How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 11

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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 11 Page 10

by Yukiya Murasaki

  Until now, he’d faced opponents that evaded it with sheer speed, like Boldboss did. Others simply tanked the blow with sheer defense. But it was the first time he had a spell outright deflected. There was no such technique in the game.

  “She definitely used SP... That was probably some kind of martial art.”

  Diablo picked up a pebble and threw it into the air. He then focused on his fingertips and deflected it away, crushing it to bits.

  No. This is just a normal martial art. It’s the same as 《Finger Blade》, using SP to reinforce unarmed attacks. He could raise his level as high as he wanted, but he wouldn’t be able to use this to deflect a spell.

  “...Does it have to do with that ‘Outglow’ thing she mentioned?”

  When Solami saw Rem get mad, she said, “You’ve been working on your Outglow, after all.” That meant the kick Rem delivered earlier didn’t use Outglow, whatever it was.

  Recalling what Solami did back then, Diablo focused his SP into his fingers. A normal martial artist would use it to cloak a fist or a weapon and reinforce them. Limiting it to just his fingertips required significant focus.

  For comparison, clutching a baseball in one’s hand was simple, but balancing it on a fingertip was a difficult task.


  The SP gathered in his fingertips... and dispersed.

  Gathered... and dispersed.

  Gathered... and dispersed.

  After some practice, Diablo grew used to focusing SP on just his fingers. He flicked another pebble and poked it with his fingers. It slipped away for a moment, deflected... before blowing into fragments again.

  Diablo hung his head and mumbled to himself.

  “Hmm... Maybe it’s not the way I’m concentrating the SP, but the way I’m touching it. Maybe I should do it more softly, like catching an egg... Oh, maybe that’s why she used her fingertips?”

  When touching something softly, one’s fingertips were capable of more minute movements compared to the palm of their hand, to say nothing of their clenched fist. The thought of it sent shivers down Diablo’s spine.

  “...So that means she... concentrated SP in her fingers the moment I fired the Lightning Bullet, and moved the magic away gently, like catching an egg? Is that even possible?!”

  But as Diablo sunk into thought, a voice spoke from the shadow.

  “That’s only about half right.”

  Diablo jolted visibly. Solami stepped out from the shadow of the building. Was she watching him the whole time? But having someone sneak up on him didn’t fit his Demon Lord-ly dignity.

  “Hmph...” Diablo gave a composed smirk. “So, you finally stepped out. I figured you’d be watching me until I finished here.”

  “My, my. You noticed me?”

  “Of course. I am a Demon Lord, after all.”

  “I guess my hiding skill still needs some work.”

  I thought she was a grappler, but Solami’s a seeker, too?

  Her black tail wagged left and right cheerfully.

  “I do appreciate your ambition, though. The moment you see a new technique, you rush to try it out. And you even did it on your own without asking me. Very promising.”

  “Hmph... I am not one to depend on others to grow stronger.”

  Diablo was so socially inept, even posting on a message board for help was beyond him. Asking someone he just met for help was impossible. It would hurt him too much if they turned him down. Spending hours mastering a skill on his own was better than risking that pain.

  Solami walked up to him slowly. He thought she would stand in front of him, but she came even closer. She wasn’t just within hand’s reach, her bosoms almost touched him. She was curvy, tall, and mature, but still a head shorter than Diablo, not counting her triangular ears.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Mm? Spare me the foolishness. I never get nervous, no matter who I face.”

  Looking at them up close, her breasts were... pretty big. They stuck out, with a definite sense of mass to them.

  “Are you... interested?” Her red lips parted.

  “Ah... No...”

  “Oh, you don’t have to hide it. I’ll be real nice and teach you. ♥”

  Solami reached out her arm, grabbing hold of Diablo’s right hand, tugging at it and pressing it against her left breast.

  Holy yikes, that’s soft!

  His right hand sank into that large hill.

  Is doing this with Rem’s relative kosher? No way, like hell it is!

  Diablo knew this, but at this point, his hand was acting separately from his will, refusing to retreat. His palm suddenly heated up.

  “Uuu...” Solami blushed. “Heheh... How is it, young Diablo?”

  Like heaven!

  But he couldn’t say that. It was too embarrassing.

  “No... It’s, erm...”

  Keeping up his role playing bordered on the impossible at this point, but speaking naturally would just result in fragmented “aaah”s. His vocabulary was so defunct at the moment that he was at risk of his mask coming off.

  “This is my 《Inglow》. Can you tell?” Solami asked, shoving Diablo’s hand against her breast.


  “Adventurers call it SP, but we of the Gadou clan call the gathering of that force within the body the Inglow. Can you feel how it circulates within the body?”

  “Aaah, erm...”

  He felt nothing of the sort, but that was because his consciousness was fixed on the soft sensation of her breast.

  “By training one’s Inglow, you can push your physical abilities beyond their limits, lighten your wounds and defend against status ailments. Many of the warrior classes’ martial arts depend on the Inglow.”


  “Cloaking your presence and heightening your perception uses it, too.”


  Even that much?! It sounds like magic enchantment.

  But right now, Diablo was in no position to think about the Inglow. His mind was focused entirely on her breasts.

  “Did I explain it too fast for you to keep up?” Solami tilted her head.

  “N-No, that’s not... not it. Yes, I understand. Obviously.”

  Diablo panicked, trying to sense what went on inside Solami’s body through his hand, but all he could feel was soft breast.

  I can’t believe myself! I let my interest in boobs overshadow my ambition?!

  Solami then grabbed Diablo’s left hand too, and pulled it to her right breast this time.

  “Maybe using two hands will make it clear?”

  “Ugh... Kuh, aaah...”

  It just made things worse! His sinful thoughts just doubled in intensity!

  “Now, try to sense my Inglow.”

  Diablo moved his hands, but the soft sensation only felt twice as tempting. The only thing he could tell is that both of those breasts felt amazing!

  Maybe I don’t have any talent as a grappler.

  “Y-You make it sound easy...”

  “My... I guess it’s hard to sense it when you’re not used to it. Then let’s try a bit harder.”

  Solami took a deep breath.



  Diablo felt a jolt running through his fingers that sailed through him and blew away the pink mist clouding his mind. At that moment, Diablo could feel the power cruising through her body.

  “...It’s a swirl,” Diablo whispered.

  “That’s right!” Solami narrowed her eyes in satisfaction. “Then, how about this...”

  Next, she touched Diablo’s chest, her fingertips heating up instantly.


  It was the same as when she flicked away his Lightning Bullet, with her fingers being concentrated with SP.

  “Can you tell? This is my Outglow. You’ve managed something similar to it.”

  “Similar, but different?”

  “There are variations to Outglow. Adventurers usually make use of the solid ty

  The sensation of her pressed fingers changed, as if they’d become solid pylons of iron. It felt as if long, sharp metal claws were pushing against his skin. It hurt a bit.

  “The solid form is easier for use in combat, but when the opponent uses weapons coated with magical energy, it becomes difficult to overpower them. So instead, you make use of the pliable type.”

  Solami’s fingers suddenly became softer. They felt less like a person’s fingers and more elastic, like gum. Diablo then realized with a gasp.

  “I see! So you changed your SP’s properties to deflect the ball of light!”

  “Heheh... That’s almost exactly right.”

  There existed materials that dispersed a blast’s shockwave in all directions, and with just a bit of thickness, absorbed most of the impact. Diablo figured it out, but changing her SP in that brief moment to just the right density was a herculean task.

  “You’ve almost got it exactly right, but...” She frowned. “I told you, didn’t I? We call it a 《Glow》 in the Gadou clan.”

  The sensation of her fingertips changed again. This time it was a peculiar stimulus, a ticklish and numbing sort of sensation that made Diablo want to moan.


  “Mm. I suppose that’s just about strong enough.”


  The odd sensation ran through Diablo’s spine.

  Being able to manipulate SP lets you do this much with just a touch?!

  “Remmie...” Solami gazed at him with eyes that looked like they were absorbing his insides. “She hasn’t known a man yet, right?”

  It was sudden. Diablo found himself taken aback.

  Does this really have anything to do with this Glow thing?!

  “Wha?! No...”

  “You married her and haven’t yet?”


  That was because Diablo was running around on their first night.

  “You don’t have any experience, do you?”

  “Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you saying?!” he stuttered. “I am a Demon Lord from another world!”

  “Fine, then,” Solami said with a dangerous look in her eyes. “I’ll teach you. ♥”

  She means the Gadou style of martial arts, right?! Like the Outglow and Inglow!

  Diablo had no plans of becoming a grappler, but he was very interested in learning to control the Outglow and Inglow. His Demon Lord’s Ring automatically reflected all manner of magic, which meant he couldn’t buff or enchant himself with magic, but if he could use martial arts to compensate for that...

  I’ll get even stronger!

  So he had to overcome this challenge to do that...

  Solami’s finger slid down from his chest to his stomach. This time they felt even softer than rubber and almost moist. It felt like a tongue was licking him over.


  “My, oh, my. You like soft stimulations like this...?”


  “You pure little thing. But it’s fine, I’ll take care of everything. You always make such a tough face, young Diablo, so I thought you weren’t to my taste, but when you make these cute faces, my heart just goes pitter patter... My, maybe I shouldn’t be doing this to my niece’s husband... ♥”

  And even as she asked herself that, her hands didn’t stop.

  Diablo could have fled, but... He thought he realized why Shera didn’t run back then. The stimulation seemed to resonate all the way into the core of his body and went on without stopping. This must have been what receiving a high-class massage felt like. Bound by shackles of pleasure, Diablo was robbed of his freedom.


  “Really, you make such sweet faces...” Solami licked her lips.

  Her cat ears lay flat and her tail stood erect. Eventually, her fingers found their way to his abdomen.


  “My? My, oh, my, oh, my. This is amazing. Have you been waiting for that long?”

  It had actually been on high alert since she touched his chest. And every time it was ready for battle, things always ended without any engagement... But today seemed different.

  Solami dragged it out.


  “My, my! This is incredible...”

  She wrapped her fingers, launching a preemptive attack.


  He screeched internally. Diablo’s knees buckled, and he felt about ready to fall over. It took him a moment to realize his back hit the log meant for grappling practice. If it weren’t for that, he’d have surely fallen to the ground.

  With her eyes positively shining, Solami crouched over him, covering him with both hands. He felt like a small animal being pounced upon by a predator. This intense stimulation made Diablo unconsciously gather SP in his weak spot to defend it.

  “I am... a Demon Lord from... another world!”

  “Yes, yes you are. This is definitely Demon-Lord-sized. But with this much Outglow, you won’t block my attacks.”

  He was cautious of her fingers, but the Gadou clan’s assistant instructor exceeded his expectations. She was a master in these kinds of engagements. To Diablo’s disbelief, she stuffed it into her mouth.


  She’s using Outglow with her tongue?!

  Diablo’s mental defenses were like a sheet of paper trying to stop a bullet. The intense stimulus made him arch his back as he nearly went unconscious. Meanwhile, Solami breathed out heavily.

  “It feels like I might dislocate my jaw at this rate... You really are Demon-Lord-sized...”

  To Diablo’s shock, he could still somehow make out what she was saying. Compared to transforming her SP to being as hard as iron or soft like rubber, turning it to sound was probably simple.


  “It’s fine. No one’s expecting you to withstand this when you’re not used to it. If anything, I’m happy. Go ahead, as you like.”

  “What, in your mouth...?! No...”

  “Heheheh... My Outglow is running through my clothes, too, so it’s naturally running through my mouth, too... Also, this isn’t something I can do to someone who isn’t an apprentice, but since you’re Rem’s husband, that means you’re like family.”

  If you’re aware of that, get your mouth off me!

  And as that intense stimulation ran through his lower half, she said something just as startling again.

  “This is a secret technique, but... If you master it, you can manipulate the Inglow of another as if it was your own by clinging to them like this.”


  It felt as if his nerves had been gripped and yanked out. The part of his mind that had been consciously restraining himself was forced to let go, sending Diablo plummeting into unknown territories. It was like his body had been taken over by someone else.

  What had been dammed up was finally released, bursting forth like a broken floodgate.

  “Nnnnm?!” Solami’s body shivered. Not even she anticipated this much. The composed smile that had adorned her lips throughout this experience now stiffened with surprise. Her tail twitched and shook. With his brain washed over with waves of pleasure, Diablo jolted involuntarily.

  Solami realized she hadn’t been breathing for a moment, opening her mouth to expel its contents and take a deep breath.


  Diablo was silent.

  “Heheheh. That was amazing. You can be confident. You’re certainly a Demon Lord on this front. Nobody could compare to this overwhelming strength. ♥”

  ...I somehow feel like I just learned the bitter taste of defeat.

  At last, his breathing finally returned to normal.

  “Haa, haa... I didn’t imagine you could use this Outglow thing to control another person’s body.”

  “Did you understand how I did it?”


  “My, it seems you still need some more training.” Solami upturned her lips.

  “That’s enough! Eno
ugh training!” Diablo shook his head flusteredly.

  If you do anything more than this, I’ll seriously die!

  The logic behind it was simple. She took control of the other person’s Glow and forcibly jolted it into Inglow. It must have been much more difficult to do in practice compared to controlling the Inglow within her own body.

  Solami wiped her lips clean and said, “Mmmh... My jaw is tired from how big your ●●●● is. I’ve never had to handle such a problematic ●●●● before.”

  “That was training for controlling the Glow, right?! Right?!”

  And at the end, she said something that completely spoiled the moment. Solami’s cat ears twitched, and her expression took on a guilty, surprised expression.

  “Well, I will be leaving then! I still have some assistant instructor duties to attend to!”

  She swiftly fixed her clothes and left the estate as if fleeing.

  What was that about...?

  And as he stood there shocked, another person appeared from the building’s shadow.

  It was Rem.

  “Ah... Diablo.”


  It was the first time he was completely speechless despite sticking to his Demon Lord role play. It felt like a puddle could form at his feet at any moment from the cold sweat he had broken into. After the matter with the Dark Elf Rafflesia, Diablo decided he “wouldn’t get carried away anymore,” but here he was, getting carried away again because of boobs!

  Rem sniffed the air.

  “...Do I smell something?”


  “...I’m just being curious. Pantherians are sensitive to smell.”

  “O-Oh, right! I don’t smell anything though! Maybe it’s coming from outside the estate?”

  Rem simply replied with a “could be” and concluded the matter with that. For a long moment, the two of them simply looked up at the night sky. Rem seemed to have calmed down since earlier. Apparently, Shera did her job well. Diablo thanked her quietly.

  ”...I’m sorry about earlier. I wasn’t acting rationally.”

  “Huh? Oh, no, that’s...”

  Diablo knew it was his fault.

  “...Come to think of it, you gave me the ring because it was a state of emergency. I put you into so much trouble, and you saved my life and soul on top of that.”


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