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Diego Page 18

by Hope Stone

  “Ayy, what did he say?” He nodded his head to Palo. Palo yelled something in Spanish to him and looked back to us.

  “All right. So we got a problem with Jimmy Santos and Blaze Hernandez. Diego, where are you? Which one is dating my sister?”

  I stood up and looked him dead in his face. He scanned me slowly.

  “She really loves you. Don’t fuck it up. So you’re lucky enough to have a ransom on your head, huh?”

  “Yeah, something like that,” I mumbled. I couldn’t quite work him out.

  “So look, both of these clowns weren’t taken care of as I asked. I got my man Rodriguez looking for them, but they must be hiding out. They used to live right around the corner. They are low-level crim’s. But that doesn’t mean they should be underestimated. I don’t know who they roll with now, but I do know Jimmy has some heavies from his crim’ days in his camp. I’m sure they will come with a crew. Let’s team up and take care of them. Can we put our differences aside to do this, fellas?”

  “We can do that. Having a chapter war was not on the agenda for Outlaw Souls either. We didn’t come here looking for trouble,” Ryder replied in a gruff voice.

  “Okay. Then let’s get it done. What plans you got? We will roll in with backup.” Palo said.

  From there, the conversation flowed with the next steps. Palo and Ryder mapped out the plan and arrangements. The whole experience was surreal, two rival gangs coming together to squash two scumbags. After two hours of deliberation and a step closer to the endpoint, we rode out.

  The navy midnight sky had taken over from the cobalt-blue and the cool chill of Merced rushed past my face just like the adrenaline in my heart. Ten p.m and time for the show to begin. A phone call received earlier and a whole lot of heavy breathing confirmed things. I put them on speakerphone at the warehouse.

  “You better be coming alone, otherwise there will be hell to pay.”

  “I’ll be alone. Don’t worry.”

  “Good, and make sure it’s all there. We counting.” The phone clicked dead before I could say anything else. Palo and his Las Balas crew were with us at the warehouse.

  “That’s him. I’d know the sound of Jimmy’s voice anywhere.”

  Now we were thirty deep and I was the only one riding in. If I saw any sign of Jimmy or Blaze I was to hit the radio and cough. From there the party would start. By the time everyone locked in position, it was eleven p.m. I rode my bike into Fahrens Park and came to a stop in the parking lot. One lone light pole provided the light to the whole park. The same black pick-up that had been parked outside the warehouse was there. The trash can they’d told me to drop the money in was to my left. I had two garbage bags full of money. I shivered from the cold air, dropping the bags of fake money in the trash.

  I pushed the radio button and coughed. Vlad and Moves were coming on foot. Looked like there was only one vehicle in the park. That didn’t mean there weren’t more somewhere else. My eyes shifted and I stepped back from the trash can, ready to get back on my bike. An ugly shadow of a man stepped out of the black vehicle with the end of a pistol pointing at my face. He was about fifteen paces away. I felt the rage bubble up. I knew if I pulled for my gun, the guy would shoot out of fear. I put my hands up instead.

  “So you’re the guy, huh? Stay right there. Didn’t expect to see us, huh? Thought we would pick it up in the morning, right?” I still had my hand on the radio button so the other guys could hear it. Now the other side of the car door opened and the fat guy got out, cracking his knuckles.

  “I don’t want any trouble, guys. I dropped off the money, so that’s it.”

  I saw the outline of his square jaw. “Oh, you think that’s it, huh? No, no. That’s not how this works. You’re getting in the car with us. We got some treats for you. You’re going to come in useful for us.”

  I watched the weasel go to the trash can. He picked the bags out and headed back to the truck with them. I sat on my bike quietly, not moving. I kept my eyes on the trash but behind the tree in front of the trash can was Vlad. Couldn’t miss his shadow. I didn’t want to draw attention to him so I sat still and watched the weasel’s eyes in the moonlight.

  The other one spoke. “You can either come easily or we can make this a situation for you.”

  “You’re going to wish you didn’t do this. You might not live to regret it,” I said with an eerie quietness.

  “What the fuck you say?” the weasel – Blaze – said as he raised his gun. Vlad, in one large stride, grabbed him around the neck and put him in a sleeper hold. He turned his neck and snapped it. The fat guy, scared out of his wits, started moving back to the vehicle and pointed his gun, ready to shoot, but he fumbled. By the time he did, Rick had a gun at the back of his head.

  Vlad signaled to me. “Go now, Diego. Your job is done, we got it from here. Go. Move.” I mounted my bike and left the scene. All the guys were waiting on standby.

  “Let’s roll,” I said. The mighty roar of the engines picked up as everyone rode out their respective ways. That was how it worked. No questions, no information disclosed. Once the enforcers took over you got the hell out of the way. You never spoke of the incident again. That’s biker code. It doesn’t happen in case of police interrogation. Bikers don’t do snitching. We all split at various points on the highway, Ryder saluting me as he headed home on the freeway.

  I was headed home to my girl. After all the hype, it turned out to be an anticlimactic ending and a quick clean-up for Outlaw Souls.



  I found the key just like he said. I had to get my nails dirty a little but I didn’t care. I fitted the key in the lock, slotting in perfectly. I walked into Diego’s apartment. The heating was on and helped me thaw out from the chilly night air. I slid my hands across the table, remembering our first date. The candlelit dinner. The way our lips came together so seamlessly as if they belonged. I walked around to the sink, the place where Diego had stood barefoot with his low-slung jeans. Every time he was in the kitchen, I wanted him to take me on the countertop. I loved watching the way he moved so gracefully around the kitchen.

  A bottle of red wine was tucked away near the stove. I needed something to calm my overwhelmed senses. I opened the cabinet, got out a glass, and let the chug of the red wine splash into it. I closed my eyes and begged for the tension in my shoulders to subside. I sipped the red and let it hit my system, mellowing me out a little. I looked at my phone. Twelve p.m. and he still wasn’t here. I put the glass down on the kitchen bench as a vision flashed in my mind of Diego dead with a bullet in his chest. I closed my eyes again and took another sip. I found my eyes drooping after a few minutes; all the energy expended from worrying and running around had taken its toll. I brought my things into Diego’s room. I slipped into his shower and let the hot water kiss my skin and warm me up. The buzz from the red had worn off and I was sleepy. I slipped under the covers naked while I waited for Diego. My eyes drifted in and out. I wanted to keep them open but they wouldn’t comply. The next thing I felt was a warm hand reach to cup my breast and knead my nipple. I felt the size of the palm and the ridges on the inside of his hand. I knew for certain it was Diego.

  “Diego!” I turned in the dark to feel for his chest and he wrapped me up, bringing me into him.

  “Baby. We made it. I’m here.” He sounded relieved. He roamed all over my face with light kisses and I giggled.

  “I’m so happy you’re here. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I saw the smile in the darkness as I stroked his chin.

  “Relax. Everything is okay. It’s all been done. Those bitches will never bother you or me ever again. I’m just glad you’re in my bed. Mmm.” Diego nuzzled his head into the crevice of my neck and I stroked his hair.

  I’m so glad you’re alive. I love you, papi chulo!”

  “I love you too, mamacita. It’s been a long ride. Let’s go to sleep.”

  “Okay.” I turned around and he spooned me from the back. I had the most peac
eful sleep that I’d had in months. I woke up to the morning sun and the soft hum of the radio. I stretched backward and felt for Diego, but no one was there. I sat up with my hair flowing in every direction. Finally, the madness was over. Diego entered minutes later with a hot coffee and those low-slung jeans I liked. In his other hand was a plate of toast. It’s the little things like this that make me love him more.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” He kissed my lips with such tenderness I thought I might cry. I took the coffee in my hands, watching the steam rise up and the rich aroma fill my nostrils.

  “Good morning,” I croaked. “I definitely have to go in to school today. I’ve missed classes.”

  “Did you miss classes because of me?”

  “Yes. Well, because of the situations going on.”

  He kissed the side of my forehead as he walked out and came back with his coffee. “I don’t want you to miss out on anything else. I want to ask you something as well…” I peeked over my coffee, amused at his uncertainty. “Would you move in here with me?”

  I paused for a little deliberation as my lips curved into a smile. “Yes, I would.”

  “You’re making me a happy man right now. I adore you.”

  “Funny how things work out.”

  “Sure is.” The phone buzzed from the kitchen, and Diego jumped up. For some reason, he had it on speaker.

  “Hey, Ryder.”

  “Hey, Diego,” a deep voice said.

  “You did good. Keep rolling with your chapter. You stood for what was right and didn’t back down. You’re a real Outlaw. I’m proud of you, now more than ever. I’m glad Yoda backed you to open Merced.”

  Diego smiled hard. “That means a lot coming from you, OG.”

  The man with the deep voice laughed. “Your girl must be a good one for you to go out on a limb like that. We might still be opposing forces, but Las Balas got a couple of stand-up people in there.”

  “For real. She’s a keeper, for sure.” Diego rubbed my knee, winking at me as I ate my toast. “At least we know we got some allies up here.”

  “Absolutely. I’m sorry I doubted you in the first place.”

  “Yeah. It got a little rough between us, but I understand your point of view.”

  “It’s all good. We are a family. Sometimes we fight and then we make up.”

  “Look, I’ll let you go, I’ll check in with you later in the week.”

  “All right, bye, Diego. Thanks.”


  I rubbed Diego’s back and gave him a naughty smile.

  “I’m a keeper?”

  “Yep, you’re a keeper.” He took the mug from my hand and set it on the bedside table.

  I waggled my finger at him. “Don’t start that. I won’t make it to school again.”

  He laughed. “I guess I can wait. You will be waking up with me from now on so it’s all good.”

  After some more morning time snuggling, I got up and dressed.

  For the first time in weeks, I arrived on time. I texted Shauna to meet before class. I was back to floating on campus.

  Shauna, with her usual bright colors and sunny disposition, studied my dreamy face and hugged me tight.

  “I was so worried about you! My God, girl, what went down with you?”

  “Oh, the usual, ransom notes, bikers and rival gangs coming together to fight scumbags,” I said flippantly.

  Shauna doubled over in laughter, putting her hands on her knees. Her eyes leaked with hysterical tears as she tried to take in what I’d said. I just stood there with a wry smirk on my face.

  She watched my face. “Holy shit, you’re not kidding!” She grabbed my jacket as we ordered our coffees and walked to class. “Oh my God, tell me everything...”

  Harmony in my world had been restored. Turns out the bad boy was for me. I just needed the right one. A Spanish papi with a heart of gold. One thing is for sure; Diego and I were destined for a wild ride, and I would be right by his side.


  Two years on in Merced, California, and things looked a lot different. First off. I graduated from seven long years of college, achieving my dream of becoming a doctor. I’d wanted to be a cardiologist, or so I thought, but I was content for now to start my residency. That was enough. Besides, I had new dreams with my husband-to-be. I remember the day I graduated. I threw my royal navy blue cap high up in the air.

  “I’m so proud of you. You’re about to be out here saving lives and making the world a better place,” Diego whispered in my ear as I stepped down from the makeshift podium. I scanned the oval as I looked around at my loved ones and all the others that were graduating with me. My brother, my cousins, my mother, my father, my classmates. All of these people had invested in my future.

  Shauna and I danced on the lawn like goofballs. “We made it! We made it! We're gonna be doctors.” I hugged her tight. Without her, I might not have made it through. Shauna ended up working at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco. We spoke most days, comparing case notes and seeing one another at conferences. She ended up dating one of the doctors from her hospital and was now happily in a relationship. The apartment ended up being too small for me and Diego. We moved to a bigger place. A house in the Merced ‘burbs with a garden as we settled into a nice rhythm of coupled-up life.

  One day, eighteen months into our relationship, I came home dog tired from rounds in the emergency room at the local Merced hospital. Diego was catering to me as always, and I had my feet up on the couch.

  “You’ve had a long day, mamacita.”

  I looked at him wearily. “Yes I have.”

  He kneaded the knots of my feet with his hands. Felt good. I had my eyes closed, enjoying the moment with a glass of wine on the table. “Would you consider spending all of your long days with me like this?”

  I opened one eye and looked at him. “Of course, why wouldn’t I?”

  He grinned. My hours had been so long at the hospital in addition to the rise of Diego’s chapter, it felt like we were drifting.

  “We’ve both been so busy, but I want to say to you, I want to spend forever and a day with you. I want to make a lifetime of memories. I want to fight and make up with you and ride through everything together. I want to be old and gray and live to tell the tales of our extraordinary things we’ve done together. Misty Narvaez, will you marry me?” My eyes flew open as right there on the couch on an ordinary Wednesday night as my Spanish lover, best friend and badass biker proposed to me. I leaped up and into his arms.

  “No question. I love you, papi. Let’s get married.”

  “Wait. I have something for you.” Tucked in his low-slung jeans was a beautiful white diamond with a cluster of smaller diamonds around it.

  I kissed him a thousand times.” When did you? How did you?” Shock was all my face could show.

  “When you were at work, of course.” He slid the rock onto my finger, completing our union of love.

  Life between us just got better after that. It became known in Merced, especially in the biker community, that we were the bridge between the divide of rival gangs. In fact, Outlaw Souls and Las Balas became known for their charity and community service partnership for wayward youth. Both of them donated to Doctors Without Borders and even made the national paper for their unified front. I would never forget the day.

  “Baby, I’m so proud of you. Thirty men in your chapter and the business is taking off. The sky’s the limit for you,” I gushed, looking deep into his eyes.

  “I learned that from you. You make me a better man. I couldn’t stand beside someone like you and be a bum. You wouldn’t have it.”

  I giggled. “You’re right, I wouldn’t! You did good, baby. Real good.”

  Ryder accepted us. Palo accepted Diego and the respect level between them was high.

  “Take care of my sister and we’ll always be good. You have my respect since Jimmy and Blaze.” I smiled as I remembered the day when Palo let his guard down. Meant a l
ot to me.

  “I will. She’s my heart, you’ll never need to worry. Between the both of us, we’ll make sure she’s good.” The Spanish way of two men standing on either side of me.

  So here we were, two years in, planning a wedding, sitting on our back porch.

  “I want a cupcake cake. What do you think, babe?”

  “Whatever you want, as long as I get the chocolate fondue foundation.”

  “That’s a lot of sweets, Diego.”

  “Well, we have big Spanish families. You know both of ours love their sweets. That’s how it is.”

  “Cupcakes it is.”

  “Who are you gonna ask to be your maid of honor?”

  “Shauna. Who’s your best man?”

  “Prolly Yoda. We go way back. He took me under his wing in the early days of the chapter.”

  “I know you have a lot of stories.”

  Diego looked at me softly as the Merced sun’s burnt-orange face faded behind the California hills.

  “I sure do, and you and I have plenty more to tell our children in the future. Speaking of babies, should we get busy making one?” Diego smiled.

  I giggled at Diego’s boldness, something I always loved. “And may they have your fearlessness and that full lion’s mane of hair.” I ran my fingers through his thick dirty blonde hair and he responded by scooping me up in his strong manly arms, lifting me to the threshold.


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