Evex_Warriors Of Ition

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Evex_Warriors Of Ition Page 20

by Maia Starr

  “Mm, that feels good,” he said.

  “I want to make you feel good,” I said. Then I stopped kissing him. I grabbed him and pulled him to the bed. I sat down on it but kept him in front of me. I rubbed my hand over his pants along his thick cock.

  “What are you doing to me?” he whispered.

  “Take this off. I don’t want to hurt myself,” I said pulling on his belt that had his gadgets and weapons. He pulled it off and placed it on the small table. Then I pulled at his pants, pulling them down slowly to his thighs. He sucked in a sharp breath of air.

  I grabbed his cock in my hand. It was blue against the pale skin of my hand, and it made my hand look very small.

  “What are you going to do with that?” he asked.

  “Watch,” I said.

  Then I ran my tongue up and down the shaft.

  “Oh fuck,” he whispered as he watched me. I continued to lick up and down over and over. He whimpered as I did my magic. I liked making him moan in this way.

  Then I grabbed his long cock with both hands and placed the tip of it in my mouth. He groaned loudly. I played with the tip using my tongue until he was shifting his weight and putting his hands in my hair. He was moaning like crazy. Then I pushed his cock into my mouth.

  “Fucker…” he whispered.

  I could only take a small amount of him in my mouth because he was just too damn big. But I enjoyed running my mouth up and down his cock. Sliding him in and out.

  “I can’t take this anymore, Vicki. I need you. I want to be inside of you,” he whispered.

  “You do? How badly? How bad do you want to be inside of me?” I asked.

  “This badly,” he said as he moved away from me. I was surprised. It made me laugh. He picked me up from the bed. He stood me up on my feet and quickly removed my clothes. He did it so fast and with skill.

  Then he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me like this to the bed and laid down. Now I was on top of him. He put his hands on my waist and picked me up.

  I was ready. I wanted him. I wanted him very badly. He placed the tip of his cock inside of me, and I slowly slid down on it. We both moaned with delight. It felt really good to have him inside of me again.

  “Damn you feel so damn good Vicki. I missed being inside of you. I want you,” he groaned.

  “I want you too,” I said placing my hands on his six-pack abs. I looked down at him. His long black hair was on the pillow. His muscular naked blue body was laid out in front of me. He was so toned and ripped.

  Then I began to bounce up and down on his cock. I liked being in control.

  “Oh fuck! Fuck!” he shouted.

  “Yes! Yes! Fuck me!” I shouted even louder. We didn’t have to worry about cyborgs this time, and I was going to let go with wild abandon.

  I bounced up and down faster, then slowly, teasing him. Then I moved fast again. I was not ashamed of him seeing me naked. I could see that he was watching my breasts bounce up and down and I liked that he was watching. I wanted him to watch. It felt good. I felt sexy. I felt feminine and desired.

  Then feeling this way was too much for me. It was just what I needed. “I’m cumming. Fuck, I’m cumming!” I shouted. I released and stopped bouncing on top of him. I was overwhelmed with the senses inside of me. I bent over and collapsed on his stomach.

  “We’re not done yet,” he said as he rolled over and laid me on the bed. Now he was on top. I was still having my orgasm as he moved his cock in and out of me. He pounded me harder and faster. I was gone in the feelings that were inside of me as the pulsing trembled.

  “I’m going to release. Yes! Yes!” he shouted. He convulsed on top of me, and I felt the warm juices flow inside of me.

  Then he laid on top of me again. His body was hot and felt good. I liked his weight on me. We laid there quietly.

  I had done it again. I felt out of control. I had allowed my body to give in to this blue alien’s demand. I laid next to him on the bed on a ship that was heading toward his home planet. This should not have been my life, yet it was the most satisfying sex I have ever had. I was starting to care for this alien. When K8L had me, I was worried that I would never see Alicron again. That was when I knew that I really did have feelings for him. But, how could I? How could I? How could I have feelings for someone that I also hated for taking me from my life? It did not make any sense. I felt very conflicted even as I laid my face on his strong blue chest.

  “What is your planet like? Xeion?” I asked trying to get my mind off of the fact that I should not be there.

  “It is beautiful. You are going to like it,” he said.

  “That is all you have to say about it? What about your family? Your parents? Do you have siblings? What type of structure do you live in?” I asked.

  He was silent. Then he began to move. He pushed me off of him. He stood up from the bed and began to get dressed.

  “I should check on the pilot. I should not be back here. Get some rest. You need it. You don't have anything to worry about; you are safe here on the ship. Go ahead and sleep,” he said.

  I knew it was strange that my questions made him want to leave the room. There was something he was holding back on. I had already known his past about his lover that died, but there was something else that he was not telling me. I could see it in his eyes.

  “You need to sleep too,” I said.

  “I will. I will sleep on the flight deck; there is a long bench in there in the back of the room,” he said. “Get some rest. I will wake you before we arrive,” he said, and then he walked out of the room.

  “Well that was strange,” I said to myself.

  My stomach growled. I remembered that I did not eat anything earlier because we had argued. I got dressed and went back to the common room to make a snack before going back to bed. I rehydrated a package of food and drank some water.

  “There you are,” Nancy said as she came in.

  “Hey. I just got hungry,” I said.

  “Yes, I could hear you working up an appetite,” she said looking at me, and she put her hands on her hips.

  “What?” I said.

  “I said I heard you working up an appetite. I can't believe you. You are sleeping with an alien,” she whispered to me.

  “So,” I said quietly.

  “So? That's all you have to say? You were sleeping with an alien, Vicki! That is insane. You are having sex with him,” she said.

  “Okay, okay, yes, it is insane. I can hear you. I can't believe that I am doing it either. I didn't mean to. It just sort of happened,” I said.

  “This is unbelievable. You were sleeping with an alien,” she said again.

  “Yes, I know it is shocking,” I said eating the food.

  She was quiet for a moment. Then she asked, “So what is it like?”

  I smiled. “It is the best sex of my life.”


  "Yes, I hate to say that. I know they took us from Earth and I should not be doing things like that with them. But it really is. I am not lying,” I said.

  “So is everything anatomically like a man,” she said gesturing to her crotch area.

  “Yes, almost identical. It is very thick, long, and perfect,” I said.

  “And blue?” she laughed.

  “Yes, it is just like the rest of them,” I said.

  “Wow. The best sex of your life… I have to admit that I have been a bit curious ever since they first took us from the desert. But it was just a curiosity; I didn't think that it would actually happen,” she said thinking out loud to herself.

  I knew that I needed to tell her. I forgot that she didn't know, I don't think any of the women knew why we were abducted. I had to tell her. She had the right to know.

  “So just one more question. How long does he last usually? Does he know where things are calmer for you I mean,” she said asking more sex questions.

  I would continue to have this girl talk moment with her out of fun before bursting her
bubble with the truth.

  “Yeah, he goes a long time. Longer than any man I have ever been with. And yes, he does know where everything is. They do have females where they are from that are pretty much like us, only more like them, but as far as I know everything is in the same place,” I said.

  She began to giggle. “I can't believe we are having this conversation. It is ridiculous,” she said.

  “I can't believe it either, but it is the truth,” I said.

  “Well I am glad that you are enjoying yourself,” she said.

  “I am not sure if I am enjoying myself, but I am being satisfied,” I said laughing.

  “Do you know this new planet Xeion? What do you know about it?” she asked.

  “Not much. I can barely get any information out of Captain Alicron Qinov,” I said.

  “Are there cyborgs on this planet?”

  “No, not that I know of. I think it is just the Kynon race and that is all,” I said.

  “Good. I have had enough of cyborgs. In fact, I don't think I want to go back to X003,” she said.

  “Well, of course, neither do I. I want to go back to Earth,” I said.

  “Yes, but I think we both know that is not going to happen. So I have a choice: go back with you to X003 to find the others or stay on Xeion,” she said.

  “Nancy… would you really consider staying on this planet you don't know anything about?” I asked.

  “Yes, I would consider it when I know for a fact the other planet has cyborgs that want human females badly and they are awful. I don't ever want to find myself in that situation again. If I go back to X003, there is a good possibility I will be caught by the cyborgs again, and I know that I won't be able to get away from them. I would rather stay on Xeion where I know that my fate is with the Kynon,” she said. “I would gladly take that over the cyborgs.”

  “Look, Nancy, there is something I have to tell you.”

  “Oh no that does not sound good,” she said.

  “Sit down,” I said.

  “It sounds very serious.”

  “There is a reason that Captain Alicron Qinov took us human females from Earth. Their females are dying for some reason. They have been experimenting with ways to keep their race alive, and they found out that they can produce offspring with human females,” I said.

  “What? Do you mean they are stealing human females from Earth in order to create babies with them?” she said with shock.

  “Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.

  “Holy shit. So when I get to Xeion I am going to be forced to have sex with these Kynon and to get pregnant?”

  “Yes, exactly. So you might want to reconsider going back with me and add word to X003.”

  She was quiet. She poured herself some water into a cup and drank it. She was obviously in shock. I put my hand on top of hers to comfort her.

  “I was just as shocked as you are when Captain Alicron Qinov told me. It's complete bullshit. They can't force us to be their wives and to create alien hybrid children,” I said.

  “Wives? So he mentioned that we would be married to one?” she asked.

  “Yes. They seem to be a monogamous species. That's why they took many human females and plan to take more. One human female for one Kynon,” I said.

  “So I wouldn't be a factory baby maker? Having one baby with one Kynon and then after it was born getting pregnant with a different alien’s baby?” she asked.

  “No, as far as what he told me, it is not like that at all. At least I hope not. That would be awful,” I said.

  "Then that is still better than being captured by cyborgs. You said yourself it is the best sex of your life and whether you like it or not, there is obvious chemistry between you and Captain Alicron Qinov. You two bicker like an old couple. There is a real relationship blossoming there; maybe I could find the same,” she said.

  “Are you serious?” I asked.

  “Yes, why not? I didn't have a boyfriend anyway on Earth,” she said.

  Her statement made me laugh out loud.

  “Well that is one way to look at it,” I said to her.

  “And just think: I am helping to save an entire race of aliens. That makes me feel important,” she said.

  “You mean you didn't feel important leading a yoga retreat in the desert?” I asked teasing her.

  “Oh come on. Everyone has that job. This is exciting. As long as these Kynon are kind to us and treat us well, I think it could be very cool.”

  “Well, it is a chance to live on a different planet and have amazing sex,” I laughed.

  “Yes, but do me a favor and do not tell Captain Alicron Qinov we had this conversation. I prefer to make a decision after I have seen this planet and know more about it. It could be a dump; in that case, I would want to go back to X003 cyborgs or not.”

  “Mango did have a castle,” I laughed.

  “I hope he is dead,” she said.

  “I hope so too.”

  “How much longer do you think this trip is going to be?” she asked.

  “I don't know but I am very sleepy. I haven't had a good sleep in a long, long time. Not since I was in my own bed in Los Angeles. We should get some sleep we don't know what this is going to be like,” I said.

  She poured water into our cups. Then she grabbed her cup and began to walk out.

  “Good night, Vicki. I am going to turn in; thanks for telling me about the expectations that they have for us. I have a lot to think about,” she said.

  “Try not to think too much and get some sleep,” I said grabbing my cup and following her into the hallway. Then we each went to our own individual small bunk rooms. I set my couple water down and laid in the bed. I needed some sleep; I was so tired. But as I drifted off to sleep, I could not help but think about what Nancy had said. That being a wife to a Kynon would not be so bad. Maybe she was onto something. It would be an adventure of a lifetime to live on a different planet and to help an entire race from going into extinction. I had been so focused on being angry and hating the fact that I was taken from Earth against my will that I didn't think about what an adventure it could be. I had a lot to think about too, but my eyelids grew heavy, and I soon fell asleep.

  Chapter 21

  Captain Alicron Qinov

  “Patch into radio communications. I want to see if we are in close enough range to contact the base on my plan,” I said to the pilot.

  “Yes, Captain,” he responded as he went to work on the communications line.

  I was not looking forward to going back home and dealing with my father and brothers, but it was necessary. I just wanted to get it over with in order to get a ship with a good amount of my army on it to go find my crew on X003. We could not waste more than a day on my home planet. This would need to be very swift, and it would be better to get as much of it over with through communications as possible. Besides, you could not just enter the air space around Xeion. You had to call it in and get permission to land. Since I was not in a Kynon ship, I would have to identify myself and explain. This was going to be a shit show.

  “I have established a communication line. It is unknown to me. It is Proctor 87246,” the pilot said.

  “That is it. That is my base. I am ready,” I said as I took my position in front of the video camera monitor screen. “Open the patch,” I said.

  “Patch opening,” he said. I cleared my throat.

  “This is Captain Alicron Qinov. Requesting open communications with Xeion Base 1. I repeat, this is Captain Alicron Qinov; does anyone copy?” I said this over and over knowing that the transmission would take a while to be watched and then approved.

  “This is Xeion 1, communications leader twenty-five responding.” Suddenly a transmission appeared on the video monitors. I recognized him. I knew him.

  “Greetings. This is Captain Alicron Qinov. Are you receiving my video signal? Can you see me?” I asked.

  “Yes, receiving and seeing you loud and clear,” he said.

  “Good. Th
is is Captain Alicron Qinov. I lost my ship; it crash-landed on the planet of X003. I hired a ship to bring me to Xeion. The ship’s identification is ship number 4105. I am requesting permission to enter Xeion airspace and to land,” I said.

  “Of course, Captain Alicron Qinov. You know the code that you were given when you left for reentry?”

  “Yes,” I said. The code was changed for every mission. This was to prevent others from using it. “The code is 309064,” I said.


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