Blackbird Fly Home (Doyle Global Securities Book 1)

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Blackbird Fly Home (Doyle Global Securities Book 1) Page 9

by Kendel Duncan

  Jesse sighed as he leaned his head onto Noah’s shoulder, “Don’t shut me out of this, Noah. Please. Let me do something. He never let me do anything, ever. For once in my life let me help.”

  Noah’s hand came up to cradle Jesse’s head, “You will, babe. I promise,” he whispered into his hair just before he pressed a kiss into it.

  God, he was so fucked when it came to this man.


  “So, if we were to try to lure him out, does anyone have any suggestions?” Morgan said as he shoveled a big bite of spaghetti in his mouth.

  They were all seated around the huge wooden table that sat by the windows in one corner of the Great Room.

  “We could drop subtle clues that the two of you are up here,” Beau said.

  Noah shook his head but didn’t say anything.

  “What about social media posts of the two of you together?”

  Again, Noah shook his head but didn’t say anything.

  After a few more suggestions, Morgan looked over at Noah. “You’ve shot down every suggestion, why?”

  “Because all of them won’t get Jacob himself here. He’ll just hire a bunch of goons to come up here, storm the place, people will get hurt, and I’m not going without a fucking fight, I can tell you that right now.”

  “So, what will get him up here?”

  Noah glanced to his right, “Jesse.”

  “What?” Jesse said as he looked over.

  Noah’s hand began rubbing up and down Jesse’s back, “We give Jesse a phone. He calls Jacob and acts like he doesn’t want to be here, like he wants Jacob to come and rescue him. That’s what will get him up here.”

  “What do you say, kid. You up for it?”

  Jesse swallowed hard as he stared at Noah. “Yeah, I am,” he finally said.

  “Okay, how do you want to do this, Noah? This is your show,” Morgan said.

  “Let me sleep on it tonight. We’ll regroup at breakfast in the morning and work out scenarios, okay?”

  Morgan got the visitors situated, with Beau and Ryan on the living room couch, Kelly and Cole in one guestroom and Noah and Jesse in the other. Cooper and Riley were going to take first watch. They’d wake Kelly in three hours to take over and then Beau and Ryan would take final night watch while Coop and Riley got some shut-eye on the couch.

  Noah tried to sleep, he really did. But there was too much going on in his head. So, he gently extracted his arm from underneath Jesse’s head and quietly rolled from the bed. He put on his clothes, grabbed his jacket by the door and walked outside to find Cooper and Riley.

  “Couldn’t sleep?” Coop said when he saw him.

  Noah shook his head as he tucked his hands into his pockets. He tipped his chin out into the darkness, “He checking the perimeter?”

  “Riley’s assessing it. He’s finding all of our weak points and determining if we need to shore them up or guard those more closely.”

  “You guys need any help with that?”

  Cooper just smiled at him and shook his head. “How long have you worked for Morgan?”

  “Ten years.”

  “So, you know the drill. Too many hands in the pot usually makes things messy.”

  “Yeah, I know. I just, fuck, I’ve never been this so involved before. And I sure as fuck have never been at this end of an Op.”

  “I know, bud. But you’ve just got to trust that we’ve got your back. Nothing is going to happen to you or your guy. Not on our watch.”

  Your guy.

  Was Jesse his guy? How did Noah feel about that? He’d never had a guy, not really. His relationship with Jacob didn’t count because during that, Jacob sure in the fuck wasn’t his guy. He was Jacob’s guy.

  But now he decided that he liked the sound of Jesse being his guy, if Jesse wanted to be that is. He would never force anything on Jesse, not ever.

  They both stared off into the darkness for a few minutes until they heard the door open behind them.

  “Noah?” Jesse whispered.

  Noah popped to his feet and spun around. And the second he saw the tear streaks on Jesse’s cheeks and the pale, scared look….

  “Fuck, I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry, babe. I never should’ve left you,” he whispered as he pulled Jesse into his arms, tucking his head into his chest.

  “Why did you….leave?” Jesse whispered.

  “I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t want my tossing and turning to wake you. Did you have another nightmare?”

  Jesse shook his head no – which surprised Noah but then he said, “I got cold and then when I woke up and you weren’t there….I got scared.”

  “I’m so sorry, babe. I didn’t think. It was stupid of me. It won’t happen again. Let’s go back to bed, okay?”

  Without saying anything to Cooper, because he knew the man would understand, Noah led Jesse back to their room.

  Jesse wrapped his arms and legs around Noah like an octopus and Noah listened as his breathing evened out, letting him know that Jesse was asleep again. And then he decided to take Cooper’s words to heart, to trust that these men had his back, and Noah shut off his mind and drifted into sleep too.


  Jacob Knight was pissed. He was livid. He was angrier than he’d ever been in his life. But you’d never know that by looking at him.

  From the outside he appeared calm, cool, collected – just like he always did.

  But he really wanted to rage. Fuck did he need to rage.

  The knock on his office door tore his thoughts away from what he wanted to do as he stared out his huge office window that overlooked downtown Denver.


  “Damn, that case was brutal, yeah?” one of his law partners and close friends, Michael, said.

  “It was.”

  “But you powered through like a champ, as always. You’re coming tonight, right?”

  Jacob looked over at Michael with a raised eyebrow, “Tonight?”

  “The barbecue? My place? Pool party? You and Jesse can soak up some rays, eat some food and cuddle up poolside.”

  Jacob cringed at the mention of Jesse’s name.

  “Jesse’s gone,” he mumbled as he turned back to the window.

  “Gone? As in gone gone?”

  Jacob sighed, “No. He had a family emergency. He’ll be back……soon.”

  “Oh. Does this mean you’ll be playing around again?”

  Jacob turned to glare at Michael.

  Yes, they both belonged to the same kink club, yes, they had gone there together on occasion, never to play together because that never felt right to either of them, but they did sometimes choose partners and fuck in the same room. Michael really got off watching Jacob tie someone up, use the whip or paddles on them, or both, edge them over and over until the man was a quivering, blubbering, begging mess and then Jacob would bury his dick inside and pound the fuck out of them. Michael’s kink was watching Jacob. But that only happened at the club.

  How long had it been since they’d gone? Jacob tried to think back. His thoughts had been so consumed with Jesse and his upcoming birthday that he hadn’t even thought about going. It had to have been at least six months. Six months since he’d had sex with anything other than his hand, or Jesse’s hand when he allowed himself that small luxury.

  Why the fuck had he waited with Jesse? He should’ve claimed him the day he turned eighteen. The man should be marked as Jacob’s, he should know that he belonged to Jacob without a doubt, he should be ruined for all other men. But instead, Jacob had this stupid idea, this thing, about waiting until Jesse turned twenty-five to claim him. Why? Right now, as his hands squeezed into tight fists at his side and he thought about missed opportunities, he said, “Let’s do it,” before he even realized he had spoken.

  Michael’s eyes went wide with surprise, “Right now? It’s only two in the afternoon.”

  “So? Is there some reason you can’t have sex before dark? Does your dick not work or something?”

chael smirked, “Fuck you, Knight. My dick works just fine any time of the day,” he said as he pushed up out of the chair.

  Michael walked towards Jacob’s office door and pulled it open while Jacob gathered his keys and cell phone.

  He was tucking everything into pockets as he crossed the floor and just as he went to slide his cell into his inner jacket pocket, it buzzed in his hand. He frowned down at the unknown number on the screen, “Jacob Knight,” he said as he brought it to his ear.


  Jacob’s feet froze and he had to grab onto the door to keep from collapsing onto his knees, “Jesse? Baby? Are you okay?”

  “I want to come home, Jacob. Can I please come home?”

  Jacob squeezed his eyes shut for a second. When he opened them, he realized that Michael was watching him with a concerned look. He held up one finger to him and then closed the door in his face.

  “Of course, you can, sweetheart. I miss you so much. Where are you? Can you tell me where you are?”

  “I’m not sure. It’s a big house. A big log cabin. It’s up in the mountains somewhere. But I’m not sure where it is.”

  “Did, did he, did Noah,” Jacob gritted out his former lover’s name and barely refrained from punching the wall when he did, “did he drive you there or did you fly first?”

  “D-d-drive. I want to come home. He’s not nice, Jacob. I don’t like it here.”

  “Can you leave this cell phone on, sweetheart? I might be able to track it.”

  “I-I-I can try. Someone’s coming. I have to go,” he whispered.

  “I’m coming for you Jesse,” Jacob said and then he realized that the call had ended.

  His fist squeezed his cell phone so tightly he was surprised he didn’t crack it in half.

  After a few deep breaths to get himself under control, he turned and yanked the door open only to find a surprised-looking Michael standing right there.

  “Everything okay?”

  “I’m going to have to cancel. Both this afternoon and the dinner. I have some things to take care of.”

  “What? Why? Jacob, what’s going on?”

  As the elevator doors opened, Jacob stepped inside, turned and glared, “Nothing that I can’t handle. It might take a few days though.”

  “Oh,” Michael said as he blinked, “well, since the Jefferson case is over, I don’t think there’s anything pressing right now, yeah?”

  “No, there’s not. I’ll be in touch,” Jacob said as the doors slid shut.

  The second they opened, depositing him in the dark, underground garage, Jacob had his phone out and up to his ear. “What?” the gruff voice on the other end barked out.

  “I’m calling in that favor.”

  “Yeah? Well, make it fast. I’m leaving the country in a week.”

  “Hopefully it won’t take that long. I need a cell number tracked.”


  Jacob rattled off the number from his phone.

  “Give me ten,” the man said and then he ended the call.

  Jacob walked to his Audi and got inside. After his phone synced, he scrolled through his contacts and pressed dial.

  “Jacob Knight, as I live and breathe. How are you?”

  “I’m good Niles.”

  “Since neither I nor any of my people are currently jailed, am I to assume this is a different type of call?”

  “I need to borrow two of your men. Good, strong ones that will follow my instructions to a T.”

  “Of course, of course. May I ask the nature of the errand they are to be running? I need to be able to supply you with the right men.”

  Jacob hesitated as he gathered his words, “I’m going to rescue someone who has been kidnapped but I need to do it without involving police or any law enforcement.”

  “Yes, yes, I understand. Getting the law involved can be messy. I can send you Henry and Craig. They are strong. Craig is an excellent marksman if you need that. And Henry, well, you’ll see. He’s as strong as an ox. When shall I send them.”

  “Now, to my condo. I’ll let the doorman know they are coming.”

  “Perfect. They will be there within the hour.”

  Jacob backed out of his parking space, “Thank you, Niles.”

  “Anything for you, Jacob,” Niles said and then he ended the call.

  Jacob’s phone rang with an unknown number, “Jacob Knight.”


  All the breath left Jacob’s lungs and it took the honk from the car behind him to realize that he had slowed down to a crawl on the busy road. “Noah,” he finally managed to say, even though it hurt like hell to say it. He despised the man for leaving him but part of him still loved him so much. “If you touch a hair on his head, I will fucking kill you.”

  Noah barked out a laugh, “Seriously? He’s so damn pretty, how am I supposed to stay away? And a virgin too? Damn, Jacob, that took some serious restraint. I’m almost impressed.”

  Jacob pulled his car into the underground garage at his condo, parked and squeezed his eyes shut. “What do you want, Noah?” he finally whispered.

  “What do I want? Now, there’s something I’ve never heard before coming from your lips. I don’t want anything, not from you anyways. I’m just calling to let you know that I’m going to take him, Jacob, tonight. I’m going to bury my cock, my bare cock, in his ass, fill him and make him mine, Jacob. I’m going to let him know how a real man can make him feel.”

  “Please don’t hurt him, Noah,” he whispered.

  “Don’t hurt him? Don’t hurt him? Why wasn’t I good enough for you to not hurt, Jacob? Why wasn’t I good enough for you?” Noah shouted into the phone and then he ended the call.

  A tear rolled down Jacob’s cheek because he really didn’t have an answer to that.


  Trigger stepped into Julian’s office and quietly walked up to his desk.

  “Hey, babe. What’s up?” Julian said without looking up from whatever paperwork he was tending to at the moment.

  When Trigger didn’t answer, Julian’s eyes trailed up to Trigger’s and then he frowned, “What is it? Tell me.”

  Trigger tugged his fingers through his hair, “Yeah, um, do you remember that situation I told you about with that group of guys I was friends with in college?”

  “You mean when you almost got popped for hacking into the DOD’s missile guidance system?”

  Trigger smirked, “Well, it wasn’t me who did it but, yeah, I was with those guys when they did. They weren’t going to do anything, it was all about the challenge of trying to get in.”

  Julian pursed his lips, “Mmm-hmmm.”

  “Anyways, the lawyer I had, the one who managed to keep my name out of everything? It was Jacob Knight.”

  Julian nodded his head, “I’ve heard of him. Why are you telling me all of this now?”

  “He, um, he called me a few minutes ago. He was calling in a favor. When he helped me before, I told him he could call me, once, if he ever needed something. Today, he finally called.”


  “He needed me to track a cell phone.”

  “Okay,” Julian said, elongating the word, “Is there a problem?”

  “The cell he asked me to trace? It’s currently at or near Morgan and Luther’s cabin.”

  Julian’s eyes went wide and he reached for the phone on his desk. He didn’t even look at it as he pressed one button on it and brought it up to his ear… some sort of fucking bat signal or some shit.

  Julian wiggled his fingers, “The number?”

  “Oh,” Trigger said as he dug around in his pants pockets. He finally found the small scrap of paper and handed it over to Julian.

  His husband rattled off the number to whoever was on the phone and then said, “Does that number belong to someone at your cabin?”

  Julian’s penetrating stare stayed locked on Trigger as he listened, occasionally nodding his head or saying, “Yep.”

  “Yeah, they as
ked him to trace it,” Julian said and Trig knew he and the man on the phone were talking about him.

  Julian lowered the mouthpiece, “Have you given him the information yet?”

  Trigger shook his head in a no.

  “Not yet. Are you sure? Okay, I’ll tell him. Do you need me out there? Okay, okay, yeah, we will. Stay safe, Luther,” he said and then he ended the call.

  Julian stared at Trigger for long enough that he started to squirm a little in his seat. He hadn’t done anything wrong, had he?

  “Relax, babe. Everything’s fine. Go call Jacob and give him the information you found.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because it’s a set-up. They want Jacob to know where they are. They’re waiting for him.”

  Trigger slowly rose from his seat, “Okay, if they’re sure,” he said as he turned to walk out of the room.

  “Oh, they’re sure. Just like I’m sure you’re going to come right back in here and ride my fat cock the second you’re done.”

  Trigger’s feet faltered and he turned to find Julian grinning from ear to ear as he leaned back in his chair and flicked his fingers over the button on his jeans.

  Trigger wanted to argue, he wanted to put his cocky husband in his place.

  But who was he kidding?

  They both knew Trigger couldn’t get enough of his man’s dick. He couldn’t get enough of any part of the man.

  He loved Julian with everything he had, loved every inch of him, from his thick thighs that held Trigger so tight, to his big hands that pulled him close, to his huge heart that let Trigger know every second of every day how much he was loved, to his huge dick that gave Trigger more pleasure than he’d ever known in his life, and yes, even to his cocky ego that knew no bounds and challenged Trigger at every turn. Yeah, he was a goner for the man currently smirking at him.

  And he was just fine with that.

  “I’ll be back in five,” he said as he turned back to walk out the door.


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