PASS INTERFERENCE (Gods of the Gridiron Book 3)

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PASS INTERFERENCE (Gods of the Gridiron Book 3) Page 12

by Shanna Swenson

  Veda’s laugh was maniacal. “I got a few costumes up my sleeve.”


  “Holy mother of Zeus!” Pax gaped openly at his gorgeous fake fiancée as she met him at the top of the stairs. She wore a figure-flattering white ombre V-neck dress outlined with gold braided cloth. Golden ropes cinched the fabric at the collarbone; the sleeves opened from the forearm, flowing outward and leaving her upper arms exposed. Her cleavage was ample and her shoulders were half-bare; Paxton’s desire was full throttle. His eyes moved down over her. A gold belt below her breasts created an empire waistline and the bottoms of the sleeves and dress were teal as if dipped into an aqua ocean of dye. Her dark hair was braided and pinned back with a starfish; a gold tiara topped it. Her eye makeup was thick, accenting those piercing green eyes of hers, and her lips were coral.

  “Who the hell are you supposed to be?” he asked, breathlessly.

  “I’m Amphitrite, Queen of the Sea,” she answered, separating the distance between them. “I’m Poseidon’s bride of course.”

  “Of course you are. And a stunning bride you are, Becca.” Too bad he hadn’t invited a priest, he would’ve made it official right then and there.

  Becca giggled, pleased with his assessment. “Pax, you look mighty handsome, I must say. I love this.” She stroked his thick five o’clock shadow, the one he’d let grow and trimmed close since no-shave-November started tomorrow.

  She looked him over. He knew he looked ridiculous. His bare arms and upper torso clad in the toga-like garment that was as thin as underwear, head adorned in a gold crown that appeared to be fashioned of coral reef and seashells, holding his golden three-pronged trident he’d ordered online; the damn thing was heavier than he’d thought it would be. The gold sandals that laced up his feet and shins were probably his least favorite part of the outfit; he felt like a complete fool.

  Becca stroked his beard, and he could’ve moaned aloud; it felt good to have her soft hands on him. He smiled big.

  “Too bad we have a party to attend, my sexy goddess. Otherwise, I’d pick you up, run into my room right now, and take a swim in your irresistible sea.”

  Becca’s mouth opened slightly, taken aback by his blunt words.

  “Jeez, I’m sorry Bec. I didn’t mean to sound so crass. It’s just…well, you look amazing.”

  Becca shook her head and looked down, pink tinting her high cheekbones. “No, it, it, uh… it had the intended outcome.”

  Pax’s brows shot up just as the doorbell rang, and he took in a deep breath.

  “Well, shall we, my fiancée?”

  She nodded and took his extended arm as they moved down the stairs.

  Paxton laughed as Brett and Madi entered. Brett looked even more ridiculous than he did, with a long, curly white wig and a matching beard. His garment was even more thread-bare than Paxton’s, revealing his broad chest, torso, and biceps. He also wore golden sandals, so Pax didn’t feel so alone in his plight. Brett’s brows drew as he held up a big, shiny thunderbolt.

  “I smite thee, mighty Poseidon… for making me wear this silly shit!”

  Madi laughed loudly, looking lovely in her own white and gold costume, showcasing her tall, curvy figure. “We’re the first ones here, huh?”

  “You guys look great,” Becca said and pulled Madi in for a hug.

  “The internet. Thank goodness for it, otherwise we’d be in regular clothes. Dressing this one up was no small task, I assure you.”

  “Oh, I bet,” Pax joked with Brett and shoved at him. “But if anyone can pull off Zeus, it’s you, brother.”

  “It’s a good thing it’s not cold out.” Brett grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Patience, my love,” Madi cooed. “The night is still young. You’ll be rewarded for your sacrifices later, I promise.” She winked at Pax and Becca, getting laughs out of them.

  “I better, Sunflower, I damn well better,” Brett glowered over at her.

  Madi giggled and grabbed Becca, pulling her through the beautifully-decorated foyer.

  The designers had made it look like Hogwarts, with “floating candles” hanging from the ceiling below a twinkling starry nightscape. The resulting decor had a magical effect.

  Next in was Quillan wearing baggy, black linen slacks, an open black leather vest, a black and crimson cloak, and crimson red accessories. He had a “broken” golden crown on his head and a smirk on his face.

  “Quil, you look awesome as Hades, man. Didn’t expect you to actually dress up!” Or not wear a shirt, Paxton thought. Quil was the most modest of them…usually.

  Quil laughed, “This was fun. I have to admit.”

  “Where’s Quinn?” he asked.

  “Oh, her nanny volunteered to stay after I took her trick-or-treating. She was exhausted after her sugar rush finally ran its course. Remind me again why parents are such gluttons for punishment on holidays?”

  Pax laughed. He wasn’t a parent yet but understood what Quil meant.

  “Besides,” Quil continued. “I’m getting my drink on tonight.” Quil’s brow arched and Pax laughed again.

  “My man, come on in. Make yourself at home.”

  Pax greeted Trav and Sky next, both impeccably dressed—in similar Greek-style fashion as Paxton was—as Ares and Aphrodite. Linc and Val were the last to show up, followed by TJ; all dressed in comparable attire, TJ fronting as Hephaestus, the nickname Linc had recently coined him.

  Everyone piled into the kitchen as drinks flowed and servers came around with trays of food; petite fours, hors d’oeuvres, crudités, and mini versions of classic favorites.

  “Quil,” Becca cooed sassily, “did you come out tonight trying to get a wife?”

  Quil smiled as Becca’s finger pointed down his torso, making Pax heatedly jealous, but brushed off the comment. “No, amiga, just having some fun.”

  Madi smirked, and Travis punched at Quil, calling him a show-off.

  Paxton had wondered when Quillan was gonna lighten up a little. He’d not shown interest in dating or women, save for going to the occasional strip club, since his wife had died over a year ago. If he had a side piece, he wasn’t telling. But Pax was sure he was simply staying single to focus on his daughter. As much as Pax commended him for that, he still wished Quil could find someone. He seemed so lonely sometimes.

  Hell, who was Paxton Guthrie kidding? He was one to be talking. But he still had some years to go. At only twenty-five years old, he wasn’t in any hurry. But he wasn’t gonna kid himself, having Rebecca Ryan around was starting to become greatly enjoyable. She was fun, smart, kind, and giving. And he loved spending time with her… and looking at her gorgeous figure.

  Tonight was the barest he’d ever seen her chest and arms—in clothes anyway—and he was liking what he saw. She kept eyeing him, and it made him feel good—and aroused, at the sparkle in her eyes. He was eager for what would happen tonight when everyone left, for she seemed to have a boldness about her in costume that she didn’t in real life as she twirled and showcased her outfit to the girls.

  She and Madi seemed to be over the tension that had once been between them, and although Pax wondered what had changed, he was ever grateful that they were getting along now. All the girls seemed to like Rebecca, and as he saw Brooke walk by and hug her, his heart soared. Becca gave her a big smile and complemented her costume. She was clad in a well-accomplished She-Ra costume. It was fitting for her and the Greek god theme they’d apparently imposed on everyone.

  “Damn, she’s smokin’ hot,” TJ growled next to him.

  Pax warned, “You’d better be talking about Brooke and not my fiancée, you asshole.”

  TJ laughed. “Don’t get me wrong. Becca’s beautiful, but I’d love to tear that big ass of Brooke Taylor’s up.”

  Pax snorted with a laugh, almost spitting his rum and coke out. “Damn, dude, ease up on the Crown.” Pax motioned to his drink.

  “I know. Fuck, I’m sorry, but she’s fine as fuck.”

nbsp; “I didn’t know she was your thing.”

  “I’d like to ruin her with my thang. Think she could handle ten inches?”

  Pax sincerely doubted TJ had ten inches, but the look on his round face gave nothing away. TJ wasn’t unattractive—well by women’s standards anyway, Pax guessed. He was tall, big, and stocky but not fat. His chest and biceps were bigger than Pax’s were and he was a couple inches taller. He was probably of German descent if Pax had to guess with his dark brown hair, tan skin, and dark eyes, but wasn’t sure. TJ had big lips, a long nose, and high cheekbones with a round face and square jaw. Pax had seen women throw themselves at the man, so there must be something fairly alluring about him. But Brooke had never seemed to see TJ as anything more than a friend.

  “I dunno, TJ, bud. She doesn’t really mess around with football players. Seems like her unspoken rule.” Pax shrugged. Besides, there were rumors she preferred the company of women to men anyway.

  “Rules were made to be broken.”

  Pax rolled his eyes and patted his teammate’s big back. “Well, good luck with that, my friend. I think you’ll need it.”

  TJ grinned presumptuously and walked over to the girls, turning his flirt on and getting them to laughing.

  Paxton headed back to the bar for another round, then he stopped in his tracks. A lovely, fair-skin brunette he recognized was standing in the doorway, clad as Medusa in a dark dress with gold embellishments, a black masquerade-type mask, and a crown of fake snakes, arms crossed beneath her breasts. The only reason he knew who she was since the mask covered a decent portion of her face was the familiar tightness of her lips, ever present when he was around, and the fact that she was the spitting image of his fake fiancée—tattoos and piercings aside.

  “Veda! Glad you could join us,” he stated as he came to a stop in front of her.

  “Thanks for the invite… god of the sea,” she smirked, and Pax frowned. Would this woman ever stop hating him long enough for him to try and befriend her? “Nice pad you got here!” She looked around, admiring the luxurious and open concept home of Paxton’s.

  “Thank you and welcome. Enjoy yourself.”

  “Right,” she smirked again and uncrossed her arms, taking a glass of champagne that one of the waiters brought over. “Happy Samhain.”


  “It’s Gaelic for Halloween, idiot,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “I knew that. I just wanted to make sure I was pronouncing it correctly,” he smarted back. To be his fake fiancée’s twin, she wasn’t anything like sweet Rebecca.

  “Well, at least you can get something correct.” Her green eyes lingered on his for the longest time before she walked off, heading toward her sister.

  Pax huffed out. Dammit, why did she hate him so much? And how was he ever going to prove himself to her?

  It was just gonna take time, he figured.

  Time and a hell of a lot of patience on my part.

  Becca laughed as she cut into the barmbrack and handed Quillan a piece.

  “Sláinte,” she stated as she toasted his drink, slinging her own back and waiting for him to bite into the traditional Irish fruitcake she’d made yesterday for tonight’s Halloween celebration.

  Quil gave her a crooked grin and took a bite, giving her a nod as he tasted it. “Damn, for a fruitcake this shit is good,” he answered after he chewed and swallowed.

  “Told ya,” she giggled and patted his forearm.

  She turned to see her sister dressed as Medusa and laughed, pulling Veda to her for a hug. Veda embraced her back but stood there, looking ill at ease with all the strangers around.

  “Ow, dammit,” Quil grunted as he pulled the cake from his mouth and fished out something metallic. “What the hell?” he asked as Becca covered her mouth, knowing full well what he’d bitten into.

  “How did a ring get in there?” Quil asked, holding up the golden jewelry with his thumb and index finger.

  “Uh oh!” Pax exclaimed. “You know what that means?”

  Quil looked to Pax as if he’d lost his ever-loving mind.

  “You’ll be married within the year,” Becca added. “Barmbrack is traditionally a fortune-telling cake, you know?”

  “Married! Right? I think not,” Quil’s brows rose in defiance.

  “The brack never lies,” Veda added and looked Quil over with growing interest.

  Everyone had stilled, as if only noticing Veda—aka Medusa—for the first time, what with all the drinks going around, the darkness of the entire house, and general joviality of the festivities.

  “Oh, everyone. This is my twin sister, Veda. Veda meet Quillan Layton.” She figured she might as well start with Quil, since their eyes were already zeroed in on one another.

  “Call me Quil, señora,” he replied and extended the hand that he wasn’t holding the ring with to Veda. “It’s a pleasure.”

  “The pleasure, Mr. Layton, is all mine.”

  Oh boy, Becca thought and began to pull Veda’s shoulders around so that she could meet everyone else. She took her arm and introduced her to them all, finally stopping at Brooke, who looked Veda over as if she were a juicy piece of meat.

  “Brooke Taylor,” Brooke cooed as she shook Veda’s hand.

  “You look so familiar,” Veda answered. “Aren’t you a model?”

  “I am. I’m flattered you recognized me.”

  Oh lord, here we go. Booze and sex; they were such familiar companions. As much as Brooke had proclaimed to be a practical pansexual, Veda wasn’t. She fancied men. Brooke had testified last time they were all hanging out together that, “Sex is sex, it doesn’t matter who it’s with, the end results are always the same—orgasms.”

  Becca felt that it wasn’t like that at all. But, then again, she’d not experienced all that sex had to offer yet, so maybe she wasn’t a good judge of the act.

  She left the two to talk and walked back over to her god.

  “Mmm,” Pax said and pulled her into his hard chest to hug her. “Are you having fun, my queen?”

  Becca giggled and pulled back to look into his handsome face. “I am, my god of the sea. Are you?”

  “Indeed. Although, I have to say, I can’t wait to have you all to myself soon.”

  Soon? The party had just begun and Becca highly doubted he would take her off to one of their rooms for a quick rutting. Even if it sounded enticing, she wouldn’t run out on their guests either and gave him a reassuring smile.

  “So, what other traditions do you druids have on Samhain?”

  Becca’s brows went up; he’d pronounced it correctly this time. “I’m impressed.”

  “I asked your sister if I said it right.”

  Becca giggled again, the booze was making her all giddy. “Well, we can always dance around the bonfire.”

  “Naked?” he asked, his brows rising provocatively as his hand settled on her hip.

  “Hmm, not tonight, but it will be almost as alluring.”

  “You, my sweetness, are always alluring.” He leaned in and ran his nose along her jawline, making her shiver and goosebumps run the length of her exposed arms, her nipples hardening into painful peaks.

  “Mmm, Pax,” she murmured into his ear.

  “Fuck, baby, don’t say my name like that. You’re making me hard,” he groaned breathlessly in her ear and kissed her beneath the lobe, getting another shiver from her.

  She pulled back to look in his eyes and gulped at the intensity there. Damn, their attraction was unquestionable.

  Suddenly, Becca was jarred by a light shove from behind, and Pax frowned over to her right. She looked to see TJ there, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Brooke says the Druids danced naked on Halloween night.”

  Becca gulped; so they’d overheard the conversation it would seem. She looked to Pax with uncertainty then nodded back at TJ.

  “Ha,” he answered back. “Sounds like a fucking fantasy come to life.” He looked back to Brooke, who sassed with a duck face
. “Let’s see you do it then, fancy pants. All talk and no damn action.”

  “What do I get in return, big boy?” Brooke’s eyes twinkled vindictively.

  TJ laughed heartily; it was very clear that he was ossified. “Oh, I’ll give you something all right.” TJ grabbed a handful of his package, making Becca balk and Pax snort in laughter.

  “Jesus, TJ, there are ladies present, you lug,” Pax scolded.

  Becca giggled then and kissed Pax’s cheek.

  “If it’s smaller than six inches, I don’t want the damn thing,” Brooke teased.

  “Oh, it’s a hell of a lot bigger than six inches, darlin’. In fact, I don’t know if you can handle all of it.”

  What the hell was happening here?

  “So, let me get this straight… I dance naked in front of this entire group around that bonfire out there, and I get your cock in return?” she asked, her chin rising.

  “Yes ma’am, all ten long inches of the fucker.”

  Becca tried to cover her gasp as all eyes stayed riveted on Brooke and TJ’s interchange.

  Brooke’s eyes glazed over with something that looked to be a mix of lust and challenge and she stuck her hand out. “Deal!” She took his hand and pulled big TJ with her out of the kitchen.

  “Becca, get your ass out here,” Brooke called back. “You’re gonna show me how the witches dance so I can get a hefty dose of cock tonight.”

  Becca looked back at Paxton in shock, her cheeks flaming red.

  “You heard her, baby doll. Every girl needs her fix.” He winked and patted her bottom softly even as he turned them to follow the crowd which now headed outside toward the raging bonfire that had been set in the firepit.

  Holy mother of God! What had she started?

  “Ok, I don’t get it… Was she not just hitting on me earlier?” Veda stated in surprise as a naked Brooke Taylor jumped astraddle of a standing TJ Rawlins. He gripped her ass and pulled her to him, his head falling to hers for a smothering kiss.

  Becca shrugged. “Apparently, she prefers the ‘mountain that rides’ tonight,” she offered, likening TJ to a ginormous character from one of her favorite fantasy series.


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