More Than Pride

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More Than Pride Page 6

by Kell Amber

  Even though he was expecting it when Andrew slammed the needle into his mate’s thigh, the wren shifters had to grab Dillon’s arms so he didn’t tear Andrew apart.

  “You can’t hurt him,” Marlen whispered desperately in Dillon’s ear. “He’s our mate.”

  Dillon stopped struggling as surprise swept through him. He’d never heard of a human mating with birds. He looked over at Chen who gave him a nod in confirmation.

  Chester shot up off the bed. Sitting upright—gasping, his eyes wide open—he made noises that wrenched at Dillon’s heart. Chester’s wild expression calmed only after he found first Dillon and then Evin beside him.

  “You’re all right?” Chester asked after he took a deep breath.

  Dillon shook free of the birds and took Chester’s hands in his. “We’re fine. You’re having a reaction to the poison and we need you to tell us where the people are that have your brother.”

  “Dillon!” Evin hissed.

  “What? We don’t have time to tiptoe around this. We need that antidote.”

  Chester’s eyes started to blink closed.

  Dillon shook him. “Tell me where they are.”

  In a slow, slurred voice, Chester told them the location of the place. From his description it was less than ten miles away. “Okay, honey, you can sleep now. We’ll take care of this.”

  Dillon’s hands transformed into claws and the rest of his body soon followed. With a loud roar, he shook off the remnants of his clothing. A shrill cry had him tilting his head to see an owl perched on the back of a chair.

  “Before you two go rushing off, take the wrens with you to scout ahead. You aren’t any match for a posse of armed hunters, not to mention you should take a car—you don’t know for sure how far away the place is.” Talan frowned in a disapproving way, telling Dillon in more than words how much he disapproved of his ‘shift and charge’ technique. Dillon lowered his head, indicating he understood his alpha’s disapproval.

  The owl gave a disappointed screech at Dillon. Dillon roared back.

  Chen laughed. 4 Keys sailed through the air towards the wrens. “Take a Hummer and a few pack members. If you crash it, Adrian won’t be the least bit upset,” Talan said with a grin towards his mate.

  Adrian rolled his eyes.

  If Dillon had been in his human form, he would’ve also rolled his eyes over the familiar argument. Instead he tamely followed the wrens. They didn’t have time to mess around. The poison was travelling too quickly through Chester’s body.

  5 Chapter Four

  Evin swooped down over the treetops and spotted a cabin nestled in the woods. He didn’t dare to get too close—after all, they knew about shifters and specifically about owls.

  Getting shot and having no way to save Chester didn’t figure in his plans for the afternoon.

  He settled for landing in the upper branches where he could see into the second floor windows.

  Peeking inside, he spied one man in camouflage looking out of the window. He didn’t appear to have any weapons on him but then, they didn’t expect anyone to attack. In fact, Evin wondered if they really expected the tabby cat to return or if they were just stalling.

  What could they achieve by sending Chester in as a distraction?

  From his perch, Evin watched Chen and Marlen land on the windowsill. He’d kept them away from the humans, so the hunters might not know about the tiny birds. He knew the strangers thought they were all owls, and his brother hadn’t disabused them of the notion because he wanted to appear strong. Tilden had never considered the smaller birds to be of much worth. He’d only kept them around because he knew Evin would cause him problems if he chased them away.

  Tilden might be the bad brother and a poor leader, but he wasn’t stupid. He’d waited until he had more people on his side before he tried to get rid of Evin. The cut of deception still stung. They might not have been super close, but they were brothers.

  A sharp tweet snapped Evin out of his melancholy thoughts. There were five people and a cat carrier inside, according to Chen’s chirping. Evin didn’t respond. A hoot in the middle of the day would attract the attention of the people inside.

  To Evin’s astonishment, one of the men inside opened the window, leaned out and lit a cigarette.

  Chen took advantage.

  The wren shifter fluttered inside, shifted and slammed his fist into the human. After the hunter went down, Chen let out a long, shrill whistle before opening the window wider.

  Marlen hopped up to the sill and fluttered in after him. 5 After the two men were clear, Evin glided through the window. Once his claws hit the floor, he shifted.

  Shaking his head, he looked at his accomplices. “We’re probably the least intimidating rescuers in history. Three naked, unarmed men.”

  Chen grinned. “Good thing we’ve got backup.”

  Screams came from down below mixed with the roar of lions. Footsteps thundered towards them. They took out the two men who rushed in with a few well-placed punches. It was amazing what you could get away with if you took someone by surprise.

  An enormous lion with a blood-covered mouth trotted over to Evin and deposited a human arm at his feet. Then he plopped down on his ass and waited for praise.

  “You are seriously disturbed,” Evin said. “I’m not thanking you for your present, either.”

  The lion made a sad noise.

  Chen walked over and scratched Dillon behind the ear. “Who’s a good maneater? You are! Yes, you are.”

  Dillon closed his eyes and let out a rolling half purr, half growl.

  “I’d rather be shot by the hunters.” Evin shoved past the cooing pair and made his way to the staircase. No noise from below. Still careful, Evin went down each step, mindful of his feet placement. He didn’t want a creaking piece of wood to be responsible for his downfall.

  When he reached the bottom, he realised he hadn’t needed to be so careful. Pieces of the hunters littered the cabin and he didn’t want to think about the bright splashes of red dripping from the walls. A dozen lions sprawled about with varying degrees of satisfaction on their faces. One of the lions lay next to a cat cage in the corner.

  The female lion occasionally batted at the cage door but didn’t seem able to muster the energy to turn into her human form. Evin didn’t know the lions well enough to be able to name which lion pressed her nose towards the still cat inside.

  “Hey, let me see.”

  A low growl had him lifting his hands up to show he didn’t mean any harm.

  “Tia, scoot back.” Dillon’s voice directly behind him made Evin jump a little. He hadn’t heard his mate approach.

  The lion shifted a few steps back, her eyes never leaving the cat in the cage. 5 Evin opened the cage. There was no lock on it. No need when the only person who would want to save the cat shifter was already gone. Reaching in, he lifted out the small animal inside. He’d thought Chester small for a cat shifter, but his brother wasn’t any bigger.

  “I found some vials.” One of the other lion shifters spoke—Kevin or Kyle or something like that. Evin knew he’d learn their names eventually but a two-minute orientation hadn’t helped them stick in his head.

  “Did you find some needles too?” Evin asked hopefully.

  The lion shifter shook his head. “We don’t know if this is the right stuff, anyway.”

  “I’ll take one to Andrew and he can tell us.” Chen transformed into a wren, snatched the vial from the lion’s hand and flew out of the open door.

  “Good thinking, bringing Andrew with us,” Dillon told Evin.

  Evin gave a wry smile. “I don’t think the wrens would’ve left him behind.”

  The wrens had insisted on bringing Andrew then had equally insisted he stay in the truck a mile away so he wouldn’t be in the direct line of fire. The older man had appeared a bit embarrassed by the wrens’ attention, but he’d wanted to help out.

  “We’ll take the cat with us,” Dillon decided. “We can’t wait to find o
ut if this is the right stuff or not. He’s fading fast. Grab all the vials—that way we’ll have everything.”

  Evin felt a spurt of pride at how quickly the others jumped to Dillon’s orders.

  “Come on, love,” Dillon said, “we have a cat to save.”

  The female lion shifted into human form and held out her hands. “I’ll carry him.”

  Shrugging, Evin handed the animal over. There was really only one cat he cared about.

  He might want Chester’s brother to make it but he needed Chester to be okay.

  A truck screeched into the gravel driveway with Andrew at the wheel. The human slid out of the vehicle with a syringe in his hand. “I think this should help.”

  Approaching the cat, he stopped when Tia hissed at him.

  “You do that again, kitty, and I’ll rip out your whiskers,” Marlen warned.

  “And I’ll help him,” Chen chimed in.

  The two wrens looked like they were going to rip the lion shifter apart.

  “Hey, it’s all right. She’s just being protective.” Andrew made soothing noises at the two bird shifters then addressed Tia. “This is to counteract the poison in his system.” 5 Tia gave him a suspicious glare but obligingly held out the feline.

  Andrew carefully inserted the needle into the cat’s shoulder and pushed the plunger.

  “It will be a while before it takes effect,” he warned.

  “Okay. I’ll hold him in the car,” Tia insisted.

  “Let’s go with Andrew—we’ll get to Chester faster.” The extended cab truck fitted Dillon, Evin, Tia with Garfield, and Andrew. The wrens turned back into their small bird forms so they could travel with everyone else. The rest of the lions could follow in their own vehicles after they’d cleaned up the cabin. They needed to get back to Chester.

  * * * *

  Chester floated on a sea of sensation. His stomach debated on rebelling and becoming seasick but a few swallows kept the bile down. He was dying. He knew it. Luckily, it appeared to be a relatively painless endeavour. He thought of his mates and lost some of his drifting feeling. He hoped they were happy together and wouldn’t mourn him for too long.

  “Chester, wake the fuck up,” someone growled.


  Forcing his eyes open, Chester looked up into the concerned expressions of his mates.

  Damn they were gorgeous.

  “There you are.” Dillon’s smile made him blink.

  “What happened?”

  “We found the antidote. Your directions were perfect.”

  A flush of pride swept through Chester. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had told him they were pleased with something he had done outside of the bedroom.

  “Thanks. Am I cured?”

  “We think so.”

  Chester turned his head to face Evin.

  The owl shifter shrugged. “We won’t know for certain until Andrew comes and tests whether or not the poison has left your system.”

  “What about Garfield?” He almost hated to ask. 5 “We got to him in time. We learned it wasn’t that you were allergic to the poison—they just gave the wrong dosage for your shifter size. Andrew was able to calculate the correct amount of antidote since he originally created it.”

  Chester opened his mouth to ask questions but decided he didn’t want to know. “When can I see him?”

  “It might be a while.” Dillon grinned. “That depends on when Tia is willing to release him. She’s kind of fixated right now. I think they might be mates.”

  “Really? Two cats mating with two lions? That’s so strange.” Chester hoped the lion did turn out to be mates with his brother. Garfield needed something good in his life and he’d be part of the same pride as Chester. That made him wonder… “Are we joining the pride?” He didn’t want to take away Evin’s choices.

  Evin nodded. “I’m not going back to my brother. He made his own choices. While you were sleeping, at least half of the owls in the aviary arrived here, asking for sanctuary. Talan has put them on temporary status. They’re allowed to sleep on the lands but aren’t allowed in the pack house. We can’t trust yet that none of them are working for Tilden. If they want to stay here they’ll have to earn their place in the pack. There is talk they might buy some land from Talan and start their own aviary.”

  “Any news about your brother?” Chester asked Evin.

  “Not yet.” Evin shrugged as if the issue didn’t bother him. “We’re keeping a careful watch on all the newcomers and the wrens are keeping an ear to the ground about Tilden.

  Right now all we can do is wait.”

  “And mark you as ours,” Dillon added.

  “Andrew said if you have the energy to shift it might heal you faster.”

  “I-I can try.” He didn’t really want to shift, not when his stomach swirled like a whirlwind, but to cure the poison and claim his mates he’d put up with the discomfort.

  Closing his eyes, Chester concentrated on his cat self—changing his two hands to paws, imagining his long elegant whiskers and swishy tail.


  “Who’s a pretty kitty?” Dillon scratched Chester’s chin with his long fingers. “Now turn back into my beautiful boy.”

  Chester meowed at the lack of petting. 5 “Change.” Dillon’s voice didn’t allow for misunderstanding.

  Chester focused on his human half. He shivered when the air hit his bare skin. “I miss the fur,” he complained.

  “I know, babe.” Dillon gave him a sympathetic smile.

  Andrew walked into the bedroom as if on cue. The older man appeared frazzled by the young men dogging his heels.

  “You will be the perfect mate,” Marlen said.

  “We will rely on each other,” Chen piped up.

  “No.” Andrew approached Chester and he could see the man pull his professional cloak back on. “You are looking better. Would you mind if I took some blood?”

  Chester offered his arm.

  With quick efficient motions, the scientist filled a vial from Chester’s arm. As Chester watched, Andrew took another tube from his pocket and unscrewed the cap that had a dropper inside. Opening the blood vial, he put two drops from the new container into the blood vial. The contents turned a brilliant yellow, like fingerpaint.

  “What does that mean?” Chester asked.

  Andrew patted Chester on the shoulder. “It means the poison is mostly out of your system. There are a few veins of red, which means there are traces, but definitely not enough to affect your mates.”

  “Thank you, Andrew.” Dillon wrapped an arm around the scientist, which he quickly removed when angry chirps filled the air. “Sorry, guys.”

  Chen slid his hand to the base of Andrew’s back and Marlen grabbed his arm.

  Sandwiched between the wrens, there was no chance of escape.

  “I kind of feel sorry for that guy. He has no idea what he’s in for,” Evin said, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, imagine having to deal with two mates.” Dillon made a scoffing sound before the three of them burst out laughing.

  “You heard what the doctor said—it’s time to claim me.” Chester gave his mates a come-hither look. 5 “Well, who am I to argue with a doctor’s orders?” Dillon stripped off his clothes and crawled onto the bed with sexy feline grace while Evin removed his clothes quickly and efficiently. To Chester what was important was that they were naked.

  Surrounded by warm, bare skin, Chester’s cock rose to greet his mates. Rubbing against Dillon in the front, he tilted his hips to offer his ass to Evin. Since Dillon had already fucked him once, it was only fair to let the owl shifter go next.

  “Fuck him, Evin. He’s so beautiful when he needs.”

  Chester nodded. Hell, he’d agree to anything if it involved these two sexy men mating with him for life. He must’ve been very good in his previous existence because his karma rocked.

  “Get me the lube,” Evin demanded.

  Chester moaned when Dillon kissed Evin as if
his life depended on it.

  When the two men broke apart, Dillon’s eyes were hazy with lust and Evin licked his lips as if trying to savour Dillon’s taste.

  Dillon handed over the familiar tube to Evin.

  “Thanks.” Another kiss was exchanged.

  “Now! I want one of you in me now!” Chester demanded. Before, he’d wanted Evin, but now he’d take either of them as long as one of them fucked him soon.

  “Patience, kitten,” Evin said absently as he lubed up his fingers and slid them behind Chester’s balls. First one finger, then two. The owl shifter didn’t give Chester much time to adjust but Chester’s body didn’t mind… It stretched and adjusted for the invasion with wholehearted enthusiasm.

  “I’m ready,” Chester said in case Evin had missed the obvious.

  “I want you to suck Dillon while I fuck you,” Evan said. “When we’re together, no one gets left out.”

  Chester licked his lips at the sight of Dillon’s cock. The head had a shiny sheen as a dab of pre-cum dripped from the bright pink head.

  “Scoot up,” Chester insisted.

  Dillon obliged. Evin moved Chester to allow Dillon to climb up and lean against the pillows. When everyone was aligned to his satisfaction, Evin released Chester. 5 Chester eyed his treat with a soft purr. Now that he didn’t have to worry about infecting his mates, he was going to enjoy his claiming. Wrapping his lips around the damp head of Dillon’s cock, Chester made sure to have good suction. He gripped the base of Dillon’s shaft with his fist to steady it as he lapped and gently nibbled on the head. “I love a good cock in the morning,” he sighed.

  “It’s afternoon,” Evin said with amusement.

  “Whatever.” Chester didn’t really care what time it was as long as he had Dillon right where he wanted him and Evin almost there. “Fuck me!” he demanded.

  “You’re a bossy little thing.” Evin chuckled.

  “I’m not little.” At five feet ten, Chester thought of himself as average height—what was medium to tall in the human world was smaller in the shifter realm. Both of his mates were much taller and bigger than him. Even Evin, who had been starved and was gangly, still towered over him and when he gained a little weight he would definitely be bigger.


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