WindSwept Narrows: #15 Rose Maddock

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WindSwept Narrows: #15 Rose Maddock Page 14

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  By dinner time, his silence was bothering her. He’d stepped outside several times to take private calls. That in itself was unusual for him, at least around her. The last two weeks they’d been together, he would hold up a finger occasionally but always took the call with her within hearing distance. He was smooth. There were his usual soft, gentle touches when he came near her, held her while they watched a movie after dinner. And when they made love, it was soft and sensuous and a long, long time before she could breathe and she didn’t mind in the least.

  Rose felt the hairs on her neck stand up when Ryan didn’t go off running in the morning. She frowned when he came from the shower and she was still rubbing sleep from her eyes.

  “Are you alright?” She asked curiously, sighing as she allowed the female in her to follow the lithe, limber muscles into the closet before she went into the bathroom. His answer had been a simple yes. She didn’t believe him and dressed quickly, running down the stairs carrying her shoes and searching the chairs for the pack she usually dropped when she came into the house. It was hitched on the back of one of the chairs so she dropped her shoes near it and started the coffee.

  “Ryan, why aren’t you out running?” Rose decided she needed to use direct, precise questions.

  “I’ve got something I need to handle this morning,” he answered smoothly, draining the cup of coffee and tipping his wrist over. “And you’re being taken to work and picked up.”

  “I’m…what?” Rose watched him hold her jacket out to her, his briefcase and her pack waiting by the door. “I can do that…” but she slid her arms into her jacket, frowning when he lifted her pack and opened the door for them. “Wait a minute…I have a car…I can drive…”

  “Rose, don’t argue with me, please. Until this thing is settled…”

  “This thing? You mean Tony?” She knew her voice was higher than usual, his palm on her elbow and guiding her to the car Matt had waiting for them. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the large, official looking black car with tinted windows and a privacy panel, if needed. She dug her heels in and glared at him. “I can drive myself. He’s not going to do something so stupid…”

  Rose felt the icy chill run along her spine when he stopped and met her gaze.

  “Really?” Ryan pulled the door wide, threw his case to the seat and dropped her pack inside next to it. “Why did you keep the file, Rose? When was the last time you looked at those photos?” He felt his jaw tighten, knew the pulse at the side of his throat was running on full high. She was wearing a pale green turtle neck sweater, but he knew the bruises that she was hiding.

  Pale lashes closed for a long minute as she shoved a deep breath between lips barely parted. She stepped past him, jerking her elbow free and slid over the seat of the car. Slim fingers wrapped around the straps of her pack, her chin tipped up and eyes staring blankly out the window.

  “We never did talk about how you got that file.”

  He considered this for a long, silent minute, nodding at Matt to go. “You told Matt and Susan about it. You told them they could look at it, Rose,” he waited for a response but she said nothing. “They were concerned and gave it to me. Why didn’t you tell me he’d been calling you?”

  “I don’t know,” she said quietly. “I wanted to keep him away from you. Keep that part of me…away from you.”

  Ryan stared at the back of her head in disbelief.

  “Rose, I believe I’m more than capable of handling someone like Martin. I don’t need you protecting…”

  “But you think I do?” She demanded, angry but uncertain at who. She snatched up her pack, slid his briefcase behind her and jumped from the car when it slowed at the employee entrance at the back of the resort. The door vibrated with the escaped fury she set free.

  He watched the stiff shoulders, long legs striding into the line and inside without looking back.

  “She’ll get over it, Ryan.” Matt said after they were back on the highway. He looked into the mirror at the sound of Ryan’s phone. He almost laughed at the expression on the man’s face when he looked down at the readout. “Problem?”

  “Only if you’re me…five o’clock court time. Which means she’s going to wear me out until she’s in the mood to talk about it,” he growled softly, opening his laptop and going to the in-box he wanted. Martin still hadn’t been located, but the restraining order was in place, his attorney assured him. Ryan shot a note to him to make certain the head of security for the resort received a copy of the restraining order as soon as possible and gave them Cassidy Parker-Lawson’s name.

  “Being the resourceful and intelligent man you are…” Matt chuckled as he negotiated the traffic.

  Rose ignored a lot of the morning, throwing herself into her work and not surfacing until her stomach threatened to abdicate. She was picking at the salad she had fixed herself with great disinterest, despite feeding her stomach enough to shut it up. Fingernails were picking up a piece of pineapple when the two trays were set down on the small table. Rose sighed and looked up.


  “You’re looking a little glum,” Abby commented in understanding.

  “I’m guessing the reason is this Tony Martin?” Cassidy sat down and began eating the excellent grilled chicken sandwich.

  Rose put two hands on her face.

  “Wishing for a pillow?” Abby asked with a wince, her fork sunk into the pasta hungrily.

  “Privacy. Privacy in ones personal life would be nice,” Rose mumbled testily.

  “You’re talking to the wrong girls on that one,” Cassidy shook her head ruefully. “Never ceases to amaze me the things that used to be private now belong to the world when you get involved with someone in the public eye.”

  “I grew up in it and I hate it,” Rose leaned back, eating slowly.

  “We got the notice from the attorney this morning,” Cassidy said quietly, watching the mixture of expressions on Rose’s face. “You did know about the restraining order, right?”

  She sighed thickly. “I know Ryan had an attorney working on it.”

  “Well. We know they’re useless, but it’s all part of the process,” Cassidy offered with a slight shrug. “I’ve circulated his photo and should he appear on any of our surveillance, the program we use will pick him out, alert us and we’ll escort him from the property. The management reserves the right…”

  “I don’t know that we can help, Rose, but we’re here when you need to talk,” Abby suggested honestly. “It’s not an easy thing to wrap your head around…the guy thing…”

  “It’s not only that,” she felt the mini volcano begin to bubble inside her. “Grannie kept me out of most of it….then I get back to Boston and I’m…I’m someone’s daughter, I’m the only child and heiress to the….augh!!”

  “Yeah…getting involved with guys with money makes your head hurt,” Abby agreed with a little nod.

  “Then as if the rich guy thing isn’t enough…Tony is threatening to cause a scandal for Ryan…and he doesn’t need that and Ryan thinks I need escorted around and…and carted everywhere like a…a…aaauuugghhhh!.”

  “Whoa…slow down, Rose,” Cassidy said firmly, steel grey eyes meeting the eruption in Rose’s glare. “I have a copy of the file. I saw what he did to you…no matter how much you think you can handle this on your own, you can’t.”

  “I can handle him,” she said firmly. “What I can’t deal with is him threatening Ryan.”

  “Have you read anything about Ryan’s past, Rose?” Abby looked cautiously from Cassidy to Rose. “He’s very good at handling both the public and the press as far as his personal life is concerned.”

  “And trust me…there is nothing that can dent his business reputation,” Cassidy shook her head. “I heard Mac and Cade talking about him when he was being brought into the reclamation. He’s backed a few unscrupulous unions against the wall as well as city officials. Evidently when he goes after something, he turns over rocks and mountains to find the information n
eeded to gain the upper hand.”

  “I won’t be caged,” Rose said angrily. “I appreciate your help…both of you…”

  “Being reckless won’t help things, Rose. You have to trust Ryan to take care of himself and…”

  “And me? I will and have been taking care of myself for a long time and no…no creature…is going to take that away from me,” Rose stood up and lifted her tray. “Thanks…and I’m sorry I’m not good company.”

  Abby pushed a soft breath between her lips and met Cassidy’s eyes.

  “You’re sure that recognition program will catch him?”

  “Unless he alters his appearance, yes. I’ve seen it in action,” Cassidy assured her with a sigh.

  Rose paced her office after everyone had gone. Several minutes later, there still wasn’t an answer inside her head so she snagged up her pack and headed to the underground and the gym. She was dressed and in the room swinging and striking when she heard him come in behind her.

  She remembered looking him over when they first began playing. He wore a plain tee shirt and sweat pants. Nothing fancy. Nothing to even come close to shouting at the world what he was worth in society and business. She fought the grudging admiration, kicking at it like a child with a tin can.

  Rose released the wrist guard and fastened it again, the small blue ball gripped in one hand. She bounced it a couple times on the floor, waiting and watching him prepare.

  “Shall we volley for serve? Or flip a coin,” Ryan asked, a maddening grin on his face when she merely looked at him. “How about rock, paper, scissors?”

  “You’re in a chipper mood,” she said indifferently.

  “And you…are not,” he responded, his tone level and eyes watchful. It was impossible to miss the tension and heat generating from her.

  Rose bounced the ball to him and moved to take her stance. “Serve.”

  “What? No, ‘hello, darling, how was your day? I missed you dreadfully,’” he caught the ball, his voice light and chiding. “I’m devastated.”

  “You…are irritating,” Rose countered, refusing to look at him even when he chuckled and bounced the ball.

  “It’s an art form,” Ryan returned modestly. “Ready?”


  The game remained steady and even until Ryan asked a question.

  “How long are you intending to sulk, Rose?”

  “I am not sulking,” she bit through her teeth, swearing softly when her focus skipped a beat and she missed the ball.

  “What would you call it?” He served again, listening to the power she put into her swings and her movements. “I spoke to your father this morning,” he winced when she walloped the ball into the wall and watched it come towards him, his backhand catching it effortlessly. “I promised him I’d keep you safe.”

  Rose ground her teeth and refused to think about anything but the small blue ball speeding around her.

  “I am not your responsibility,” she said before she could think, shooting the ball back at him and following it with her eyes and body.

  “The hell you’re not.” Anger finally surfaced, a moment’s distraction that had him swinging and missing the ball with a frustrated curse. “Damn it, Rose! What the bloody hell do you think would happen to me if that idiot got his hands on you again?” He caught the ball and held it tightly in his palm, facing her when she came up sharply a foot from him.

  “What do you think would happen to me if he hurt you to get to me?” She threw back, satisfied when he looked stunned at her words.

  Ryan quickly took in the stiffened arms, the tight bundles of her fists and blaring anger in those fire tinged amber eyes.

  “Makes us a sorry pair, doesn’t it, Rose?” His palm rose to touch her face but she took a step back out of range.

  “We’re fighting. Don’t do that,” she warned, reaching out and taking the ball and moving to her stance.

  “Then we bloody well need to stop fighting and settle this,” Ryan swung at the serve she made, the game in play as he bent slightly and watched her and the ball slamming into the walls.

  “There’s nothing to settle. I can take care of myself, thank you though, for your kind attention to my well being,” Rose informed him, returning the ball with a smash.

  “Bloody hell…kind attention? You want me to wave the police photos at you, Rose?”

  “I won’t be caught unawares again,” she vowed bitterly, slamming her racquet against the blue ball.

  “Really? Have you happened to look in the mirror lately?” He struck the ball, feeling only the smallest hint of remorse when he glimpsed the stricken look in her eyes just before she slammed the ball in his direction, making him duck and prepare to return.

  “I am not a victim,” she spit out furiously, swinging and shooting the ball at him.

  “My sweet Rose…” The softest lilt of Ireland came out with his voice. “I do not in any way at all see you as a victim. But I do want to keep you mine.”

  Rose swore when she miss stepped, the ball soaring past at the same time the buzzer sounded for the end of their period. She spun away from him, as furious with herself as the rest of the world at the moment. The wrist guard hit her pack at the same time she shoved the racquet into its case, zipping it and heading for the door.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ryan moved quickly, gripping her palm once they were outside. Because he could feel the mass of conflicting emotions inside her, he didn’t have to search far for a soft, gentle tone.

  “Let’s go home, Rose…please…” He swore softly when she tried to look quickly away, blinking rapidly to dispel the moisture from those wide, luminous eyes. Relief filled him when she nodded and let him lead her toward the exit and the parking lot. “Matt is waiting for us in the parking lot.”

  Rose slid across the seat, hugging her pack to her.

  “Hi, Matt,” she said quietly, staring out the side window.

  “Good evening, Rose.” Matt looked into the mirror and met the blue eyes peering back. “Did you need to go anywhere tonight?”

  Ryan let the silence fill the unmoving car for a long minute before speaking, his arm stretched along the seat and hand touching the hair clinging to her ear.

  “He’s asking you, Rose, if you had any errands you wanted to run tonight?”

  “I…me? No…no, thank you,” she answered, her head bobbing from one to the other, relieved when the can started moving. “And that is one of the issues!” She announced disagreeably.

  Ryan almost breathed a sigh of relief. “One of the issues.” He repeated quietly, meeting Matt’s glance and offering an imperceivable shake of his head.

  “I do not need to be…to be taken places. I don’t like it,” she declared crossly.

  “It’s not forever, Rose,” Ryan wanted her talking, wanted her to understand how very important her safety was to him. “As soon as Harry finds the idiot, he’ll be dealt with, trust me.”

  “Dealt with?” She spun on the seat, facing him and glaring suspiciously. “What’s that mean?”

  “He’ll be convinced to return to Boston and never contact you again,” Ryan said succinctly, his words clear and concise.

  Rose considered his words. Accompanied with the dark blue ice in his eyes, she didn’t doubt he was serious. How would Ryan respond if Tony tried blackmailing him? She wasn’t all that sure what there was to blackmail him about, though, that was a big part of the problem.

  “Would he be able to blackmail you?” Rose wasn’t prepared for the laughter, not from both of them.

  “Rose, you are an amazing delight,” Ryan took one of her hands and let their fingers weave together when the car stopped at the front of the house. “Let’s have some dinner. I’m starving.”

  “Why are the two of you laughing? He’d try and get money from you…I know he would,” she frowned at them, her pack dangling from one hand.

  “Because we’re living together? I’ve got your father’s bloody blessing, Rose! Who the hell else matters to
us?” Ryan chuckled, striding inside and dropping his bag on the steps to the bedroom. “Thanks, Susan. Have a good night,” he told her, locking the door and setting the alarms before going to the kitchen where she’d been instructed to set their personal meals. A pleasant, cozy nook just big enough for two people.

  Rose dropped her bag next to his on the stairs before going into the kitchen and washing her hands. She was caught between watching him do the same as she dried them on a towel, chewing her lip in thought before sinking onto the wide, comfortable bench. The meal smelled delicious, the entire house reeked of the mixture of spices. She lifted a cauliflower spear between her fingers and chewed thoughtfully before lifting her fork and eating quietly.

  Ryan made it half way through the spicy sweet and sour mixture over rice before speaking.

  “Rose…there is nothing Martin can do to hurt me…unless he hurts you,” he met the eyes that raised from the plate she was studying more than eating from.

  “He wants money,” she said after a very long pause.

  “How do you know that?”

  Rose looked into his eyes. “He’s different than the…the man the other morning. He…he believes he’s in love with Daphne. A strange definition of love, I suppose, but he does. Tony doesn’t care about me. Money and status were important to him. And you buy status with money. I don’t know what he thought was so scandalous that you could be blackmailed, Ryan.” She didn’t have much appetite, but knew she had to eat so she took another couple bites.

  “Your father’s coming over tomorrow for dinner,” Ryan told her as she began cleaning up the kitchen. “Susan’s making lasagna and a big salad.”


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