May the Best Man Win

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May the Best Man Win Page 14

by M. T. Pope

  “That’s good, but don’t end up like me. Get to know the person, ask questions, follow suspicions and pay attention to the red flags. I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone, even my worst enemy. I feel so crazy right now because I didn’t know.”

  “Well you don’t have to feel so crazy about it because you didn’t know. We all have situations or put ourselves in situations where we really don’t know what is going on, but it’s by taking away from those situations that we learn important life lessons. ”

  “What lessons can I take away from this?” She chuckled for a minute and then paused. “This is such a mess.”

  “What you can learn from the situation is the fact that you can’t make someone love you when they don’t love themselves or they don’t know what they want in life. Alex wasn’t a bad person, it’s just that he didn’t know what he wanted in life and he decided that he wanted to do what he wants to do and not really care about the situation or the people. You can learn to love yourself more and you can also learn to forgive people because we all have problems and we all might not be as strong as the next person to deal with them and deal with them right away.”

  “You know what, little bro, you are absolutely right. I guess this is one for the books. Shit, I might as well write a book about it and maybe I’ll call it Both Sides of the Fence.” She laughed. She sounded a little bit happier than she did before.

  “You can do that and maybe you can use a couple of chapters out of my life.” I laughed a little bit myself. “Well, big sister, I can’t say this will be easy to get over because almost nothing is easy to get over when you put your heart into it, but you can call me if you need to talk again and only if I’m not getting it in.”

  “I hear that. You are right about that. It was actually really nice talking to you. I know I can be a smart ass at times but it’s only because I love you and sometimes I don’t know how to say it and sometimes I can be hurt and want to hurt someone else. They say that you only hurt the people you love.”

  “Angela, we all are guilty of doing things that we regret so let’s just let bygones be bygones.”

  “Okay, that’s a deal.”

  “Well, Angela, it’s time for me to get off the phone and get back to my beauty sleep.”

  “Rest easy, sir. Rest easy.”

  I hung up the phone and rolled over, glad that that situation was over and finished with. It would be something now that I could scratch off my list but was also now something that my sister would have to deal with in the days, weeks, and months to come. She did give me some things to think about. I really didn’t know anything about Mateo. I guessed I was going to have to do some research and get some questions answered.

  Chapter 26



  “I think I’m falling in love with you,” I practiced in the mirror in my house as I was getting ready to go out on the town with Mateo. We were going to another one of his fabulous outings that I was sure was going to be a super luxurious time. It was always a surprise with him and I loved surprises.

  He said it was going to be very low key and I could dress comfortably, so I threw on some cute jeans and a really cute V-neck shirt I got from Nordstrom the other day. I had some cute loafers that were very comfortable and stylish for this summery spring weather. My haircut was fresh and my skin was soft and glowing. Mateo was a touchy-feely guy and he loved my skin and touched me almost compulsively. I adored the attention.

  We were headed to the museum. At first when he told me I was like, huh? in my mind, but my mouth said, “Great.” I am not going to lie and say that I was a museum kind of guy because I wasn’t. It wasn’t that my parents didn’t teach me culture or anything, it was just that it spelled out b-o-r-i-n-g to me. We would go all the time in Pennsylvania and I hated it then and now was no exception. I’d rather have gone to an amusement park and ride roller coasters and things like that but now I was a responsible adult and I had to keep it adult. Adults did do theme parks; they just did it when they had kids. I didn’t think that it was kosher to go to the theme park without kids, but that is just my opinion and I didn’t think that Mateo would go for that anyway.

  I was dressed, fresh, and ready to pretend like I was having a great time. It would be one of the only performances that I would have to put on with Mateo because I enjoyed everything else we did, except this and maybe sexually if he wasn’t well endowed or didn’t know how to perform. I was hoping his ass didn’t have erectile dysfunction or something like that. That was the flaw in my plan of dating before sex and not the other way around. The way of the world now was sex first and everything else later. I guessed sex was high on the list of priorities now and getting to know the person came later on. I could see now that was a flawed plan. Getting to know the person was now top on my list and then sex. Since we were going someplace where talking was ideal it would be a great time to get some more information about Mateo and even pass on some information about me, because, come to think of it, he never asked me any information about myself either.

  I jumped in my car and made my way downtown toward the Walters Art Museum where he said he would be waiting for my arrival. I arrived downtown in good time, parked my car in a garage a block or two over, and walked to the museum.

  I was a little nervous when I walked in and saw all of the people walking around talking and pointing at the artwork pieces and smiling. It was a little intimidating that I didn’t know anything about art. I hated to be in situations where I was out of the loop or the odd man out. But this was a part of life and in life we have to do things we don’t like nor understand to gain knowledge. I stood at the entrance of one of the sectional galleries and wondered where Mateo was in the museum. My palms were a little sweaty. I quickly checked my breath and then reached in my pocket to text Mateo on his location in the museum. But before I could get a single letter in I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “Nice to see you today.”

  I turned to see Mateo in jeans and thin polo shirt. He looked really nice. He looked like I wanted to take him in the bathroom and get on my knees and . . . well, you know the rest. “Nice to see you as well.” I spoke and a smile gleamed across my face.

  “Your skin is glowing I see,” he remarked as he ran the back of his hand down the side of my face like he did always.

  “Thank you.” I blushed.

  “Are you ready to look around?” he asked.

  “I’m ready as ever.”

  “Good, there is so much I want to show you.”

  “Well, let’s go and enjoy this day.” I spoke gleefully.

  The first room we entered was filled with a few couples walking hand in hand as they admired the different art pieces. I had to admit I felt a little twinge of jealousy because most of them were holding hands while Mateo and I weren’t. Then, while standing in front of a black woman’s beautiful picture of her holding a bright baby boy, Mateo clasped his hand into mine. There was a spark as if we were standing on carpet. A smile was instantly smeared across my face. My insides felt like I was hit with a jolt from electric paddles that brought back a person from the brink of death. My heart was racing.

  “Look at her. Look at the definition of the face, the smile. The artist got it all in this picture,” Mateo said as he admired the picture.

  “Yes, that is so true,” I agreed. I really didn’t care about the picture or the woman. His hand in mine was enough for me. I could get used to this. I would fight for this. This was a public display of affection. No, it wasn’t a kiss, but it was a great start. Actually a kiss may have been too much for me at this moment. I probably would have been compelled to reciprocate in the bathroom on my knees or something. But that was my conditioning and that was the old me. This was new to me. I could say that I had never dated a guy and had him treat me so gently and kindly. Mateo was what I was looking for and needed in my life.

  “Her skin looks as soft and glowing as yours does right now.” He looked at me in admiration. He then
took the back of his hand and gently rubbed it against my cheek. “Do you know you’re a masterpiece of God? A beautiful work of art.”

  I blushed and then I closed my eyes for a brief second, taking in the moment. I knew we were in the middle of a room with other people and this was not the place for this, but when I opened my eyes there were a few eyes on us, but to my surprise there was no condemnation in them; instead theirs were smiles of admiration looking back at us. I too smiled back because they looked happy for me and for us. It was a nice feeling to be adored as a couple by others. This must have been what celebrity couples felt like in the limelight.

  We moved on to other pictures and even to a room with sculptures and various other things. Piece by piece we admired the artwork. Mateo complimented me more and more as the day went on and I inhaled each one as if it were the fresh air my body needed to survive.

  “Are you hungry?” Mateo asked me as we headed out of one of the exhibit rooms.

  “A little,” I answered.

  “Well, let us go to the café and get a little something to eat. I can’t have you wasting away.”

  With that we made our way into the café and found us a table and waited to be served. After we placed our order we made small talk while waiting for it to come back. While chatting we had an unexpected interruption.

  Chapter 27



  After getting off of the phone with my sister I just couldn’t go back to sleep. I tossed and turned in my bed for a few more minutes before I decided to get up and do something. I had nothing to do today since Mateo said that he was going to be busy today. He did mention that he wanted to take me to the museum on our next date. I had to say that I loved them. I was just out of touch with them. I hadn’t been to one in such a long time that it would be like going for the first time for me. I needed to go do some research and there is nothing like hands-on research.

  So that was what I decided to do. I decided to take a trip downtown and go to the Walters Art Museum. I was going to get a heads-up and impress him at the same time. Mateo looked like the type of guy who liked a well-bred man and that was what I was: well bred.

  I cooked myself a small breakfast, showered, primped myself, and was out of my house in no time. It took no time to drive downtown and park in a garage a block or two over from the museum. I had a feeling that I was going to have a good time today.

  The sun was shining and I was smiling as I walked down the block to the museum. I had to say that my life was good. I also figured today to be good to figure out something to ask Mateo about himself.

  I walked into the entrance of the museum, and there was a nice-sized crowd in there. It was a Saturday and admission was free so I should have factored that into my visit today, but it was all good. I was going to enjoy the day nonetheless, and nothing could bring down my joy today . . . nothing.

  I took my time and walked around the different rooms and exhibits. One of my favorite exhibits was Revealing the African Presence in Renaissance Europe. It was very enlightening and informative.

  After about an hour and a half of looking I got a little hungry and decided to grab a small bite to eat at the museum café called Café Q. As soon as I walked in the café and surveyed the room for a possible seat, a nauseated feeling attacked my stomach. It was instant reaction to a sight that I was sure I should not have been seeing. I knew my eyes were playing tricks on me. I couldn’t believe it. I just couldn’t believe it. So I did something that I had never done before. I caused a scene.

  “What the hell is going on here?” I walked up to the table where my man and my new enemy sat across from each other, talking, one hand covering the other’s hands. It was a sign of affection to them but a sign of betrayal to me. There was a few people staring at me and the scene going on, but I didn’t care at the moment. I had completely forgotten my reputation as an upstanding, law-abiding citizen and my senses. I was seeing red. I wanted to flip the table over in a tirade. My man looked at me calmly and the “enemy” had an evil smirk on his face. I wanted to smash his head into the glass window and watch the blood run down the side of his face and then do it again. This was my man he had his hand on. He had his filthy, hoeish hands on my man.

  “Hello, Kardell. How are you?”

  No, this bitch didn’t just ask me how I am doing while he is sitting across from my man. I didn’t answer him at first because I wanted to retain my dignity and some of my reputation as an upstanding citizen; but, as they say, shit was about to get real.

  “Have you lost your fucking mind?” I couldn’t believe I was speaking in such language in front of my man, but I was seething hot and didn’t care at the moment.

  “My mind is great right now. It couldn’t be better. I’m out with my man and we were having an almost quiet meal together before you showed up and showed us your ghetto side.” He looked at me and then at my man and then smiled slyly, like he was winning.

  “Your man?” I asked, looking at my man, waiting for him to answer.

  “Did I stutter? You have a degree or two and you mean to tell me that you haven’t grasped all of the English language?” Lewis said sarcastically. “How could he be your man if you didn’t want him?”

  “You’re in my business and I’m about to be in yours,” I threatened.

  “Like I said, my man and I are enjoying ourselves and we don’t want the interruptions, so we would appreciate it if you found you a man, if you can, and leave us two lovers alone.”

  “Are you forgetting the fact that you work for me and not the opposite?” I stated matter-of-factly.

  “Is that a threat? . . . Are you threatening me?” He turned toward me in his seat as if he was about to get up.

  I took a step back just in case he was about to swing or something. I can say I wasn’t planning on this shit happening today. I guessed there was something that could change my mood today. I never thought in a million years that it would be this.

  “It is what it is,” I replied.

  “Excuse me is everything okay over here?” A male and female member of the museum’s security walked up to us. The male asked the question.

  “No, everything is fine . . . Just a little miscommunication.” Mateo finally decided to talk by answering the officers. “Kardell, have a seat so we can discuss this rationally.” His smile, his calming voice was all I needed to hear, so I hesitantly pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. I was breathing hard, and looking at Lewis’s ass was not making it any better.

  “Okay, any more profanity or arguing and we will have to ask you to leave the grounds. This is a family-friendly environment and we like to keep it that way. Have a great day at the Walters Art Museum, fellas.” They walked off and left us to hash out the mess that we were in.

  “Gentlemen, this is entirely my fault. I wasn’t being honest with either of you. I like both of you and couldn’t decide on which one of you to see exclusively. You two are very good-looking guys and it is hard to decide when two guys meet my standards. I like you both.” He looked at both of us, one to the other, intensely.

  I was shocked at what I was hearing. Here I am thinking I am the only one and he is dating Lewis and me. I wanted to get up and walk out and leave them both here looking stupid, but that would only make Lewis the winner and I wasn’t going out like that. I found him first. The truth is I probably fucked myself by seeming uninterested in Mateo when I first met him and denying that attraction to Lewis. His fast ass swooped right in and made his move. I had to give it to him: he was a go-getter. I guess he was looking for love too. It just happened to be the same guy I was interested in.

  “Mateo, it’s okay,” I spoke up first. “It can happen to anyone.”

  “Yes, I forgive you,” Lewis stated, and then reached his hand across the table and placed it on Mateo’s hand that was resting on the table. I reached over, knocked it off, and placed my hand on his. I knew it was petty and downright childish, but I wasn’t giving up that easily. Pretty soo
n we were pushing each other’s hands off of Mateo’s before he finally pulled his hand back.

  “No need to fight, fellas. I have a great way to solve this dilemma.” He looked at both of us and smiled. “Since I can’t possibly choose between the both of you I propose a contest of sorts to see who the best man for me is. I love games; and why shouldn’t life be interesting?”

  “A game?” I spoke hesitantly.

  “Yes. I know it is totally unconventional, but I think it would be fun to have a little friendly contest. Think of it as American Idol for dating.” He laughed lightly.

  “I’m game if he’s game.” Lewis looked at me sharply. I eyed him back in the same manner.

  “But you can’t take it out on each other at work.”

  We both nodded our heads yes even though I knew that it was going to be hard to keep this from spilling over into the work atmosphere.

  “Great. It will take me a few days to think about what I want to do, but expect a text with the first challenge,” he said, getting up from the table. “I’m looking forward to this. Have a great day, gentlemen.”

  We both watched him walk off and then we looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.

  “May the best man win.” I stuck my hand out to shake Lewis’s hand.

  He hesitantly did the same before he said the same: “May the best man win.”

  Chapter 28


  Sewed Up

  “A contest?” I laughed to myself after I said that out loud on the side of my bed. “I got this shit sewn up.” I believed that wholeheartedly. I was a winner by nature. Spelling bee, cooking, style, and poise: I had all of that shit on lock.

  “Kardell’s stuffy ass doesn’t stand a chance against me. He is in over his head.” I danced around my room like I was Muhammad Ali jabbing into the air like I was “like that.” “I’m up for the challenge . . . any challenge.”


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