Hers, Unbroken: A Science Fiction Romance

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Hers, Unbroken: A Science Fiction Romance Page 1

by Anna Adler

  Hers, Unbroken

  Anna Adler

  Publishing Information


  Copyright ©2018 Anna Adler

  Edited by Laurie Skemp

  Cover by Melody Simmons

  First edition

  Kindle edition

  ISBN: 978-3-947471-02-7

  Technical Version:


  Anna M. Lübbers

  Josef-Wirmer-Str. 9

  53123 Bonn


  [email protected]

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book may not be sold, manipulated or reproduced in any format without written permission of the author, with the exception of excerpts for review purposes.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 1

  “Unidentified vessel…,” the aggressive male voice barked over the communications link. “Drop your shields and prepare to be boarded. Resistance will be met with lethal force.”

  Chase Decker was about to get caught. His small clunker of a space shuttle didn’t have defenses, so he was helpless before the approaching warship. This was all part of the plan, but it didn’t stop his palms from getting sweaty as they clutched the controls. He switched off the engine and let his ship drift. The sleek, menacing Silenian vessel approached. It was three times bigger than the rust bucket he was flying, and twice as fast. Its open gun ports stared at him, signaling he’d be blown to dust if he didn’t cooperate. Behind the approaching vessel, Chase saw a slice of the copper-colored planet. Silenia.

  Slave planet. Extremely dangerous. And exactly the place I want to reach…

  The corner of his mouth curled up. It was an isolated human colony boasting heavy defenses. Smart space voyagers stayed away from it because Silenian humans didn’t take kindly to uninvited visitors. Aliens or hybrids straying too close to the planet tended to disappear without a trace.

  Chase was a human-alien hybrid, and he knew he was about to disappear. His instincts warned him of danger, but he ignored the buzz in the back of his mind. He intended to play along and hoped they wouldn’t shoot him on sight.

  A loud clank resonated in the hull, and the entire shuttle rattled, indicating the Silenian vessel had docked. Chase took his sidearm off the holster and placed it on the console on his right. He got out of the pilot’s chair.

  “Open the airlock!” came the stern command over the communication link.

  Chase hit the panel next to the airlock to allow the Silenians entry. He backed up a step as heavily armed space marines in dark blue armor rushed into his shuttle, their weapons pointed at him, their eyes hidden behind black visors. They took over the cramped space within seconds.

  “Stay where you are! Hands behind your head!”

  Chase did as ordered.

  “Look at the size of him,” one of the marines commented.

  “Stay alert,” another returned.

  The first marine waved an instrument at him. It made a blip, and the man nodded at his companions.


  The next one fired at him. The stun charge slammed into his chest and next he knew he was lying on his back, struggling to draw a breath. Chase gasped and snarled with pain.

  “He’s not out yet?”

  “Fire again!”

  A net was thrown over him and the marines closed in. A final stun charge hit his chest and everything went black.

  Chapter 2

  Holly Danek looked up from her files and frowned at Joe, who had stepped into her office and interrupted her work. “What is it?”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am,” the young man said. “One of the latest acquisitions is a problem.”

  “Which one?”

  “Specimen 58088. Male. Human-Lizardian hybrid. Approximately thirty-six standard years old. Came in five days ago. We need to terminate him. I need your signature for the death warrant.” He politely placed the data pad in front of her.

  Holly’s heart jolted with alarm. “Terminate him? Why?”

  “Rawley’s team has been working with him. The pet is new and unbroken, but he isn’t putting up any resistance.”

  Holly tapped her fingers against the polished surface of her desk. “So? Where’s the problem?”

  “A wild pet not fighting back, ma’am? Something’s wrong with this creature.”

  Anger surged in her veins, but she knew she needed to hide her emotions, and therefore kept her voice level. “I bet he’s not fighting back because he’s scared. You’ve been too hard on him.”

  Joe shook his head slowly. “No, ma’am, he’s definitely not scared. I’m saying he’s not putting up any resistance at all. He understands what we tell him. He’s been obeying commands right from the start, except for one. He refuses to speak.”

  “Is he mute?”

  “There’s no indication of an inability to speak. He doesn’t even do sign language. Rawley’s been trying to make him talk for five days, but he’s totally silent. It’s eerie. It’s like he’s waiting for something.”

  Holly gave an exasperated sigh. “Each case is different. Just because he isn’t feeling chatty doesn’t mean he should be killed.”

  Saving pets from termination was her mission in life.

  The young trainer shifted his weight. “It’s not just that. They say he didn’t put up any resistance when they caught him, either.”


  “Yes, ma’am. The report says they found weapons in his shuttle, but he didn’t even try to use them. It’s as if he’s here on purpose. He doesn’t look scared or angry like they usually do. He isn’t trying to break out of his cage. His physical fitness and the gear he was in…we’re pretty sure he has combat training. Rawley says he’s a spy of some kind. Alien spies have to be put down immediately, as you know.” He pushed the data pad toward her.

  “I’m not signing anything yet,” Holly stated. She uncrossed her legs and stood up. “I’m going to see this pet for myself. Rawley is probably misjudging the situation.”

  As per fucking usual.

  “A-all right.” Joe stumbled back to make way for her.

  “Where is he?”

  “The pet? In the D-sector.”

  Holly strode out of her office and headed downstairs toward the containment area. This place drove her crazy. If it were possible, she would set free all pets everywhere on Silenia, but it was ou
t of her hands. The legislation regarding pets was merciless and the government didn’t tolerate dissidence. “Keeping everyone safe and happy” was the Silenian motto, by any means necessary. Questioning the status quo would only get her sent to prison. All Holly could do was use her position as the head of the facility to keep as many pets alive as possible.

  She arrived at the D-sector corridor. Rawley was huddled with Bart, another trainer, obviously scheming, and she overheard the conversation.

  “But he’s going to get terminated,” Bart was saying.

  “Exactly, so who cares what happens to him now,” Rawley replied. “Let’s turn the pain up to the max this time. He’s gotta break.”

  “Yeah, he won’t be able to take it,” Bart agreed.

  Both men checked their wristbands to enter new commands.

  Holly’s gut cramped and she quickened her step. “Rawley!” she called out sharply.

  The men looked up and turned to her in surprise.


  Holly slowed her pace to normal, concealed her temper, and put on her calm, professional face. “A word with you.”

  “Of course,” Rawley said, dropping his hands to his sides. “Is something wrong? I told Joe to bring you the termination warrant.”

  She came to a halt before the male trainers and gazed at them coolly. “I talked to Joe. I want to see this pet myself.”

  “Sure, the pet’s over there.” Rawley waved toward a cage a few meters behind him. “But is this really necessary?”

  “I decide what’s necessary,” she said. “Leave. I want to be alone with him.”

  “He’s dangerous,” Rawley said.

  “Is he?” Holly arched an eyebrow at the man. “Joe told me this pet has been obedient from day one.”

  “He’s up to something.”

  “Of course he is. They’re all up to something.”

  You would be too, in their place.

  Rawley pushed his chin out. “I think we should give him an extra zap to make him talk.”

  Extra zap?

  Holly itched to grab Rawley by the throat, throw him to the wall and give him a piece of her mind, but she knew better. Showing sympathy toward the wild pets could get her fired, even from her prestigious position as the head of this training facility.

  Instead, she looked at him and said, “I know how to put a rebellious pet in his place, but I’d rather do it in private.”

  Rawley didn’t look entirely happy, but he nodded and touched his fingers to his brow. “Ma’am.”

  He and his assistant left her alone in the corridor. She approached the glass cage to observe the pet. He was sitting on the padded floor, facing her, with his back against the wall, his long legs stretched, ankles crossed, his eyes closed. His hands rested in his lap and he appeared so relaxed she couldn’t help but be struck by admiration. Rawley was planning to torture him, and yet he was simply sitting there, without a trace of fear or anxiety. Holly’s heart assumed a faster rhythm as her gaze slid over his naked body. He was toned everywhere, with a narrow waist and broad shoulders, all hard muscle. Bronze scales covered his left arm and part of his chest, evidencing his sire must have been a Lizardian. Large hands and feet. Short, dark hair and dark stubble on his jaw. His body bore a few old scars, but they only added rugged charm to his appearance.

  His eyes opened. Seeing her, his expression changed. He appeared surprised, and then a look of intense curiosity crept over his handsome face. He rose silently on his feet and approached the glass. He was remarkably tall, Holly realized, as she was forced to stare up at him. She firmly ignored the flutter in her belly and pulled her spine straighter to show she was in control of the situation.

  “So you’re the new pet,” she said, her voice deliberately calm.

  The male grinned. His gruff features turned handsomer. Holly noticed he had gold-colored eyes.

  “I’m the head trainer of this facility,” she said to him. “I’ve been told you understand but don’t talk. Why not?”

  “Haven’t seen anyone worth talking to before now,” he replied.

  Holly was startled. The fact that he spoke to her so quickly took her by surprise. He had a deep, masculine voice.

  “Really?” She kept her voice level. She knew that freshly captured aliens were dangerous—naturally—because they sought to escape their new prison. No matter how obedient this pet appeared, she needed to be extremely careful. Everything he said or did could simply be an act to make her drop her guard. Maybe Rawley and his team were correct in estimating that this pet may be more dangerous than most, but Holly’s goal was to keep this specimen alive. “What makes me different from the others?”

  “You’re female.”

  Well, at least he doesn’t beat around the bush…

  She crossed her arms. “And because I’m female you think that makes me an easier target?”

  “Easier target?”

  “You want to escape,” she clarified. “You didn’t speak with the male trainers because you didn’t think they would help. But you imagine that a female trainer would be easier to manipulate.”

  “No,” he said. “I’m not trying to escape. I came here looking for a female.”

  Holly tilted her head. “You came to Silenia looking for a female?”

  “That’s right.”

  “You’re going to have to explain this to me. I don’t understand.”

  “I met one of your people and she told me what kind of place Silenia is. I heard that aliens and hybrids are kept here as so-called pets and as sexual servants. I heard that Silenian women are passionate over men such as myself.” He indicated the bronze and gold-colored scales covering his left arm and part of his chest. Light glinted off them as he moved. “So I decided to come and…offer my services.”

  “You let yourself be caught so you would be trained and sold as a pet?” Holly didn’t believe it. He looked every bit an alpha male, not like someone who enjoyed collars and leashes.

  “That’s right.”

  “You really expect me to believe that?”

  “Haven’t you ever encountered someone like me before? You’re a pet trainer, you say.”

  “The head pet trainer. I lead this facility.”

  She saw a glint of increased interest in his eyes. “Head trainer, huh? You must be a pretty bossy lady.”

  “I’ve seen all the tricks. New pets have tried to manipulate me before. None of them succeeded.”

  I might be sympathetic, but I’m not stupid.

  “But haven’t you ever encountered a man who came here voluntarily?”

  Holly stared at him, thinking. She hadn’t encountered one such as him, but what he claimed was possible. Some Silenian men were submissive, so of course it was possible that alien males were too. Some even might be crazy enough to think that living as a pet on Silenia was a great idea. To be sure, Silenians treated their tame pets with great love and care.

  She had been working in the Interstellar Pet Training Inc. for ten years, but this was the first time a wild pet claimed to be here voluntarily. The pet capturing industry went by the assumption that pets always rebelled against their fate. No wonder the male before her roused suspicion.

  “What’s your name?” she asked him.

  “Chase. Chase Decker. What’s yours?”

  Holly ignored his question. “That’s a human name.”

  “My mother was human. She named me.”

  “And your sire?”

  “Lizardian, I hear. I never met him.”

  “I figured your mother was human. That’s why your human traits are dominant. If you had been born out of a Lizardian female by a human sire, you would look more Lizardian.”

  “That’s the way it goes, yeah. But no matter how I resemble a human, everyone can tell I’m not a pureblood. I hear you like hybrids around here.”

  “We do.”

  “So you could put me to use. Right away, if you like.” He grinned again.

  Holly ignored his offer.
“Are you a spy, Chase Decker?”

  “I’m not a spy.”

  “Of course, you wouldn’t tell me if you really were a spy.”

  “I’ll take a lie detector test if you want.”

  “Pets aren’t granted such luxury, I’m afraid.”

  I’m the one lying now.

  Her wristband was receiving information from the microchip in his neck. She would be able to detect if he lied, but him not knowing about it would give her a better assessment of his character.

  “Then take my word for it,” he said. “I’ll prove to you I’m serious. Aren’t you going to tell me your name?”

  Holly clasped her hands behind her back. “My name is Halina Danek. Holly, for short. You’re in big trouble, Chase. Your trainer, Master Rawley, claims you’re a spy. He thinks you’re dangerous and he wants me to sign your death warrant.”

  Chase’s expression turned serious. He rubbed his jaw. “Shit.”

  “I would like to help you, but this planet is a dangerous place and the laws are not forgiving when it comes to pets.”

  “I’m not a spy. You don’t want to sign my death warrant, do you?”

  Holly gazed at him sternly. “I’m sure you understand that I might not have a choice.”

  He leaned closer to the glass. “Please. What do I have to do?”

  “You have this one chance to tell me the truth. If I’m convinced you’re honest, I’ll keep you alive and we’ll work something out. But if you lie to me, you’re not worth my time. So I ask you again: are you a spy?”

  “Ms. Danek,” he began.

  “I need a yes or a no.”

  “No.” His tone was serious and respectful now. “I’m not here to spy on anyone. I’m here on a purely self-indulgent quest to get laid.”

  Her wristband vibrated. Holly glanced at the display and found the readings from his chip green.

  She fixed her gaze on him and arched an eyebrow. “In what manner do you imagine you’re going to get laid?”

  “I was hoping a female would buy me and use me as her sexual servant.”


  “So you want to serve a woman.”

  “Yeah. It’s always been in the back of my mind, as long as I can remember. This fantasy of submitting to a woman. Being her toy.” The way he was eyeing her, he seemed to hope Holly might be this woman he was looking for. She felt a tickle of pleasure inside.


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