Evex_Warriors Of Ition

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Evex_Warriors Of Ition Page 36

by Maia Starr

  As the Land Sentinel I had been assigned to protect the resources of Mooreah. That meant protecting them from leaving Mooreah, but also protecting the planet from unusual imported materials from other planets that could affect the stability of our own. It was one of the many responsibilities of my position and I took them all very seriously. I had little time for anything else, and it was a lonely position to have because it took up all of my time. I took my work very seriously. The king had trusted me with a very important position that our planet depended on. The king trusted me so much that he even allowed Prince Caspin to accompany me on expeditions overseeing the land on Mooreah. Prince Caspin was a very intelligent and strong for his age. He was a Drackon youngling that fascinated me and made me make the decision to have one of my own. So I had begun to take part in the registration of finding a human female from Earth to be my wife. But since I had registered, I had absolutely no time to go through the piles of females and pick out a human wife. I wanted to make sure to make the right decision, and I did not take these things lightly. I was meticulous about every single decision and action I took. Now that this illegal activity had been brought to my attention, I would have even less time to find a human. I was going to be very busy for the next few months on this one mission to keep our planet safe and stop the abuse of power by particular Drackon warriors.

  My solo pod ship arrived at the port of Sala from Mooreah. The planet of Sala was a desolate rocky sand desert. The sands were a soft yellow in color and I found it beautiful, but I was a lover of all lands. The mountains in the distance were barren and made out of hard rock that soared high into the sky. The planet of Sala was a small planet, not even half the size of Mooreah. That is why we mostly used it as a port as it rotated around Mooreah. It was the perfect landing port.

  As I opened the door to my pod, my assistant Luqan was there to greet me. She was one of the few female Drackon that actually held a job position. Almost all of the Drackon females were docile and only worked in the home raising offspring and keeping house. It was the way of the Drackon. Luqan was different because she fought her way to the position and found somebody that would give her a chance--me. I knew her father well and he had convinced me to take her under my wing and train her.

  "Everything is waiting for your arrival, Sentinel Vuna. Here are the latest reports. The next cargo load coming in is the ship Beti, and the captain is Mordikye Nezis. It will be arriving in six hours," Luqan said as she walked alongside me toward the buildings.

  "Keep it quiet, but I want guards loaded and standing by when I greet the Beti. Make sure that we have enough space available in the prisons. I have a feeling we are going to need it," I said to her as I entered the building and made my way toward my office.

  "Yes, Sentinel, right away. There is one other matter on your agenda," she said to me while handing me a file and I knew exactly what it was.

  "Not now, Luqan" I said sliding it away from me. "I am very busy."

  "You say that every day. I know for fact that your schedule is clear for the next fifteen minutes. Take a look. It is all that I ask. I will go to the prison and to get guards standing by. I will return and expect some choices, at least one," she said walking out.

  She was right. I was never going to find a human wife if I kept putting it off any longer. I opened the file and began to read through the paperwork that each female had filled out about themselves. All seemed to be exactly like the females on Mooreah. They were simply looking for a husband. None of them had their own professions, even though on Earth they were allowed to. I wanted more in a wife than just being the mother of my offspring. I wanted a true partner, one that I could share my passions with. Then it happened. I flipped a page and the beauty staring at me from the photograph was something that I could not deny. Her face was exquisite. Her long black hair made me want to run my fingers through it. Her brown eyes were full of fire and passion. Who was this human female? "Dr. Adriana Adams," I read her name out loud. What kind of doctor was she? I began to read the facts on her. She was not a medical doctor, she was a research doctor, something called a geologist. She was a custodian of the land, just as I was here. My heart began to beat faster, could it be? Was it possible that I had stumbled upon a beauty that also managed to intrigue my mind as well? I had never seen any like her when I was searching through the choices before. She was the one. I grabbed her information and put it aside. I noticed the date that she had registered and weeks had already gone by. What if she had already been chosen? It was possible that it was so because who would pass up this intelligent beauty? I began to panic. For the first time I felt rushed to make sure that I could chose her. She had already chosen me. She had picked me out from a group of thousands of Drackon, and she was just waiting for me on Earth. I pressed the button on my communication line and demanded, "Luqan, come back to my office at once!"

  "I will be right there sir," Luqan said on the other side of the line.

  Minutes later she burst into the office out of breath, "What is it? Has Mordikye arrived early?” she asked.

  "No, this is urgent. I have found my choice. I want you to contact the registration office on Earth to tell them that I have chosen her in return. Do it now. It is possible she is no longer available," I shouted as I shoved Adriana's information into Luqan’s hand.

  Her mouth fell open and she stood there frozen staring at me. I had shocked her. I had never been this adamant about the human female choices before.

  "Go! Now!"

  "Sir, these choices are weeks old. Would you like to pick a couple of more human females before I make the communication line to the registration office to inquire about this one? It could be that she is already been chosen by another," she asked.

  "No! I only want that one! Make sure that you do not end communication until they have told you if she is mine," I said to her.

  She was startled and then quickly moved into action, "Yes! Right away."

  I was astonished at my own quickness to make a decision. I was usually very meticulous and took my time. Normally I would want to research this Adriana Adams even more, and perhaps do an interview over communication line, but something told me I could not wait that long. It was my intuition, and I trusted my intuition because I thought it came from my connection to the land. It was a sort of mysticism. I relaxed and moved my focus back to my work. I had an illegal cargo to deal with. But every time I tried to focus on work, I only saw Adriana’s face.

  It was unbelievable! I had only seen and read about this human female and already she was occupying my mind and taking me away from my responsibilities. "Shit." I said to myself, knowing that this was why I had not picked a female mate yet. It was because I had too much to do and it required all of my concentration. So much was at risk if I made a mistake because of distraction. I pushed the file of human females off my desk and went to back to work. The king had entrusted me with capturing Mordikye and any time we incarcerated our own it was a big step to take. It was not something that the Drackon took lightly. We had very few betrayers in our time, but the most recent was the King’s own brother. Because of that experience he wanted every act of mutiny to be stopped in its tracks quickly and efficiently. Therefore Mordikye’s guilt was not in doubt. He was already seen as guilty and did not know it.

  I cleared my mind and went to work making the arrangements for Mordikye’s arrest. Two hours went by before Luqan was once again in my office.

  "Well, what did you find out about the human female? " I asked as I stood up and went to her side.

  "I waited until the registration office replied to me. I am sorry sir, she has already been chosen by another. Perhaps next time you won't wait as long," she said to me smugly.

  "There won't be a next time. I want that one. I want no other. There must be some way. As soon as we are done with this Mordikye business, find out who she has been matched too. It is too soon for her to have been shipped here to be married, so she must still be on Earth and there is something that we can do ab
out it. For now let's concentrate on the matters at hand. I am heading to the docks to await the ship’s arrival," I said as I moved past her and out of my office. I was pissed off. She was right. I had waited too long. That woman could now be mine and all I would have had to do was wait for her to arrive after all the paperwork was done with. It was the fault of my stubbornness. But I wasn't going to give up. I had waited too long to find a real match, and now that I had finally found one and I was not going to let her get away. Surely someone in my position of power could make the arrangement for her to be my wife; after all, I was a trusted advisor to the king and was the Land Sentinel. But when I arrived at the docks there was a surprise.

  "Sir, we have lost all contact with the Beti," the dock master said to me.

  "When?" I asked.

  "Just now sir," he replied.

  "And where is the Beti now?" I asked.

  "We do not know sir. She appears to have disappeared off tracking. We are trying to make contact and locate her coordinates as we speak."

  I knew exactly what Mordikye was up to. He was trying to unload his illegal cargo and was going off course to either meet another party to unload the cargo, or he was going to unload it into the blackness of space.

  "Launch five scout ships to search within a one thousand mile range of the last coordinates of the Beti. Tell them to stay in constant contact," I said to the dockmaster.

  "Right away," he responded.

  It didn't matter if we caught Mordikye in the act. He was already acting guilty for something we were already going to accuse him of. This would make it easier on our part to discharge him of his captain position and title. It would also make it easier to take his ship and his crew prisoner. They had violated the Drackon laws. I knew that the captain was scheduled to bring a batch of human female brides from Earth on this particular mission. I hoped that he was not putting those females in danger simply for his illegal cargo antics. It was uncalled for. If those females were in any danger it would create tension between Mooreah and Earth. Earth would no longer trust us to take females from their planet. It would be a disaster that was capable of launching an intergalactic war between the humans and the weredragons. It had to be stopped. Those scouts would force the Beti, including the human females, to return to Sala safely.

  I went straight to my office and ordered open a communication line straight to King Jarith Rykor.

  "King Jarith Rykor, it is just as I had thought. The ship captained by Mordikye has gone dark. All communication lines have been lost and its tracking has been turned off. I have launched five scout ships to find its location."

  "Good work and quick thinking, Sentinel Vuna. It does seem that you were right about Mordikye. I am glad that you were handling this. You have my full permission to arrest him on site if he returns. Let us hope that he has not gone rogue with the cargo of human females. That would be a tragedy that we could not fix with the Earthlings."

  "I do think that he shall return. He has no reason to think that he has been caught, unless we have a mole on our part. If someone is communicating to Mordikye our moves and suspicion of him, then he would have received information that I was now checking all cargo ships personally on Sala."

  "You think there is a spy among us? That would make sense. After everything I went through with my brother I wouldn’t doubt it. Let us keep all information between the two of us and only inform others of your actions when it is absolutely necessary," King Jarith Rykor said.

  "Yes your Highness. I understand," I said to him.

  "Connect with me when Mordikye has been locked up. I will need a full report. Any suspicion as to what and for whom is the cargo that he is illegally carrying?" He asked.

  "I am not aware of anything. But it must be of great value in order for the captain to put all that he has worked for in his career at risk. It must mean great wealth and power to him in order to risk imprisonment," I said to him.

  "If it is of high enough value to convey great power and wealth then it must also be very dangerous. I expect you to get on top of this, Sentinel Vuna. Do all you can. Let nothing distract you. This is your number one priority. I will have others pick up the slack for maintaining land resources on Mooreah with regular scouting missions and expeditions. Do not worry about that, only focus on this and nothing more. Is that clear?" King Jarith Rykor said to me.

  As soon as he said it I knew that I already had a distraction, and that her name was Adriana Adams. I wished that I had never looked inside that folder and kept putting it off like I had been. Now this human female was occupying space in my mind and becoming a distraction even while I was communicating with the king who should, by all rights, have my full attention. Yet all I could think about was her dark black hair and fiery brown eyes.

  "Yes King Jarith Rykor, it is crystal clear. I shall give this my full attention and solve the mystery of the illegal cargo and who is behind it."

  "I have no doubt that you will, Sentinel Vuna. Keep me informed," he said as the communication ended.

  "Sentinel, the scouts have located the Beti and are escorting it back to Sala now," the dock master said to me as he moved into my office.

  I stood up and ran out of the office with him to the docks "Where did they locate it?"

  "When the scouts reached the coordinates that the Beti last communicated to us it was already returning to that point. We do not know where it was coming from. It still has not opened communication lines. Perhaps their communication radio is broken, but they are complying with the scouts and are on the flight path back to Sala."

  "Good, make sure that there are three guards for every weredragon that is on the Beti. They will all be taken into custody!" I shouted.

  "Sir yes sir, guards are already placed on the docks waiting."

  I arrived at the open port just as the Beti was hovering above the landing strip and the scout ships were hovering above it. The ship landed and the engine shut off. The door opened and two Drackon warriors stepped out followed by Captain Mordikye. They walked straight toward me and the captain had a grin on his face, one that would soon go away.

  "Captain, we lost communication with your ship. Is everything alright?" I asked, giving him time to explain himself.

  "Sentinel Vuna, good of you to come see me land in person. Our communications are down, and our navigation system failed us. It was some hours before we realized the path we were on was incorrect and then we made the adjustments manually. Thank you for sending scouts to help us get back to Sala," he said with a smile.

  "That is unfortunate captain. And what of the cargo?" I asked him.

  His smile faded and he said, "It is on board as it should be. All thirty human females are accounted for. You may see for yourself," he said as he turned toward the cargo bay. The door slowly opened into a ramp and thirty human females marched out escorted by the warriors. None of them seemed to panic and they all seemed in good spirits as they looked around at the planet Sala.

  "You see Sentinel, all is well with my cargo," Mordikye said.

  "Take the human females inside quickly!" I shouted to my guards. I scanned over the females searching for Adriana, even though I knew it was impossible for her to be on a shipment to Mooreah this soon. I could not stop my eyes from searching for her. It was almost involuntary. I looked back at the captain, satisfied that the females were almost inside the safety of the building. I knew the captain's temper and he would not be happy about what I was about to do.

  "I was not speaking of that cargo, Captain Mordikye" I said, raising a brow at him wondering how long he was going to play stupid.

  "Oh, do you mean my bride to be?" Mordikye said as he gestured behind him and another human female took a few steps out of the ship and stood just at the top of the ramp. I could not believe my eyes. It was Adriana Adams. As soon as I saw her the wind picked up her sweet scent and brought it straight towards me, where I inhaled deeply. It was overwhelming and nearly knocked me off my feet. I was not expecting that she would be in my pres
ence or that she would be with the captain. Had I heard him right? He had picked her to be his bride? No wonder she had been picked up so quickly, he had a picked her while he was on Earth--making it impossible for anyone else to choose her. But now he would not have her. He was going to be even angrier now that he was about to lose this enchanting human female. I started to get angry as I wondered if he had already sampled her. They were in fact alone together on the ship in space for weeks. By the looks of it she was not held in the same cargo rooms as the other human females and had her own living quarters, or perhaps was living with the captain already. Maybe she was already impregnated with his offspring. My blood boiled the more that I thought about this. I had almost forgot that I had a mission as I let my personal passions and anger over take me. It was exactly as the king had told me not to do; I was letting my own personal problems get in the way of solving this mystery. I looked back at the captain and tried not to focus on the raven-haired beauty behind him.


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