Princess Ces'alena (Webster Fields)

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Princess Ces'alena (Webster Fields) Page 20

by Mercedes Keyes

  “No sir, I beg to differ, the question here is, why? Why did you even bother to go so far out to find a wife if you didn’t want one!? Why did you ask me to marry you?”

  “My error wasn’t in wanting a wife…my error was in the one I chose.”

  “Once more, I beg to differ sir - the affliction does not lie with me…but with you! You are the one with abnormalities, perversions and afflictions…not I!”

  “Look, spare us this, it is a holy night – one intended for peace to all mankind and goodwill and all that other – tripe! Let us please, give it a go, shall we? You are obviously tired and in the mood to argue. I am not, so…please - do us both this favor, leave me – I beg you.” He advised her, grabbing her arm to lead her to the door. “Here’s a bit of help, right this way.”

  She snatched her arm from his grasp. “Take your hand from me! I am not a child! Nor am I a fool! You think I’m stupid!? Your desire is that I leave you so that you can run to her! Well I’m done with making this easy on you!” She announced through clenched teeth, her eyes watering from being overwrought.

  “Easy on me? Lady you haven’t a clue!” He turned stepping away from her, back to the cocktail hutch to pour another drink, still not numb enough.

  “Oh sir, I’m sorry…finally it has come to me, with more than a clue! I am nothing more than a façade! A sham for you! I am nothing more than front for others who talk of what is really happening here! But we both know what you really wanted…you already had! She takes care of all that you need, as any whore would!”

  “You – watch – your - mouth!” He bit in warning, “Leave her – out of it!! I mean it!” He spoke low, his voice menacingly at the end.

  A bit shaken up by his sudden demeanor, Katherine softened her tone; desperate, pleading she tried to reach him, “I can’t leave her out of it! She’s our whole problem! Don’t you see that?!”

  He stood silent and still as she continued on, deciding to ignore her, and then maybe she would give up and leave him alone.

  “When are you going to accept that we can’t go on this way?! I’m your wife! You asked me to marry you! I did it because I wanted to be! And now I’m subjected to this - because you aren’t man enough to own up to your responsibility to me! Well, I will not be ignored! You brought me here as your wife…now I insist upon what is rightly mine to claim!” She raged. Manny fought his conscience, but she was digging into a very tender spot, and any moment now, if she didn’t let up…he was going to lose it. He could feel it climbing in him. His drinking wasn’t helping.

  “You think that by ignoring me, I’m just going to shut up and walk away!? Never again - do you hear me! Never again…I want my place! I want what is rightfull mine!” She screamed in full frustration at the top of her voice, shaking her head in fury.

  “Go to bed Katherine, you’re hysterical.” Because he was forcefully restraining himself, he kept himself from looking her in the face.

  “Call it hysterics all that you like!” She was on the verge of sobbing, “Maynard! I love you, I need you…I need you to need me. To love me, to hold me sometimes, can you not understand that!” She whimpered through streaming tears.

  Grown tired of the discussion, he swallowed down his last drink and headed for the door. She ran after him, desperation in control, she grabbed his sleeve. “No, you will not! No – you – don’t! You will not walk away from me this night!!” She stated gruffly as she struggled her way in front of him, blocking his exit as she tightly held onto his shirt sleeve. “Look at me Maynard!”

  He looked tiredly over her head.

  “I said look at me! Damn you!!!” She screamed shaking, pulling on him. “Enough, move!” He bit out.


  “Move damn you, or else!!!”

  “Well I guess it’s going to be – or else, because I’m not moving! For once, you’re going to do what I want!”

  “Or else huh? Remember, you begged me for it, fine!”

  All patience gone; liquor in control, he reached behind her and slammed the one library double door that was open.

  The sudden move froze her into fright, not certain of what was about to happen. Right then, she realized that maybe she’d pushed too far. "You beggin’ for a little cock time!? Begging to get fucked? Sure, why not, anything to shut you up!” He spat, grabbing her roughly, his grip punishing as he tugged her to the leather sofa, then threw her on it.

  “No! Let me go! What are you doing?”

  “What you want! All about what you want!!”

  “No, please… not like this!!” She sreamed.

  “Shut up that screaming…do you hear…shut it up!!” He roared furious now, ripping at her skirts. She began swinging and kicking, screaming. “Bastard! Unhand me! You low, vile drunk! Get – away – from … nooo!!”

  He ignored her and continued to rip at her clothes; her skirt was shredded in no time and out of his way. He tugged on the crotch seam of her pantaloons, ripping them like rice paper. She tried to get up from the sofa, but he pushed her back down, using his knees and legs to part hers wide; Using one forearm to pin her, as he positioned himself between her thighs; now tearing open his own pants to free himself. She clawed his cheek in her fight to stop him; the next thing he grabbed were both of her wrists in his one hand, forcing them above her head on the armrest of the sofa. Completely free of his pants, he prodded to find entrance to her, then surged forward with a powerful thrust. Katherine cried out, shaking her head.

  Manny ignored her, thrusting wildly, he ripped open her bodice exposing her breast, where he went down and hungrily drew one nipple into his mouth, sucking and pulling on them, going back and forth from one to the other. As much as she wanted to fight what was happening to her, abstinence for so long rendered her crazy with lust. She was in love with him, and his act lit her passion turning her into flames. She went from crying to begging him with un-lady like demands to do what he was doing harder, much harder. She could not fight the sudden overpowering lightning that tore through her body, as he sucked and tugged at her nipples. His hands now gripping her hips as his pounding increased. She was crazy for it, spreading her thighs wider as he pounded into her until she could hold back no longer, she screamed over and over unable to stop herself. Her body was not her own, her mind was a whirlwind of white lights that sent her into convulsions, bucking up against him as the climax shattered her to the core.

  Before she was fully recovered from her orgasm, he pulled her legs up over his shoulders, and plunged long and deep within her. Now that she’d come down, he was hurting her. She was unable to keep up with his demanding thrusts. His hands grabbing the armrest of the sofa for leverage, with her body completely folded, he continued his rutting.

  Her head began to shake, unable to take anymore. However, due to his drinking, it slowed his release – making him take longer to come. She began struggling again, uncomfortable with the position she tried to back away from him, but her head was pressed up to the armrest, and he continued on, and on, and on.

  “Please!! Stop - please!!” She cried out.

  Twenty agonizing minutes later, after he’d covered her in sweat, and pummeled her body with deep thrust, he began stiffening, feeling the rise of climax, grunting, he finally came. Breathing hard, as the sensation passed, he lifted himself away from her onto the other side of the sofa, sitting back, his body stretched out as he gulped in deep lung fulls of air.

  Katherine unfolded her body, panting and crying over the discomfort that throbbed throughout. Sitting up, she cried out, “I hate you!! I bloody hate you!! What do you think I am? Treating me like a whore?!!”

  Manny rose into a sitting position, both hands grabbing his knees, to lever himself up, he grabbed his flaccid phallus putting it away as he departed with the words, “Well – wife, I’m damned if I do - damned if I don’t! From now on, keep the hell away from me!”

  Chapter Six

  March 1810

  “That’s it Mikey, hold him steady; keep control. You
’re the master, let him know it son. Show him who’s in control.”

  “Yes sir!” Mike replied sitting upon his fine appaloosa, sure and proud as a few gathered slaves looked on while he exercised his new horse, Chester. Manny stood watching his son closely. He, Jordan, Amos and Henry…not forgetting Leon and the other slaves, were his only pleasure.

  There were two women in his life that right now, neither wanted anything to do with him. Katherine, he didn’t mind so much, but even so, it appeared that he was to pay once more for his impulsiveness; to his shock, that one drunken night had landed her with child. She was now two months along.

  The morning after, he had regretted it and begged her apology for acting such a beast. She had been unforgiving. However, upon finding out that she’d conceived, she felt a victory and crowed her victory before Lena. He had been unable to tell her of that night, and so the first she heard of it came from Katherine. Who now felt that she was in control. Morris would allow no one to disturb her delicate state, and she of course took advantage of it.

  Lena tried to give no reaction to the news. It had hurt like the devil, but there was nothing she could do…as for Manny, he felt the brunt of her displeasure.

  One thing he could not stand, was to have her displeased at him for something, and this was big. She was mightily displeased, hadn’t spoke to him in two weeks, she went so far as to bar him from her cabin. So while trying to be kinder to Katherine, he went out of his way to placate Lena.

  Showering upon her more gifts, making her cabin even more luxurious than it already was, to the point of having the plantation carpenters add on to it, giving Mikey his own room, and another for the baby.

  Of course Katherine knew nothing of this; she found it beneath her to even consider venturing into the area of the slave quarters. Besides that, although she was elated at being pregnant, what came with it was a dreadful head cold, right on the tail of a constant bout of morning sickness, that lasted through to the afternoon. Being a lady of privilege and prestige, it was unheard of that they venture into the public eye in such a delicate state, so she was also confined to the mansion.

  This being the case, on top of everything else, the house was a war zone! Once Katherine saw Lena’s swollen belly, she exploded! To the point of wanting to attack her, but Lena wasn’t about to let any harm come to the child she carried, so felt no apprehension in defending herself to the fullest extent, brandishing a meat clever in one hand and the rolling pin in the other; the expression on her face begged for Katherine to step forward.

  More than twice, Manny, Morris or Kayleen had to come between them. With Morris yelling at Manny, “Do you see what you’ve done? I cannot believe you’ve gone and knocked her up again! There’ll be no peace here ever again!” This forced Manny to lay down the law in the house. Under no circumstances was Katherine to come anywhere near the kitchen. She was appalled that he would treat her in such a way, in her own home, where she was in full right. After all, Lena was threatening her with a meat clever!

  Trying to get and keep control of things, Manny reasoned that such outbursts could harm the child. “Is that what you want, to harm this child?”

  “Of course I don’t! What about her!?”

  “You - do as I say!”

  “No! You get rid of that Ceś alena!!”

  Unwilling to hear anymore of that, he turned to her and said very seriously, “I’d sooner divorce you. Now, make up your mind…either live with it – and stay away from this kitchen, or leave. I’ll not stop you. The choice is yours!”

  “I carry your child! You can’t say such a thing to me!”

  “It’ll want for nothing. Again, the choice is yours. Now make up your mind, and drop the theatrics!” Having no choice in the matter, she conceded.

  Having to suffer humiliation before those who knew within the plantation was one thing…but she dare not let it go any further from there. After all, the world she lived in, as with every other woman, was a man’s world. There were no true rights to stand on…so she suffered as many of her time were forced to. Where in she had little to argue with, Morris had plenty to say; again pressing him to sell Mikey; to rid the plantation of Lena.

  But something about Manny had changed over the last few months. Morris couldn’t put his finger on it, but he knew his son was up to something. Unlike before, he began threatening to leave Webster Fields and all connected to it, daring Morris to continue with a demand he had no intention on following through on. No matter how much Morris would rage in anger, and make demands, it frightened him to even think of his son abandoning the plantation and him. He had to back down, or face the threats Manny began firing back at him.

  As for Manny, he was ecstatic about the coming of his second living, (so he hoped) child by Lena. Mike had said it would be a girl. He hoped to God that it would be. A little girl, ‘Hope’, that’s what his son wanted to name her, and that would be it. Manny had a strong desire for her to look just like Lena. Although he knew it wouldn’t be to her best advantage, he even wished her coloring to be more like her mother. He often thought of the child Katherine carried, there was a tinge of excitement there as well. But it lacked the same anticipation he felt when he and Lena were expecting. He felt happy for her, but not in a way that he felt included or part of it. Even so, the child was his, and he would love it as he did Mike and the possible sister that was coming. While he was filled with joy over her, it was a devil of a fight trying to soften Lena up; showing up at one of the cabin windows, peering in, only for her to shut him out. He’d run to the other begging that she please listen, again, window shut to him. If he stood before her, without a word to him, she shoved him aside.

  Giving up for the time being, with all the events taking place at Webster Fields, Manny had things taking place elsewhere as well. Now more than ever, he was leaving the plantation on business. This perplexed Morris. He’d already gone to town trying to snoop about for any information into what he was up to; but to no avail. Charles was the main source, but trying to get information out of him was like trying to catch a hummingbird with your bare hand. Sometimes his business trips lasted for the day, then a few days, and into weeks. Lena of course could not stay angry with him for much longer, especially when she missed him so much from his trips into town, or out of town. He was up to something, and whatever it was, brought him more and more happiness with every return.

  He always brought back gifts for her and Mikey…and trying to be considerate, he brought presents here and there for Katherine as well. He loved his homecomings, because now, he always let his son know about the time when he would be returning, and Mike would ride so far down the road to look for his father, accompanied by Jordan or Amos. Sometimes, they’d hunt in the fields near the road until they spotted him coming, then join him.

  Something he noted right away; his son was a natural when it came to riding. He was fearless and executed control of the horse that some accomplished riders didn’t have; and this at just ten years old. The first time he saw him jump a wide ditch from out of the woods to ride up to him, he’d almost swallowed his tongue. Mike only laughed and challenged him to a race. And of course, being that his horse was tired, carrying his weight, he always lost. But to see the boy lay low and give the animal full reign, scared him to death. Yet, he never lost control, and if he did, he knew it would break his neck. Therefore, he had to reign his son in, he’d lost two already… there was nothing that could help him get through losing Mike; just the thought of losing him, sent him into a panic. He’d just returned from a business trip, in the barn talking to his son and Jordan, who volunteered to rub his horse down and water it, when he went looking for Lena with a new gift. She wasn’t in her cabin, so he left the gift on her bed, and decided to get changed before he located her. Out of consideration, he went to check on Katherine, who began questioning him as soon as he sat on the bed next to her.

  “I don’t understand why you leave so often on business?”

  “Well I’m doing somethi
ng that requires my careful and constant attention. Therefore, trips must be made.” He answered throwing his vest and suit jacket on the chair next to her bed. He was hot and needed to cool off. She now slept in her own room across the hall from his. “Well what is this business?!” She asked propped up against the pillows at the headboard.

  “I tell you what…don’t bother yourself by matters that are of no concern to you. Besides, it’s too much to explain that you’d understand.”

  “I think I would if you gave me a chance.”

  With his knee raised half on the bed to face her, he patted her hand affectionately saying, “You just be concerned with the baby. Don’t worry about anything else.”

  “Don’t patronize me!” She snatched her hand away from him. “I don’t need your condescension! I’m not a child! You think me thick!? I’m not! And I’m tired of you disappearing and reappearing like this! Then you give me nothing of your whereabouts when you return! I’m sick to death of this room! Sick of this bed and having to stay in it looking at nothing but these four walls.”

  “How about I have some books brought up for you to read?” He offered, struggling already to be patient, feeling his temper rise.

  “Read a book? Me? Surely I’m too thick for that! I’m pregnant with your child! You did this to me! The least that you could do is spend some time with me! My back aches, and I’m always nauseated, so I can’t keep any food down. My ankles and legs are swollen, and I’ve a need to use the chamber pot…but there’s never anyone around to bring it to me. I have to ring that stupid bell over and over, calling out - no response! They do it on purpose! I know they do! And do you care?! Does anybody care!? That I’m hungry, so hungry my head hurts-…” She went on to list her complaints, bringing the back of her hand to her forehead as if to test how high her temperature was, following that was all of her pregnancy woes. Manny sat staring at her. She was pale, except for her red nose from blowing. Her eyes were red and tearing…and her mouth, with all the afflictions listed, was the only thing that still worked on and on and on.


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