Sex, the Stars & Princess Simla

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Sex, the Stars & Princess Simla Page 8

by Sally Hollister

  “Not if you value Yaf’s life.”

  “Why don’t we just ask him?” She turned to her guardian. “Shap, if I made physical contact with Yaf while he was immobile would you regard that as an assault on my person?”

  The android seemed to be caught unready to be addressed. “No, mistress, assault requires physical action and your parameters specify that First Minister Alrick is immobile.”

  “And how would you react?”

  “I would remove the First Minister from the premises as he has already been adjudged to be an unsuitable mate for you.”

  “What if I were to tell you your programming was at fault in its judgment?”

  “That would not be possible, my programming cannot be at fault.”

  “Oh leave him alone,” Elfi insisted, “he wasn’t designed to be reasoned with.”

  “Just like his creator,” Simla sniffed, “but it was worth a try,”

  The holo-phone chimed and it was Yaf with an invitation for Elfi. “You’re invited to the Fertility Festival in our Central Hall tonight, Doctor.”

  Elfi raised an eyebrow, “Really, I’m too busy.”

  “Oh, you should go,” Simla encouraged, “you could do with a break.”

  “Yeah, Doc, my people tell me you’ve worked three nights straight.”

  “Oh, so I’m being spied on now?” Elfi said, insulted.

  “We’re at war and you’re a valuable asset, you’re being protected.”

  “Fertility Festival eh?” Elfi mused, “What exactly does it entail?”

  “Fertility’s very important on an agricultural world like Pendor. It’s a celebration of the fecundity of our land.”

  Simla pouted. “Why just Elfi? Aren’t the First Minister and a Princess of Old Earth invited?”

  Yaf looked embarrassed. “To be honest it tends to descend into a bit of an orgy.”

  “Ooh, orgy!” Elfi squealed.

  Yaf continued, “And I don’t think it would do either of us any good to get horny.”

  Simla looked insulted. “I can control my passions, sirrah, even if you cannot.”

  “You’re not the one being threatened with death at Shap’s hands at the first sign of an erection.”

  “How many people are at this festive orgy?” Elfi asked.

  “Oh, around 500.”

  “I’ve never seen 500 people fucking.”

  “They don’t all fuck.”

  “Oh boo.”

  “It’s a very structured performance. There’s music, drinking and eating but it’s the dancing that usually kicks it off. The dancing degenerates into fumbling and inevitably couple pair off and start doing what people do.”

  “Couples? Where’s the orgy in that?” Elfi complained. “I bet they have a dance card like they do at balls? Could I book you for the next oral waltz, Countess?”

  “For God’s sakes, woman, it’s a celebration of fertility and you can only get pregnant once.”

  “Not strictly true, but I have no intention of getting pregnant at all. I don’t intend starting a family till I’m well into my fifties.”

  “In any case,” Yaf explained, “It generally starts off as single couples but multiple partnerships generally just develop organically.”

  “We’re going,” Simla declared, “I want to watch Elfi getting fucked.”

  “You’re a pervert.”

  “You taught me everything I know.”

  The pair grinned at each other like Cheshire cats and Yaf despaired. “I don’t think this is a good idea, Simla. The atmosphere is very intense at these occasions and we don’t know what might happen.”

  “What might happen is I might get turned on. Doesn’t have to be you satisfies that itch.”

  “I am not having her jilling off watching me,” Elfi complained.

  “You could give me pointers with your years of experience.”

  “No! No! No!”

  But Yaf was on Simla’s side. “Mmm, that might be interesting, I’ve never seen a noted technocrat getting fucked before. Okay, Simla, we’ll go, but Shap sits between us.”

  “Yeah, what’s the dress code?”

  “For spectators, smart casual. For participants, as little as possible.”

  The Festival started as calmly as a tea party. Ranks of tables were set around a dance floor in the great hall and uniformed waiters served food and drink to the gathered guests. Elfi, in the official limousine coming over from their guest quarters in the Presidential Palace had been on edge.

  “What’s the protocol, Yaf? I’ve never been to an orgy before and I don’t want to commit any gaffes by sucking the wrong cock.”

  “There’s no strict protocol, only accepted practice. Anyone taking to the floor to dance is offering themselves for sexual pleasure. Beyond that the usual rules apply, you can take a partner or refuse him. Same with any act he proposes. Take it or leave it, it’s up to you.”

  “Knowing Elfi, she’ll take it,” Simla contributed.

  “So I can say no if some ugly, fat guy tries …”


  “That’s a relief. I had visions of me having to service some very unpleasant characters.”

  “Never stopped you before.”

  “Would you pair stop bitching at each other. The accepted practice is also to return to your seat for a while after any sexual encounter before accepting another invitation.”

  “No shower? That’s yucky.”

  “It’s a Festival of Fertility, not Hygiene. Most people get turned on by mixing fluids and smells, but if you’re fastidious there are facilities.”

  “What am I allowed in the way of audience participation?” Simla asked.

  Yaf eyed her nervously. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I was thinking of whooping and hollering when Elfi scores a home run. Maybe a little cheering at some fine show of sexual technique and slow handclapping when she fucks up by passing out from sheer exhaustion.”

  Yaf groaned. “This is a solemn occasion, Simla, so please treat it with the proper respect. Non-participants are expected to drink, dine and converse politely.”

  “God, I could do that at home.”

  “Yeah,” Elfi giggled, “but you wouldn’t be looking at my sweet little ass at your own dining table.”

  As it happened there was quite a delay before Elfi got to bare her behind. A host type made a welcoming speech from a stage at one end of the hall before introducing an orchestra who played classical music from Old Earth. The food they were served was excellent but light, this was not an occasion for stuffed bellies. But it came endlessly, accompanied by carafes of thin red wine, so that it was a while before they noticed that couples were taking to the floor to dance.

  Simla nudged Elfi and gestured with a nod of her head. “Prepare to receive boarders.”

  The normally confident Elfi seemed to shrink. “I don’t know about this, I’m not really an exhibitionist.”

  “Cold feet, honey? I’m sure some of these guys would be glad to rub them for you.”

  Yaf sipped from his wine and smiled. “I don’t think its her feet they’ll want to rub.”

  Elfi blanched a little. “So if somebody asks me to dance, it really means they want to fuck me?”

  “Yep, just like a normal dance, only not as hypocritical.”

  Waiters began bringing mattresses and throwing them down at one side of the dance floor but, for the moment, nobody was taking up their invitation.

  “Jeeze,” Elfi complained as the minutes passed and no invitations came her way, “have I got the plague or something?”

  “Too old,” Simla crowed, “all the pretty young ones are getting asked.”

  “This dates back to the first colonists on Pendor, who would come from settlements across the planet to the Festival to find a bride,” Yaf explained.

  “And now they just want to find a fuck,” Simla added.

  The tone changed as the lights dimmed a little. A tall brunette went into a clinch with a burl
y man and he was soon clawing at her butt and breasts as their mouths found each other.

  “The old ones will have a chance now they’ve turned the lights down,” Simla said.

  “Bitch,” Elfi hissed in reply.

  The burly man had dropped to his knees and was lifting his partners long scarlet dress to her hips. She was still dancing, but naked beneath it and a thick mass of pubic hair sprang out as the dress was lifted higher. The man buried his face in it and the brunette threw her head back with pleasure.

  Simla crossed her legs and sipped her wine. “Mmm, this is better than a holo porno.”

  The brunette lifted her dress herself and pulled it over her head before throwing it to the floor. She had large, full breasts and they swung proudly free as she swayed. A waiter lifted her dress and deposited it on a mattress. At the edge of the floor a thin blonde in a mini dress had spread her legs around her partners thigh and was grinding her crotch vigorously. His hands, clutched around her miniscule behind, moved up and down in encouragement. Suddenly, she ground her crotch all the way down his leg to the floor and, once there, clawed at her man’s fly till an impressive member sprang out and was immediately engulfed in the blonde’s mouth.

  “Ooh, this is educational,” Simla trilled.

  Elfi was getting turned on too, but frustration had led her to grip herself between her legs and knead at the urgent desire that was gnawing there. Would nobody ever ask her to dance?

  An older woman, with a heavy undulating bottom, had not bothered with any display on the dance floor, but had taken her younger companion by the hand to the mattresses, where she’d lifted her skirts, dropped on all fours and presented herself to be mounted. Even from across the room Simla could see that the man had a long slim penis which he immediately introduced between the chicks of her ass and began driving into her passionately with his hands on her hips.

  “I hope he’s not fucking her in the ass,” Simla said, but Yaf shook his head. “That is forbidden here, there is no fertility there.”

  An old, withered looking man came over and invited Simla with an outstretched hand. She smiled sweetly and shook her head. Once he’d moved on she grinned madly at Elfi. “At least I’ve been asked.”

  But moments later she felt sorry for her friend and a wild thought came to her. She stretched across Shap and nudged Yaf in the ribs. “Take her on the floor, Yaf.”

  The First Minister looked startled. “What? I can’t.”

  “Yes you can. She needs it.”

  Elfi winced. “Thanks for the offer, but I don’t need your cast offs.”

  “He’s had the hots for you since he first saw you,” Simla lied.

  “Simla!” Yaf hissed and Elfi wondered if he was admonishing her for her betrayal.

  “Go on, fuck her. You know you want to. She’s so tiny and cute. I won’t mind, honest.”

  “Uh uh, I’m not stupid. You might let me do it now, but some way down the line you’d be accusing me of fucking your best friend.”

  “It may be the closest we ever get, Yaf.”

  There was a sad truth in her tone and they all sat in silence, contemplating the situation. Fate decreed that it was not to develop as a slim, boyish, man with almost-albino white hair approached and offered his hand to Elfi. As he led her to the floor Yaf turned to Simla. “Would you have let me …?”

  “I’d have killed you.”

  “Thought so.”

  The action she had watched had got Elfi incredibly aroused but her partner seemed satisfied with simply dancing for the longest time. Normally, this delay and tease would have delighted the little scientist, but the atmosphere was thickening with the scent of sweat and perfume, pussies and cocks. Joining the orchestra too were the grunts, groans, gasps and sighs of love. They were combining to raise her to a plateau of expectation she had never known. She found herself avoiding looking at the couples writhing on the mattresses, the bouncing bottoms, heaving bosoms and erect cocks that she was so eager to join. Finally she could wait no longer. She was wearing a floor length, purple, sheath dress with a side zipper. She pulled the zip down to past her hips and let it drop to the floor. Beneath it, unlike many, she was wearing underwear. Tiny scraps of material covered her pubes and nipples.

  She watched her dance partner’s eyes widen and wondered if she’d committed some faux pas. But no, the bulge in his pants was growing, she’d only caught him by surprise. She reached over and stroked his bulge with her fingertips. He moved closer to her and she retreated to continue her tease. She turned suddenly, bent over, reached between her legs and stroked the bottom of his bulge, his balls, with her fingernails. He advanced more quickly this time and welded his bulge to her ass with his hands on her waist. His hands were small, almost girlish and definitely not those of a Jaip action hero, but he had long fingers and a firm grip and she could feel the heat from his crotch burn through the material of his clothes to ignite her slowly revolving buttocks. She tried to straighten up, but he tightened his grip, his thumbs digging into her smooth flesh, and held her where he could take his pleasure against her ass.

  Simla watched her little friend’s performance and felt a warmth growing in her groin. She took a napkin from the table and draped it over her lap before stealthily moving her hand under it and her kilt to massage her need through her tights. She looked over at Yaf and he too seemed entranced by Elfi. She tried to see below the table, where his hands were, but it would have been too obvious. Still, she was fairly sure she saw his shoulders moving slightly, indicating that he too was enjoying the spectacle.

  Elfi peeled her man’s hands from her waist and turned to face him. In reply he unzipped his fly and pulled a stubby, fat cock from his pants. It stood, fully erect and, to Elfi, almost seemed to sway in time to the music. The man pulled the scrap of cloth from Elfi’s crotch before lifting her from the ground with his hands cupped under her ass and planting her firmly onto his solid peg. For the size of him he was surprisingly strong, and kept her bouncing on his manhood for an eternity. She thought he would tire quickly and lead her to the mattresses, but the tune ended with a flourish and still her lover continued fucking her as the love juice streamed from her pussy and stained the crotch of his white suit pants.

  She had hooked her arms round his neck and considered kissing him, but his eyes were closed and he seemed to be in a reverie as he thrust into her. This was the most impersonal fuck she’d ever had and was all the more exciting for it. She didn’t know this man’s name, his job, his address or, heavens, his marital status, but his thick little cock was spreading her pussy lips very satisfyingly and she hoped desperately that he didn’t have a wife who’d criticise him for his ruined clothes.

  He increased the speed of his thrusts and she feared that his legs would buckle but he held firm till, finally, he buried his face into her shoulder and bit on her as the spasms of his orgasm raced through his body and she felt him spurting powerfully inside her.

  He dropped her to the floor, replaced his cock in his pants and bowed to her as the dance ended. They hadn’t spoken a word to each other. As her lover departed Elfi lifted her dress and slipped back into it before returning to Simla and Yaf at their table. Simla gave her the sweetest of smiles and a little round of applause and Yaf looked as drained as if he’d been the one fucking her.

  “Good performance, gal,” Simla congratulated, “though as usual you were a lazy bitch and let your guy do all the work.”

  Yaf too offered his compliments. “He doesn’t usually participate, but I think you made the High Priest of Pendor very happy.”

  The pulse of the event was picking up and the smell of fucking was strong in the air. Elfi threw her head back and breathed in deeply of it. Her pussy was still throbbing and she wanted more sex. More, uninhibited cock and pussy fun; bodies, skin and all the debauchery they had to offer. Elfi had never been beautiful, her lips were too thin, her eyes too close, all those tiny imperfections that had denied her drop-dead gorgeousness, but she had made up for it wi
th vivacity. Her long college years might have branded her a geek but she could make a man just as happy as any big-titted, long-legged, blonde beach bunny. She slugged back her wine and grinned madly at Simla. “Bring it on. That was fine for a little aperitif but I’m ready for some serious man action now.”

  “Oh dear,” Simla apologised to Yaf, “I’m afraid Dr Vilek is about to take your relations with Old Earth down a notch or two.”

  Yaf smiled. “Far from it, it’s quite common for participants to give in to the frenzy. Go ahead and enjoy yourself, Elfi.”

  The Doctor grinned happily as a tall, bald, man took her hand and swept her onto the floor.

  “You shouldn’t be encouraging her,” Simla complained, but with a smile.

  This dance partner, unlike Elfi’s first, was a non-stop talker. He’d complimented her looks, her dress and dancing within the space of two minutes and was about to begin on his life story when Elfi asked him if he’d like to fuck her.

  “Ooh, rather,” he blurted out.

  “Show me your cock.”

  He pulled his zip down hesitantly and produced a long pale specimen.

  “It doesn’t seem very pleased to see me.”

  “Ah, it’s our first Festival, and I’m a little nervous.”

  Elfi reached out and took it in her hand, before moving in close to him so that it was trapped between them. She felt a presence behind her and was suddenly sandwiched between the man and an equally tall woman who’d come up behind her.

  “My wife,” the man introduced as the woman slipped her hands onto Elfi’s small boobs and started rubbing them eagerly. Elfi turned and found her face in the woman’s impressive cleavage. Her breasts were warm and as her dress was low-cut Elfi could see the thin sheen of perspiration that covered them. The man’s cock had hardened and was rubbing against her back. Above her the man and wife were kissing. Elfi reached down and pulled up the satin material of the woman’s dress before driving her hand between her legs and moulding the wide pelvis with her tiny hands. The woman was soaking with excitement and Elfi soon found three fingers slipping easily inside her. The couple edged Elfi over to a mattress and all three tumbled down onto it. Both of them seemed eager for Elfi’s attentions as they undressed one another. The woman got her hands on her husband’s cock and made a dive for it, taking it eagerly into her mouth and sucking it with practiced ease. Elfi joined in for a little while, licking his large balls but the man pulled her up and had her sit on his face. This was a particular favourite of Elfi’s and she ground her tight little pussy on the man’s face with extreme vigour. Her face contorted with pleasure and her eyes were shut when another man, younger and with copious hair, appeared before her and without any invitation or conversation stuck his cock in her mouth. It happened so quickly and unexpectedly that Elfi was a little shocked and gave the cock a little nipping bite by way of reprimand. This seemed to turn on the owner of the cock who grabbed Elfi’s head and began sliding his dick in and out of her lips rapidly. The bald man’s wife had tired of sucking him and straddled him, pulling Elfi back to rest her head on the pillows of her breasts. This didn’t suit the man who was fucking her mouth, so he pulled her from the bald man’s face and threw her onto the mattress pulled her legs onto his shoulders and slid his thick pole into her sopping pussy. Elfi was now lying next to the bald man. He had his wife astride him and Elfi had the younger man in the saddle.


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