Evex_Warriors Of Ition

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Evex_Warriors Of Ition Page 52

by Maia Starr

  "Detective Katiama, that arrogant Drackon knows his way around the galaxies, and you do not. He knows his ways around the intergalactic crime rings, and you do not. You need him, and he is more motivated than anyone to solve this crime spree. He has a personal stake in it, and that makes him a great asset. Now our government wants a Drackon involved simply because it rules out any funny business on our part. Don't you see? He is a watchdog. They have sent him to make sure we are not covering up something. Now go back in there and do your duty, or I will find someone else that will," he said as he walked away from me.

  I sighed and then dragged myself back into the conference room. As I did so, I saw that Commander Handor was sitting on the desk with his arms crossed over his chest, giving me a grin as he said, “You cried to daddy? I don't need you hanging around; I can do this on my own. I don't know why I let the king talk me into waiting around for the I.S.F.A. forces. She is my bride, after all, and I am the one that should be seeking her out. I should have left as soon as it happened," he said.

  Yes, he should have. Anyone that was madly in love would have thrown caution and government to the wind and gone after her. I turned to him and looked at him suspiciously, “Yes, Commander Handor, why did you not leave?" I asked him. “Are you hiding something? Why did you not throw caution to the wind and take off after your bride?”

  "I had orders from my king. Us Drackon do not take that lightly; we are very loyal to our king," he said in a tone that was different from what I had heard thus far. It almost startled me, but it was refreshing to see that he had a serious side instead of the sarcastic jerk that he had shown me so far. His eyes were focused on me with a hard stare. It was like he was a soldier at attention, even though he was sitting on top of the table. He was taking his warrior duty and loyalty to his king very seriously.

  "I take orders seriously as well. You should know that I have every intention of finding these women; it is very important to me," I said to him. He looked at me with narrowed eyes and opened his mouth about to say something when the lieutenant walked in, preventing him from saying whatever the hell he was going to say. I was sure it was some sort of put down.

  "Let's make this brief so that both of you can get on with the assignment," the lieutenant said as he slid one black folder to each of us. We both opened them and began to look through them while the Lieutenant talked.

  “You both leave on the Simeon in forty-eight hours. Your destination is Sala, the Drackon planet that neighbors Mooreah. We have gathered intelligence and all signs point to that planet as a possible location for the criminals responsible for these vanishings. You will infiltrate the crime ring and see what you can find out. You will gather information and report it back to me. Then we will go from there. Again, you leave in forty-eight hours. All the information that we have on the vanishings you will find in this folder. Do not let these folders out of your sight, as they are classified. I'm available for questions after you have read every piece of information in there. The conference room is yours today and tomorrow. Get to work, agents," he said. Then he left the conference room.

  I looked at Commander Handor and he looked at me. We were both quiet and then we sat down and began to read, digging into the evidence and taking notes. I was surprised that his ego was allowing him to sit with me, a female, while he read the information. His eyes were focused, and the light-gray color was fascinating to me. I had to pull my gaze away from his eyes and focus on the information in front of me. As soon as I did so, I felt heat on my body, as though I was being stared at by him. I quickly glanced up to see that Commander Handor was looking at me.

  "Can I help you with something?" I asked in order to distract myself from the nervous feeling that my body was suddenly sending to my brain. Damn it.

  "I was about to ask you the same thing. You were staring at me, Detective," he said as he looked at me.

  "I was merely surprised that you would actually be doing the work. I half expected you to start complaining that the information should be read to you. That you were too good for this," I said, pointing to the information sheets in front of me.

  "I don't allow room for error. By letting someone else read the information to me or describe it to me, there would be a risk that they might leave something out. There is a risk that something could be lost in the translation of information that I would only see with my own eyes. Now if you're done criticizing the way I'm working, can I get back to looking at the information? Or would you rather continue to cluck away like a chicken, like most females do?"

  "Ugh! How dare you speak to me that way!"

  "I only speak from experience," he said to me. “And you are proving me right by continuing this conversation instead of working the way you should be," he said as he looked back down at the notes in front of him and continued to work.

  I let out a series of huffs and moans, but he was right, I was wasting time. I put a lid on my anger and moved my eyes back to the work. I couldn't let his arrogant ways throw me off from the work even though the more he opposed me, the more I found myself becoming attracted to him. It didn't help that his long brown hair fell in front of his eyes just a little with his head down looking at the notes. His large form barely fit in the chair and his broad shoulders were almost the length of the end of the table where he sat.

  I was doing it again, damn it. I was staring at him. I pulled my eyes away and began to read the notes and shifted my body to the side just a little so that if I looked up, I was looking at the wall and not him. This case was not going to be easy with him involved, and with my attraction to him growing by the second.

  Chapter 2


  Perfect. I had been stuck with a female detective, and to make matters worse, she was extremely hot. She wasn't what I was used to when dealing with females from Earth. She was the exact opposite of what I had encountered so far, and it was a problem. As soon as those elevator doors opened and I saw her standing there with her shiny badge, I knew that I wanted to know more about her, so to distract myself, I made a joke at her expense. She didn't take it well, but she did give a feisty response that only turned me on more. At the time, I did not know that she would be the one I would be working with, and when I walked into that conference room and saw that she was the one to be my partner, I knew that this was some sort of prank on me from fate.

  Of course I would meet a feisty and intelligent human female after I had already dedicated myself to another, one that my father chose for me. It was all a sick joke in the eyes of destiny. Only destiny would send me a human female with a perfect figure of a small waist, ample tits, and an ass that jiggled when she walked. Not only did she have these features, which included black, long hair and almond-shaped brown eyes with olive-tanned skin, but she was also armed. She was a trained detective, and judging by her position on the I.S.F.A., she was damn good at her job. She was exactly the type of mate I would have chosen for myself were allowed to, but that was not the case for me. My bride to be was chosen by my father, and now she was missing. I needed to do my duty and find her.

  My father was an advisor to King Jarith Rykor, and ever since the king had taken a human female wife, it had become the fashionable thing to do for all high-ranking weredragons. Since my father had already been married to my mother, a Drackon, he put this new, fashionable way of living on his only son: me. Not only did he expect me to marry a human female, but he wanted that human female to be a person of great wealth and status on Earth.

  "It will be good for your military career here on Mooreah if you marry an Earthling that holds great connections on Earth. You never know when you might need those connections in the future. You have reached the position of commander in the Special Intelligence Forces of the Battalion Army, and now is the time that you make a match that will push your career even further. I have chosen a few human females on Earth and you may pick amongst them," my father, Advisor Melik Handor, had said to me a month ago.

  Amongst those women, I
chose Katie Cormick based solely on her looks and her obedience to her father. She would be someone that would bear my offspring and obey her position as a dutiful wife and give me no cause for grief. She was exactly what my father wanted for me, and I was loyal to my father and to my career path. It was all working in my favor and I looked forward to meeting her in person and bringing her back to Mooreah to set up house with her. I wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible so that I could move on in my career path.

  But the day that I arrived on Earth, I was informed that Katie Cormick was missing. She was last seen the day before my arrival, saying goodbye to one of her female friends who was boarding a bride ship to Mooreah. Katie would not be on that ship because of her position, and my own position.

  I made the arrangements to meet her on Earth and make sure that we were compatible in the most basic sense before taking her back to Mooreah and making her my forever mate. I would do this by inhaling her scent; then I would know if she truly could be the one for me. I did not expect to fall passionately in love with her, but I did expect to be able to find her irresistible in the sensual capacity, and I would know that through her scent.

  Not only was I disturbed to find out that she had gone missing, but I was disturbed to find out that this had become a regular occurrence in the last few months. Human females that were meant to be shipped to Mooreah for their waiting Drackon warrior husbands were missing without a trace. I was on the Special Intelligence Forces and this should have been brought to our attention, and yet it was not. There was something going on here and I meant to expose it.

  I knew I could do the work and solving puzzles came easy to me, but I was not expecting to be given a walking distraction in the form of Detective Katiama. I had expected to work on this case with my team, not with an Earth partner. But because Katie was so high-profile, the Earth Council insisted they had one of their own on the team searching for Katie and the other vanishing women. They too suddenly felt a need to solve the crime and put a stop to it. But I knew as soon as I took a deep breath and inhaled the pheromones of Detective Katiama that this mission was more complicated than it needed to be. After she stepped off the elevator and pushed narrowly past me, I was hot and heated. It didn't help that I had to step into an elevator full of her lingering scent, but at the time, I did not know that I would be forced to be around her scent for at least a month.

  Now I sat across from her, trying to keep my eyes on my notes and briefing as I soaked in all the information that I could while being distracted by this feisty female. All I could do was continue to be as mean to her as I possibly could in order to stop any bond from growing between us. I was already engaged to another, dammit! I pounded my fist on the table as I thought about this.

  "What the hell was that? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" the feisty voice said to me.

  I grinned at her and said, “If a sudden burst of sound would give you a heart attack, then maybe you should not be in a career where gunfire is normal. You could quit this assignment; I am sure they will find me another," I said, crossing my arms in front of me, waiting to hear if she would back out.

  "Just shut up already. Are you ready to work? I have many questions," she said to me.

  "Fire away," I said, waiting to be bored with her analyses of the case information.

  "Why do you think the lieutenant thinks that the vanishings are being controlled from Sala? Is that not a military post planet next to Mooreah? That would make no sense to me if I were a criminal," she asked. I arched my eyebrow at her, surprised by her good question.

  "That is true. Sala is a military post and a landing port, but that is only one side of the planet. The other side is dotted with small outposts with high criminal activity."

  "I have never heard that. We are led to believe those outposts are trading outposts, not outlaw outposts" she said to me.

  "Yes, I'm sure there's a reason why Earth is led to believe that. Just as I'm sure that Earth is not one hundred percent honest with everything about Earth when they speak to the Drackon Council or to King Jarith Rykor. It is on a need to know basis, and there's no reason for Earth to need to know about those outposts."

  "I see."

  "Do you?"

  "Yes, I see that the facts I have in front of me are not facts, and I should work knowing that. That all is not as it seems, and it is important to take that into consideration with each morsel of information I am fed. That is the type of case this is," she said.

  My mouth fell open just a little. Holy shit. I was not expecting such a smart analytical answer from Detective Katiama. She was staring at the wall and thinking, so she did not even notice that she had shocked me into silence. She didn't care if I was in the room at all. Damn, she was hot. I cleared my throat that had begun to thicken with lust as I fought myself to keep from walking over to her, scooping her into my arms, and planting a hard kiss on her. One that would probably get me slapped afterwards. It was obvious that she despised me, probably even hated me. Good; it would be easier to keep my distance from her if she was disgusted by my behavior. So instead of congratulating her on a well thought-out observation, I criticized her.

  "Facts are what make a case, Detective Katiama. Please don't feed me any of your misinformation," I said to her as I stood up from the table.

  "You're misunderstanding me, Commander Handor. I merely meant that—a”

  "No need to explain yourself. If you'll excuse me, I would like to see the port where Katie was last seen," I said to her.

  "I'll go with you. We should retrace the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours of her being here on Earth. Everyone she came in contact with. Maybe there is something at the port that the authorities missed. Wouldn't be the first time," she said as she walked ahead of me and out of the conference room. She didn't even give me time to tell her not to accompany me; she was already a detective in action. Shit. She kept on talking aloud about the steps that we should take and I hated to admit that I had not thought of doing half of them. Perhaps she would be a good asset to this investigation after all.

  When we arrived at the port, we met with the last person on Earth to see Katie Cormick. His name was Michael Spencer and he was a guard.

  "Mr. Spencer, you said in your statement that you were blacked out when the women went missing. Could you elaborate on that?" Detective Katiama asked him as soon as she walked up to him. She was not messing around. She didn't bother with greetings other than a flash of her badge, catching the guard off guard.

  "I already told the detectives yesterday everything that I could remember," he said, looking at both of us nervously.

  I could feel that he was lying and the way that Detective Katiama turned and looked at me let me know that she thought it too. She pressed on, “Yes, but what I don't understand is how you blacked out? What do you remember right before blacking out? Did you feel a sharp pain, as though you had been knocked on the head?" she asked.

  "No, it was more like fainting. I was standing over there by the ramp that leads to the launch pad where the women were boarding and the blonde woman was hugging them and saying goodbye. I was facing them and before I knew it, I felt faint and fell to the floor. When I came to, another guard was waking me up. The women were gone."

  "Can you show us exactly where you were standing?" Detective Katiama said as she moved toward the direction he pointed in.

  He walked over and stood exactly where he said he was standing the day before.

  “Thank you. That is all for now," Detective Katiama said to him. The guard looked at both of us and walked away.

  "He's lying about something, or keeping something a secret. He definitely is hiding something," I said to Detective Katiama.

  "Yes, he is," she said as she took out a small flashlight and got on all fours, shining it under the various heavy machinery, ramps, and launching buttresses. With her in this position, I was immediately distracted. I could not keep my eyes off of her plump ass and I could not stop my imagination from pi
cturing myself on my knees behind her, entering her. It was all I could do to restrain myself from smacking her ass.

  I grew angry that she was making me feel aroused and distracted. I wanted to be fucking her from behind right in that moment. I felt my cock growing hard. I had to distract myself.

  "What the hell are you doing, Detective Katiama?" I asked her, trying to look away from her in that position.

  "The guard said he felt faint before blacking out. That means that he was not hit on the head: it was chemical. There must be something around here. There!" she shouted as she moved around to the backside of a large metal cabinet that was an inch off the floor. She reached her arm in under the cabinet and pulled out a blue cloth that I recognized immediately: it was Drackon material. She was pulling it toward her face when I slapped it out of her hand and yelled, “Don’t! It has conmer on it! I can smell it from here," I said as I used my foot to push the cloth away from her. “You need to wash your hands now," I said pointing to a metal sink.


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