Blackbird Fly Home (Doyle Global Securities Book 1)

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Blackbird Fly Home (Doyle Global Securities Book 1) Page 12

by Kendel Duncan

  But he wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  No, he’d never make that fucking mistake again.

  Jacob pushed open the door and…..

  Fuck, he looked pissed.

  Noah immediately tried to rack his brain to try to figure out if there was anything he’d done to anger the man currently glaring at him.

  He couldn’t think of anything. Not one damn thing.

  He took a deep breath, “Hi, baby, how was your day?”

  Jacob stared at him with an unreadable expression before looking towards the kitchen, “It was fucked. Dinner ready?”

  “It is. We’re having lemon….”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Strip.”

  Noah’s mouth fell open, “But, but don’t you want to eat first?”

  He needed Jacob to eat that dinner. He hadn’t taken the time to dissolve the last of his Vicodin and Percocet in the sauce just to have it go uneaten.

  Jacob pinned him with a furious glare as he took a step forward while loosening his tie, “What I want, you argumentative little shit, is to get my dick sucked and then bury it in your ass. What I don’t want is someone who is going to question me. If I want that, I can go back to the office and hang out with other lawyers.”

  Noah snapped his mouth shut and tried to quell the shaking in his fingers as he reached up to undo the buttons on his shirt. He pulled his shirt down his arms and then carefully folded it and placed it on the small table next to the couch. As he reached for the button on his pants he had to fight the cringe when he heard Jacob’s zipper slide down. He stared down at his feet as he slid his pants and briefs down his legs rather than looking at the last thing he wanted to see – Jacob’s angry, hard cock as he stroked it. He hated that thick fucking thing because it hurt him….all the fucking time. As he stood back up, naked as the day he was born, he glanced to the drawer in the side table, “Do you want me to grab the lube?”

  Please say yes, please fucking say yes, Noah thought.

  “What the fuck for? You know I need the friction to get off,” he growled as he stepped forward and pressed a bony hand to Noah’s shoulder, “Get on your fucking knees and get me wet.”

  Noah complied and sucked Jacob’s dick into his mouth, trying not to gag when he noticed the dried come around the base of it – which meant that Jacob had gotten off since he’d showered that morning…and that meant only one thing. He wrapped his hand around the base and stroked it as he pulled his mouth off, “Do you want to get in the shower with me?” he asked, hopefully, as he stared up at Jacob.

  “What I fucking want is to come, Noah.”

  Noah’s eyes glanced to the dried white pieces still clinging to Jacob’s pubes, “But, but…”

  Jacob’s eyes tracked down where Noah’s were and then he yanked on Noah’s hair, forcing his eyes back onto Noah’s, “But what? That,” he snapped, emphasizing the word, “is because you don’t give me everything I need. If you got me off like you should instead of whining and complaining that I was hurting you then I wouldn’t have to seek out other willing holes to bury my dick in. Now suck my fucking cock, Noah. Or should I call someone to join us who will?”

  Noah’s heart jackhammered in his chest as he shook his head, remembering the last time Jacob had brought someone home with him. The two of them had rammed their huge cocks into Noah’s hole at the same time, making him feel like he was going to split in two. He bled and could hardly walk for two days after that. He shook his head, “I’ll take care of you, Jacob. I promise,” he whispered just before he sucked the man’s dick back into his mouth. He tried to get as much spit on it as he could but his mouth suddenly felt drier than the Sahara.

  “That’s enough. Bend over the couch,” Jacob barked out as he pulled Noah up by his hair.

  “Are you, will you prep me? I’m still sore from last night.”

  “Boo-fucking-hoo,” Jacob mocked and then he shoved his dick all the way in without any warning.

  Noah just barely managed to bite down on his tongue to keep from crying out, because he knew how much that pissed Jacob off. But there was nothing he could do about the tears that sprung from his eyes. Fire had a tendency to make people’s eyes water. And right now, that was how his insides felt – like they were on fire.

  Jacob grunted behind Noah as he began ramming his dick in and out.

  “You better fucking come,” he growled.

  Oh god, no, Noah thought with an inward groan. Most of the time Jacob didn’t give a fuck if Noah got off on what he was doing to him, hadn’t for a long time, which had worked out well for Noah since he usually felt like throwing up whenever Jacob touched him.

  But, every once in a while, that changed.

  Like now.

  Noah pressed his forehead onto the back of the couch as he gritted through the pain that was shooting through his body. He wrapped his hand around his limp dick, closed his eyes and tried to picture something, anything, that would help him get off.

  The image of the muscular, smiling, incredibly hot delivery driver popped into his head, with his arms bulging out of his short-sleeved shirt, his thick, hairy thighs and calves on display beneath his shorts, and his round, firm ass that was just begging to be squeezed. He used that image to form a fantasy of him letting the guy into the house and then the two of them going after each other like they were so hot for each other that they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. God, he wanted that, he wanted it so badly he could taste it.

  “I’m, I’m going to come,” he mumbled as that fantasy played out in his mind and he, blessedly, felt that tingle shoot down his spine.

  “Catch it. I don’t want to have to clean that shit off the couch or the floor,” Jacob growled.

  Noah’s orgasm raced out the end of his dick and into his cupped hand, making him feel nothing except for the slight relief that meant that Jacob would be done soon.

  “That’s right, Noah. Squeeze my fucking cock with that ass. Take my fucking spunk from me. Take it, take it, fuck!” Jacob yelled out and then he shoved his dick so far inside Noah that he swore he could feel it in the back of his throat.

  And then those feelings came. He both hated it and loved it when Jacob finally came. Hated it because it made him feel slimy and gross inside. Loved it because it added some blessed lubrication to his aching hole as the man slowed his thrusts as he came down from his orgasm high.

  As Jacob’s dick slid from Noah’s hole he growled, “Don’t let any of it fall on the floor. Squeeze that ass shut for fuck’s sake,” as he closed up his pants.

  Noah turned around, his own come cupped in his hand, “I need to wash this off first and then I can get dressed,” he mumbled.

  Jacob looked at Noah’s come with disgust, “Fine. Wash that crap off. But no clothes. I’ll need to plug that hole a few more times before bed to work off my bad day.”

  “But, but, I’m really sore, Jacob,” Noah whispered.

  Jacob’s hand shot out and clenched Noah’s jaw so tight that Noah knew he’d have bruises, “How sore will you be if I have to beat the shit out of you first? You are here to take care of my needs, Noah. Don’t fucking forget that.”

  Noah’s dropped his eyes, “Yes, Sir,” he whispered.

  “Go, wash that shit off before it makes me gag.”

  Noah nodded and stepped towards the kitchen but when he noticed Jacob heading down the hall, he stopped. “Aren’t you going to eat dinner?” he whispered.

  Jacob shook his head, “Nope. Ate at the club. Throw that shit away and come wash me.”

  And then he was gone, disappeared down the hall.

  And Noah was left standing there, come in his hand, come in his ass, and with no hope of anything ever changing.


  “Babe? Noah?” Jesse’s voice pulled Noah from his trip down horrendous memory lane.

  “Hey, where did you go?” he said, concern written all over his face.

  “I….,” Noah began but then clamped his mouth shut. How was he
supposed to tell Jesse where his mind had gone?

  Jesse cupped his cheek, “You went back there, with him, didn’t you?”

  Noah nodded slowly, “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “The only thing you should feel sorry for is that you felt like you couldn’t tell me. You can talk to me, Noah. He may not have been the same violent monster to me that he was with you, but he was still a monster. Don’t hide anything from me, okay?”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I, I just don’t want you to look at me differently.”

  Jesse’s eyes snapped up, “Never. I could never look or feel differently about you, Noah. It doesn’t matter what you tell me, I will always want you, always need you, always….love you.”

  Noah’s eyes squeezed shut at those words. It was the first time either of them had said them out loud.

  “Jess, I…”

  Jesse silenced him with a soft kiss to his lips, “No. Not now,” he whispered against Noah’s mouth.

  The earpiece crackled in Noah’s ear, “Stay on point, people. I see a car coming down the main road,” Cooper’s voice said in his ear.

  Shit, how long had Noah been lost to his memories?

  He clasped Jesse’s hand, “We need to get to a safer place where we can watch, babe,” he said as he pulled him over to the window that looked out over the driveway. He angled the blinds so the view inside was mostly blocked then he crouched down on the floor near the edge of the window, pulling Jesse down with him and tucking him behind his body. “You stay right there, okay?” he said as he pulled the nine-mil from the holster under his arm and checked to make sure the clip was full, chambered a round and then tucked it back into the holster. Then he did the same thing with the thirty-eight on his ankle.

  “If anything happens to me, the Impala that we drove up here in is in the garage with the keys in it and five grand in the glove box. Run, Jesse. Run as far as you can. Please promise me that you’ll never fall back into that man’s evil clutches again, okay?”

  Jesse opened his mouth to say something and Noah knew the man well enough now to know that he was going to argue, but Riley’s voice in his ear made him interrupt.

  “Heads up. We’ve got company. We’re pulling back to the second line.”

  “Copy that,” Beau that said.

  “They’re coming,” Noah whispered to Jesse. He felt the man’s body stiffen behind him as he placed a hand on Noah’s shoulder.

  “Can, um, can the guys outside somehow subdue the men that Jacob brought with him and then let him through?”

  Noah blinked, “What? Why?”

  “We need him to do something bad, right? We need him to do something that will land him in jail, something that he can’t possibly get out of, yes?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “If he tried to kidnap me, if he put a gun to me to try to get me to go with him, that would work, yeah?”

  “Bait? No, Jess, I can’t possibly let….”

  Jesse cut him off by biting Noah on his neck under his ear, “Equal partners, remember, Noah? You said we were equal. You aren’t letting me do this. I’m telling you that I will do it, because it will work.”

  “But, he’ll have a gun on you, Jess. What if I can’t get you away from him?”

  “You will.”


  Jesse cut him off, “You will, Noah. You will save me, I know you will.”

  Noah stared over his shoulder at Jesse. Damn it, he needed to keep his focus, but the determination and lack of fear on the man’s face were…..incredible.

  “He’s right, Noah,” Morgan’s voice said in his ear.

  “Not now, Morg,” he growled.

  Movement from the hallway had Noah’s eyes snapping to the left where he saw Luther walking out from the back bedrooms and he was carrying….fuck…a bullet-proof vest.

  Noah scrubbed his hand over his face. He wanted to jump up and scream NO. He wanted to lock Jesse away in a back room somewhere, away from all this ugliness.

  “Shirt off, Jesse,” he heard Luther say from behind him. He listened to the sounds of Jesse removing his shirt, Luther fixing the Velcro straps to fit the vest and then Jesse pulling his shirt back on. Noah had a bad feeling about this. He had a really, really bad feeling about all of this……


  Noah groaned and tried to open his eyes. Big mistake. The pain he felt in his head increased by a factor of about a thousand the second some light, however dim, filtered inside. He barely had time to realize he was sitting upright, his hands somehow tied behind his body, as he leaned his head over to the right and puked onto the floor. After spitting a few times, he let his chin drop to his chest.


  Where the fuck was he and how the fuck did he get here?

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried think back to what the last thing was that he remembered. He’d been in the cabin and…….

  Motherfuckingshit. Jesse.

  “Jess?” he whispered, even though the sound of his own voice hurt his head so bad he felt like he might puke again.

  Oh God, where was Jesse?

  Where was he?

  Where was……

  “Really, Noah?” Jacob’s voice said angrily as it got closer, “Vomit? I thought you were tougher than that,” he finished as he yanked Noah, chair and all, and dragged him about ten feet to the left.

  Hearing Jacob’s voice made Noah feel like his naked body was being dragged over broken glass.

  It made him feel weak.

  It made him feel vulnerable.

  It made him feel small again.

  And he didn’t like it one bit.

  He felt Jacob’s hands on his torso as he man grabbed his shirt and tore it in half, exposing his chest. “Fuck you, Jacob. I’m not your puppet on a string anymore. You can’t hurt me.”

  “Oh, we’ll see about that, Noah. You took what’s mine.”

  Noah glared up at Jacob, or he tried to anyways through his swollen eyes and blood spattered face and said, “I did. And you know what? I’ve already had him, Jacob. He’s mine now, all mine.”

  Jacob’s eyes flared with a fury that Noah hadn’t seen since…….

  Well, now was not the time for a trip down memory lane.

  Or was it?

  “What? You don’t like that I had him, Jacob? You don’t like that I buried my fat cock inside his sweet, untouched ass and filled it up as he cried out my name? I thought that was your thing, Jacob? Burying your bare dick inside a hole and filling it. Isn’t it? It was when you were with me. Why haven’t you touched Jesse? Why haven’t you shoved your dry cock into his unprepped hole and made him cry out in pain? Can’t get it up anymore? Or is it something else? Was there some reason that I became your punching bag and he didn’t?”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Jacob yelled as he backhanded Noah across the cheek, making his head snap hard to the left.

  He leaned over and spat blood onto the floor.

  “Is that all you’ve got? You’re getting weak in your old age.”

  Noah knew it was probably a bad idea to poke Jacob’s buttons like this. Okay, scratch that, it was a monumentally stupid idea, but…..

  For every second that Jacob’s wrath was directed at Noah, that was one second that it wasn’t pointed at Jesse. And that made all of this pain worth it.

  Jacob locked his fingers in the hair at the top of Noah’s head and he yanked his head back. “You!” he shouted as his chest heaved in and out, “you were always in need of my discipline. He behaved! He was good and pure and perfect and…..” Jacob’s breath hitched as he choked back a sob.

  Behaved? Was good? Past tense?

  Noah swallowed hard as he prepared to say his next words. He didn’t want to ask them because the answer to them terrified him. But he had to know.

  “Jacob? Where’s Jesse?”

  Jacob glared at him, spittle running out of the corner of his mouth like a trapped bull. But then he frowned. And then he barked out a laugh as he tur
ned away. A laugh that sounded like Jacob was anything but amused.

  “You really don’t remember, do you?” he said.

  Noah wracked his brain. The last thing he remembered was being in Morgan’s place. Jesse was behind him and Luther put a bullet-proof vest on him and then……and then…….

  Memories began pouring into his head like flashes from a strobe light.

  Luther went down.

  Noah and Jesse both stood up and turned to find that Jacob was in the house. He was in the fucking house. Somehow, he had snuck around from the side and into the back of the house while Morgan and everyone were busy up front dealing with the two men that Jacob had hired. There was no way that Morgan or the men out there had let Jacob through because they hadn’t finalized their plan yet. Morgan wouldn’t do that. These men wouldn’t do that. And yet, somehow, Jacob had done it anyways.

  Before Noah could stop him, Jesse ran at Jacob, screaming at him that Jacob couldn’t have him anymore because he belonged to Noah. The two had fought for a moment and then Jesse was in Jacob’s clutches with a gun pointed at his ribcage.

  Tears ran down Jesse’s cheeks as he stared at Noah.

  “I’m so sorry, Noah. I blew it. I thought I could stop him and I didn’t. I fucked up. I’m so sorry.”

  “No, baby, don’t. You were so brave and I’m so proud of you,” Noah said, the two of them completely ignoring the other man in the room – Jacob.

  Jacob’s eyes moved between the two of them before he glared and spat out, “Enough. He’s coming with me.”

  “Noah? You said you wouldn’t let him take me. Please don’t let him take me. You promised,” Jesse said as panic seeped into his eyes.


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