Healing Gabriella (Red Devils MC Book 8)

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Healing Gabriella (Red Devils MC Book 8) Page 3

by Michelle Woods

  “Is that fair to her, Pretty Boy?” Tick asked, still frowning darkly at him. “She’s had a tough time of it since we saved her and she’s finally almost back to her old self. Taking her support away from her might not be a good idea. I know you care about her, but you haven’t patched her and I know why, but I don’t want to see her hurt any more than she already is. Maybe you should just let her go with her brother. This thing you have going on between you isn’t normal, and I don’t know if it will ever be what you want it to be.”

  “What’s going on between me and Gabriella isn’t any of your fucking business. I am her fucking support system, asshole. I’m the one she leans on when she needs to, and you need to keep your fucking nose out of our business.” Pretty Boy bit out, anger flowing through his veins and his hands clenching at his sides as he fought the urge to punch Tick.

  “Hey, no need to get pissed off. Charity and Gabriella became good friends when she spent a week with us last summer and I think maybe you need to do what’s best for her and stop acting like she already belongs to you. I know you talked to the club a little over a year ago and we agreed to treat her like she’s your old lady, but damn man. Maybe that’s not what’s best for her, you know. Maybe letting her go is what’s best for both of you.” Tick finished with a slight grimace.

  Pretty Boy tried hard to stop his jaw from grinding as he glared at his friend. He knew that the man didn’t know that he’d climbed in the window every night the week she’d stayed with him and Charity to hold her while she fought the nightmares. Tick didn’t know about all the times she came to him when she needed to feel safe, or the times he’d found her crying alone by that lake she loved. He didn’t understand that Pretty Boy had become her support system when she’d walked into his cabin a few days after she’d returned from the Jackals. He’d put treating her like his old lady up for a vote right after that bullshit with Rock and Gator discussing their relationship. Hearing them talk about their relationship being one sided had led to her little freak out, which resulted in her leaving his bed. Once he’d won the vote and he knew she belonged to him he’d never talked again about their relationship with anyone except Gabi because it wasn’t anyone else’s business. He typically left her place when he stayed, long before anyone got up, so no one knew that he spent every night outside her place or in her bed. He’d thought everyone understood that she was his property. Pretty Boy hadn’t thought anyone would question her being his old lady, and that they’d respect that like he did for them, but apparently Tick hadn’t gotten the message.

  Bone understood, which was why he’d consulted with Pretty Boy before sending her brother to Titus. Asking if he felt like sending Mark away would harm her recovery. He had assured Bone that it would be okay to move Mark because knowing her the way he did, Pretty Boy knew it would hurt her more if Mark was never able to move past the mistakes he’d made by betraying the club for her. Even if it had been a stupid move to expect those fucking Jackals to have any honor. He felt a muscle in his jaw twitch as he clenched it, counting to ten. He told himself that no one was trying to take her from him, because Bone and the rest of the club respected his claim. It didn’t help and he began grinding his teeth. Tick was just concerned about a friend, he lectured internally trying to hold onto his temper. He finally looked at Tick and said the words that needed to be said.

  “Would you let Charity go?”

  “Fuck no, but that’s different. She’s mine.” Tick said loudly, earning looks from the other men.

  “And Gabi’s mine. See how that works asshole.”

  “She didn’t agree to that and you can’t force her. Taking her only family from her isn’t right man.” Tick growled.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about Tick. Leave Pretty Boy alone.” Tank said as he walked in, followed by Log who took his spot beside Pretty Boy.

  “He hasn’t asked her to be his old lady and now we’re sending her brother, who’s helped her stay sane, away. How is that right?” Tick demanded.

  “Fucker, you really don’t know what you’re talking about. Pretty Boy is the only reason that girl is sane. When he’s on a run it’s like she’s crawling out of her skin till he gets back.” Log snorted, shaking his head.

  “How would you know?” Tick asked, glaring at him.

  “Because I’m the one who goes to sit with her when he isn’t here, and let me tell you when he isn’t around it’s like she’s stuck in hell. If it was him leaving, she’d be a fucking mess. Her brother will bug her for a bit, but as long as she has Pretty Boy she’ll be fine.” Log defended, proving again why he was more like his brother than any other man in this room. He knew Tick was trying to be a good friend, but trying to convince Pretty Boy that Gabi didn’t belong to him was a lost cause. She’d been his for a long time, and he wouldn’t allow anything or anyone to change that.

  “Alright fuckers, this isn’t something we need to debate. It’s not any of your business Tick. It will take care of itself. Pretty Boy already had a vote, and until Gabriella refuses his claim by refusing his patch, he has rights and you know it.” Tank grunted before plopping down in his seat as Bone entered the room, his eyes bouncing between him and Tick with a slight furrow to his brow as he took his seat beside Tank.

  “There a problem?” He asked casually. Pretty Boy didn’t take his calm comment as a sign that Bone wouldn’t set both him and Tick in their place if need be. Bone watched him and Tick for a moment as the other men in the room shifted nervously. The fact that more than a dozen of the hardest men around were getting antsy didn’t surprise him.

  Most people assumed that Bone’s old lady showing up four years ago had mellowed him. Pretty Boy knew better because what those people failed to realize was that having a woman to protect, only made men like Bone twice as dangerous. The Jackals had surely learned that lesson by now because they’d nearly wiped out their entire club over the past four years. If the Jackals weren’t getting new recruits from the dust up happening in the Headhunter MC, they’d likely be tucking their tails and running instead of causing problems.

  Pretty Boy almost hoped that shit settled down over there soon because they didn’t need any more bullshit to deal with. He hated leaving Gabriella here while he dealt with their shit over in Titus. Actually, Mark was being sent there to work with Tank’s contacts so that Pretty Boy didn’t have to go over every few days to check on things. Bone had worked it out with him. At first, Bone had asked if moving Gabriella to Titus with Pretty Boy would work, but he hadn’t wanted her anywhere near those dillholes. She’d already been through enough when the Jackals had her the first time. Pretty Boy wasn’t about to put her closer to danger. That wasn’t fucking happening.

  “It’s all good. Right Tick?” Tank said, glaring at the man next to him.

  “I still say it’s something the girl should be consulted on, but whatever.” Tick grunted, waving his hand in the air like he was brushing the word off as unimportant. Pretty Boy didn’t care for the attitude, but he knew that Tick was trying to protect Gabriella even if it was unnecessary, which allowed him to forgive him for voicing his opinion, somewhat.

  “Your concerns are noted, but we’ve already voted and until something changes, that’s set in stone. Now can we get down to business, or is there more bullshit we need to discuss?” Tank asked, his eyes sliding around the room. After a moment of silence Bone nodded, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck before he spoke.

  “Right, good. Here’s where we’re at. We’ve found another camp of Jackals near Titus that we want to keep an eye on. We’ve decided to send Mark and two other prospects over to watch them.” Bone started, but was interrupted by Bliss, one of the older club members.

  “You sure sending the turn coat’s a good idea?” Bliss demanded.

  He’d always hated Mark even before the whole Jackals kidnapping situation, so his question didn’t really surprise Pretty Boy. Bone’s glare was cold as he met the other man’s gaze with his own.

didn’t ask you if you thought me sending him was a good idea, did I Bliss? I said we’re sending him. End of discussion. You want to vote in a new prez, that’s something you can lobby for, but until then I make the decisions.” Bone’s voice was razor sharp and he didn’t move his eyes away from Bliss the entire time he spoke. Since Molly had come into his life he’d begun to allow anyone to question him less and less. Some of the older members had never been fully on board with him as the president of their MC, but they’d been out voted. Duck, Fat Boy, Bear, and Toot had always been on his side, but Bliss and Snapper had never liked him. Pretty Boy had a feeling them voting against several old ladies, including Molly, being allowed to join the club via their property patches had something to do with Bones newfound firmness.

  “Might be time for that.” Bliss said cuttingly, his gravelly voice echoing in the room as most of the men snorted or rolled their eyes. Everyone knew that the vote would be the same. Bone was a damned good prez and nobody was willing to take a chance that they wouldn’t get paid as much as they currently were by voting in a new one. Most of the men who’d originally been against Bone would likely vote for him after seeing what he’d done with the club in the years he’d led the Red Devils MC.

  “Sit down and shut up you idiot. That boy made a mistake that almost cost his sister her life and he was willing to die for it as long as we saved her. Killing him like we would have years ago would have been stupid. His loyalty was torn, but he didn’t betray us for greed or stupidity like your nephew did.” Duck barked, reminding Bliss and every man in the room about Rash, who’d tried to get more power by betraying the club and getting Molly, Bone’s old lady, kidnapped. Fuck he loved that old dodgy bastard. Pretty Boy smiled as he waited on the tension to leave the room as Bliss sat down without another word, realizing that he wasn’t getting anywhere.

  “Great! Now that that’s settled, does anyone have any new information about the Jackals?” Bone asked looking around the room.

  “While I was in Harrington the last few days I heard some buzz about another group that were former Headhunters joining up with the Jackals. There was talk about building a Juice factory according to my source. The man I spoke to is good with information, but not so much with details so I’m not sure about them wanting to start up another factory. Although, it makes sense because we took down the last three they slapped up and Harrington isn’t really our territory.” Log spoke up from beside him.

  Pretty Boy knew he’d gone on a run to Harrington to meet with Reaper about some guns the Bandits needed. Tank’s old lady was the daughter of a gunrunner, and since they were on good terms with the Blue Bandits after Molly joined the club, they shared information and worked together to keep Juice out of their respective territories. The Bandits were a very different club than the Devils, but as long as they didn’t try to do stupid shit or invade the Devils territory, things would remain friendly between the two clubs. Recently the truce between the two clubs had been a little shaky due to the influx of new Jackals after the Bandits had broken up the Headhunters MC, thus forcing out the rougher members, resulting in the Headhunters becoming a kinder, gentler MC. They weren’t too happy about the split in the MC’s, or the Bandits part in it because it meant shoring up the Jackals after they’d nearly eradicated them.

  “Shit, that’s something we are going to have to discuss with the Bandits and see if we can’t find out where they’re setting that up because we don’t need any more Juice floating around. Fuck!” Dog snarled slamming his hand down on the table.

  “Damn straight.” Trick seconded.

  “I agree, we need to see if Slick can talk to Reaper since it’s part of our neutral territories.” Bone grunted looking over at Travis who went by the name Slick since rejoining the club a year or so ago. He was leaning against the wall near Duck and he stood up when Bone looked at him.

  “I can talk to him. I’ll take a ride over there tonight. Raven wanted to go see that new restaurant they built over there anyway.” Slick said with a slight nod.

  Pretty Boy smiled as he thought of Raven, Slick’s old lady. Raven was part of the reason Gabi was doing better these days. The two women had bonded over their time with shitty clubs. Raven was snatched a few years ago by the old Headhunter’s MC before they’d started kicking out the riff-raff. She hadn’t been raped, but she’d experienced trauma similar to what his Gabi had. Pretty Boy would forever be grateful to the woman for helping Gabi get over some of her guilt about what had happened.

  “Good, now we have another order of business I want to discuss and take a vote on. We have a new player in the mix with the gun running this year. Guy calling himself Rolland is messing with Looney Louie and her band of misfits. They’ve been taking a few of the clients from her group in our area. Which wouldn’t be a big deal if they weren’t selling Louie’s merchandise. We need to vote on whether we get involved, or leave it to her and her group to solve the issue. It’s been going on for over six months and it has cut into the profits we’re making because there are less runs for us to protect. Effectively, if they put Louie out of business we may be looking at losing that influx of credits we’ve been getting for the last two years since we started working with them.” Bone leaned towards the table as he spoke, his eyes dark with displeasure.

  “Alright vote’s up for if we get involved. All in favor?” Tank asked.

  Pretty Boy raised his hand, as did most of the others in the room. Fixing an issue with the guns was wise. They not only made money off the runs, but Louie made sure they were well stocked and had all the latest toys to play with, giving them an edge in their war against the Jackals. To him and most of the men in the room it was a no brainer. Only the few idiots, who only saw the amount of work involved in handling the issue, didn’t raise their hands. Predictably one of those people was Bliss, who always waited to see how Bone voted before voting against him. It was childish and more than a little annoying. If Pretty Boy had to deal with that level of bullshit from the man on a daily basis he would have killed the man by now. Bone was definitely a better president than he would’ve been, because that bullshit would have pissed him off royally and he would have ended up killing the stupid son-of-a-bitch.

  “All against?” Tank asked, although it really wasn’t necessary because only five men hadn’t put their hands up in favor of handling this Rolland character.

  “It’s settled then. Tank will talk to Louie and get us as much information from his contacts as he can, and we will take care of this Rolland fellow. Until we do, keep it on the down low because we don’t want to warn this idiot that we’re onto him.” Bone said.

  Pretty Boy listened as Bone barked out some more orders to various people before he wrapped the meeting up and the men started exiting the room. Log stayed beside him waiting silently as the room cleared out. They both moved when the room was almost clear, heading out towards the area where their bikes were parked.

  “How is your old lady doing? Nightmares still keeping her up?” Log asked as they climbed on their rides. Pretty Boy thought of finding her in the lounge chair beside her little fire pit at one in the morning and sighed.

  “Yeah, but we finally talked this morning. I convinced her to give our relationship a try.” Pretty Boy kicked his bike on and sat on it while it idled.

  “That’s progress, right?” Log asked, starting his own bike.

  “It is, but I’m fucking worried that she might pull away if she feels like she isn’t giving me what I need. She already thinks she can’t have a normal relationship, which fucks with my head. I know what I want and she’s it, man. Just her. That’s all I want, but she can’t seem to wrap her head around that.” He felt his insides clench as he thought of her trying to leave him.

  “You’ve already given her two years to get over what happened. You can’t keep waiting Pretty Boy. Even you need to move forward, and if that’s not with her then you need to know that. I know it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth. As hard as it would be, if s
he can’t give you what you want then you will have to let her move on without you.” Log’s words sent anger spiking through his veins again like it had when Tick had tried to tell him Gabi didn’t belong to him. Even though he knew Log was just trying to warn him that he might not get what he wanted from Gabriella, but that was something he couldn’t accept.

  He nodded gruffly and took off heading back towards Gabriella’s place to see if she wanted to have lunch with him. He didn’t want to push her too hard, but he knew nothing would change if he didn’t push her a little. She was almost ready to move forward and if he missed that window she might find some other idiot to move on with, and that wasn’t fucking happening while he was still breathing. No matter what Log or Tick thought, he knew that she would find a way to escape the past. She’d already fought her way back from the edge, and he refused to believe she wouldn’t be able to find happiness again.

  Chapter Five

  Gabriella laughed at Raven’s ridiculous story about her man Slick, who’d thrown a temper tantrum when he’d come home one night last week to find her on a ladder trying to change a light bulb in the hall. They’d just found out she was pregnant a week ago and he’d been freaked out that she was going to fall. It had ended with them both flat on their backs on the hallway floor laughing. Gabi leaned back in the booth and smiled at Tammy who set a plate with a burger and some fries in front of each of them.

  “You girls need anything else?” She asked with a smile.

  “Nothing for me, thanks.”

  “A strawberry milk shake?” Raven said, smiling sweetly. Tammy laughed before she turned away.

  “Robert’s already got your shake in the blender. Why you always wait until you get your burger to order one I will never know, but you always do.” Tammy walked behind the counter still cackling over Raven’s odd little habit. Gabi couldn’t help the little snicker she released as she put ketchup on her burger.


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