Evex_Warriors Of Ition

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Evex_Warriors Of Ition Page 11

by Maia Starr

  I turned behind me to see that I could not see the facility anymore. We had been walking along the path for a long time. It was mostly silent except for some whispering every now and then between some of the women.

  I didn't want to tell Bridget that she was right. I needed this. But I was really enjoying it, and I felt the tension in my back going away. I looked up into the sky again to marvel at the stars. But then something caught my attention. A satellite? No, it couldn't be. Suddenly it was coming out of the sky at a very fast rate. “Look, a meteor,” I said pointing. It was the only thing that it could be. It was in the distance and falling at such a fast rate.

  “Oh, you are right. Look, it is falling nearby,” Nancy said. I smiled, proud of myself to have pointed out such a beautiful thing. But then as we were all staring at it, it stopped in the middle of the sky. It was no longer falling at a fast rate. It just hovered above the ground.

  “What the hell?” I said.

  “Maybe it's a plane?” one of the other women said. “Or a helicopter?”

  Something told me that it was neither of those things. A plane or helicopter didn't fall at a fast rate like that and then hover. We all stood there staring at it. It didn't move. But then suddenly there was a second light that seemed to come out of the first. It's slowly moved away from the first light.

  “What the hell are we looking at?” Bridget said.

  "I don't know. But it looks like it is coming straight at us,” I said. Suddenly everyone began to panic, but none of us moved. How could we?

  Chapter 3

  Captain Alicron Qinov

  This was our time. This night was crucial. We had to do this fast and accurately.

  “Elonu Fiul, send out a heat scan for five miles,” I said as we sat in the scouting ship. It was a smaller ship that disembarked from our main ship. The main ship was for intergalactic travel; this one was for traveling short distances when landing on a planet.

  “Captain, I have a signature,” Elonu Fiul said. I walked over to the radar map.

  “What do you have?” I asked.

  “I am picking up heat signatures that appear to be human in nature. They are walking along the surface. It looks to be about fifteen or so,” he said.

  “Are you able to identify how many are female?” I asked.

  “Starting the gender identification scan,” he said. A few moments later he had an answer for me.

  “Captain, they all seem to be female,” he said.

  “Is that possible?” Lieutenant Vnor Gin asked.

  “I don't like the sound of that. It could be a trap,” Ambassador Jion Lek said.

  “What kind of trap, Ambassador Jion Lek? They do not know that we exist,” I said.

  “I just like to be cautious is all,” he said.

  “And I like to be successful,” I said.

  “Elonu Fiul, let's head in their direction. Everyone, prepare for trapping the humans. Prepare the gas,” I said.

  “Yes, Captain.”

  The small ship headed toward the heat reading of the human females. I could not believe our luck that a group of them were in this area, easy for us to find. Even though Ambassador Jion Lek was right and it seemed a bit suspicious, I was not going to tell him that. But I also wasn't going to pass up this opportunity to get human females with such ease.

  “We are closing in. One hundred meters,” Elonu Fiul said.

  “Land directly in front of them,” I said.

  “Are you out of your mind? We do not know if they are armed,” Ambassador Jion Lek said.

  “I will take our chances,” I said.

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Minutes later, the ship was landing in front of a group of human females. Our light shined brightly on them. They stood in shock with their mouths open.

  “We have to do this fast before they run. Open the door,” I said walking to the door. “Elonu Fiul, release the gas when I give you the order.”

  “Yes, Captain, it is ready.”

  “I am with you,” Lieutenant Vnor Gin said coming to my side. I nodded to him. We stood on the ramp of the ship as it lowered to the ground.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Is this real?”

  We heard the female voices say as they watched us. Finally, the ramp stopped on the ground. Lieutenant Vnor Gin and I stepped off of it.

  “Human females. My name is Captain Alicron Qinov. We have come to you from our planets Xeion. We are Kynon. Do not be alarmed,” I said.

  “Is this a joke? Nancy, is this part of this retreat?” I heard a female voice say. She stepped forward. She had long blonde hair in a high ponytail. She had long legs, but all of the humans were still much smaller than us. Her hands were on her hips.

  “No, this is not,” another weak voice said.

  I did not know what they were speaking of. But they were in shock. I needed to make myself clearer.

  “Listen to me. I am Captain Alicron Qinov. We have come to your planet to take you to our planet. You will come with us, and you will be our mates. Now you can step onto the ship, or we can take you by force. The time is now,” I said.

  “Look, I don't know who you are. You are clearly in some sort of blue alien costume, but this is not funny. We don't know who hired you or why you have such amazing technology to pull off this prank, but we have had enough,” the blonde said.

  “Vicki, I don't think this is a joke,” another human female with brown hair said, coming to her side.

  “Oh come on, Bridget. You don't think this is real?”

  “Vicki. This is real,” she said. The blonde turned and looked at me.

  “I don't believe that it is,” she said. Then she came right for me. She stopped with a strong determination. Suddenly she was standing right in front of me. I towered over her at our height of ten feet. Even with her long legs she was still much smaller than we. She stuck her finger out and pressed it into my stomach.

  “This is a bullshit costume,” she said. But then she stopped. She ran her hand higher and then lower it again. Suddenly I could tell that she was frightened. “Shit. Bridget,” she said.

  “As I said. My name is Captain Alicron Qinov. We are from the planet Xeion. I am a Kynon. You are coming with me to be my mate. All of you,” I said.

  She looked up at me trembling. Now she understood. Now she knew that this was very real.

  “Elonu Fiul, initiate gas,” I said. Suddenly green gas began to come out of the ship.

  "Run!” the blonde human said. She turned around and began to run back toward the women. The women screamed and ran in all directions.

  “Captain?” Lieutenant Vnor Gin said looking at me.

  “Elonu Fiul, a fly above and to release the gas. They will be out in a few minutes. Lieutenant Vnor Gin, you go that way, and I will go this way. It should be easy to round them up. Remember, only use the gas in your gun,” I said.

  “Yes, Captain,” Lieutenant Vnor Gin said.

  It was easy to follow the frantic yelling of the human females. But I already knew that I wanted the blonde one: the one that stood up to us. She was fearless, and she proved it. Even if she was wrong in her observations. One by one, human females began to drop to the ground. They were taking in the gas. It was a gas that would put humans to sleep, but it did nothing to us Kynon.

  Then I found her. I found the blonde woman lying on her side in the dirt. She had fallen asleep. She was very close to the gas when she was standing near me. I picked her up in my arms. Having her body rest against mine made me feel immediate arousal. She smelled good. I was able to examine her face. Her facial features were delicate. Her pink lips were full. She felt small and fragile in my arms. She would be mine.

  Chapter 4

  Vicki Varsa

  I felt the hard floor underneath me. I must have fallen asleep. I woke up and looked at the white floor. It looked like I was in the meditation room of the retreat facility. I slowly sat up. Bridget was at my side.

  “I had the strangest dream. Did
that crazy Nancy girl put drugs in our tea?” I asked.

  “Vicki, wake up. It is not a dream,” Bridget said.

  “And I did not put drugs in your tea,” Nancy said. I sat up and looked around the room for the first time. Nancy was sitting against the wall on the floor. She was covered in dirt. She was not her usual spunky self. Bridget was sitting next to me; she was also very dirty. I felt lightheaded.

  “It will pass,” Bridget said as she stood up.

  “What will pass? What the hell is this?” I said.

  "Vicki! Big blue aliens, remember?” she said.


  “Yes, exactly. Fuck,” Nancy said.

  “What happened exactly? You cannot tell me that what I saw was real,” I said trying to understand and process.

  “Yes, it is. Do you see this,” Bridget said walking around the room and then stopping at what looked like a panel. “It's a door. It's locked. I don't even know how to open it; you know why? Because we are on a freaking spaceship, that is why!”


  “Yes, Vicki. It is true. We were all on a nighttime hike thanks to her over there,” Bridget said pointing at Nancy.

  “It's on the agenda, okay!” Nancy shouted.

  “But then you spotted something in the sky. Remember? Then it came toward us and opened, and suddenly tall blue alien men were standing there telling us that they were going to take us from Earth. That is exactly what has happened. They released some sort of chloroform or something that knocked us all out. I saw almost every woman fall to the ground before I passed out too. When I woke up, I was in here with you two. That is as much as I know,” she said.

  “Unbelievable,” I said.

  “Yes, it is; I thought the same thing when she told me the story twenty minutes ago when I woke up,” Nancy said.

  “No, no, this isn't happening. What do we do?” I said.

  “What can we do?” Bridget said.

  “It's not like we can call the police,” Nancy said.

  “Well I won't sit here and just take this,” I said.

  I walked to the panel on the wall and began banging my fist against it. “Hello! Open this door! This is bullshit!” I shouted over and over.

  "Do you think they really care?” Bridget said.

  “Open the door!” I shouted again.

  The door slid open. I stepped back. I actually wasn't expecting it to open.

  “Who is making all of this noise?” a deep voice said.

  Suddenly a very tall blue alien stepped into the room. I remembered him. He was the one that I had walked up to. But now in the light, I could see him more clearly. He was at least ten feet tall. His skin was a beautiful blue color. He had a long black hair in tendrils down to his shoulders. His eyes were a piercing brown that seemed to have light coming from them. He did not wear a shirt, and there were geometric patterns on his skin in a darker blue color, almost like the pattern of a tiger. He had hard abs on his stomach, like an eight-pack. The strong muscles were chiseled leading down into his trousers that were a tight material that reminded me of a wetsuit for surfing. Large boots went up to his knees. There were all kinds of gadgets hanging from a belt around his waist, including what looked like futuristic guns. My breath was taken away as I looked at him. He was absolutely massive and so strange looking, yet there was something very attractive about him, and I felt ashamed for even having this thought. He was an alien for crying out loud.

  “I am. I am the one making all of that noise. I demand to speak to someone in charge,” I said standing up tall.

  “I am the one in charge. I am Captain Alicron Qinov,” he said crossing his large muscular arms across his chest.

  “Well, Captain, my name is Vicki, and I demand that you tell us what is going on here. Whatever it is that you were doing, you cannot do it to us,” I said.

  “I told you before, human female. We are Kynon. We came to your planet to take human females back to our own planet of Xeion. How many times do you need to hear this? I knew human females were good for mating, but I did not expect that you would be this unintelligent,” he said.

  “What! How dare you. You can't just take humans from Earth. We are not property. I demand that you put us back where you found us right now,” I said.

  The room filled with a boisterous laugh. The tall blue alien was laughing at me.

  “What makes you think you can make demands, human? You will do as I say. You will stay in this room until we arrive on Xeion. You now belong to me,” he said. “All twelve of you human females are now my property.”

  “Twelve? Where are the others?” I asked.

  “We have more rooms like this on the ship. They are home to the human females that you were with. Enough of your questions. Do not bang on the door unless one of you are dying or ill,” he said turning around.

  “Wait. Where are we? Are we still on Earth?” I asked.

  “No. We left Earth hours ago. We are somewhere near the Karelian system. I will have food and drink brought to you. Settle in; it is going to be a long journey.”

  He walked out, and the door slid closed behind him.

  “Did that just happen?” I said.

  “Did you hear what he said?” Bridget said.

  “Yes, that we are not on Earth. Do you really think we are in space?” I said.

  “No, not that: the mating part,” Bridget said.

  “Yes, I did. Do you think he really means that? We can't possibly be expected to have sex with aliens. This is not real,” Nancy said.

  Suddenly it hit me. I had missed that part of his speech. I was so focused on getting him to let us go. But they were right. They were taking us hostage to make us into some sort of sex slaves.

  “Oh no, no, this is not going to happen. No way are we going to become some sort of space sex slaves. We have to get out of here. This is complete bullshit. We have to get him to let us go and take us back to Earth,” I said.

  “I agree but how do you expect to do that? Your speech and demands did not exactly work,” Bridget said.

  “They are so much larger than we are,” Nancy said.

  “But maybe there are more of us than them. He said that there were more women on the ship. How many of these aliens do you think are on the ship?” I asked.

  “There were ten women on the hike plus myself and another staff employee, Scarlet Grant. She is the yoga teacher,” Nancy said.

  “What does that matter? Even if there were fifty of us women, that does not change the fact that we are all separated, we are on a spaceship in space, and there are very tall and powerful aliens that can put us to sleep in an instant,” Bridget said.

  “Well, it's not like you were coming up with any ideas. We have to get out of this. We have to get home,” I said to her.

  “I agree. But how? Do you know how to fly the spaceship? Even if we took control, we would crash the damn thing,” Bridget said.

  “So you are just going to give up? You were just all right with becoming a sex slave to one of these blue alien men?” I shouted.

  She shouted back. We got into an argument and Nancy join in as well. This was all that we could do: bicker with each other. We were all very scared and confused. And all the while, all I could think was: I wonder if Captain Alicron Qinov will end up picking me as his chosen mate? It made me feel completely disgusted with myself. Why did that thought keep entering my mind?

  Chapter 5

  Captain Alicron Qinov

  It did not surprise me that the blonde human female would have strong words for me. I was counting on it. It was why I had already decided that she was going to be mine. She had everything that I wanted. She was incredibly sexy with her long legs, long blonde hair, trembling pink lips, and fire inside of her. I wondered if that fire came out in bed as well. I would soon find out. Until then, I had to concentrate on getting this mission back to Xeion.

  "Captain, we are approaching the 562 black hole, and we are picking up strange readings. These were not here when we
crossed it the first time,” Elonu Fiul said.

  I went to the monitor and sat next to him. “Tell me what is going on.”

  “It seems that the black hole is shooting out dangerous levels of radiation, far-reaching across the path we are supposed to take. I don't think we are going to be able to go back the same way that we came,” he said.

  “Shit. That means that we are going to have to swing out around this solar system here. We have no record of Kynon crossing in that direction. That would be unknown territory for us,” I said.


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