Cherry Hill 16 - Spies Don't Fall In Love

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Cherry Hill 16 - Spies Don't Fall In Love Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I need to take this.”

  “Go ahead. We’re going to head to the café,” Athena told Louis who wouldn’t be joining them. He and his team were still transitioning into civilian life, and they weren’t up for socializing quite yet.

  * * * *

  “Hey, Zedock, how’s it going?” Louis asked as he stood by the bench in town and watched the pretty, petite blonde he definitely found attractive.

  “We need a place to recoup and rest up for a bit. Stone recommended your place in Texas.”

  “Sure thing. We’re still just moving in, so you may need to do a little cleaning, but definitely have the room. Everything good?”

  “Need you ask?”

  “Shit. Well, head on over to the place. I’ll send you the address. How long before you arrive?”

  “Twelve hours.”

  “Got it. See you then.”

  Louis ended the call and then texted the address to their place, even though Zedock and the guys probably already had it from Stone. It had only been a few months since Lois and his brother Voight were able to go in and assist rescuing Worin and Hunt. They had thought their best friends were dead. Thank God they weren’t, but what a fucking shithole they had to go in to assist in their rescue. It was going to take some time for their buddies to readjust to things. Louis couldn’t help but view this town like he had viewed Pearl. It was similar in so many ways, and ultimately provided men and women with a safe place to live, to even start families. Could those things be in store for their future, as well? Louis wasn’t certain, but seeing what his sister Athena had with her men, and knowing only somewhat of what she had gone through, anything seemed possible. With one last glance toward the bakery where the cute blonde walked to, he smiled to himself. Now wasn’t the time to consider any type of relationship, but sometime in the future? Definitely.

  He decided that he should hit the supermarket and get enough food for the next several days for all of them. There would be eight men in the house, all with huge appetites. He hoped Zedock and them were okay. Zedock didn’t really give him time to ask about their condition or even for how long they wanted to stay. Maybe it was better to just open the door and let them in. Leave the rest to fate.

  * * * *

  “Is everything set up?” Kent Morgan asked Burbank.

  “As set up as it can be without making it obvious what our intentions are,” Burbank replied.

  “Don’t worry about it. Those soldiers all rely on one another and it won’t be seen as anything but coincidental that Zedock and his team wind up in Cherry Hill where Jeanine Ray is.”

  “That’s Genesis Parker, Kent, remember?” Burbank said in annoyance.

  “Of course I do. Genesis is an asset like no other. I know she’s resistant, and from what Seager said, she definitely isn’t willing to come back to help us, so we need to plan accordingly. It may not be her choice, ultimately.”

  “I’m getting that feeling, too, but after recent events it’s better we lay low for a while. This takes time to coordinate and we have to be sure the end result is not only worth it, but almost guaranteed,” Burbank replied.

  “It will be. When the time is right, the negotiator will go and finalize the plan. Then we’ll know exactly who will be sent in, and what it will cost us.”

  “Okay then, let’s sit tight and let things just happen.”

  “Keep me posted, Burbank, if there are further updates. The bosses want results, and they want concrete validation they can use to influence those they need to influence.”

  “You stick to the politics of this shit, Kent, and I’ll handle the military aspect,” Burbank replied.

  Kent chuckled. “Very well. Talk to you soon.”

  Kent ended the call and looked at Mitch Sloan. “Your inside guy is sure to keep this deal on the down-low, right? I don’t need this coming back to bite me in the ass or affect the senator and his re-election,” Kent Morgan said to Mitch.

  “I’m sure. Believe me, you’ve enticed him, and he’s considering things.”

  “Well, I hope he considers them quickly, or his demise will be out of my control and in the hands of some very angry, vengeful Special Forces operatives. Getting away with killing eight American soldiers is not a tale told often.”

  “He knows, and he appreciates what has been done to try and alleviate any further issues with that,” Mitch told Kent.

  “Good. We’ll work things out on our end as soon as he agrees to the terms. I’ll then call Burbank so he can negotiate further and then set things up as agreed upon.”

  “I can’t believe he would be willing to negotiate over this. It’s that important to him?” Mitch asked.

  “Obviously it is. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?”

  Mitch nodded.

  Chapter 1

  Genesis sprinted along the open grassy area before the trail that led through the woods. It was lush and a little difficult to get through, but that was part of the appeal. Obstacles. She liked having to maneuver around them, through them, and into the clearing. As she jumped one of the long logs across the path and then had to zig to the right then zag to the left, she heard the crackling of tree branches and slowed her pace. Another runner came into view, but just barely. Dressed in black camo pants and a black T-shirt, she noticed him stop short. She kept going, not recognizing the guy, who was still at a good distance to the right when she heard more branches breaking and then two more men were there.

  In a panic, her brain running to conclusions especially after the odd phone call from Seager a few weeks ago already, she hurried toward the clearing. Just as she neared the end of that trail, another guy ran across the entryway of the clearing and made a sound, a bird call. She realized they were all together and she figured the others were farther behind her now, so only this guy stood in the way of escaping. As she approached the clearing and jumped over debris, her shoelace caught on the edge of the branch, causing her to trip and drag the branch with her as she fell to the ground with a thump. “Oh.” She gasped when using her hands didn’t break her fall, and instantly she felt the burning to her knee, her elbow and shoulder as she landed awkwardly against the rocks and dirt.

  “Oh crap, are you okay?” She heard the deep voice and slowly started to move when footsteps pounding against the ground echoed from behind her. “What did you do, trip her, Freeman?” a man said.

  “Fuck no, she tripped, I think. I don’t know. I was just running past the entryway to the trail when I caught a glimpse of her,” the other guy said, who now bent down.

  “Are you okay?” a third firm voice asked, and she looked up to see the four men surrounding her. Four military men, that was certain, and boy were they a sight. Camouflage pants, tight T-shirts, muscles upon muscles. When one reached out to assist her up, she pulled back. “I got it,” she snapped at him, and went into a pushup position.

  “You’re bleeding on your elbow pretty good,” one said to her. As she maneuvered to her feet, she felt the large, warm hand on her hip.

  “Jesus, your knee is cut up good. Anything else hurt?” the one guy asked, and he didn’t release her. She tried moving but he held firm.

  She felt like an idiot. And to boot, the men were good looking, and had seen her trip like a klutz. “I can’t believe I freakin’ fell. My lace caught on the branch,” she said.

  “This one I assume. It doesn’t seem to want to let you go,” the one fierce guy said, as he detached the branch that was still connected to her shoelace.

  “I don’t either,” the other guy who had his hand on her hips said and winked at her. She rolled her eyes and then stepped from his hold.

  “I’m Mills,” the guy who removed the tree branch introduced himself.

  “Genesis. Sorry to stop you from your run. I’ll be fine.” She started to dust off her thighs that were covered with dirt; blood dripped from her knee and even from her elbow. When she felt the hand on her arm and then the really big, quiet guy take her hand, she tightened up and gasped.

>   “Your shoulder is bleeding, too,” he said, and stroked along her skin. Now they were all looking at her body, the way her tank top dipped low and was ripped, too. It was hanging there against her sports bra and revealing way too much.

  “Damn it!” she exclaimed, and tried lifting the tank top by the strap to tuck it into the strap of her sports bra. As she fixed the other side, she felt the tank top raise and now her belly was exposed.

  “Need some help?” the one guy asked, sliding his palm along her hip, staring at her pretty intensely. She was annoyed because she felt an attraction to them, but who wouldn’t? They were a force that was for sure, but also flirty. She wasn’t easy, despite the definite attraction she felt to them. She stepped to the side, wiped the blood from her knee and flung the blood on her hand to the ground, then used her tank top to wipe her elbow.

  “Well, take care,” she said, and started to walk. “Whoa, where are you going?” Mills asked her.

  “Finishing my run. Again, sorry to have interrupted yours,” she said, and as she went to walk, he touched her hand.

  “Are you parked nearby? How far do you need to run before you’re someplace you can clean up those cuts?” he asked with concern.

  “Oh, not far. Don’t worry, these are nothing. Thanks for the help, Mills, and…well the rest of you, too,” she said, and gave a soft smile.

  “I’m Freeman, this is Denzel, and that’s Zedock,” Freeman introduced.

  “Nice to meet you,” she said to them.

  “So how far do you need to go?” Mills asked her.

  “A few miles.”

  “A few miles?” Freeman asked, looking surprised.

  “It will be fine. I can assure you.”

  “You live in Cherry Hill?” Denzel asked her, and she looked at him. All four men sported dark hair.

  Denzel’s looked almost black and they had different shades of eye colors. Denzel’s was dark blue. Zedock had dark brown hair and green eyes. Freeman’s were light brown, and he had very short brown hair. Mills had dirty blonde hair and light green eyes. They all had a lot of muscles and even tattoos.

  “I do. What about you guys? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”

  “We’re pretty new to town. Been here a month and staying with friends.”

  “Nice. Well, if you want to venture out, there’s a cool bar called Harper’s, in town. Tonight is fight night. The owner gets the fights for free, and it’s broadcasted on all the flat screen TV’s. Not bad for a Thursday evening,” she said.

  “You hang out there?” Mills asked her.

  “I work there, as a waitress and sometimes bartend, but mostly barmaid. Anyway, it’s a fun place and a lot of other soldiers hang out there, too, so I’m sure you’ll feel right at home.”

  “Interesting, maybe we will check it out,” Mills said as he gazed over her body.

  She chuckled at his flirtatious comment. These men were seasoned, a bit older, probably closer to forty, but they were definitely active duty. She could tell. They each had that stone hard look in their eyes. The eyes of killers. She knew that look well. “If you do, I’ll buy the first round.”

  “Why, when obviously we scared you sneaking up on you like we did, and you got hurt?” Freeman asked her.

  “It wasn’t intentional. Usually no one wants to deal with the obstacle courses of the woods over here. Normally, I don’t trip,” she said and winked. Her casual response seemed to lure them in more with interest. She could tell, and holy cow was she feeling interested, as well. Two years without sex definitely made her horny.

  “Well, I need to go. Got to be at work in just a couple of hours. Maybe I’ll see ya around.”

  “Take care,” Mills said.

  As she walked toward the exit of the path, she glanced over her shoulder, and sure enough they were watching her. She couldn’t help but blush. Those four big ass hotties would definitely be worth jumping back into the saddle again for. Well, the sack, she thought and laughed to herself as she began to run, ignoring the pain in her knee, her elbow and shoulder just in case they were still watching. She may have come across as a klutz, but surely she didn’t want to come across as weak.

  * * * *

  “Holy shit, she was hot, huh?” Mills asked as they watched her disappear across the field of grass.

  “You were pretty obvious about your attraction to her,” Freeman teased him, and gave his arm a nudge as they started to head back through the woods.

  “Some body on her, too, didn’t you guys think so?” Mills asked.

  “Be careful, Mills. You do know how they run things around Cherry Hill. Louis and them warned us,” Denzel said, and then rubbed his jaw.

  “Let’s continue on our run,” Zedock ordered, and Mills stood there a moment as the rest of the team began to run.

  That woman, Genesis, was a knockout, and by the way the rest of the team responded, it seemed he wasn’t the only one interested in seeing her again. As he started to run along with them, he thought about that place Harper’s and whether or not it would be worth it to go by there. He could ask Louis and Voight. They might be interested, and they knew more people around town. Their sister Athena was a beauty and then some. Also taken by the sheriff and his brothers. Seemed that was the way things went down in this town. If it weren’t for their need for revenge against those scum bags that killed Gable and his team, Mills might seriously try talking Zedock into commanding them all to retire and settle down here. Wouldn’t that be something?

  As they ran along the outskirts of the football field then back toward their place, he thought more about Genesis. Who she was, if she was single, and why she was running through the woods alone? His concern grew faster than his attraction for her. He had to remind himself that he wasn’t a member of Cherry Hill, but a visitor. Let the sheriff and deputies handle that shit. He just thought the woman was gorgeous, and he wouldn’t mind getting to know her. Or maybe, get up close and personal to that sexy body. No, that didn’t seem right to think of her as a sexual partner. She definitely had commitment written all over her. Hell, she could be inexperienced, too. Jesus, he was pushing fucking forty. What woman in her twenties would even want more than just to screw a capable soldier like him? And his team? As he thought about that, he thought about their conversations while they were in the field. Following their friends’ footsteps and sharing a woman. It made sense. Where one of them lacked, another one prevailed, but they were all even. Finding a woman who could put up with their dominant personalities, ornery ways, and commands was an entirely different story though. What the fuck am I thinking? He cleared his head and hurried to catch up with the others.

  * * * *

  “That’s him, Genesis. Right there, the navy blue button-down shirt, rolled to his elbows. Oh God, he is intimidating, and gorgeous, and oh God, my heart is racing.” Faith rambled to Genesis as she leaned into her and against the bar. Genesis took a peek and was shocked to see Mills with him. Her initial thought was that Faith was attracted to the same guy Genesis had been attracted to. God knew these men around here walked around as teams or brothers, or whatever.

  “Oh God, Faith, the one next to him, is he a brother, or team member to the guy you have on your radar?” Genesis asked.

  “I don’t know. I only know the one in the navy blue shirt. Shit, he’s looking this way.” Faith quickly looked away.

  Ade was there placing drinks on her tray “Something wrong with you two?” he asked.

  “Nope,” Genesis said, and took her tray of drinks and turned to head to the table she was delivering them to. As she walked through the crowd, she dropped off the tray of drinks, then took another order from another table. Some guys stood up to leave and someone else grabbed that table.

  “Here you go, Genesis. Have a good night and we’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be here, Lance. Take care, and again, I hope your mom is feeling better,” she said to him.

  “Thanks,” Lance said as he walked away.
/>   She placed the tip into her apron pocket, and when she noticed the table had new people there, she caught sight of Mill staring at her. The other guy seemed to be looking for Faith. “Hey, how are you doing, Genesis?” he asked, and his friend turned around and checked her out. He gave a smile.

  “I’m doing good, Mills. What can I get ya?” she asked.

  “I’ll take a Murphy’s,” Mills said. “I’ll take one, too,” the other guy said, and again he was looking away as if looking for someone.

  Mills reached out and turned her arm. “How is your elbow?” he asked, and then cringed as he looked at the damage.

  She turned it to give him a better view. His friend looked. “Jesus, that looks bad,” his friend said.

  “This is Louis.”

  “Nice to meet you, Louis, and it isn’t as painful as it looks. I think my knee was worse. Hence the shorts tonight.”

  Mills reached down and caressed her skin by the pink bandage she was wearing. “Decorated it huh?” he asked.

  “Well, I figured it needed something, and this is what my friend Faith had on her in her car.”

  “Faith, the blonde over there?” Louis asked.

  “Yup, that’s her. Hmm,” Louis said, and didn’t take his eyes off of Faith.

  Genesis chuckled. “Well, let me go grab those beers.” She walked away and felt Mills watching her. When she got to the bar, Faith was trying to not look toward the table.

  “Well? What do you think?” Faith asked.

  “I think he’s as interested in you as you are in him.”

  “Seriously? Oh God, I haven’t seen him close up. How much older is he?”

  “Older, Faith. His buddy, too.”


  “Don’t worry, just be your nice, friendly self.”

  “What if they both hit on you?”


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