Breaking Hearts (Full Hearts #4)

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Breaking Hearts (Full Hearts #4) Page 10

by MJ Summers

  She pictured him standing up and the two of them sneaking out of the room, as they had done earlier, but this time, instead of going their separate ways, they would go to the bedroom they shared and he would undress her and move the hair off her neck so he could kiss her. There was nothing on earth that sounded more perfect to her. She could feel his lips on her skin and imagined running her hands over his hard body, knowing he was hers. That slice of heaven would be worth any price. Staring at herself in the mirror for a long moment, she was surprised that she found herself looking quite lovely tonight.

  * * *

  Trey lay in bed in his small room, staring at a crack that ran the length of the plaster ceiling. Somehow, being in a separate house from Tomas and Alessandra made him feel very alone. He hadn’t realized just how used to being with them he’d become. Tomas wouldn’t be able to pad into his room to wake him up as he had done every morning for the past month. The knowledge of this didn’t sit well with Trey and made him want to get Tomas moved into this house as soon as possible.

  How had he suddenly found himself here? In a stranger’s guest house in the middle of rural Brazil? Only the month before, he had been in his dorm room in San Diego, where it had never occurred to him how alone he was. In a very short period of time, he had grown so attached to both Tomas and Alessandra that he found himself wanting to be near them all the time.

  Thinking of his son’s tiny hand in his own earlier that evening made him smile. Their connection was so strong that Trey’s concerns about being a father were quickly starting to fade. He knew he would love Tomas and protect him with everything he had to give. And what he didn’t have now, he would get for Tomas.

  What seemed strange to him was how fiercely he wanted to protect Alessandra too. He had come to Alessandra’s defence twice against her own mother, and his reaction had surprised him both times. It had come so easily to him. How the hell had that happened? He thought of Alessa—how lovely she was, how soothing her voice was as she sang to Tomas. He loved the sound of the soft, beautiful song and her rich accent. She was enchanting. She was warmth personified. She drew him to her with her generosity and her laugh as much as she did with that curvy body of hers. There was no denying it, he wanted her, and after tonight in the hall it had become clear that she wanted him right back. He thought of everything she’d done for him since he had gotten to Brazil. She had somehow managed to find a solution to each of his problems—all of which would have been insurmountable were he on his own. It was as though he’d been sent an angel at the exact moment he needed one, but he had no idea what he’d done to deserve her.

  He didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to stop himself from acting on the need coursing through his veins day and night. He fluffed his pillow and tried to find a comfortable position, but his restlessness was now reaching a fever pitch. If only she would knock on that door right now.


  The next morning, in spite of his trouble falling asleep, Trey woke just as the sun was starting to rise. Blinking for a moment, he rolled over to check the time on his cellphone. It was a little after 6 a.m., and his restlessness from the night before hadn’t gone away. He decided to get up and spend the day burning off that energy, in hopes of reducing his lust to a dull roar. Getting up, he made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and splash some cold water on his face. As he dried his hands on a towel, he glanced out the window to see Carlos walking out to the field, pushing a wheelbarrow in the low light of dawn.

  Trey caught up with the old man just as he reached a crooked fence post on the edge of the property. He watched as Carlos let go of the handles of the wheelbarrow and took a rag out of his back pocket to wipe his face.

  “Good morning, sir,” Trey called. “Can I give you a hand?”

  Carlos turned with a surprised smile and a nod in Trey’s direction. “Olá.”

  “This fence has seen better days,” Trey said as he straightened the loose fence post with one hand. Plucking a shovel out of the wheelbarrow, he began to dig around the post to loosen the dirt. Trey made quick work of digging a hole around the post. He continued to dig until he unearthed the cause of the problem. A large rock had made its way up from below, causing the post to shift. Trey dug it out and put it into the wheelbarrow before continuing to dig. “There’s always at least one more waiting,” he said, referring to the rock.

  Carlos peered over his shoulder as Trey found the next culprit. He gave Trey a nod of approval as the second rock was deposited into the wheelbarrow. Carlos opened a bag of cement mix and poured some of the powder into a plastic bucket, then added water from an old jug and began to mix it with a wooden spatula.

  “How did you do that?” Trey asked as he watched the cement form to just the right consistency. “You didn’t even measure!”

  Carlos seemed to get the gist of what Trey was saying from his tone and gestures. He nodded, saying simply, “Okay.”

  “That’s impressive, sir. That’s not something you can learn on Google. Well, I mean you could Google it, but I imagine it takes years to be able to just do that by feel.” He cleared the dirt from around the hole as Carlos continued to stir the contents of the bucket.

  “This is sure a beautiful place you’ve got here, sir. It makes me realize how much I miss life on a ranch,” he said as he evened out the hole for the cement.

  Trey looked up at his host, receiving another smile and nod from him. “You don’t understand a word I’m saying, do you?” He paused, then continued to dig and talk. “In that case, I might as well get something off my chest that’s been stuck there for about a month now. I have very strong feelings for your granddaughter. I’ve never met a girl quite like her before. She’s pretty as a peach and obviously very smart and so kind. She’s been a real lifesaver for me since I got here. And she’s amazing with Tomas. He loves her to bits, which makes sense, really. She’s so warm and fun too. As far as I can tell, she’s basically perfect.” Trey stopped digging for a moment and leaned on the shovel. “Your daughter told me to keep it in my pants last night. I guess maybe I’m not hiding my feelings as well as I thought I was.”

  Getting back to work, Trey continued talking. “Your daughter’s a little hard on Alessandra, don’t you think? To be honest, some of the things she said last night at supper bothered me a lot. I don’t think parents should make fun of their kids, do you? I mean, the world’s cruel enough. Shouldn’t parents help build their kids up whenever they can? I don’t mean to be disrespectful or anything. I just felt bad for Alessa, is all.”

  “Okay,” Carlos answered again.

  Soon the hole had been filled and the two were making their way back to the house, this time with Trey pushing the wheelbarrow and feeling a deep sense of satisfaction at having completed the first in what he hoped would be many much-needed improvements to the farm.

  The morning dew on the grass glittered as the sun’s rays hit it. Trey looked ahead to the house; it had a magical quality in this light, and it made him realize that he needed to make his life’s work on a farm or ranch somewhere so he could enjoy moments like this every day. Glancing over at Carlos, Trey cleared his throat. “I want to help out in any way that I can while I’m here. Please give me lots of jobs every day, alright?”

  The back door to the main house slammed shut and Tomas came running toward them with Alessandra in tow. “Dad!” he called as he ran straight to Trey with his little arms swinging from side to side.

  “Good morning, Tomas!” Trey called with a broad smile. He crouched down for a hug as Tomas reached him. “Did you have a good sleep, buddy?”

  Tomas nodded. “Pancake time,” he said enthusiastically.

  “Do we get pancakes this morning?” Trey put him down and picked up the handles of the wheelbarrow again. “That sounds terrific. I need to put these tools away and then get washed up. You wanna come with me?”

  “Yup.” Tomas nodded and walked beside his dad, his little hand on the wheelbarrow next to Trey’s.

  “I bet you’re going to make a great helper, aren’t you?”


  Over the next few days, they fell into an easy rhythm. Trey would get up and feed the animals before Tomas woke. The family would eat breakfast together, and Tomas would follow Trey and Carlos around as they did chores on the farm. In the afternoons, Tomas napped and Carlos rested in his hammock in the shade while Trey worked on putting up a new tool shed next to the barn. He worked hard, managing to get the yard tidied up and looking much better. After supper, he would bathe Tomas and read to him, then sit as Alessandra sang. Each night, their feelings for each other grew stronger.

  When they’d reluctantly leave the intimacy of that space, they would join the family to play dominoes in the kitchen before bed. Trey was picking up Portuguese one phrase at a time, and Lorena seemed to be easing up on him, which Alessa attributed to his hard work and efforts to remain friendly with her.

  Trey managed to sneak in time to search the Internet for jobs back in the US, trying to figure out a solid plan to prove to the court that he could provide for his son. Alessandra had filed the necessary paperwork to transfer Trey’s case to the local courts and had left her resumé at all of the local law firms as well as the courthouse. She watched as Trey grew closer to Tomas, enjoying those little moments when the two walked to the barn together hand in hand, Trey looking down at his little boy as Tomas chatted and jumped around. The more relaxed Trey became with her family and Tomas, the more his true personality came through. He was playful and had a wonderful sense of humour, effortlessly making everyone in the family laugh—even her mother, who was not quick to enjoy a joke.

  On Saturday afternoon, Alessandra sang along quietly to the radio as she cooked. Trey had taken Tomas to her room for his nap. The entire Santos family would be arriving soon for a dinner to celebrate Alessandra finishing her law degree and coming home. It was a day she was very much looking forward to. Their parties were so full of joy and laughter, with all the ladies working together in the kitchen, sharing little wisdoms and teasing each other while the men stood around the barbecue until they finally all came together to eat and drink late into the evening at long tables set out on the patio.

  Betina and her mother had gone out to the market to get some last-minute items. Carlos was dozing in his hammock under the shade of two trees on the other side of the yard. Alessa could see him from the window and she smiled, grateful to be home to see her avô in the familiar ritual of his afternoon rest. She had worried about him since his heart attack, often feeling a nagging sense of doom, as though she were running out of time to be with him. But now that she was here, that feeling had become little more than an occasional whisper.

  It was a hot day and the oven was heating up the kitchen, making her sweat a little in spite of the tank top and light summer skirt she wore. Her white apron tugged at her neck as she worked. She was making pão de queijo and had her hands in the doughy mixture. She’d just added the egg and cheese, the final step before forming little balls. Wiping the hair away from her face with her arm, she wished she had remembered to tie it back before getting started. Trying to ignore her hair, she started scooping portions of dough onto a spoon and rolling them into balls in her hands. She hummed to herself, feeling blissfully content. At the sound of Trey’s voice, she turned and saw him watching her.

  “What are you building?” he asked, stepping toward her and peering over her shoulder at the bowl.

  “Those little cheese buns,” she answered, trying in vain to get her hair out of her eyes again with her upper arm.

  “Mmm. Pão de . . .” His voice trailed off. “Don’t tell me. I think I can remember . . .”

  Smiling over her shoulder, she waited expectantly for a moment.

  “Nope. You’ll have to tell me.” He shook his head and grinned at her. “There’s no way it’s coming back. I got kicked in the head by a horse when I was a kid and now my memory’s shot.”

  “Really?” Alessa’s face fell.

  “No. Not really. I’m just a dumb-ass.”

  Alessa laughed. The sound was genuine and full and brought a little twinkle to Trey’s eyes.

  “It’s a hard name. Pão de queijo,” she replied as her hair fell forward into her face again. “I’m the dumb-ass, as you say. I forgot to tie my hair back. My mom will kill me if I get any in the buns.”

  Glancing at her messy hands, he gave her a thoughtful look. “Maybe I could help you out. Do you have something to tie it back?”

  “Yes.” She hesitated, her voice soft. “There should be a band in the front pocket of my apron. If you don’t mind digging around in there.” She turned her body to him, carefully holding up her hands so as not to get dough on him.

  She sucked in her tummy as Trey reached in and found a hair elastic, holding it up triumphantly. Turning to face the counter again, Alessa stood completely still as he lifted his hands to her hair.

  “I have to warn you, this won’t exactly be a pro job,” he said as he carefully gathered her hair off the nape of her neck. “It’s my first ponytail.”

  “That’s okay, I’m not going to a formal event. As long as it holds, it’s fine.”

  “It should hold.” His words came out slowly as he slipped the elastic over her hair and then tucked the hair through. He stood close behind her as he worked, inhaling her scent. It reminded him of his dream. She smelled delicious, like peaches, and her hair felt like silk. Letting his feet inch forward, he could feel the warmth of her body close to his. A strong desire to run his hands over her curves came over him. Being around her was like walking into the deepest, warmest hug. He loved everything about her, from her bright smile to the way she tilted her head a little when she talked with Tomas, as though she were really listening.

  The light blue tank top she wore showed off her tanned skin. Swallowing hard, he fought the urge to ball up her skirt in his fists and lift it. He noticed that she had stopped working and had leaned her body back ever so slightly, turning her head to the side as if anticipating something more.

  “Can you also loosen the tie on my apron? It’s a bit too tight.” Her voice was almost inaudible.

  “Sure,” he answered, grateful for another chance to touch her. Moving the ponytail to the side, his fingers brushed along her neck as he untied the strings, an act that was unexpectedly intimate. Retying the bow, he then let his fingers glide slowly along her collarbones. He knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t help himself. The heat between them was building to something almost tangible. “There. How’s that?” he asked, his voice thick with desire.

  “Much better,” she answered, turning her face over her shoulder.

  Trey lowered his face to hers, his lips now touching her cheek. Alessa closed her eyes as Trey let his lips skim over her smooth skin. She felt hot to the touch and soft, like satin. He traced her bare shoulders and arms with his fingertips so gently, he wasn’t sure if she could even feel it. He watched as she licked her lips. Those full, beautiful lips he’d been longing to kiss for weeks now. Searching for her mouth with his, he finally allowed himself that first touch. His lips barely brushed against hers. Closing his eyes, he willed himself to back away from her, but he couldn’t. He needed to do this. Her lips parted a little as if to say she needed this too. The temptation of being so near her without touching had grown utterly impossible for him to deny. His tongue slid carefully in between her lips and he finally got that first taste of her.

  Lifting his hand to her face, he angled her head back. Her body turned to face his now, and he closed the space between them, feeling her breasts pressed up against him and her arms wrapping around his neck. Their tongues danced together, igniting the fire that had been a slow burn for so many weeks. Trey was so hard now, his cock straining against his jeans, begging to be released. He had to fight with everything in him not to reach under her skirt and yank off her panties. There was something so innocent about her, something vulnerable, that made him want to protect her, even if it was from hi
s own lust. The urge to go too far scared Trey, causing him to pull back suddenly.

  He rested his forehead against hers, frustration overtaking him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have . . .”

  Suddenly her hands were on his face, sticky with dough as she stared at him, her eyes wild with passion. “Yes, you absolutely should have.” She kissed him hard on the mouth, pulling him back to her. Pressing hard against her, he let himself fall back into the beauty that was Alessandra. Thoughts of lifting her onto the counter and tugging off his jeans flew through his head. His hands were on her large breasts now and oh God, they felt amazing. He kneaded them with his palms, feeling her hard nipples through the layers of fabric in his way. He wanted to feel those nipples in his mouth. And the way she had just moaned, that soft sound of yearning begging him to take her, had Trey reaching down with both hands to lift her skirt.

  The sound of a truck rumbling down the driveway came through the open window and snapped them out of their rapture, making him pull back as he suddenly remembered Lorena’s warning.

  “Shit,” Alessandra whispered in frustrated agony as they both tried to slow their breath. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at him. “I got dough all over your face.” She laughed a little as she plucked a towel off the counter and tried to wipe it off. “There’s some in your hair as well.”

  He grinned nervously as she worked, and then unable to help himself, took hold of her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. The sound of the door opening at the front of the house sent them scrambling. “I better go get cleaned up,” he whispered, heading down the hall to the bathroom.


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