she could be here with me now.”

  Caeden listened to her rambling while he considered his future mother-in-law and how he could help get her here. First things first, he needed to find a job for her so she didn’t have an excuse.

  “That’s enough worrying for one day, I’m going to take a bath and get ready for tonight.” She sat forward and waited for him to move off her.

  As she walked toward her room, he considered whether he should give her privacy or not. Technically she had exposed herself quite willingly to him this morning so this wasn’t any different, right?

  He laid on the bed and watched as she undressed, turned on the water to fill the tub and rifled through her closet, deciding what to wear. He intended to stay there while she soaked but then he remembered what she did with the shower head and decided he didn’t want to miss another show.

  He laid on the bath mat, content to keep guard as she relaxed in the water. The underlying edge of neediness threatened to overrun him a few times but he kept it in check. If he didn’t sink himself in her soon, he was going to lose his mind. It really wasn’t fair that she wasn’t as frustrated as he was. Then again, he was the perv watching her 24/7.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Koira, I’m here.” Constance let herself into the apartment and found her niece with a towel wrapped around her body while she put rollers in her hair. “You didn’t bathe in front of the dog, did you?” She glared angrily at Thumper. He whined and ran out of the room and away from her gaze.

  “What’s the big deal? It’s not like he knows what is going on.”

  Constance shook her head, she should have never agreed to this plan, never mind that it was her plan to start with. She had to blame someone, she just had to decide if it was going to be the young pup hiding under the kitchen table or the sheriff who offered him up.

  “It’s time for him to go anyways, I have one of the girls from the station waiting outside for him. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Caeden ran to the door and waited for her. She swung the door open and bent down to him. “Just ‘cuz she’s your mate doesn’t give you permission to take liberties without her knowledge. Go get yourself cleaned up, I heard about her performance tonight and I expect you to be there in case that sicko is there.”

  Caeden shook his head and took off for his truck. Never had he wanted to escape from a place faster.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  A cool breeze ruffled Caeden’s hair as he entered the building to pick up Koira. He brushed a piece of imaginary lint from his shirt as he waited for her to answer the door. This was their first official date out in public and he wanted nothing more than to brand her for everyone to see. Part of him wished they weren’t going to a shifter bar, some of those guys could be serious assholes and liked to pray on unmated women. The animal inside him was pumped and ready to fight if needed.

  When the door finally swung open, Caeden lost all ability to breath. His innocent looking mate was replaced by a sex goddess. The skin tight black lace dress amplified every curve and showed more cleavage than he would like. His eyes roamed her body, desire rushing through his body. Her dagger heels lifted her so the top of her head reached his nose.

  All thought left him. With a growl, he grabbed her hard and shoved her against the wall. His hands cupped her ass and lifted; he slid her dress up to her hips as she wrapped her legs around his waist. The perfume of her desire filled his nostrils, her heat pulsing against his erection. He could feel the pre-cum spilling out.

  Breathless, she pushed against his chest, “I want this as bad as you do but I want our first time to be in a bed and not in the entryway.”

  Caeden rested his forehead against hers, he slowly lowered her legs as he focused on taming his animal. He had never lost control like that before, which was bad enough but add in the fact that there was a murderer after her and they are standing with the door wide open.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m not so sure you should wear that.” Caeden knew he wouldn’t be able to fight off every other shifter tonight if they got a look at her.

  Her hands self-consciously straighten her dress, “What’s wrong with it? I bought it back home and my friends said it looked good on me.”

  “Your friends were wrong, good doesn’t begin to describe how fucking sexy you look. I don’t know if I can control myself with you looking like that, and remember how claustrophobic you felt after you sang? That was because there were twenty men circled around you dying to get their paws on you, and I’m afraid it will be even worse tonight.”

  She bit her lip, a look of indecision on her face. “Well, I happen to be with one of the strongest cops on the Blue Creek police force and I happen to know he is an excellent protector, so I’m willing to take the risk.” She grabbed her cane and stepped outside.

  Caeden let out a quiet curse and followed her. “It’s a bit cool out, do you want to drive or walk?”

  “These shoes are made to look good, not feel good. If you are offering to drive then I’ll definitely take you up on it.”

  He grabbed his cell phone and texted the guys, threatening them if they weren’t at the club already. He was going to need all the help he could get. “Okay, Princess, your chariot awaits.”

  Caeden adjusted the massive erection still demanding attention and walked her to the truck. The next few hours were going to be torture, but if all went well he would end the night in bed with him buried deep between her legs.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “This is great.” Caeden couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

  “What’s wrong?” Koira squeezed his hand.

  “It looks like they have been advertising your performance, the place looks packed.” There was a line of people standing outside the door waiting for the bouncers to check them before letting them in. He was glad to see three guys manning the door, that meant they brought in a lot of extra help.

  “Oh my, I’ve never sang in front of a big crowd before. I guess I was lucky you didn’t tell me how busy the bar was the other day.” Koira rubbed her suddenly sweaty palms on her thighs.

  “You know what, it’s not that bad, it was just a big group of people all going in at the same time.” He knew she didn’t believe his lie but at least he tried. “Let’s go in and have a drink before you go on.”

  Koira stepped out of the truck and waited for Caeden to come around and get her. She heard the cat calls and an occasional growl but kept her chin high and walked inside.

  The noise level made it clear that Caeden was lying about how busy it was.

  “I see the guys, they have a table already.” Caeden pulled her along to the far end of the bar. “Did you guys purposely choose the spot furthest from the door?”

  “Quit your bellyaching and sit down,” Brogan huffed. “Koira, you look amazing. If we weren’t both spoken for I would be begging for your time. Ouch!”

  If she didn’t know better she would assume Caeden punched Brogan.

  “Caeden, you have to try this new drink they just got in. Koira, would you like something?” West leaned closer so she could hear him over the noise.

  Brogan slid a large glass of clear liquid in fron
t of Caeden, clearly amused to see what would happen.

  “I’ll have water for now but after I sing, I plan to match you drink for drink.” The shifters gave each other looks, didn’t she know they could outdrink a human easily?

  West returned with a bottle of water, “Lael said good luck and she’s buying you a shot after this.”

  “Come on, Caeden, why aren’t you drinking?” Brogan teased him.

  “I want to stay clear-headed, maybe next time.” Caeden watched as the bar security started moving people back from the stage and lining up around it.

  Mason spotted them and came over. “Hey, everyone, you guys ready for this? Koira, how are you feeling?”

  “Now that the moment is here, I am feeling a lot more nervous than before.” She slid her hand across the table till she found the glass in front of Caeden. Everyone at the table except Caeden yelled no as she grabbed it and tossed the liquid back.

  Fire roared through her veins, she was sure she was being burned alive. Between coughs she managed to speak, “Oh my god, what was that?”

  Mason patted her back to help with the coughing, “You probably shouldn’t have had that. It’s something new we just got in that let’s shifters get buzzed.”

  “That’s putting it mildly, that shit will turn your world upside down,” Rook protested.

  “And you thought it was a good idea to serve it tonight?” Caeden gave Mason an exasperated look.

  “In hindsight, we probably should have kept it put away for the night. I’ll tell Lael to not serve any more.”

  “Except to us, right?” Brogan’s question surprised everyone. “Come on, you know we had a good time the other night, we just need to be a little more conservative with the quantity we ingest.”

  “Fine, you guys can still have it. Koira, when you are ready, Caeden can take you up.” Mason nodded at the group and went to find Lael.

  “I can’t feel my limbs anymore but what the hell, let’s get this orgy started.” She stood and swayed slightly.

  Everyone exchanged wary glances, they may have just ruined her night.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  To say it was a train wreck would be an understatement. After a rousing version of Hey There Little Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham, which got half the bar howling along with her, she went on to sing Who Let the Dogs Out. There were a lot of snickers and pointed looks at Caeden. After a short fit of hiccupping she settled onto a stool and sang Puppy Love. Brogan and Rook nearly fell out of their seats laughing uncontrollably.

  “She’s going to be mortified when she remembers this tomorrow.” Caeden knew some men might be embarrassed but not him. He was loving how free she looked and how much fun she was having.

  “She’s a human and a tiny one at that. There is almost no chance she will remember any of this. This crap is what knocked us on our asses the other night so I’m sure she is going to have one hell of a hangover after this.” West gave Caeden a grim smile.

  As the last notes drifted across the bar, Caeden jumped out of his seat and rushed the stage. Koira stood up and wobbled to the edge, “I got you, baby.” Caeden scooped her under the arms and knees and carried her straight out of the bar and to his truck, ignoring the offers being yelled out asking her to be their Red Riding Hood.

  “How did I do; did I sound good?” Her head laid against his shoulder.

  “Your voice was beautiful.” He kissed her forehead as he buckled the seatbelt around her.

  By the time they pulled up to her building, she was snoring quietly. He lifted her out of the truck and carried her into her apartment. He slid her shoes off and tossed them aside before pulling back the blanket and laying her on the bed. She stretched and curled onto her side, “I love you, Caeden.”

  A smile spread across his face till he realized she was asleep, her snoring continuing as if she had never spoken. He leaned down and brushed the hair off her neck, “I love you, too.”

  For another five minutes he watched her sleeping, this was his life now and he didn’t want it any other way.

  He kicked off his shoes and climbed in next to her. He was finally going to get to spend the night with her and she wouldn’t even remember it.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Koira’s mind slowly started waking up. At first, she didn’t realize why she felt so content until she heard the deep breathing behind her and felt the heat against her back. She inhaled deeply and smiled, Caeden was in her bed. Her excitement dimmed as she realized she was still wearing her dress from the night before.

  Quietly she rolled over, her hand sliding up his chest and cupping his cheek. When her lips found his, he responded instantly and kissed her back. Feeling brazen, she sat up and pulled her dress off, followed by her bra and thong. She nudged his shoulder lightly and he rolled to his back. Determined to end their sexually frustrating game once and for all, she swung on top and straddled his hips. Encouraged by the bulge growing underneath her, she rocked back and forth, hoping to entice him to wake up. It didn’t take long for her to stop caring what he felt and focus on the throbbing starting on her clit. The wetter she got the better it felt. Her hands stroked up her thighs, past her stomach and grabbed a handful of boob. Her nipples tightened into painful buds, she squeezed and tugged on them till the moans were flowing freely from her mouth. The pressure intensified, the orgasm building deep in her belly. She bit her lip, trying to stay quiet as her body shattered into a million pieces, wave after wave of ecstasy rolling through her.

  “That is the hottest thing I have ever seen.”

  Koira froze, she had momentarily forgotten about the man attached to the dick she just finished against.

  “Can I be woken up like that every morning?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, did you want to be a part of this? I thought you were just here for my pleasure.”

  Caeden’s hands slid up her thighs and grabbed her hips, grinding her against his erection. “I don’t know how long I could take that kind of torture without exploding and I definitely wouldn’t look as hot as you just did.”

  “Maybe if you’re a good boy I’ll let you have a turn sometime.”

  “Oh really,” Caeden flung her to the side and rolled on top of her. He settled between her thighs and kissed his way up to her ear, “Let me come inside you.”

  “I thought you would never ask.” She pulled at his shirt, trying to get it over his head. “Do you have a condom?”

  He considered explaining it wasn’t necessary, they were mates and didn't need them, but he hadn’t broken the news to her yet. Instead he grabbed his wallet off the nightstand and pulled out the condom he had been carrying since the day he met her. “Give me a sec.”

  He jumped off the bed and stripped in record time, his eyes nearly crossing in pain with how hard he grabbed his dick to sheath it. All the masturbating in the world wasn’t enough to calm him down for his first time with her.

  He started at her feet and kissed and sucked his way up her body. As he settled between her legs again, he entwined his fingers with hers and held her hands above her head. He slid inside slowly, letting her get used to the foreign feeling. Sweat broke out across his brow as he slowly pulled in and out of her. As he prepared to push through and bury himself all the way, his mouth found hers, his tongue invading at the same time he took her virginity.

  It took every ounce of willpower but he managed to stay slow and focused, he was not going to have her first time be an eight second ride.

  As the intensity grew and his finish was coming, he shifted his hips to put pressure on her clit. Her legs clamped down on his ass, pinning him against her. It wasn’t possible to tell whose moans were whose, the ecstasy was building inside them both. “I need to come, baby, and I want you with me.” Conscious thought was escaping him; he pounded harder, desperate for her to finish with him. When he couldn’t hold back any longer, he felt her tighten around him and yell out. He had a second of relief before he blanked out and exploded. Never had he felt anything quite like
it, he knew it was going to be different with his mate but this wasn’t even comparable to normal sex. He was scared to think how much more intense it would be when he bit her and marked her as his.

  Her nails lightly scratched his back as she patiently waited for him to recover. “I hope that was as good for you as it was for me.”

  She had no idea how understated her words were. “This may as well have been both our first times, I have never felt anything so incredible. It was even better than I had been imagining the last few days.”

  She gasped in mock outrage, “You’ve been having dirty thoughts about me?”

  “Baby, I don’t think I’ve had a clean thought since the moment I met you.” He kissed her forehead and rolled off to find a towel and clean them up. This gave him the perfect excuse to sneak that towel from the other night into the hamper, too.

  “About last night, I have a vague memory of howling. Please tell me that was a dream?”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Caeden whistled as he finished putting breakfast on the table, he was surprised how easy domestic bliss came to him. “Koira, time to eat.”

  She shuffled out of the bedroom, slowly making her way to the table.

  “You’re wearing the sunglasses again; do you have a hangover?” Caeden watched as she gingerly sat down and stroked the place mat before moving her hand and touching the flowers in the centerpiece.

  He hadn’t had many hangovers before and it was shifter alcohol, but damn she was acting weird. “Can I get you anything, some Advil maybe?”

  “I’m fine, it will get better soon.” She reached for a banana and smiled as she peeled it.


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