Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (Earthman Jack Space Saga Book 2)

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Earthman Jack vs. The Secret Army (Earthman Jack Space Saga Book 2) Page 8

by Matthew Kadish

  “Dan, sir?”

  “Yep! You are so totally a Dan!” said Jack.

  “As you wish,” said Dan. “As of now, I shall be sure to respond to that name.”

  “Cool!” said Jack. “You like it, right?”

  “It does not matter what my opinion of it is, sir.”

  “It does to me,” said Jack. “If you don’t like it, we can try to think of a new one.”

  Dan tilted his head to the side slightly, his large eyes seeming to focus on Jack. “After analyzing your logic behind its selection… it does seem appropriate. Yes, I believe I do like it, sir. Thank you.”

  Jack clapped his hands and smiled. “Sweet!” said Jack. “So, Dan… what’s up?”

  “Up, sir?”

  “Yeah, you know… what now?” asked Jack. “I’ve been locked in this apartment forever. Now that you’re here, does that mean I get to leave?”

  “Oh, dear, have you not been checking e-mail, sir?” asked Dan.

  “Uh… e-mail?”

  “Yes, sir. Electronic correspondences, sent via—”

  “I know what e-mail is,” interrupted Jack. “I just didn’t know I was getting any. I don’t even have a computer.”

  “Apologies, sir,” said Dan, as he shuffled toward the living room. “Sometimes those unfamiliar with Regal technology are overlooked, since it is assumed such basic tasks like accessing e-mail are widely known. These visitor quarters in which you are residing have their own electronic mailbox where you have been receiving correspondence regarding your meeting with Princess Glorianna.”

  “I’m meeting with Anna?” asked Jack, suddenly excited. “When?”

  “Within the hour, sir,” replied Dan as he picked up the remote control for the visual display in the living room and called up a new screen, filled with messages for Jack. “You’ll find the details here in your mailbox.”

  Jack looked at the hundreds of messages awaiting him. “Whoa,” he said. “You mean… people have been e-mailing me all this time?”

  “Yes, sir,” said Dan. “The Princess and the Directory have been quite busy coordinating with the Royal Secretaries to ensure you were kept in the loop on what has been happening while you were sequestered. Your meeting today is meant as a formal briefing regarding all the points you were to have already been apprised of.”

  “Why didn’t anyone just tell me???” squealed Jack, wondering how, in less than an hour, he was going to read all the e-mail that had piled up. “Don’t you people have phones here?”

  “We have a great many ways to communicate auditorily, sir. If you like, I can look into getting you your own personal datapad device for just such a thing,” replied Dan. “However, due to the fact that so many species have different languages, standard governmental policy is skewed toward written correspondence, so that translation programs can make communication easier and less likely to be misinterpreted.”

  Jack frowned at the screen. “Dan, just how important is this meeting I’m going to?”

  “Considering it is with the figurehead of the Empire and the leaders of the entire Imperial government, I would assume it is quite important, sir,” responded Dan.

  Jack sighed. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to do what I usually do before a big test.”

  “What is that, sir?”

  “Write as many answers as I can on the palm of my hand, cram as fast as possible, and pray for a miracle,” said Jack.

  Chapter 6

  The express elevator, which led to the Palace Floor at the top of the Royal Tower, was moving so fast, it almost made Jack queasy. The fact that its enclosure was clear and allowed for a full view of the massive city below them didn’t help. Every time Jack looked out at the stunning view, he started to get dizzy.

  Jack tried to focus on the datapad Dan had acquired for him containing all the relevant information he needed to know for the meeting. The robot had highlighted the most important information for Jack’s benefit, but it still seemed like a lot to remember. Jack busily jotted down the stuff that seemed the most important on his left hand. He was still writing things down even on the elevator ride – so much so that there was barely any room left on his palm.

  But more than his nerves about remembering everything he needed to about those he was meeting with, he was excited to see Anna. He’d been locked away from his friends for so long, he really wanted to see them again, and her most of all. He supposed the month they’d spent on the Earthship together had spoiled him. Now that she’d been away, he found he missed her deeply.

  Jack breathed in nervously and turned to Dan, who was standing at his side. “How’s my hair?” Jack asked.

  “Your hair, sir?”

  “Yeah, how’s it look?” Jack asked as he primped it while gazing at his reflection in the casing of the elevator.

  “I’m not sure I understand what you are asking, sir,” Dan replied.

  “Do you think Anna will like my hair?” asked Jack. “Is it, you know… aesthetically pleasing?”

  “I’m afraid I do not have any database on the aesthetics of hairstyles, sir,” replied Dan.

  Jack sighed. “I shoulda combed it, dang it,” he muttered. “What kind of a loser meets a Princess with bedhead? Instead, I was too busy trying to learn all this dumb stuff.”

  Jack handed his datapad to Dan. “Do I take this to mean you have finished your preparations for the meeting, sir?” the robot asked.

  “Yeah, as soon as I run out of room on my hand, that’s pretty much all I’m good for,” replied Jack.

  “As you say, sir,” said Dan. “When we arrive at the Palace Floor, you will be greeted by Royal Ushers who will take you to the Royal reception room. There, you will meet the Royal Vanguard.”

  “Right, right,” said Jack, glancing at his hand. “Those are Anna’s bodyguards.”

  “Correct,” replied Dan. “The Royal Vanguard are the first defenders of the Royal Family. They are comprised of some of the most elite fighters in the universe, and all of them have Paragon training. The responsibility for Princess Glorianna’s safety and well-being lies squarely with them. Without their approval, you will not be allowed to meet with Her Imperial Highness.”

  “Gotcha,” said Jack. “But that’s just, like, a formality, right? They can’t really stop me from seeing Anna, can they?”

  “The Royal Vanguard are authorized to kill if they suspect anyone of posing a threat to the Princess,” said Dan. “When it comes to her safety, they can do practically anything they want.”

  Jack’s eyes got wide. “Ooooookay… so, don’t tick off the Royal Vanguard.”

  “A wise strategy, sir.”

  When the elevator finally came to a stop, the doors opened to reveal a gigantic room. A rich red carpet covered the floor, the golden walls were ornately decorated and adorned with holopaintings of what looked to be former Emperors, and the windows, which overlooked the city, were draped with velvety curtains. Every doorway was an arch, and the room’s high ceiling had beautiful chandelier-like fixtures hovering just below them, illuminating the room with a soft golden glow.

  Jack stepped out of the elevator, looking around in awe. It was the fanciest room he’d ever seen in his life. No sooner did he emerge than two shining, golden androids approached, each wearing a red doublet with the golden eye of the Empire on it. “Greetings, Earthman Jack Finnegan,” one of the Royal Ushers said. “Her Imperial Highness is expecting you. Please, come this way.”

  Jack started to follow the robots until he noticed Dan wasn’t with him. He turned and looked at the android, who was still in the elevator. “Aren’t you coming?” Jack asked.

  “Only authorized personnel may enter the Palace Floor, sir,” replied Dan. “I shall wait here for your return.”

  Jack frowned but left his robot companion behind as he followed the Royal Ushers through one of the majestically arched doorways and down a long hall, just as richly decorated as the room in which he’d arrived. There were so many doors and branching hallways,
Jack wondered what Anna could possibly do with all the space. For as lavish as the Palace Floor appeared to be, it seemed awfully empty of people.

  Finally, the Ushers stopped before a door at the end of the hall and stood to either side. “The Royal Vanguard are ready to receive you, esteemed guest,” the Ushers both said.

  The door before him slid open, and Jack tentatively stepped inside. The room was not as grandiose as what he’d previously seen. In fact, it looked to be a waiting room of sorts, filled with lush couches and chairs. A large visual display on the wall silently played various news stations. The opposite wall was a clear window overlooking the city, but they were so high up, Jack could swear he saw the tops of clouds.

  There were four people standing in the room when he entered. He immediately recognized Commander Seqis. The old man smiled when he saw Jack and approached. “Earthman Finnegan,” Seqis said, placing his fist over his heart and giving Jack a small bow. “It is an honor to formally meet you.”

  “An honor?” said Jack, taken aback by such a greeting. “Me?”

  “Indeed,” replied Seqis. “The Princess has formally briefed all of us on what happened to her and the role you played in saving her life. Though it pains me that the Vanguard was not there to do our sworn duty, I am eternally grateful that someone, such as yourself, was.”

  “I just did what anybody would do,” Jack replied.

  Seqis chuckled. “You are far too modest,” he said. “What you were able to do in protecting the Princess, without any formal training, is nothing short of astounding. And the fact that you, yourself, are still alive speaks volumes about your abilities. As the sworn protectors of Legacy Prime, we welcome you and extend our thanks, as well as our eternal gratitude.”

  “Um… I accept?” said Jack, not sure of how to respond.

  Seqis smiled warmly at Jack, causing the crow’s feet at the edges of his eyes to become more pronounced. “Allow me to formally introduce myself and my sworn companions. I am Seqis of Stormwild, Supreme Commander of the Royal Vanguard, sworn protectors of her Royal Highness, Princess Glorianna of Legacy Prime. This is Lugard…”

  Seqis motioned to his right where another man stepped forward, clad in the same golden armor and red cloak as he was. The man was tall and muscular, with ashen skin and pristine black hair. His emerald eyes regarded Jack with interest, and his smile was framed by a thin moustache and a pointy Van Dyke chin beard. With a flourish of his hand, Lugard bowed deeply. “A pleasure to meet you,” he said, his tone smooth and confident. He looked over Jack once more as he rose from his lavish bow. “I don’t suppose you’re a female of your species, by any chance?” he asked with a wink.

  Jack gave Lugard an uncomfortable look. “Um… no.”

  Lugard clacked his tongue in dismay. “Pity,” he said.

  Seqis laughed at Jack’s discomfort. “Forgive my brother in arms, Earthman. His species has no concept of gender, though they seem to have a healthy grasp of… well, other things.”

  “I’m more a lover than a fighter,” Lugard said as he absently picked his perfectly manicured nails, giving Jack a steely gaze. “Though I assure you, everything I do, I do with the same amount of incredible passion.”

  “Uh, good to know,” said Jack, taking a subtle step away from the man.

  “This is Dahuud,” said Seqis, referring to a slender woman to his left. She wasn’t much taller than Jack, and her golden armor hid most of her body, masking any signs that she was a female. She wore a red hood that hung low over her eyes, but her lips were so full and feminine, one couldn’t help but notice her gender. She nodded slightly toward Jack.

  “She doesn’t talk much,” chimed in Lugard.

  “Dahuud hails from the Sisterhood of Whispers,” said Seqis. “An elite group of warriors. They normally only talk to those they are about to kill.”

  “Silent, but deadly,” said Jack, chuckling to himself on the inside. “I can dig it.”

  Jack glanced over at a tall alien, who looked like a strange cross between a tiger and a wolf, as it stepped up beside Dahuud. Its shimmering yellow eyes glared at Jack while its long snout sniffed the air, as though picking up on Jack’s scent. Sharp canine teeth jutted out from its mouth, its fur a tan color mixed with streaks of orange and red. It stood a good six inches taller than his companions, and Jack could tell how muscular it was even beneath his armor. “That must make you… uh…” Jack quickly checked the crib-notes on his hand. “Rion K Nidis?”

  “It’s pronounced ‘Rion-nidis,’ ” the beast growled.

  “Oh,” said Jack, a bit confused. “I could have sworn it was spelled with a K…”

  “The K is silent.”

  “If it’s silent then why even have it—”

  Suddenly, Rionknidis snarled at Jack, his eyes growing angry as he bared his razor sharp teeth. Jack took a step back, alarmed, as Seqis placed a hand on his companion’s shoulder, backing him down. “Apologies, Earthman,” said Seqis. “Tygarians take their silent K’s very seriously.”

  “Uh, no problem,” said Jack, making a mental note to look up what the deal was with Tygarians and silent K’s later on so as not to get ripped to shreds in the future.

  “He also tends to get a tad grumpy when he hasn’t killed anything all day,” said Lugard with a laugh.

  “Well, the day’s not over yet, am I right?” responded Jack, jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

  Rionknidis grunted, rubbing his muzzle thoughtfully with his clawed hands. “Hmmm… never thought of it like that before…” Rionknidis said, eyeing Jack in a way that made Jack nervous. “Guess there’s always something to look forward to.”

  Jack gulped.

  “As a token of your service to the crown, and of our appreciation, we would like to present you with a gift,” said Seqis.

  “Really?” replied Jack. “You don’t need to do that.”

  “I’m afraid I must insist,” said Seqis. “One’s dedication to the protection of Legacy Prime must be recognized. And though you are not one of us, you have certainly earned the right to be named among the Royal Vanguard.”

  Lugard stepped forward and the air around his hand blurred, a long sword manifesting into reality. It looked like a rapier, and its blade glowed bright blue. Lugard held its ornate silver handle up to his heart in a salute. “This is Starbeam,” Lugard said. “A sword forged from my commitment to the great Regalus Empire. To me, it represents nobility, which conveys the importance of upholding one’s convictions at all times, especially when no one else is watching.”

  Rionknidis then stepped forward, holding up his clawed hands. “These are my fists,” he growled. “I use them to fight all enemies of the Empire. To me, they represent courage... that which is necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious, dangerous, and unglamorous. With these hands, I accept the sacrifices involved in my duty.”

  Dahuud came forward next. She manifested two curved daggers in her hands and held them up. “These are my blades,” she whispered. “I wield two, just as there are two platforms on a scale. Like the scales of justice, they sit in judgment of all who cross their path. They ensure the guilty are punished, and the innocent are protected.”

  Finally, Seqis stepped forward, manifesting a warhammer with a large, ornate head that looked so heavy, Jack was surprised the man could lift it with a single hand. “This is Grapthaar,” he said. “A hammer forged in the cloudbursts of the planet Stormwild. Its name, which means ‘hope’, comes from Old Solar. In times of tragedy, hope is the shield that protects us from despair. It is the beacon which shows us the way to safety. And it is the message which inspires all around us.”

  “Nobility,” said Lugard.

  “Courage,” said Rionknidis.

  “Justice,” whispered Dahuud.

  “Hope,” said Seqis. “The four virtues of the Empire. The four virtues of Legacy Prime. The four virtues of the Royal Vanguard. It is these virtues which compel us to protect those who cannot protect themselves. To defend t
he weak and defenseless. To lead with wisdom and fairness. And it is these four virtues we hereby recognize in you, Earthman Jack Finnegan. You are a true warrior. A true protector. A true hero. And thus, you should have a weapon befitting one.”

  The weapons the Vanguard were holding all dematerialized. Seqis held out his hand and two batons manifested there, both ornately carved and glowing with a soft, white light. Jack gazed at them, his mind immediately going to Shepherd, since they were his weapons of choice. Despite himself, Jack felt as though he were getting choked-up at the gesture.

  “Though he was not one of us, Paragon Shepherd represented a different virtue. A virtue far more important than any other,” Seqis said. “He wielded batons because he did not wish to use a weapon which was implicitly meant to kill. Shepherd was the embodiment of mercy. He sought peace, instead of violence. Forgiveness, instead of hatred. Absolution, instead of condemnation. Life, instead of death. He granted mercy for us all, as evidenced by his sacrifice fighting an enemy he had no chance of defeating. We offer these to you, Earthman, in the hopes that one day, you, too, may embody that mercy, just as he did.”

  Jack accepted the batons and looked at them, fighting back tears. “I… I don’t know what to say,” he finally replied.

  “You need say nothing,” said Seqis with a smile. “Actions speak louder than words. And your actions have already spoken, loud and clear.” Seqis snapped his fingers and one of the Royal Ushers entered the room, approaching Jack. “We’ll have these sent down to your quarters,” Seqis said. “I feel we have kept you from your meeting with Her Highness long enough. Please, enter the Royal quarters, and thank you for allowing us this time to express our gratitude and appreciation.”

  Jack handed off the batons to the Usher and quickly wiped his eyes. “Yeah, sure, no problem,” he said, wiping his nose with his the back of his hand and trying to compose himself. “You know, for the universe’s greatest warriors, you guys sure are mushy.”

  The group laughed at that. “Our virtues are the fountain from which honor springs,” said Seqis with a smile. “And there is no shame if a few tears spring along with it.”


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