Rage (Alien Breed 1 - English Edition)

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Rage (Alien Breed 1 - English Edition) Page 3

by Melody Adams

  “Thanks, man, for showing me where your loyalties lie,” I answered coldly. “Fuck off! I don’t need any of you!”

  I turned away and went inside, slamming the door behind me. My insides were boiling. I clenched my fists and let out an angry roar. Not only was that blonde bitch responsible for my pain, now she had to come here—where I had found peace at last—and take away my friends. I could still see the look on Happy’s face. He was a sucker for females. He was horrified when I attacked that bitch. Damn fool. Anybody who thought a female couldn’t be evil and do terrible things because she was softer and weaker was a damn fool! I experienced firsthand how evil a woman could be, even if she looked like an angel.

  I shook my head. What made things worse was that a part of me wanted to forget what happened and fuck her. I still had her scent in my nose. Tempting. Intoxicating. I had to get her out of my fucking head. I had to kill her to be free of her. Only then would I find peace.

  I knew roughly were she lived. There were two houses I had to check out. I left and made my way through dark alleys to the first house in question. I walked from window to window, until I saw a woman sitting in a chair. It wasn’t her. It was the other woman who came with her. I knew now that my angel of death had to live in the other bungalow. I turned away and snuck up to the next house. I felt a growl in my chest but suppressed it to avoid giving myself away. My heart pounded wildly as I crept to the backside of the house. There was a light in one of the windows. I stood to the side so that I could look inside without being seen. There she was! She was sitting on the bed, crying. Her crying irritated me. Why did she cry? Maybe she regretted what she had done.

  Yeah, sure, my inner voice mocked me. Now you’re starting to think like Happy. Just because she is a weak female doesn’t mean she is good or not guilty! She is probably crying because she fears for her life, and rightly so, because her executioner is already here.

  I had to find a way into the house without alerting her. I didn’t want her to press the emergency button next to the bed and alert the guards.


  The incident in the clubhouse had left me in shock. I had imagined it so often—how I would meet that man from the cell at DMI. I knew that all Alien Breeds spent months in therapy after their rescue to deal with what had happened to them and to learn that not all humans were like the men and women they had known from DMI. I couldn’t understand Rage’s hate for me. Why me? I was the one who told the press what was going on so that he and the other Breeds would be freed. I risked my future and my own life for that.

  Rage frightened me. He could have seriously hurt me. It took a great deal of strength for me to keep it together until I got to my bungalow. Once inside, I let loose and cried and cried. I hated myself for being so weak. Why did it affect me so much? He hated me. So what? I should have ignored him and looked forward to my new job. Everybody else was friendly and welcoming. Even the Breeds. None of them had shown me any hostility. Some seemed a bit wary at first, but later they looked at me with friendly interest. I just couldn’t understand why Rage had reacted like that.

  A rustling noise startled me. I wanted to cry out, but the sound got stuck in my throat. Rage stood before me. His eyes were dark with hatred, his face cold as ice. I shivered as I gazed at his huge, muscled body and his unforgiving demeanor. Suddenly, I knew that he was here to kill me. I wanted to shout for help, but I couldn’t. I stared into his hypnotizing eyes, unable to do or say anything. We stared at each other for a very long moment. It was as if the world had stopped turning. As if we were the only ones who existed in this alternate universe.

  “Why?” I asked, my voice trembling.

  “Why what?” he snarled.

  “Why do you hate me? What - what did I do to make you hate me so much?”

  He snorted, and with lightening speed he grabbed me and hauled me up. His sinister gaze made me quiver with fear. His grip was painful. Surely, I would have just crumpled to the floor if not for his strong hold on me. My knees felt like jelly. My heart was racing so hard I feared it would explode. At least then I would be dead, and he couldn’t do anything to me.

  “You really ask me what you have done? Isn’t it enough that you wanted to see me tortured and dead? No! You had to laugh at me when I was lying in my own blood.”

  “What?” I looked at him in disbelief. What was he talking about? I had done no such thing. “But I - I haven’t-”

  “Don’t fucking lie to me!” he hissed, and I nearly wet myself.

  “I swear, Rage. I - I have done nothing of the sort. I have - I got you - It’s me who got you out. You must believe me that I...”

  He growled deep in his throat. Then he pushed me onto the bed and before I knew it, he was on top of me, his weight crushing me, making it hard to breath. What did he plan to do with me? Rape me before he killed me? Tears ran over my face. His face hovered above me as he stared down at me. He was so beautiful and yet frightening at the same time. What was going on in his head? Would he kill me now?

  “Please,” I whispered when his hand came around my throat. “I swear I haven’t done anything. I don’t understand.”

  “Shhh,” he said, and then he pressed his mouth on mine.


  I couldn’t explain it but something in me changed as I looked into her tearful eyes and heard her whispered plea. I lowered my head until our lips met. My cock came to life, my blood pounded in my ears, and I was suddenly filled with insatiable hunger and need. I couldn’t think straight anymore. Here she lay, that female I wanted to kill, but all I could think of were her soft trembling lips and her warm and soft flesh under me. And her sweet scent. It drove me mad with desire. I realized that my weight must have been crushing her, so I lifted myself up a bit. I kissed her with a passion I never experienced before. I pushed my tongue between her lips as she whimpered, tasting her sweet flavor.

  Her sob penetrated the fog of my lust, and I became aware of what I was doing. I had threatened to kill her, and now I was sexually assaulting her. I would have raped her. I lifted my head and stared at her frightened face. Fuck, I nearly raped this female. What was wrong with me? She was too fragile. I would have killed her. I was too big, too wild, and too brutal during sex. It was my Alien instinct that took over during mating and not my brain. It was a miracle I had been able to stop myself at all. A little bit longer, and I would have completely lost control.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” I said hoarsely.

  My dick was still painfully hard, and my head was filled with erotic images of how I would fuck her into submission. Hard, fast, and deep. Fuck! That was exactly what I couldn’t do. Not with a fragile female like her. I must have lost my mind. She wasn’t cut out for rough sex with a beast like me. I would seriously injure—if not kill—her. The thought of doing that was like a cold shower. Swearing, I jumped from the bed and stared at her. Her eyes were wide and frightened, but also a little curious.

  “You have nothing to fear. I will never hurt you,” I said and fled out of the house.


  I lay frozen and stared at the door. My heart was still beating wildly. I tried to process what had happened. I was sure he had come here to kill me. But then he kissed me, and I was torn between fear and desire. That kiss wasn’t what I had dreamed of so many times. Not soft and sensual, but wild, brutal, and strangely arousing. If I hadn’t been so frightened, I might have kissed him back. But I was too shocked and confused over my contradicting emotions to do anything. I felt his arousal. He was hard and big. Scary big. But then he suddenly stopped, and I could have sworn that he was irritated. When he fled, I wanted to call him back. Why? Had I lost all sense of self-preservation? He nearly raped and killed me. I should have been glad that he came to his senses and left. Still, I found myself touching my swollen lips, wondering what would have happened if I had kissed him back. I had no clue why I was so drawn to Rage, but I couldn’t deny that I had felt that way since I saw him in that cage.


  West Colony, Eden

  28 December 2032 • 09:15 a.m.


  “Geez, you’re in a mood today,” Diamond said, giving me a friendly punch in my side. “Maybe I can make you feel better. What do you say? A night of hot sex and you will feel so much better.”

  I looked at Diamond. We’d had a couple of hot nights together during the last few years, but it had never been more than just sex. We were both too independent for a serious relationship. Until now, I had been happy as it was. If I was horny, I got together with one of the willing females that were up for no-strings-attached sex. I was free to do as I pleased, no obligations to anyone. But since I nearly raped Jessie, the simple thought of touching another woman disgusted me. I gave Diamond an apologetic smile.

  “I’m not in the mood,” I said lamely.

  Diamond looked at me skeptically.

  “You mean you don’t want sex with me, or you don’t want sex period?”

  “It’s not about you, Di. I’m just not in the mood.”

  “Has it something to do with a certain little doctor?” Diamond wanted to know.

  I turned away, afraid Diamond would see right through me.

  “Why would I want to have anything to do with that treacherous little bitch?”

  “Jessie is a good doctor and a good person,” Diamond said with a frown. “What is your problem with her? I don’t get it.”

  “It’s personal and none of your business, Di!”

  Diamond snorted.

  “I don’t understand you anymore, Rage. You have always been a decent male. You have always treated us females right, even protected us. How can you want to harm a vulnerable woman who is half your size? That is not the Rage I know—or knew, for that matter. Let me tell you something. The other females are also not happy about the incident at the clubhouse. You are going to find it hard to find a female here who will take you to bed after that. So, get used to your right hand, asshole!” She snorted. “And I even defended you when they bitched about you, but that ends here. You crossed a line, Rage.”

  I growled darkly.

  “I don’t need any of you!” I declared. “And I sure as fuck don’t need you to defend me!”

  “I’m warning you, Rage,” she hissed. “If you so much as look at Jessie the wrong way, I will cut off your balls and stuff them down your throat! And I have all the females behind me, so don’t think this is an empty threat!”

  “I don’t plan on looking at that bitch at all. Period!” I snarled. “I am happy if I don’t see her face.”

  “I was hoping the incident in the club had only been a mistake and that you would have come to your senses by now. Obviously, I was wrong!”


  “I have my eye on you, Rage. Jessie is my friend. I like her. Let! Her! Be!”

  Her mind spoken, Diamond turned away and stalked off. I clenched my fists and went to work on the punching bag I had been training with earlier. Since I had been in Jessie’s bedroom with the intention to kill her, my aggressions were barely under control. Diamond was lucky she was a female, or I would have hit her.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuck!” I shouted with every hit.

  I had sworn to myself I would avoid Jessie at all costs, but she was still in my head, and I couldn’t get her out of there. That irritated me. I had my memories of what she had done—or at least that was what I thought—but I believed her when she pleaded innocence. Nothing made sense anymore. And the worst part of that mess was that I desired her more than I had any female before. Knowing that I would never be able to give into my desires nearly drove me mad. But I couldn’t trust my beast, my Alien side. I would hurt her, maybe even kill her. And I would never be able to live with that. I’d rather train every day until I was too tired to do anything but sleep. I had done that since I broke into Jessie’s house. Even still, the images of Jessie beneath me never left. I wanted that again. I wanted her naked underneath me as I buried myself balls deep in her sweet cunt. In my fantasies she was strong enough to take me.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

  Sweat ran down my body. My knuckles were a bloody mess, but I went on and on. Hit for hit.

  She is not for me. She is not for me! She is NOT FOR ME! DAMN!

  The cursed sand sack wasn’t enough. I had to find another way to blow some steam and get my mind off the little human. Maybe I should go for a hunt? I could hunt the damn Jinggs. After some more hits I turned away from the punching bag and left the gym. I didn’t bother to shower or change. I ran past the desk in the foyer, ignoring Tigress, who was working there. I just wanted out.

  I ran home and flung open the door. I hadn’t been home much lately, and the place was a chaotic mess. Clothes were everywhere, and dirty dishes piled up in the sink. I ignored the untidiness and started to arm myself for the hunt. Then, I left the house and ran down the street towards the end of the settlement.

  “Rage!” I heard Happy shout after me. I cursed silently. Sighing, I stopped and turned around.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.


  “You want me to come along?”

  “No,” I said firmly.

  “It’s not safe alone, Rage. The Jinggs-”

  “I said NO! Leave. Me. Alone!”

  Happy looked at me, hurt. For a moment it seemed as if he wanted to argue, but then he turned away and stormed off. I didn’t look after him and continued on my way, ignoring my bad conscious for hurting my friend.


  “Okay, Pain, we’re done. Try not to use that arm for at least a week,” I said, hoping he would take my advice. If there was one thing Alien Breeds hated, it was resting. “Come back to see me Monday.”

  Pain looked at me and frowned. He was a weird guy. Since his friends, Speed and Sturdy, brought him to me with a dislocated shoulder, he hadn’t said a word. Even now, it was Sturdy who spoke.

  “I will make sure he keeps your advice, Doc,” he said.

  I nodded and smiled at the man who was even taller and broader than all the other Breeds. Hence his name. That guy could be used as a roadblock.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute, Sturdy?” I asked. “Alone?”

  The big guy nodded.

  Speed told Pain with a wave of his hand to get up and follow him, which he did silently. As usual. After Speed closed the door behind them, I turned to Sturdy.

  “I noticed that Pain doesn’t speak. I didn’t want to ask when he was present. Sturdy, can Pain not speak? Is he mute?”

  “No, Doc,” Sturdy sighed and shook his head. He is not mute, but he speaks very little and only with people he trusts. He has an even worse past than all of us.”

  “The scars?” I noticed that Pain had a lot more scars than any Breed I had seen thus far. It seemed that his chest had been opened up several times. His back was a mess. I didn’t count the scars, but there had to be at least a hundred. I didn’t want to imagine what he, or any of the other Breeds, had been through.

  “That’s part of it,” Sturdy answered. “They operated on him many times. Without sedation.”

  “They what?” I cried out in horror. “You mean they opened up his chest when he was fully conscious?”

  Sturdy nodded grimly. I had to sit down. My legs suddenly felt wobbly.

  “Oh, my God!” I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

  “That’s not all. Pain was kept isolated from us. He was their guinea pig. Everything was tested on him first. Only when the tests on him were satisfying, they would come to us with it. Pain always had to live with open wounds, even with an open skull. After our rescue, Pain was in medical care for a year before he was able to even walk. He was in a coma for the first month. Even worse, they used his little kid to keep him under control. He let them do anything to him just to keep the boy safe.”

  “He - he has a son?”

  “He had a son. They killed him shortly before our rescue to punish Pain. You know, before Pain became their favorite g
uinea pig, they used him for breeding experiments. They kept him with a female for half a year. She got pregnant and gave birth to a boy. She died at birth and they kept the babe and Pain separated from each other. He was allowed to see the kid once a week as proof that the boy still lived. Only that way they could be sure that he would cooperate with them. If he didn’t, they would bring the kid and threaten to torture the boy in front of him. Of course, Pain always gave in. He let them do all those things to him without fighting back, only out of fear for what they would do to the kid. That is, until they asked him to do something he never wanted to do again.”

  “What was that?” I asked, not sure if I really wanted to know.

  “They wanted a second child. All the other breeding experiments failed. Only Pain had fathered a child, but the boy wasn’t healthy. They wanted to see if he could father a healthy child. We know now why the breeding experiments went wrong, and we know what to do to get our females pregnant with a healthy child. It was some genetic problem. Doctor George can tell you more about it. He discovered the problem and can explain to you better. I’m no doctor.”

  “You said that they - they killed the child?”

  “Yes. After he refused to mate again, they brought the boy to him. When it became clear to Pain what they were planning to do, he promised he would do it. He would do anything they asked of him. But they had already decided that the boy had to die. Pain never told us how the boy died. But what we do know is that he killed three guards before they could overpower him and nearly beat him to death. They left him in his cell to die. That was right before we all got rescued.


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