One of the Guys

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One of the Guys Page 6

by A. R. Perry

  His jaw flexes, popping out the little muscle under his ear. “Okay.”

  “So maybe we can go? It’s been almost a week and I’ve only managed a quick hello in the halls. If I run into him at a party, I can show him relaxed girly Rylee. Like at the wedding. We are on a tight deadline here. Eight weeks until school lets out.”

  “Don’t remind me.” Spencer’s eyes cloud over with something I can’t quite read, but then he blinks and the moment passes. “I’m not feeling a party. You go. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”

  “What?” I grip the door, the thought of walking into a party to talk to Jax without my best friend there makes me want to puke all over the pavement. “I’m not going alone. Besides, I wasn’t the one who was invited.”

  “So I invited you and then got sick or something.” Spencer slips into the car, slamming the door hard enough to rock it.

  I climb into the passenger seat and kneel on the tan fabric, leaning across the center console. “Please. Please. Please.” I clasp my hands together under my chin and throw in a little dog whimper noise, one that Spencer can’t resist.

  He eyes me, taking in my whole pathetic act before groaning, “Fine.”

  “Yay!” I launch over into his seat and wrap him in a hug, planting a loud, wet kiss on his cheek.

  He makes a disgusted sound in the back of his throat and nudges me off. “But, I get two movie selections now. And you will never ask me to go to one of these things ever again because I hate them about as much as I hate soccer.”

  “Deal.” I settle in my seat unable to keep the stupid grin off my face. In a few short hours, I’ll be off school grounds in the same area as Jax and can finally get my plan rolling.

  Why am I here?

  Oh, right, because I’m an idiot.

  I grip the steering wheel a little too hard, turning my knuckles white as I peer at the house at the end of the block that has bodies pouring in and out of the front door. This is the last place I would ever want to be. Yet here I am.

  Is there an award for biggest sap on the planet?

  If I hadn’t followed Rylee out to the parking lot, we would be at home, watching a movie and eating our weight in junk food. Instead, I made the dumb choice to skate alone then flirt with Zoe even though there’s not a shot in hell I would ever go there. But damn, I wanted one freaking afternoon without the mention of Jax.

  That didn’t work out.

  Rylee sits in the passenger seat, bouncing up and down from nerves. After dinner, she dragged me to her room to approve her wardrobe. Something I will deny until death because no one needs to know I helped her pick out shoes to match that stupid dress she got her hair caught in at the mall.

  I should have convinced her to wear her normal getup but I guess that goes against her whole plan. And my plan to ensure she’s happy.

  Not that Jax will make her happy, but I know better than to argue with her. She’ll double down so really there’s no point.

  I catch her adjusting her hair in the visor mirror. She spent most of the time before the party curling it after countless YouTube videos. Now it flows in loose waves down her back, begging for my fingers to run through it.

  I clench my hands into fists, just in case they have a mind of their own, and tap them on the steering wheel. She doesn’t want my hands on her. She wants Jaxhole. No clue what she sees in him. I’ve heard him talk in class. Not the brightest dude out there.

  “Are you ready?” Rylee smooths out the front of her dress bringing my attention back to the fact that it hugs every one of her curves.

  Jax is such a lucky dumbass.

  “Sure.” I pocket my keys and slip out into the warm night air.

  Music thumps loud enough to reach us a couple of houses down leaving me to wonder how long it will take for the party to get shut down. Sure, we’re in a less crowded area than where we live, but still, I can’t imagine neighbors wanting to listen to this noise. Praying some disgruntled old lady calls the cops before I have to subject myself to this idiocy.

  Rylee links her arm through mine and keeps pace with my irritated strides. Once again I’m reminded that I could be at home watching some terrible B movie that would have Rylee laughing and cuddled close on the couch. Instead, I’m here. Yay.

  “So what’s the plan?” Rylee asks.

  “This was your idea. Figured you had some grand scheme.”

  She hauls me to a stop, her face paling in the soft moonlight. “I don’t know how to do any of this. The last party I went to was mine. And it was you and my family at Sky Zone.”

  “We don’t have to go in there.”

  “No.” She rolls her red shimmery lip between her teeth, a slight frown creasing the skin between her eyebrows. “I want to. I just…”

  I place my hands on her shoulders and give them a shake, infusing humor into my voice. “You’ll be fine. Pretend your mom is watching from some dark corner. Keep the sports talk to a minimum and laugh at whatever stupid thing he says. Guys like that.”

  “If that’s the case, I should be laughing every time you open your mouth.”

  “Funny.” I release her and turn toward the house. “Now, let’s get this over with so I can go home.”

  “Don’t sound too excited.” She walks close to my side but keeps her hands to herself.

  She’s likely worried Jax will see us together and think we’re a thing. Maybe I should stake my claim, then I won’t have to worry about her heart getting broken by some Neanderthal.

  No. This is what she wants.

  If I keep reminding myself of that, I won’t punch him in his annoying smug face. Maybe… Probably not.

  Noise envelopes us the second we step into the house. Music is bumping loud enough to shake the walls. People are everywhere, some screaming over the bass. In short, it’s chaotic.

  Rylee wiggles her fingers at her sides the same way she does every time she’s nervous, almost as if she can force the nerves right out of her. I make eye contact and tilt my head toward the kitchen. We can’t just stand in the entrance.

  Say hi. Get out. How hard can it be?

  Rylee’s gaze darts around the room no doubt searching for lover-boy. When she’s satisfied he’s not here, she moves toward the kitchen. I trail behind, noticing a kid from my English class checking her out with all the nuance of a hand grenade. The punk even has the balls to reach out to grab her ass. I’m two seconds away from throwing him through the freaking wall when a girl next to him slaps his face. Hard. I only catch the tail end of the screaming as I pass, but it looks as if Grabby no longer has a girlfriend.


  Rylee’s brown curls flow out behind her as she rounds the corner into the kitchen. I’m five steps away when Zoe saunters out, and zeros in on me with laser focus.

  “You came!” She yells over the thudding of the heavy bass rattling the frames on the walls. In the next breath, she’s all over me, pressing her lean body into mine, and drawing my attention down to the low scoop of her neckline, then farther where a dress should be instead of what appears to be a T-shirt.

  Her hand trails down my arm in a zigzag pattern until her hand clutches mine. “Let’s grab something to drink.” Her lips graze my ear as she pulls me away and drags me toward the kitchen.

  No clue why I’m entertaining this. Sure, she’s pretty. Most guys would kill for a shot with her, but would it be fair for me to lead her on? Because even as we walk, my eyes search the area for Rylee. It’s magnetic. When she’s near I want nothing more than to be with her. No amount of legs and tits can distract me.

  Zoe shoves a red cup into my hand, leaning close enough for me to smell her fruity perfume. I guess I missed that out in the hall what with all the sweaty bodies grinding everywhere. Here, in the kitchen, it’s less crowded, and the music is at a more tolerable volume.

  “Seems like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you at a party.” Her red-tipped finger dips into the waist of my jeans as she tugs me toward her.


  “I’m a busy guy… what can I say?” I take a sip of the beer and try not to gag. I will never understand why people like this crap.

  “Not too busy for that chick Rylee.”

  “Never,” I deadpan, not caring about the over the top pout of her lower lip. There’s no point in sugarcoating it. Rylee will always be first. That’s the best friend code.

  Speaking of…

  I scan the kitchen again, searching for my party companion, and almost choke on a mouthful of beer. She’s over in the corner at the dining table, where a rowdy game of poker is taking place. Jax is there. Shocker. And all this would be fine if she wasn’t sitting on his lap, giggling like a freaking lunatic.

  Beer splashes all over my hand two seconds after I hear the crunch of the red cup I was holding.

  Zoe shrieks as liquid leaks all down her white dress. “What the hell?” She rubs at the growing stain, doing nothing but spreading it.

  “Sorry.” I toss the cup on the counter and stride toward the table, Zoe’s cursing fading into the music.

  Over the heads of a couple of guys bending down to get beer Rylee’s eyes catch mine and widen. Oh my God, she mouths and fails miserably at keeping a stupid grin from her face.

  I stop dead in my tracks, the air knocked from my lungs. What am I doing? I was seconds away from ripping her off his lap and pounding his face in.

  Rylee turns her attention to the game and I take that opportunity to bounce. She got what she wanted but there’s no way in hell I can stick around and celebrate with her.

  How did I end up on Jax Lever’s lap?

  I bite my upper lip and choke down the insane rambling bubbling to the surface. Five minutes ago I was going to the kitchen for something to drink and ran into an inebriated Jax, staggering his way to the keg. Not that he needed any more alcohol judging by how his body swayed while standing still. He took one look at my dress and grinned. Then the next thing I knew, he had hauled me over to a game of poker and pulled me right down. On his lap. His lap!

  The only other laps I’ve ever sat on were Santa’s and my dad’s when I was a kid. And those times never lifted as many eyebrows. Seriously, several of the guys keep shooting Jax weird looks. One guy asked who the hell I was. Kind of insulting considering he’s in my English class and sits two desks up.

  Whatever. I got their attention. Yay? This is what I wanted, well minus the whole lap thing, but it tastes bitter. Loud music. Roaming hands. An audience. Nothing how I imagined it.

  I squirm, trying to find a more comfortable position. Guess I’ve never spent long enough to realize before, but laps are not the most comfortable things to sit on.

  A hand wraps around my waist and tugs me back at the same time Jax leans in. “Keep squirming like that and I’ll have to take you upstairs before this game ends.”

  I freeze and so does my heart. One thump, slam, and then nothing for a solid five seconds. Did he just insinuate that we will be having sex? My gaze flies to the kitchen, searching for Spencer. I might have gotten myself into this mess, but Jax is out of his mind if he thinks sex is on the menu tonight. Or any night in the near future. I’m so not that girl.

  Shit, I’m barely a girl at all to most of the male population.

  Where the heck is Spencer? My gaze darts around the kitchen, hunting for the mop of hair he can never quite get under control.

  Found him.

  Talking to Zoe. Shocker.

  Her and her stupid short dress and perfect face. She’s all over Spencer every chance she gets.

  I telepathically scream for him, summoning all of our years of friendship vibes. Zoe is talking and getting all kinds of handsy when Spencer’s eyes find me…right as Jax brushes a hand over my dumb ticklish knee. I can’t help the laugh it causes, but I managed to mouth Oh my God and pray he gets the hint.

  Spencer turns his full attention to me and boy does Zoe appear pissed about being dismissed. She shouts something I can’t hear over the music and stomps off, wiping at her dress as Spencer makes his way through the crowd toward me.

  Thank God.

  Wanting to catch Jax’s eye is one thing, but I never imagined it would be while drunk and horny.

  Jax throws his cards down and lets out a cheer, drawing my attention. I see all face cards but no idea what they mean. He’s happy so I guess he won?

  As he’s sliding a pile of chips our way, I turn back to where Spencer was two seconds ago, but he’s gone.

  Uh, best friend foul.

  And that’s my cue to dip out. “I, uh, need a bathroom break.” I give Jax a pat on the shoulder and hop off his lap, ignoring the snickers from the rest of the guys. Then I bounce before he gets his drunk body moving.

  Walking as fast as my wobbly ankles can take, I make my way through the kitchen. When I don’t find Spencer I circle the living room where people are drunker by the minute. The game of beer pong might have something to do with it.

  There’s an office right off the living room, it doesn’t seem to be too popular of a place to hang out, but I try it anyway.

  Still no Spencer.

  I spot Zoe over by the fireplace with the rest of her friends. She has a giant stain on the front of her white dress and looks about as happy as my mom when I come home covered in scratches and bruises after a long day at the park. Risks of partying I guess.

  I whip out my phone, sliding to the wall where I’m at least a little out of the way. And there it is, a notification from him. Saying he left… Why would he ditch me?

  Shoving my phone into the pocket this magical dress came with, I make my way to the front door. It’s not even ten, and I hardly had any alone time with Jax, but I guess it isn’t meant to be tonight.


  I turn to see a girl from my world history class. She’s clutching a red plastic cup and staring at me as if I’ve up and grown three heads.

  Oh. Right. The clothes.

  I give her an over-the-top wave before slipping out onto the porch. No way do I want to be roped into explaining my whole metamorphosis. The rollout of the new me might not have been slow enough.

  The slight bite to the air has me wrapping my arms around my stomach as I walked toward where Spencer parked. I still can’t believe he ditched me. Not even a goodbye and right when I was sending mad SOS signals that I needed his help. Then again, he really didn’t want to come. Suppose this is my payback for dragging him away from his precious movies.

  It takes a lot longer than earlier to make my way to where he parked due to the lack of light and a crazy amount of pebbles on the sidewalk. I mean, honestly, did it rain rocks while we were inside? I buckle several times one of which almost takes me to the ground. Not sure why I came all the way out here when he had a head start, but I hoped he decided to get some air and not abandon me.

  My hope turns out to be correct when I spot Spencer in the driver’s seat with his forehead resting against the steering wheel.

  Best friend status secure. For now.

  I whip open the passenger door, making him jump.

  “What the hell, dude?” I ask as I slide into the seat and kick off the evil heels in the same movement.

  “Rylee. What are you doing out here?”

  “I could ask you the same thing. I was sending you a mad SOS signal back there, and you bounced. What’s up with that?”

  Spencer’s eyebrows scrunch in and he just stares at me for a few seconds. “You wanted me to get you out of there?”

  “Duh. Do I look like the type of girl who wants to sit on some guy’s lap like a prized Chihuahua?”

  “It wasn’t some guy, it was Jax.”

  “Exactly. I don’t want to be some drunken hookup. The whole point is for him to notice me and realize how amazing I am. I don’t think that will happen with the four brain cells he had working in there.” I pull my hair up into a messy bun then slide my leg underneath me so I can face Spencer. “So why did you ditch me?”

  His shrug comes as a lazy bob of one shoul
der. “I told you I hate parties.”

  “Well, you seemed pretty into Zoe a few minutes before. Which had me thinking. You’re helping me land a guy. Let me help you bag a girlfriend. Not that you would need much help from me. You could literally walk into a room and scream you’re single and ready to mingle and at least five girls would come running.” And if that means I don’t have to see him with Zoe anymore that’s bonus points.

  Spencer laughs, shaking his head. “Single and ready to mingle? That might get me blacklisted.”

  “Minor details.” I wave off his words and lean my head against the seat. “The point is, I can give you a hand while you’re helping me. Then boom, we both have dates to prom and a whole awesome summer. But only if you promise to not ditch me ‘cause I don’t think I would know how to function without my bestie by my side.”

  Spencer smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “I’ve done the dating thing. Now, I want to focus on school and skating.”

  “Which means continuing to spend 99 percent of your time with me? I know I’m awesome, but don’t you want to—”

  “What?” He turns to face me, anger flaring on his normally relaxed features. “Am I not enough for you? Is our friendship some kind of burden? Do you really need emperor Jax to prove your worth? Because I’m positive he’s not worth your time if you have to change who you are to get him to notice you.”

  My mouth drops open from shock. In all these years, I don’t think Spencer has ever spoken to me like this. “That’s not what I’m saying. You know I love every second with you.”

  He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

  “You’re my best friend, but I want more. I’m sick of being that skater girl or just your best friend. I want something I’ll always remember from high school. Something to tell my kids. And if that means changing how I look temporarily, then it’s a small price to pay. I’ll always be Rylee Everett no matter what clothes I’m wearing.”

  “Yeah, well, the Rylee I know would never sit on some dude’s lap while he practically fondled you with a thousand people watching.” Spencer starts the car and peels out from the curb, cutting the quiet night with the squealing of his tires.


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