Princess Ces'alena (Webster Fields)

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Princess Ces'alena (Webster Fields) Page 13

by Mercedes Keyes

  “Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky and find her at the party. Don’t worry over me, what I do now, will help keep peace for the future happiness of all those involved. That is all I can say, it is for the best.”

  Josey sat forward thinking, sampling her food that she was truly not interested in consuming. She loved Manny…he had been the older brother or sibling she never had. Something told her, there was a lot more to what was going on than what he was willing to share. But then, he’d always been that way. Fork in hand, she sat moving her food around on her plate, she looked up at him. He was staring at her.

  “Don’t do this Manny.”

  “Please Josey…if there was any way of not doing it, I would…but there is no way.”

  “There’s always another way Manny, problem is, we sometimes don’t choose it - well, because…that way - the other way, is always harder than the easier route we chose.”

  “Trust me, there’s nothing easy about what I’m going to do.” He defended. Again she lapsed into silence. She couldn’t believe he was allowing Morris to manipulate him to this end. There had to be one hell of a reason why he was letting him. Her curiosity was eating her alive. She respected him, and their friendship enough to leave it alone but not before she said this one last thing to him. Because she doubted, that whoever the woman turned out to be, she would be able to make him happy. But then, she was looking at it from a negative point of view. As far as she knew, he wasn’t seriously in love with anyone, so seeing that to be the situation; maybe she would have a chance; but just in case, she would leave him with this one thought. “Manny, you’re like a brother to me. And even though it’s been years since we’ve seen each other…”

  “…the feelings, thoughts, talks and good times we shared together, stay in my mind. I pray that what I’m about to say to you, I say right. I’ve heard my husband say it a few times here and there. And I’ve always believed it to be true. Let’s hope I say this right, he says, “He who avoids suffering today, in his test of life for what his quest is to be, will cry out tomorrow, a thousand times in agony, for he has failed to fulfill what was his life’s destiny.” Are you understanding what that means?” She asked when he gave no reaction.

  Manny was silent as the saying went through his mind. He wasn’t offended by what she said…he knew she meant well. If she knew what he was up against, she would understand and see that this was the only way. Because of his silence, concern made her ask, “I haven’t offended you have I?” Manny smiled, “Of course not.”

  “Good, I should get going. I was in town to pick up several crates of books my mother ordered for me. I teach in my husband’s village…and it is hard getting books; I’ve been waiting for sometime for them.”

  “Books? What kind of books?” He asked interested.

  “Oh…reading books. Math - figures, and some other books as well. She ordered me slates and chalk too, so I’m really excited about picking them up.”

  Manny’s eyes grew large. “Could I possibly join you in picking them up? And perhaps pay you for one of everything you’ve ordered?”

  Josey’s curiosity was again pricked. “Manny, you’re more than welcome to them, no need to pay anything.”

  “Oh no…I insist. I’m done here…you?”

  “Yes…you ready Joseph?”

  He’d been ready an hour ago.

  * * *

  The following weeks were filled with preparation for the up and coming event. Bands were posted, for all to attend within the surrounding counties. With this in mind, the plantation was as busy as a bee hive to make all the necessary arrangements. A giant platform was being constructed in the wide open yard behind the mansion close to the woods. Safety banisters and three open corners for steps to walk on or off the platform were added for the structure that was built two feet off the ground. A canvas covered the entire area supported by beams and surrounding columns placed at wide intervals supporting the banister. Musicians were advertised for, and before long, they received a response for the calling…things were coming together, if not slowly.

  The lawn to one side of the platform was arranged with small tea tables and seats. As progress was made, the excitement grew among the servants and field hands who helped in the preparation. Food and drink of a great variety was being planned by Kayleen, Cora, Ruby and Mazie, with Lena pitching in to help, but she did not share in the excitement.

  For the up and coming event, the servants attending the guest would be turned out in their finest. Light cotton suits with cut away waist coats; of maroon with cream color ruffled fronts, long sleeve shirts with ruffled cuffs and wearing them would be the men servants. Ferrus, Sammy, Jordan, Leon and Mike - who would be helping Ferrus with the drinks.

  In the weeks following the incident with the boys and old man Grady, Mike was sticking close to Ferrus. Both enjoyed each others company because Ferrus always had time for him, whether teaching him new songs…how to dance, or telling him stories. If he wasn’t with Ferrus, he was with Leon and Johnnypoe…but first, his mornings were spent with his father who made it a point to give him time in each of the books he purchased from Josephine.

  Mike enjoyed that time, because his father made it easy for him to learn. Every so often, his mother would join as well. There was a growing tension between his father and mother…one that had never been there before. Although he never said anything to either, he knew it was because his father would be marrying and bringing a new missus to Webster Fields. Were he to admit his true feelings, he was glad, he was tired of the shame he felt when over hearing the others talk about her, and what she was to the master. Once he married and left her alone it would be for the best of them all. His mother was neither of the things people called her, and now…that would end with him marrying.

  As for the women helping in the preparation of the big event, they were all feeling the tension from Lena being in the room. She was solemn, silent and withdrawn during the whole event. She did her part in the preparation and held her head high, no matter how often she fought tears or humiliation. The entire time, she moved from one area to another helping any and all that she could. In the kitchen she did her part; she joined in the sewing circle making the new garbs for the women and herself. She did flower arrangements and centerpieces for the tables. Her objective was to keep moving and pretend that none of it offended her, when everything connected to it offended her.

  Manny struggled to stay away from her, and when he finally gave in to his need for her, she fought him tooth and nail. No amount of force nor gentleness worked…her rejection was final. Hissing and bitter, “I – said – no!”

  He pushed one time too many and found himself recovering from a hard ringing slap to his face that drove the point home. The anger, pain and humiliation in her eyes that glared sharply at him, moist with tears could not be mistaken; she wanted no part of him. One thing he would never do, was hurt her while forcing her, and he knew, this time would be different, he would have to force her, as angry as she was, he would have to hurt her. He couldn’t do it, not with this over their heads. In the end, he backed away, forced to accept the changes already coming to his life, feeling something so powerful knotting up in his chest, he rubbed there in an attempt to soothe it … unsuccessfully.

  Lena was overcome with the agony of her pain, but she refused to shed a tear no matter how many times they surfaced, threatening to spill over, nor would she beg him. While she understood his reasons for doing it… she couldn’t swallow the lump of shame in her throat, nor dislodge it from the center of her chest. It was best that she stay away from him. After the slap to his face, as much as he hated doing so, he helped keep the growing distance between them.

  An evening growing closer to the event, Lena sat in the sewing circle with the other women who did seamstress work on the plantation. They were adding the final touches to the uniforms the women servants would be wearing. Kayleen, Cora, Ruby, Mazie and Lena would all wear wide full flowing maroon skirts and cream colored blouses wit
h short puffed sleeves. Cream color aprons with fancy lace trimming them, and for their heads, maroon bandannas with cream lace. They all chatted about this and that when finally Mary in her forthright boldness informed Lena, “I hear thoo’ the grapevine Gabriel gone be askin’ to call on you soon.” Everyone sitting in the circle quieted and looked at Lena. She couldn’t move, nor speak. She could only stare at Mary feeling her ears ring…following with the closing of her throat.

  “Why you look so surprise? You ain’t think you was gone keep that white man to yo’self fo’ever did ya? You may walk around here like you better than us, but - you ain’t! You wasn’t nothin’ but nookie for the master just like the rest, only difference, he keep you a bit longer, but it’s over now.” She smiled, she had been wanting this day to come for sometime, now that it had, she had the satisfaction of being the one to bring Lena back to earth.

  No one else said a word. Some felt as Mary did, other’s felt ashamed that she could say such a thing. Lena looked away, gathered up what was hers for the uniform and left. The night was falling, she could hear sawing and hammering in the distance as she walked to her cabin. Mike was running down the lane from direction of their cabin looking for her. “Mama, guess what?” Setting aside her feelings from what just transpired she smiled down at her son.

  “What my son?”

  “Me and Ferrus is gonna dance at the party. He been showing me how to dance like him…and I’m good. He says I am!”

  “Of course you are sweetie…of course you are.” She hugged him close, both in companionable steps with him under her left arm, the unfinished uniform over the right. Once more, she fought back those damnable tears.

  By the time all arrangements were made, four weeks passed before the night of the large gathering. Finally, that night arrived, with Ferrus serving the champagne, bourbon, and ale, while Mike served the punch, lemonade and tea. The serving tables were set up with a table cloth matching the servants clothing of maroon with a cream inlay and lace edging. All the food that had been prepared was set out with Kayleen, Cora, Lena and Ruby there to serve the guest. The turn out was a bit more than expected, but they were prepared by making sure there was an abundance.

  By six, all those that would be attending were arriving. One carriage after another rolled up for unloading fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, southern belles, dandies and bachelors galore. This was a perfect time for all to do a little hunting, viewing and planning of who would be best for whom.

  Jordan, Amos and Henry were in charge of driving the carriages to their holding area as Samuel, Leon, Johnnypoe and Daniel were escorts to the families leading them to the back field where everything was set up. It wasn’t long before the back yard was teaming with guests. By the turn out, the lawn party came to be a success…and there was plenty to serve to all.

  The quartet was present, in place and began the first musical arrangement. It wasn’t long before the platform filled with those attending beginning to enjoying themselves as laughter and calls of greeting filled the air.

  Lena stood elegant and graceful in her ensemble; the cream blouse and lace accenting her caramel smooth skin, brightening her gold eyes all the more. She’d folded her bandanna to look like a head band and tied it in the back, leaving her hair to fall loosely into a full lace net down her back. As they served up the meals, Lena looked out among the crowd hoping to spot Manny, she was missing him.

  She regretted rejecting him, slapping him – it had hurt to do it, but she knew she was doing the right thing. She spotted Mike helping Ferrus serve refreshments and beamed with motherly pride. He walked proudly in his uniform; he was a striking image to be so young, sure to be a handsome young man someday. His hair had been neatly cut, slicked down and parted at the side and combed back with a quiff on top. He must have felt her eyes on him, because he turned to see her smiling at him; he waved at her beaming brightly - enjoying his part in the gathering.

  The O’Brien’s showed up with the exception of their daughter, Josephine; Charles Wilson joined them, having conducted business earlier with Jordan Lee, then followed them to the Webster’s. As they approached for refreshments, Charles smiled at Lena and nodded, a peculiar look in his eyes. Before this, he’d never given her much thought, nor had he ever really made eye contact with her to speak. His friendliness was usually extended to Ferrus and Kayleen only. He had little to say to the others. Lena couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind to look at her as he’d just done.

  Peeling her eyes from his tall presence, she scanned the crowd once more looking for Manny. She recognized other families from town and the surrounding area; having encountered some from the many times the fair came and Manny would take her and Mike, as well many other slaves. There he would look over live stock for purchase and enter various competitions. She would stand back watching him, secretly cheering him on, feeling that same pride as one would for her husband. Often they grinned when she played the docile slave girl giving aid to her master as she followed behind him from one event to another. None suspected that all the prizes he’d won, went to her, their son…or Kayleen. After the events were over and night had fallen with dancing and celebrating, Jordan and Leon would take charge of Mike so that she and Manny could disappear for their own celebrating.

  Turning back to the table to neaten it after serving a few guests, she smiled to herself…then felt a harsh pain to her stomach that was certain to bring tears to her eyes. She’d fallen in love with him; while he’d fallen in lust with her. Closing her eyes, she prayed the gathering tears wouldn’t flow. Taking a deep breath, she pulled herself together…then turned back to the crowd noticing a young man staring at her. She returned the stare a moment out of curiosity…her brows pinched - wondering why he looked at her as he did? He then smiled at her and flexed his brows suggestively; instantly answering her question…she quickly snatched her gaze away from him. Doing so, she finally spotted Manny on the other side of the platform when the music stopped and the dancers cleared the floor to now all line up for a meal.

  He was standing and talking to Charles Wilson…he must have just arrived from the mansion…his size nearly dwarfed most of the men present except for a few and Charles, who stood Manny’s height. Her heart squeezed in her chest…he was so handsome … wearing a midnight blue suit, with a royal blue silk waist coat of dark imprint of some kind. Beneath, he wore a white shirt with the ruffled front and sleeves, a neatly arranged stock tie and carried his cutaway coat over his arm.

  From his neat combed back and tied hair, with his full moustache and sideburns…down to his tight fitting black trousers tucked into knee high black boots – he was a masculine presence just short of perfection. The pain in her heart was as much as she could stand when he took the hand of a young belle, escorting her to the dance floor as another round of music started up.

  “You insolent wench! I’m talking to you! How much longer am I to wait to be served!?” An older woman snapped, bringing Lena’s mind back to what she was doing. She looked at the plate in her hand, failing to remember when she’d picked it up, next she looked up at the woman. “I’m sorry…excuse me…what is it, you wish?”

  “Had you been paying attention…you would know…now wouldn’t you? Obviously by the looks of you, you are accustomed to serving in another capacity!” The woman insulted; her meaning very clear. “What is your name wench?”

  Lena looked her in the eyes, suddenly squaring her shoulders - duplicating the older woman’s look of disdain, turned eyeing Kayleen - whose eyes grew huge in warning. Ignoring the woman, Lena sat the plate on the table and walked away from her. “Why?! - did you see her? Did you see what she did?” The woman turned in shocked disapproval to those that stood behind her. Ruby seeing it all, quickly walked over grabbed up the plate and started filling it.

  “I’ah take care of you ma’am. You have to excuse Lena, she ain’t in a good way lately.” Ruby tried to explain to placate the woman.

  She only grumbled the more as she
nodded yes and no to various selections Ruby pointed to; once completed, the woman moved on promising, “I will be having a word with your master, you can mark my words. Looks to me what’s ailin’ her is a need for a sound whipping!”

  “Yes ma’am.” Ruby nodded.

  Kayleen sighed shaking her head as they continued serving the others in line with the help of Cora and Mazie.

  Morris inhaled for control, following Lena from the serving table. The offended woman noticed, smiling in satisfaction that matters would be handled. Lena was walking towards the wooded area when Morris called out sharply to her. “Ceś alena!”

  Hearing him, Lena stopped…not bothering to turn around.

  “I don’t know what’s gotten into you…but it better leave, and soon. You will conduct yourself with our guests as expected! Do you understand?” He demanded. Lena looked up at him, making sure there was eye contact. Morris swallowed, her eyes did something strange to him; they made him feel uncomfortable. It was as if Lena possessed some knowledge of black magic.

  “Don’t you dare look at me that way! Bow your head when I’m speaking to you!”

  Raising one insolent brow, slowly she looked down away from him.

  “One of these days, you’ll get what’s coming to you. Left up to me, you’d get a sound slapping…but my son indulges you…don’t think I will wench. Now get back to that table, and do as a slave aught to!” Turning obediently away, she returned to her duties…but made sure to square her shoulders and walk with the grace she’d always done. Morris followed slowly behind scanning the crowd for his son.

  Joining the others once again, the guest having thinned out at the serving table, Lena arrived as Cora commented, “Goodness, I’m glad that’s over with.” Wiping the sweat from her brow, she added. “For a while anyway…you okay?” She asked Lena as she stepped up. “Yes, I’ll be fine. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you all with the serving.” She apologized.


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