Bryce, Quentin 279
Buick, Bob 136
Buick, Mike 278, 283
Buin, Bougainville 148
Bullwinkel, Vivian 280
Burnett, Captain J. 173
Burstall, Terry 135–136
Bush, George W. 247
‘bush craft’ 197
Butler, A.G. 106–107
cadet movement 27
Camel Corps 60
Camp David Accord 68–69
Canada 39, 66, 227–230
Canberra, HMAS 167, 175
Canberra Times 152, 280, 283
Cape Corps 41
Caribbean campaigns 41
Casey, R.G. 81
casualties of war
Boer War 26, 31
Bougainville campaign 149
Canadian, in Afghanistan 229
civilian deaths 266–267, 272–273
East Timor 215
frontier wars 18, 31
importance in history 263, 265–266
Iraq, by country 225–226
Korean War 90
naval collisions 167, 183
non-military 267–269
Pacific theatre, World War II 148
Vietnam War 190–191, 197–198, 207–208
Caulfield, Michael 134–135
Cavell, Edith 104
Centenary of Anzac Commission 276–277, 284
Central Bureau Signals Intelligence 151
Charlton, Peter 140
Chauvel, Major General Harry 60
Chaytor, Major General Edward 60
Chifley, Ben 156–158
Chinese troops 66, 244
Christian Science Monitor 27
Churchill, Winston 81, 239
CIMIC personnel in East Timor 217
civilian casualties 266–267, 272–273
Clark, Chris viii, 4
Clark, Helen 70
claymore mines 196–197
Clinton, Bill 216
close inshore operations 181
Clothier, Sergeant Les 153
Cold War 91–92, 94, 236–237
collective security policy 90 colonial troops 11–34
‘coloured’ troops 40–42
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery 272
Communism, perceived threat from 91–92, 94, 236–237
community resistance to conscription 44
Confrontation with Indonesia 92–93, 267
Connor, John viii–ix, 4, 16
conscription 36, 38–39
‘contacts’ with enemy troops in Vietnam 191–192, 198, 201
convicts, military action against 18
Cooper, Alistair ix, 6
Cosgrove, General Peter 93–94, 211, 214–215
counter revolutionary warfare 192
counter-insurgency 187–188, 192, 196
Crete campaign 131
Cullen, General Paul 128
Curtin, John
Australia Day broadcast 138
death of 161
relations with Blamey 153, 155–156
relations with MacArthur 141–144, 159
Curtin Labor government 63
Cutler, Roden 280
D445 Vietnamese Local Force Battalion 189–190
Damousi, Joy 109, 263
Dardanelles campaign see Gallipoli landing
Darian-Smith, Kate 109
Darwin, civilians killed at 272
Davies, Andrew 253
Day, David 76
Deakin, Alfred 86
Dean, Peter 154
death, causes of 267–268, 271see also casualties of war
Dechaineux, HMAS 211
decorations and awards
for Bayonet Trench attack 127–128
for naval service 172
HMAS Murchison 172, 178
Victoria Cross 20
Deeds That Won the Empire 29–30
Defence Contract Audit Agency (US) 253
Defence Department, procurement fraud in 254–255
Defence ‘White Papers’ 215, 235, 240
Defense Authorization and Appropriation Bills (US) 253
Department of Veterans’ Affairs 263, 274, 279
Derrick, Lieutenant Tom ‘Diver’ 160
Dhi Qar province, Iraq 224–225
Dibb, Paul 245
‘digger’ myths 2, 275, 288see also Anzac legends
‘diggers’, New Zealanders as 51
Director of Military Prosecutions 113–114
Dollard, Commander Allen 180–181
‘Domino theory’ 94
Draper, Theodore 256
dreadnought crisis 28
drug use, casualties due to 270
Duntroon training college 53
‘duty’ and enlistment 44–45
East African campaign 41–42
East Timor independence campaign 7, 69–70, 213–219
Eden, Anthony 80
Egypt, troop misbehaviour in 54–56
Eire 38–40, 76
el Gorah, Sinai 69
el-Alamein campaign 131, 138
Elands River Post, Battle of 14, 30
Elliott, Brigadier General ‘Pompey’ 123–124
Emden, sinking of 167
Empire Air Training Scheme 79, 88–89
employers, effect on enlistments 42–43
enlistments 22, 24, 42–44, 79–80
ethical exceptionalism see exceptionalist claims
ethnic corps in colonial Australia 23
Europe, compulsory military service in 38 Evans, Air Marshal David 284
Evans, Gareth 210, 236–237
Evatt, H.V. ‘Doc’ 210
exceptionalist claims
about Australian troops 2, 5–6, 46, 112–137, 210–234
about military nurses 106–107
about US 257
volunteers vs conscripts 35–36, 42
expeditionary wars 101
extrajudicial assassination 257
F/A-18 aircraft 252
family issues, effect on enlistment 43
Far East Strategic Reserve 91–93
Farrington, Petty Officer Reg 183
Federation, military involvement in 20–21
Field, James 251
Fire Support Bases in Vietnam 188–189
Firth, Dianne 284
Fischer, Tim 280
Fitchett, W.H. 29–30
Foll, Hattil 155
Forde, Frank 63
Forde, Joseph 30
Fox, Ronald 251
France, wars with 21, 36, 131
Frank E Evans, USN 167
Fraser, James 155–156
free trade deal with US 231
Freyberg, Major General Bernard 62
frontier wars, colonial 13–18
Gabriel, Richard 247
Gallipoli landing
atrocities committed during 115–116
attitudes to 87–88
boxes of earth from 71
Indian volunteers 41
Irish volunteers 39–40
military involvement prior to 3
naval involvement 170
New Zealand troops 52–53, 56–58
symbolic value of 9, 261, 264
tourism following 276
ganygarr (spear fight) 14–15
Gazelle peninsula 149
Gellibrand, Brigadier General John 124
gender of military personnel see men; women
General Accounting Office (US) 250
General Dynamics 254
German New Guinea see New Guinea campaigns
as enemy, attitudes to 24, 131
captured troops killed by Australians 117–118, 131
Pacific threat from 88
treatment of prisoners by 125
workforce participation by gender 110
Gillard, Julia 237
Glebe Island Bridge 70
Glen, Frank 52
Glenn, John 242
Glennon, Michael J. 256
Gloucester C
up 178
Godley, Major General Sir Alexander 54
Government Accountability Office (US) 250
Gower, Major General Steve 284
Graves, Robert 124
Great Britain see United Kingdom
‘Great Powers’ 38
Greek campaign, World War II 61–62
Greenhalgh, Elizabeth 46, 48
grenade launchers 204, 206–207
Grey, Jeffrey 12, 38, 187
Grimshaw, Pat 109
Gulf War, Australian involvement 267 see also Iraqi wars
Habibie, B.J. 216
Hackworth, Colonel David 202
Hall, Bob ix, 7
Halligan, Marion 283
Ham, Paul 129, 134
Hamilton, General Ian 28
Hammer, Brigadier Heathcoat ‘Tack’ 140
Han River, Korea 166, 179–180
Hancock, Eleanor ix, 5 Handcock, Lieutenant Peter 114–115
Harris, Kirsty 104–105, 107
Hasluck, Paul 94–95
Hastings, Max 140
Hawke, Bob 264
Hele, Ivor 128
helicopters 69, 217–218, 230, 254
Henderson, Private Richard (‘Dick’) 59
Henderson Smith family 260–261
Henkin, Louis 256
Herald Sun 265
heroism, dominated by male exemplars 103
Hindenburg Line campaign 46, 48
History of the Military in Australia and New Zealand 11–12
HMAS. . .see names of ships, e.g. ‘Canberra’
Hobbes, Thomas 237
Horner, David 146
Houston, Air Chief Marshal Angus 211, 261
Howard, John 264, 275, 279
Howse, Neville 20
Hughes, William Morris 29
‘Hundred Days’ offensive 39, 48
Hurley, Lieutenant General David 211
Hyland, Tom 114
imperial defence policy 81–82, 85–87, 290
imperial soldiers in Australia 11–34
Inchon Peninsula, Korea 246
Indian Army 35, 41
Indonesia 92–93, 214, 216–218
infant mortality, numbers of deaths from 268–269
influenza epidemic 266
information gathering 242–243
Inglis, Ken 12, 37
inhumanity see atrocities
intelligence 242–243
INTERFET force 214–215, 218
International Monetary Fund 216
International Stabilisation Force 70
Iraqi wars
atrocities in 136
Australian involvement 7, 96–97, 219–226
illegality of 256–257
US military achievements 247–250
Ireland 38–40, 76
Irving, Colonel Sybil 108
Italy, as enemy 84–85, 131
James, Karl ix, 6
air raids on Darwin 17
atrocities committed against 115
atrocities committed by 130
miniature submarine attacks 171
nurses imprisoned by 103
perceived threat from 28, 77, 81–82, 89–90
racial hatred against 128–130
Jeffrey, Michael 279
Jobson, Brigadier General Alexander 124
Joyce, Stephen 178, 182
Joynt, Captain W.D. 117–118
Kaesong, Korea 179
Kandahar province, Afghanistan 228–229
Kapyong Valley, Battle of 65–67
Keating, Paul 73–74, 264
Keegan, John 117–118
Kelly, Paul 13, 286
Kelson, Brendon 284
Kennedy, Paul 177
King, Admiral 158
King, Ernest 154
King, Jonathan 37
King’s African Rifles 35, 41
Kipling, Rudyard 25
Kirk, Richard 279
Kirkpatrick, John Simpson 59
Knightley, Philip 266
Kokoda Trail, Keating speech 73–74
Korean War
as last US victory 246
atrocities in 133
Australian involvement 90–91, 267
civilian deaths 267
naval operations 166, 179–180
New Zealand troops in 65–67
Kormoran 173
KPMG 255
Labuan Island, Borneo 160
Lake, Marilyn 74, 100, 109, 263, 273
Lake Burley Griffin, proposed memorials by 9, 262–263, 278–285
Lake War Memorials Forum 280–284
‘landmark’ battles 186–209
‘lawful orders’ 120
Layton, Peter 253
Leahy, Lieutenant General Peter 211
Leopard tanks 229–230
Leviathan 237
Leyte Gulf, Battle of 151
Libyan no-fly zone 228
Lindbergh, Charles 128
Lingayen Gulf, Battle of 151
Liverpool mutiny 28
Lockheed Martin 254
Lone Hand magazine 30
Long, Gavin 108–109, 146, 152–153
Long Dien, Battle of 188–189, 191
Long Phuoc village, Vietnam 193
Long Tan, Battle of 13, 67–68, 188, 193, 195
Loveday, Lieutenant 127
Lowe, Nathaniel 18
M16 land mine 207
M16 rifle 187, 202–205
M60 machine gun 205–206
M72 light anti-armour weapon 206–207
MacArthur, General Douglas
Borneo plans 158–159
Curtin and 141
on British abandonment of the Pacific 239
on the Mandated Territories 157–158
Pacific campaigns 154–155
Pacific strategy 139, 145, 149–150, 152
role in directing Australian troops 162
Macarthur, John 21
Macksey, Piers 168
Mai Lai atrocity 134
Main Supply Route Tampa 224
Malawer, Stuart 256
Malayan Emergency 91–92, 267
Malone, Lieutenant Colonel W.G. 57–58
Mandated Territories see Bougainville campaign;New Britain campaign;New Guinea campaigns; Solomon Islands campaign
Mansfield, Grant 87
Manual of Military Law 119
Maori soldiers 68
marksmanship 197–198
Marshall, General George 154
Matthews, Sergeant A.E. 127–128
Mattis, General James 226
McDade, Brigadier Lyn 113–114
McKenna, Mark 263–264
McKernan, Michael 284
McKinley, Michael x, 8
McNeill, Ian 193
McQuilton, John 44
Meaker, Private 126–128
Medical Association for the Prevention of War 279–280
Mediterranean garrisons 64–65
Melbourne, HMAS 167, 173
Memorials Development Committee 278–282
men, predominance of in active service 105–106
Menzies, Robert
brothers enlist in World War I 43
declares war on Nazi Germany 76
plans for Australian troops 81–82
raises expeditionary force 78–79
relations with Blamey 146–147
relations with UK War Office 85
sends troops to Vietnam 94
Merz, Lieutenant George 60–61
Mesopotamia campaign 41, 60–61
Messines, Battle for 40
Middle East theatre, World War I 60
Middle East theatre, World War II 75–76, 84
migration, effect on social history 32–33, 262
Military History of Australia 12
military nurses 102–108
in colonial Australia 27–29
in East Timor 219
in Vietnam War 200–201
in World War II 1
troops recruited from 79
Milne Bay, Battle of 130
mines, in Vietnam War 133–134, 196–197, 207
Minh Dam Secret Zone 207
‘mini-Tet’ battles 195
‘missing in action’ records 273
Mobile Bay, USN 217
modes of operation on board vessel 177
Molan, Major General Jim 230
Monaghan, Brigadier R.F. 129–130
Monash, General Sir John 4–5, 36–37
Moore, Captain F.L. 117
Moore-Jones, Horace 59
moral exceptionalism see exceptionalist claims
Morant, Lieutenant Harry ‘Breaker’ 14, 25–26, 114–115
Mordike, John 86
Morlancourt, Battle of 47–48
Morotai, Halmahera 155
mortar fire see artillery
motor vehicle accidents, deaths due to 268, 271
mounted troops in colonial Australia 23
Muir, Marnie Haig 45
Mulvaney, John 283
munitions work, women in 109
Murchison, HMAS 166, 172, 175–184
Mussolini, Benito see Italy, as enemy
Napoleonic Wars 21
National Archives of Australia 173–174
National Capital Authority 278–279, 281
National Capital Memorials Committee 278–279
National Constituent Assembly, Vietnam 193–194
national interest 74–76, 236
National Referendum Council 44
‘native troops’, volunteer status 40–42
naval history 28–29, 165–185 see also Royal Australian Navy;Royal Navy
naval volunteer brigades 22
Netherlands East Indies campaign 150, 154–155
New Britain campaign
5th Australian Division in 147, 149
correct approach to 162
‘mopping-up’ operations 139
troop numbers in reduced 157
New Guinea campaigns
Australian troops in 146–147, 157
conditions in 138
in World War I 29, 88
‘mopping-up’ operations 142–143, 152–153, 161–162
servicewomen sent to 107
New Guinea Infantry Battalion 157
New South Wales, enlistments from 79–80
New Zealand 48–72, 242see also Anzac legend; New Zealand military personnel
New Zealand and Australian Division 56
New Zealand military personnel
attitude to Australians 4
attitude to prisoners 115–116
colonial troops from 31–32
conscription for 39
expeditionary force 54, 59, 83
in World War II 79
misbehaviour in Cairo 54–55
Staff Corps 61
New Zealand War Memorial 70–71
Newfoundland, conscription in 39
Nguyen Van Thieu 195
Nigeria Regiment 41
Nixon, Richard 195
No. 1 Dominion Squadron 64
No. 2 Dominion Squadron 64
No. 14 NZAF Squadron 64–65
No. 78 RAAF Fighter Wing 64–65
‘no quarter’ policy 118
nocturnal superiority in Vietnam 198
North Korean troops 90, 133, 182–183
Anzac's Dirty Dozen Page 35