Evex_Warriors Of Ition

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Evex_Warriors Of Ition Page 22

by Maia Starr

  I didn't know how much time had passed. But I thought I heard a banging. I opened my eyes. Maybe I dreamt the noise. I sat up. Then I heard it again.

  There was a knock at the door. The door opened, and I was expecting it to be Alicron. I was ready to argue with him. I was ready to tell him how much it hurt me that he kept a secret from me.

  "Vicki? Can I come in?” It was Nancy’s voice at the door.

  “Yes, come in!” I shouted back at her. She opened the door quietly, and I realized that it was not locked. I didn’t lock it while I slept. That was very strange of me. I guess I had felt that comfortable in this palace.

  “Can you believe this? They don't lock the doors. We are not prisoners,” she said as she walked in wearing a very long blue dress. It trailed on the floor around her and tied around her neck. It had a plunging neckline down to her belly.

  “Beautiful dress,” I said. “I guess it is made for the females here. It is very long.”

  “Yes, it doesn't exactly fit me. The belt helps and being able to tie it around my neck. Look how much fabric goes down my back with the ties,” she said turning around to show me the back. It was a very sexy dress with an open back. The ties around her back trailed all the way down past her ass. They really were very long.

  “Yes, it is long and obviously not for humans,” I said. “But the fabric is beautiful.”

  “Yes, it is very soft. It feels like silk, but I don’t think that is what it is. And look, sandals that have been cut,” she said picking up the drapes of fabric and showing me her feet. She wore very primitive sandals. They were basically the usual sandals that the Kynon females wore, but they had to cut them in half to fit our feet. The sandals looked like a fabric covered piece of soft rubber with laces going through holes. Nancy had tied the laces up her ankle to keep them on. It reminded me of Roman sandals.

  “Those are beautiful, even if they are cut in half,” I said arching my brows at her.

  “I am sure that you got some too. Did you get dresses and shoes?” she asked.

  “I don't know. I just got out of the bath, ate and then fell asleep on the couch for a while,” I said getting up and strapping the cloth around me again.

  She walked over to the bed and picked up a dress. “You did, see?” she held up a long white dress.

  “Oh, I guess I missed that. I was so hungry,” I said.

  “Yes, me too. I took a very long hot bath,” she said sitting down in a chair. I walked over to the dress on the bed and pulled it over my head. I dried my blonde hair with the cloth.

  “This place is like a luxury hotel,” she said.

  “Or like a palace,” I said teasing her.

  “Yes, isn't it crazy. All this time our alien abductor was a prince. It blows my mind,” she said.

  “Yes, mine too,” I said.

  “Holy shit, Vicki. You have been having sex with royalty!” she laughed.

  “Yes, I have been having sex with a liar. An alien that abducted us and he's a liar,” I said.

  “Oh come on. It could be worse you know. Don't forget that a Day ago we were being held hostage by very brute cyborgs that we're not going to be this nice to us. We are lucky,” she said.

  “You call being abducted lucky?” I said.

  “No, of course not. But it happened, and there's nothing we can do about it. I am just saying we are lucky now. Look around. And I have to say the tall blue aliens are far more attractive than those creepy cyborgs. Did you see the brothers?” she said.

  “Yes, I did,” I said raising an eyebrow at her. I moved back to the kitchen area and poured her a glass of the wine and refilled my own. Then I sat next to her in the seating area are handing her a cup.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Did you not get some on your tray?” I asked.

  “I did, but I was scared to touch it,” she said smelling it.

  “As far as I can tell it is like wine. I already have a slight buzz,” I said.

  “Oh, in that case,” she said drinking down the entire cup. Then she stood up and poured herself some more before reclaiming her seat next to me.

  “Now, about the brothers. One was looking at me like I was naked,” she said.

  “Really? Which one?” I asked.

  “The one with the silver hair and blue eyes,” she said.

  “Yes, I did notice him,” I said.

  "They are all so beautiful. I have to admit when I looked at him it, made me think about what it would be like to be with him. You are ready know; that is not fair,” she said.

  “You mean having sex with him?” I asked.

  “Yes, exactly. I can't stop thinking about it ever since you told me what it was like with Alicron,” she said.

  “You filthy girl,” I said.

  “Oh, you should talk,” she said.

  “Yes, I suppose you are right,” I said with a giggle.

  “Now that I have seen this place, I have to tell you I really want to stay here. I don't want to go back to X003. Will you be very angry with me if I stay?” she asked.

  “No, of course not. I can understand why you don't want to be back there. I could only imagine what it was like to be kept by K8L for that long. I don't hate you and I'm not angry with you for not wanting to go back to where you would be in easy reach of him. If the Kynon allow you to stay here then that is what you should do,” I said. I couldn't be mad at her. I was going back because of Bridget; Nancy had no reason to go back. She wasn't exactly close friends with anyone except for one of her employees, and I wasn't even sure that they were that close. She had not even mentioned her.

  “And I am completely sure that you will be able to stay here. That was the whole reason they took us to bring you here to live here,” I said.

  "Well, how can I turn down living in a palace? If I end up with one of these royal Kynon?” she said.

  “I have a feeling that you will,” I said as I held up my cup. She touched her cut to mine, and then we drank the wine. I knew that this was goodbye to Nancy for now.

  Chapter 23

  Prince Alicron Qinov

  This was the moment I had been dreading ever since the crash happened: having to explain to my father, the king, and my brothers Laku, Raka, and Suton, who all thought they were so superior to me, about everything that had happened on the planet X003. I was not looking forward to this at all. It was bad enough that I had the weight of my world on my shoulders. I was the one charged with finding the human females and bringing them to my planet in order to stop the extinction of my race. That was already very heavy to deal with, but now I had to explain my failure in a way that made it seem like more of an obstacle. I still considered those human females to be my bounty; they were just lost out there on another planet. I also had to rescue my crew. None of them would leave me without a rescue mission, and there was no way in hell that I was going to leave them out there. Even Ambassador Jion Lek. He was still an Ambassador, and he had gone down under my watch, which meant that he was my responsibility. I would get him back home where he belonged.

  I followed my father, the king, and my brothers into my father’s council chambers. This was where all the meetings took place. It was a very large room with a large table. They walked in, and I followed.

  My father sat behind the large desk made from the biggest trees on the planet. My brothers sat at his side while I stood in front of them. This was my place for now. This was where you stood when you were the one being questioned. It was annoying. It made me feel more like an outcast than I already did.

  “We are ready to hear what happened on the mission to Earth,” my father said. “You left here with the responsibility of taking human females of breeding age from Earth and bringing them here.”

  “Yes, and why have you shown up here without your ship, crew, and only two human females,” my brother Laku asked.

  “I will tell you. The mission to Earth was successful. I and the crew took twelve human females from Earth without the Earthlings noticing.
But on our return, we were faced with a black hole that was having more force than usual. We do not know why. So we decided to take a different path back to Xeion. It was on this path that we crash-landed on a planet known as X003. It is a cyborg planet. I do not know the reason for the crash. I woke from the crash alone. I, to this day, have not seen my crew. When I woke, I came across a cyborg camp that had captured two human females from the horde that I took. These are the two females that I rescued and brought here. I was able to make it to the trading village known as Cantu. It is an intergalactic treating village with many alien species, including the Lana, whom we count as friends. I sent a transmission to this base in order to ask for resources and a small army in order to find my crew and the humans. But the transmission did not reach. The planet is too far. I was able to hire a Lana pilot and ship to bring me here. It was the quickest way I could think of to get an army together and to go back to rescue the crew and the humans. That is everything. So I am here now to get that army and take a fleet. If we split up on X003, then I will be able to find the crew and the humans quicker. The longer I am here, the more time is wasted. I must tell you that the cyborgs, including the cyborg leader known as K8L, have developed a taste for the humans. He is now hunting down. So time is of the essence,” I said.

  “Did you speak with this cyborg leader K8L?” my father asked.

  “I more than spoke with him. I fought with him,” I said.

  “So you managed to also make a new enemy for us?” my brother said.

  “It wasn't something I did on purpose. He stole my property; I had to get it back. He did not like this, of course,” I said looking at my brother.

  “Do you know for sure that the humans and your crew survived the crash? What evidence do you have of it?” my father asked.

  “I do not know if they survived. But if the two humans survived as well as me, then I assume that the others have as well. We were all in the same area on the ship. Most of us,” I said.

  My father was silent. He was thinking this over. This was not good. If he thought they were dead, he would see it as a waste to send an army back there, especially because the cyborgs had it out for me. I did not know what his decision would be, but I had promised Vicki that I would go back for her friend. If my father said no, then I would have to take a ship myself and go back for her. I would not be breaking a promise to Vicki. She had grown too important to me. She was already feeling betrayed that I did not tell her about being a prince; I could not let her down again.

  “How many would you need?” my father asked finally.

  “An army of one thousand should do it, with one hundred deployable scout ships on board. I want to get this done in twenty-four hours or less. If we have fewer men and fewer scout ships, it will take longer,” I said.

  “That is a lot to ask,” my brother said.

  “Not for ten human females that are out there. They are very important to us, as you know. They are worth one thousand men,” I said.

  “Your brother is right,” my father said. I was relieved. I felt the tension leave my shoulders. “See to getting this army together right now. As for you, Alicron, I want you to return to your quarters and eat and sleep. You will be leaving with your army in ten hours,” he said.

  I bowed to my father. “Thank you, father. I will not let you down,” I said.

  “I hope not. The fate of our race lies in these missions to Earth, and we cannot afford to lose any human females. I am glad that you were able to bring two back at least,” he said.

  “I must inform you that I have claimed the yellow-haired human I have with me. I have already mated with her a couple of times,” I said.

  A big smile came across my father's face. He did not smile often. This was new; it surprised me.

  “Good, son, very good. I hope that she will be with child soon. If you have already claimed her then continue to keep her. You can make her yours officially when you return,” he said.

  “Thank you, father. I take leave to get some rest and prepare for my departure,” I said.

  I gave my brothers a smug look. I loved my brothers but there was always some competition between us. I left the chambers and went to my wing of the palace where my living quarters were. I walked down the long hallway to the end where I had several rooms as my living chambers. I alerted my maid to fetch Vicki for me and bring her to my chambers. Then I went inside and took off my weapons belt, boots, and pants.

  I jumped in the shower, washing the filth of my adventure off of me. It felt good to be fresh again. But I could not stop thinking about Vicki. I wanted her in the shower with me, and I thought about the time she was naked and wet in the creek, so shameful of her nakedness. It made me smile. I only had ten hours to be with her before I left, and since it was a dangerous mission, it could be possible that I would never see her again if I died.

  I wrapped the cloth around my waist and entered my living quarters. Vicki was sitting on the couch waiting. She was wearing a long white dress; it was for a female Kynon, so it fit her very long. The dress tied behind her neck with a long plunging neckline down to her belly. It was a sheer white color with lots of layers that dragged on the floor. A small belt tied it together at the waist. I was just imagining tearing it off of her as soon as I saw it.

  “You wanted to see me?” she said looking at me up and down. Her face turned pink.

  “Yes, but I always want to see you,” I said walking to her.

  “So this is your place inside the palace?” she asked looking around. “It is like a massive apartment. How many rooms do you have?” she asked.

  “Only ten,” I said.

  “Ten! this is myself,” she said.

  “Well, I am very tall,” I said teasing her.

  “What did you want to see me about?”

  “I thought that you would like to know that my father has approved my request for an army. I leave in ten hours to go scour the cyborg planet with my army and ships to find the crew and the humans,” I said.

  “Don't you mean we leave in ten hours,” she said standing up and walking toward me.

  “No, you are not going. It is too dangerous,” I said.

  “Like hell. I am going. I have to help you find Bridget,” she said.

  “Why are you so stubborn? Why do you not listen to what I say? Why do you not obey me? That cyborg wants you. What if he captures you again?” I said getting angry.

  “He won't. He won't because we have an entire army with us, and I promise not to leave your side,” she said.

  “Promise? Why should I believe you?” I said.

  “Why should I believe you? You lied to me. You did not tell me that you were a prince. You kept a very big secret from me. Why should I trust you ever?” she said.

  “I did not lie about that. I just didn't tell you. I preferred to be the captain when I am out there. That is my job; that is what I do,” I said stepping in front of her putting only an inch between us.

  “Oh, you always have some excuse, don't you,” she said looking up at me with her hands on her hips.

  “It is not an excuse if it is the truth. You are not going,” I said.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “No, you are not,” I said.

  “Would you rather leave me here with your brothers? I saw the way they looked at me. Maybe I will get along better with one of them. I should be able to find out while you are gone,” she said.

  Rage came over me. “You wouldn't.”

  “Why wouldn't I?” she said with anger.

  “Because you are mine.” I ripped the class off of my waist and picked her up in my arms. I carried her to my bedroom and threw her on the bed. “I want you to say it. Say that you are mine,” I said as I put my body on top of hers. She was breathing hard.

  “You don't own me,” she said whispering. Her lips were trembling. I pressed my lips against hers kissing her.

  “Yes, I own this,” I said putting my hand on her sweet center between her thighs. She moaned. “No one c
an touch this except for me. It is mine,” I said as I pulled up at the fabric of her dress until her delicious wet naked center was in front of me. I pressed my long blue fingers between her slit and began to rub up and down. “Say it. Say that you are mine.”


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