Candy Kisses (Romance on the Ranch #4)

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Candy Kisses (Romance on the Ranch #4) Page 5

by Verna Clay

  Dirk had already turned from the doorway and was crutching away. Monica said after seeing Tessa's worried expression. "Honey, it's nothing. I'll just fill him in on what happened."

  Actually, the unhappy expression on Dirk's face did have Monica worried.

  She followed him into the living room, but he continued on into the hallway, calling behind him, "We'll talk in my room where there's privacy."

  Monica paused in his open doorway almost directly across from her own bedroom. Dirk's back was toward her. Glancing around the room she decided it was definitely a man's bedroom…make that a cowboy's bedroom. The bed had been haphazardly made and a pair of scuffed boots peeked from beneath it. The cover on the bed was a quilt similar in design to the one in her room, but with contrasting squares of dark brown and light brown; very mundane. As for the window coverings, they were ugly beige blinds. Empty drapery rods hung over each window and Monica wondered if there had ever been drapes. Several pairs of jeans were draped over the back of a wooden chair. And, of course, the walls were logs with the same hardened mortar oozing from a few places. The only redeeming quality was the beautiful oak floor, and she was already redecorating the bedroom when Dirk turned around.

  He said, "I think we need to get something straight from the beginning."

  "What's that, Dirk?"

  He motioned her into his room. It appeared he wanted privacy, so she gently closed the door.

  He continued when the door clicked. "If there's any confrontation with parents or teachers, I'll be doing it. In fact, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from initiating anything without my permission. You've only been here a day so you can't possibly have a handle on our lives."

  Monica narrowed her eyes. "Mr. Branigan, it doesn't take a Ph.D. to recognize a bully. That boy needed to be put in his place and I did it without regret."

  Dirk narrowed his own eyes. "Miz Newport, that boy's parents are friends of mine and I don't believe he meant–"

  Monica cut him short. "Tubby Tessa? You don't believe he meant anything?"


  "He called your daughter, Tubby Tessa, and from what I gather, he's been doing it for some time. And further, did you ever consider that perhaps Tessa didn't tell you precisely because you're friends with his parents. She's a very sensitive child."

  Dirk sat on the edge of his bed. "All right, I can accept the fact that Jared needs discipline. But if anyone talks to his parents, it will be me. I'll not have an outsider taking over my responsibilities where my daughter is concerned."

  "Understood. Now if we're finished can I go back to the kitchen and put groceries away?"

  Dirk glanced at Monica and nodded, but he seemed to be lost in thought.


  After Monica left the room, Dirk blew air out his cheeks. The woman was irritating as hell and he felt like an ass. How long had Tessa been enduring taunts from Jared? Tubby Tessa. Indeed. Oh, he intended to speak with Jared's parents; that was for sure.

  Glancing around his nondescript room he was suddenly struck by how barren it must appear to an interior designer. As if I give a shit!

  Unbidden loneliness suddenly penetrated the shell he'd cultivated since his wife's death. A month after he'd buried her, he'd removed the beautiful drapes and bedspread and framed art she'd lovingly decorated their room with. The room was now only a place to flop and sleep.

  Reaching his hand and smoothing it across Bonnie's side of the bed, he blinked back tears. He hadn't cried in a long time. Speaking to her ghost, he said, "Honey, our baby is being bullied and I didn't even know. I'm so sorry. I know you understand because you went through the same thing."

  Dirk lay across his bed, closed his eyes, and gave in to memories. His wife's face danced before him and he remembered how shy she'd been when he'd shown interest in her. Hell, how could he not be interested? She'd had the sweetest smile he'd ever seen and plenty of curves. When she'd finally agreed to go out with him, he'd been smitten on their first date and known she was the one for him. At the time, he'd just won his first gold buckle and was fast becoming a star on the rodeo circuit at the age of twenty-two. He'd never wanted for female attention and often had women pursuing him. But after he'd met Bonnie, he'd only had eyes for her. When he'd asked her to marry him, she'd refused without giving him a good reason. Finally, one day in desperation, he'd raised his voice and said, "Why won't you marry me? We love each other. Is it that you think I'm not good enough for you?"

  With tears she had sobbed, "No, Dirk. Can't you see it’s the other way around? I'm not good enough for you."

  He'd been stunned and exclaimed, "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "Look at me Dirk. Do I look like the wife of a famous rodeo star? I'm just a shy country girl who doesn't know how to talk to people and I've been chubby all my life. As a child I endured the taunts of other children. As an adult I see the way your admirers and peers look at me and I can hear their thoughts. 'What's he doing with fat girl when he can have any woman he desires'?"

  Her admission had pissed him off and he'd shouted, "Do you think I give a fuck what anyone thinks? I love you. I love your body. You love me and I hope you love my body. End of story. We're getting married."

  After that, he'd made love to her in such a way as to dispel any doubts and they'd married within the month. Five years later, Tessa had been born and it was then that Bonnie's heart problem was discovered. Medications had controlled her heart valve issue for years, but then her health had taken a sharp decline and she'd been put on the waiting list for a transplant. Sadly, she had died on the operating table and Dirk had wanted to die with her.

  It was Tessa who had kept him going. His responsibility for his daughter had forced him out of seclusion two years ago and he'd been riding the circuit with a vengeance ever since. He wasn't getting any younger and his busted leg was proof of that. Hell, he'd be thirty-nine on his next birthday. Since returning to bull riding, he'd garnered some lucrative product endorsements, which had been his goal, but he also wanted to win the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, just about the only rodeo he hadn't won, if only to retire from the sport in a blaze of glory. Of course, winning would bring additional endorsements which would aid in getting his ranch going.

  Lifting his forearm over his eyes he mumbled, "Tessa, I can't believe you've been going through this and I didn't even know."

  Chapter 9: Doc Jones

  Monica handed Tessa her lunch sack. "Sweetie, I packed those Light Delight Cookies we made, along with some fruit, homemade bread, and turkey slices."

  Tessa grinned. "I sure like taking my lunch. Thanks Monica."

  In the week since Monica had arrived, she and Tessa had bought better recipe books and experimented with sometimes outlandish sounding dishes—like Pancake Cloudcakes, Very Veggie Vegan Pot Pie, and Dreamy Dijon Chicken Nuggets. Because of Monica's own weight problem, she had taught herself how to eat healthy and avoid crash diets. Now, she had a pupil in Tessa and together they were learning to cook. Because of her busy lifestyle in New York, she had ordered her meals from a company specializing in natural and healthy dishes. In her new position as domestic help though, she was amazed at how much she enjoyed working in the kitchen and cooking.

  As for Dirk, she wasn't so sure he enjoyed the meals they prepared, although he never complained. Because he was so amiable, she found herself searching for recipes a cowboy would enjoy. During her last trip to the grocery store, she had purchased a local cookbook from women standing behind a table at Biggie's entrance. They had assured her that The Annual Divine Recipe Collection of Central Baptist Church was loaded with recipes men would love. When she'd surprised Dirk with steak, double-baked stuffed potatoes, honey baked beans, cornbread, and apple pie, it was the first time she'd seen him really smile at her, and it had morphed his weathered face into a ruggedly handsome one. The rapid staccato of her heart had surprised her and she'd scolded herself for reacting to him when she had signed off men forever.

  There w
as a honk and Tessa said, "Bye Monica, I'll see you after school."

  "Bye, honey." After Tessa left, Monica pulled the candy drawer open. She was already on the second layer of chocolates. Better buy another one. She rolled the sumptuous morsel around in her mouth and moaned. Make that two.

  She heard Dirk crutching toward the kitchen and quickly shut the drawer and swallowed her chocolate.

  When he entered she was standing at the kitchen sink rinsing her coffee cup. He said, "Monica, I need to talk to you about something."

  Remembering their private talk from a week earlier, she thought, Oh no, not again.

  She turned while Dirk pulled out a chair, lowered himself so that more of his hip rather than his butt rested on the seat, and stretched his encased leg out. He looked uncomfortable and awkward.

  Monica said, "Sure. What's up? Does it have anything to do with Tessa?"

  He surprised her when he said, "No, it has to do with you."

  Huh oh. What have I done now? She sat across from him and didn't voice her thought.

  He looked very uncomfortable, which made her squirm. Finally, he said, "When I hired you, Sage told me that you were…ah…pregnant."

  Monica blinked. This certainly wasn't what she'd expected to hear. She'd expected to be chastised for something she'd done. Clearing her throat, she said, "Yes, that's true."

  Dirk's stare did not waiver. "Have you seen a doctor since you got here?"

  She glanced at the table. "No."

  "Well, from my experience, it's important for an expectant mother to be under a doctor's care. I'd really like for you to make an appointment. We have a couple of doctors in town and more in nearby towns. I'm not telling you who to see, but I can recommend Doc Jones. He's in his seventies, but still going strong. He's the one who delivered Tessa and discovered my wife's heart problem. I can give you his phone number if you want."

  Monica registered the pain in his eyes when he mentioned his wife's condition, but he quickly blinked it away.

  "I guess you're right. I've been putting off finding a doctor, but now that I have a recommendation, I'll make an appointment."

  Dirk shifted his position and the action caused him to wince.

  Monica said, "You should go back to your recliner. Can I bring you a fresh cup of coffee?"

  "Thanks. That would be much appreciated." He lifted himself by his crutches, glanced back at Monica, smiled, and said, "You have a chocolate sprinkle on your lower lip."


  In the early afternoon, Dirk crutched his way to the bathroom, the sound of his progress deadened by the hallway runner. He noticed Monica's bedroom door was slightly ajar and he heard her mention Doc Jones.

  Good, she took my advice. He reached to open the bathroom door but paused when he heard her ask, "Will the doctor accept payment arrangements? I'm unable to come up with the full amount at this time."

  Dirk almost groaned aloud. He was such an imbecile. Of course she wouldn't have the money to pay for Doc's services. She was pretty much destitute—that's why she was working for him. He made a decision within a heartbeat. He would call Doc's office and make sure they accepted payment arrangements, with him as guarantor, for any appointments during her stay at his house. The little voice in his mind shouted, Why are you doing this? She's a spoiled city girl who'll have a new sugar daddy after her baby's born. He refused to answer his own query.


  A week and a half later, Monica sat draped in a paper gown on an examination table at Doc Jones's facility. She hadn't felt this nervous since, well, two weeks ago when she'd traveled to her current position as domestic help. The doctor entered the room and his kindly face immediately quieted some of her anxiety.

  "Howdy, Miz Newport. I'm Doctor Jones, but folks 'round here just call me Doc." He sat on the stool across from her and lifted a clipboard. "Let's start by me askin' you questions and then you can ask me questions if you want."

  By the time the kindly doctor had finished his queries, Monica had just about spilled the beans on her entire life and couldn't believe it. He knew she was an only child raised by an uncaring mother and that she'd been chubby until her teens. She'd had several relationships with men that had ended in disaster, with the latest one leaving her pregnant. He also knew that she was embarrassed at having to become domestic help for their local hero, but without that job she would be homeless.

  When she'd blinked back tears, Doc had patted her hand and said, "Honey, I been a doctor for over forty years and I've seen more'n my share of misery and I can tell you right now that you ain't doin' all that bad. Sure, it seems bad now, but like my pappy used to say when I thought my world was over, 'This too, shall pass.' And I can tell you, truer words were never spoken."

  Monica nodded because she couldn't speak.

  Doc stood and said kindly, "Okay, let's get you examined and then set up for an ultrasound in about six weeks. We should be able to tell if you're having a boy or girl by then. Do you want to know your baby's gender upfront or would you rather be surprised?"

  Monica perked up. "I'd like to know."

  After the examination, Doc assured her that everything looked fine and she would deliver a baby in less than six months. After he left the room she smiled to herself and rubbed her tummy. Soon, I'll know if you're a boy or girl and do some serious thinking about your name.

  At the counter, the office assistant said, "That will be twenty dollars, Miz Newport."

  "That's all."

  The woman lowered her voice. "You said you wanted to make payments, didn't you?"

  "Ah, yes. But I expected it would be more than that."

  The woman glanced at her paperwork. "No, it says twenty dollars a month."

  Monica released a sigh of relief and handed cash to the clerk.

  Chapter 10: Coffee Clique

  Two days after her visit with Doc Jones, Monica drove Dirk's truck to Dixie's Cuppa Joe to buy more Jalapeño ChocoDrops. Even though his Chevy Traverse had been returned by the garage a couple of days after her arrival, she preferred driving his truck.

  The coffee shop had the usual line and while she waited she smoothed her bronze slacks and amber peasant top. The slacks were tight around her middle and soon she would have to start thinking about new clothes. At least her peasant top would work for awhile. Mentally preparing herself for shopping in this cow town, albeit charming now that she'd had time to explore somewhat, she wondered what quality of clothing she would find.

  Stepping forward, she heard a familiar laugh and glanced toward a table in a far corner.


  They locked eyes for a second and then Monica quickly averted hers. Maybe she should leave and come back later. No. It's inevitable that you'll run into her and probably Miles someday. You're not a coward. Stand tall.

  The person in front of Monica moved away and she stepped to the counter. Dixie said, "Hello Monica; nice seeing you again. What can I get you?"

  "I'd like two boxes of the Jalapeño ChocoDrops and a large iced green tea, unsweetened, to go."

  "You got it." Dixie glanced past Monica and said, "Tooty, are you and the gals ready for refills?"

  Monica stiffened. I don't need this in my life.

  Tooty said, "Not yet. Actually, I was coming to invite Monica to join us."


  Tooty could see how nervous Monica was and it surprised her. When she had met the woman years earlier, Monica's cool demeanor and haughty countenance had been so off-putting it had created instant dislike. Of course, that dislike had only been compounded by the fact that she was Miles' girlfriend at the time. Now, she looked nothing like the previous Monica. Her slacks were too tight and her belly had a pooch. Her hair was mussed and she kept pushing a stray strand behind her ear. She was wearing little makeup and no lipstick. Her shoes were flats, and scuffed at that. No, this woman bore little resemblance to snotty Monica. This was a woman coping with an unforeseen pregnancy, a new job, and a new town completely foreign to what she was accustomed to.
Besides that, she was responsible for the care of a ten year old and a man with a broken leg.

  Monica said quickly, "Oh, no. I couldn't impose."

  Tooty looked at Dixie. "Would she be imposing?"

  "Definitely not. Monica, you follow Tooty while I bag your purchase and bring your tea over. Don't worry about paying me now. I'll just put it on Dirk's account."

  Tooty grasped Monica's elbow before she could respond. "Come on." The look on her friends' faces as she led Monica to their table almost made her laugh. Yep. I'm crazy as a loon to be bringing my husband's ex-girlfriend to our table.

  Sarah quickly scooted her chair over and pulled one from another table for Monica. Monica looked like she'd gone into shock when she sat down.

  Tooty said, "Let me introduce my friends. This is Sarah Tanner and her daughter Julie Hackstetter, and Ann Jackson and her grandmother Molly Tucker. Girls, this is Monica Newport."

  Molly was the first to speak, "Well, I'm happy to meet you. My husband, Newt, said you're a real nice lady."

  The other women gave cordial greetings and then there was an awkward silence before Tooty said, "Monica, the way you corrected Jared at the grocery store for taunting Tessa was incredible."

  Monica glanced at her hands and responded, "She's a lovely child and reminds me of myself at her age. I was called Mugly Monica, so I know how it feels to be harassed."

  Tooty tried to control her shocked expression. Had she heard beautiful Monica correctly?

  They were interrupted when Dixie delivered Monica's tea and candy purchase, and then pulled a chair from an adjoining table so she could sit with them.

  Sarah put everyone at ease when she started talking about her children and their latest antics. The other women laughed and Julie said, "I have an announcement."

  All heads turned. She gushed, "Jacob and I are having a baby."

  Sarah, unable to contain her excitement, jumped up, rushed around the table and hugged Julie. "That means Sage and I are going to be grandparents again!"

  Julie giggled and returned her stepmother's hug. "I've already seen Doc Jones and he said everything looks good. His office is scheduling an ultrasound in a few weeks. I can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or girl."


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