Masked Indulgence

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Masked Indulgence Page 41

by Michelle Love

  She then removed his pants completely and slid down his boxers. She cupped his testicles with one hand and placed her mouth on the tip of his manhood. She kissed his cock, working her way from the tip all the way to the base. She then used her tongue to dance circles around his balls, and lick back up the shaft. Then she took him in her mouth and began bobbing her head, fucking his cock with her wet mouth.

  A few minutes of this and Mark grabbed the back of her head. He was ready to explode. He let loose in her mouth and she hungrily swallowed up all his cum. Having finished what she thought was a fine blowjob, and scooting back onto the couch beside him, she cuddled up next to his chest.

  The movie was half over before Mark turned his head and kissed the top of Angela’s thick, brown hair.

  “God, you are beautiful,” he said in a very sincere tone. “I could get used to this.”

  “I love you coming over here as well. But you haven’t made do with your promise yet. You said you were going to fuck me.”

  Angela tilted her head up and gazed into Mark’s big blue eyes. Mark leaned in for a kiss, and Angela also kissed him back. She slid her fingers through Mark’s black hair and began passionately making out with him. Then he leaned into her, and she leaned back onto the couch. He positioned himself on top of her and slid down her pajama bottoms.

  “Condoms are in the dresser over there,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Mark grabbed a condom and put it on. He then entered her and they began making love. Ten minutes into their lovemaking, Angela was on the cusp of an orgasm. She began panting and screaming his name.

  “Mark! Mark! Oh, yes,” she exclaimed.

  Mark was ready to come at the same moment, and the two of them climaxed in ecstasy together. Then Mark withdrew and disposed of the used condom. They lay together in each other’s arms, cuddling and watching the rest of the movie. That night, they slept together in her large bed.

  Mark had to get up early, at around 6:00 a.m., to go home and get dressed for a sales meeting. Angela kissed him goodbye and lazed in bed for another hour. She couldn’t seem to get a foolish high school girlish grin off her face. Between the sex with Mark and her date with Anderson coming up, things were going pretty well in her life.

  Angela decided to call Maxine before work. Whenever she felt happy, she felt the need to share the feeling with her best friend. Maxine picked up after a few rings.

  “Girlfriend!” she stated excitedly.

  “I just had to call you!” exclaimed Angela. “I have so much good news. I have a date with Anderson for Friday at Carolina’s, and I slept with Mark last night.”

  “You’re on a roll, girlfriend!” Maxine exclaimed. “Share some of those good vibes with me!”

  “Oh, you are doing great too,” said Angela sympathetically. “You’ve got a great husband. And a baby on the way!”

  “I bet soon you and Mr. Cromby will be able to say the same thing. Any idea what you are going to name the child?”

  Angela laughed. “Don’t start with me, Maxine! Anyway, have a great day. I am going to somehow make it through mine, even though I am very excited about Friday. I’ll talk to you later.”

  That day at the office, Angela went through some basic paperwork. She had to touch base with some of her clients’ offices to make sure their timelines were in sync. Eric stopped by her cubicle to see how things were going. They chatted for a while.

  Angela had always been able to get along well with Eric. He was a very good boss, very fair and reasonable. Today, he seemed extra excited given the merger and the fact that Anderson’s conglomerate would now be their major client.

  “This is big stuff, Angela,” he said. “Once everything gets finalized, there are going to be a lot of new positions opening up. Keep working hard; there could be some new opportunities for you. You are one of our hardest workers.”

  Angela could only smile and respond with a heartfelt, “Thank you, sir.”

  During her lunch break, Angela decided to call her mother. It had been a week or two since they had last spoken, and she wanted to get an update about how her life was going. Angela loved her mother with all her heart. Ever since her Dad had passed away, Karen was basically the only immediate family that she had. Her closest sister, Rosalie, was off getting her Master’s degree at the other end of the country, and could only afford to visit home on special occasions. Since Karen lived in the city as well, Angela always tried to make the most of their proximity and keep close ties with her.

  Angela picked up her phone and dialed her mother’s number.

  “Hello?” Karen answered.

  “Hi, Mom!” exclaimed Angela excitedly.

  “Darling! How are you? It’s been a week since I’ve heard from you! I’ve been seeing your law firm in the news. Looks like some exciting stuff is happening.”

  “You bet, Mom! Things couldn’t be better. I just had a talk with Eric, who says there will be a whole bunch of new opportunities now that we are getting such a major client.”

  “Such wonderful news, Angela. Any other news? Anything with a new boyfriend, perhaps?” Angela’s mother was always very curious about whether or not Angela was settling down. She wanted to see her oldest daughter happy. And she often said that she wanted to have grandchildren some day.

  “Oh, Mom, you know I will tell you the minute I get into a relationship. I just love being single for the time being. But I do have a big date this Friday with Anderson Cromby.”

  What She Craves

  Part Two

  The Big Date

  As Friday night approached, Angela thought of all the ways in which her date with Anderson could end in a booming success. She pictured them having champagne and arriving at the restaurant in a black stretch limousine. She thought about what would happen after dinner and how she would go back to his place. Then she realized that she didn’t yet know where he lived. She would have to make a point to ask him. She pictured him having several exquisite houses around the city and in the country.

  Finally, as 6:00 p.m. approached on Friday night, she had to decide on which dress to wear. She looked in her closet and saw a few different options. There was a showy black, sleeveless dress that was sleek and sexy. There was a midnight blue dress that was low cut and accentuated her supple breasts. There was also a beautiful yellow dress that had a sexy slit up the leg. In the end, she chose the black sleeveless dress that looked both sophisticated and sexy at the same time.

  A few minutes after 6:00 p.m., her phone rang. It was Anderson’s driver, calling to let her know that he was downstairs and ready to go. Angela took the elevator down and walked up to the big stretch limousine. The driver opened the door in the back and Angela slid onto the comfortable leather seats. Anderson was sitting inside reading a newspaper and wearing a stylish black Armani suit. He put the paper down as soon as she entered and gave her a sensual smile.

  “Hi, Angela!” he said. “It’s great to see you again! You look absolutely breathtaking.”

  “Thanks, Anderson. You look very nice as well. I really love the suit.”

  “Oh, why, thanks for the compliment. I have dozens of these. When I find a suit I like, I get my tailor to custom-make a lot of them. I’ve never been one to take an interest in picking out a new outfit each day.”

  “I had about three options for tonight,” said Angela, laughing a little. “I’m glad I went with this black dress. Now, we match!”

  Anderson laughed and grabbed a bottle of champagne. He uncorked it and filled two wine glasses.

  “Would you mind if we start with some champagne?” asked Anderson.

  “Sounds wonderful,” said Angela. “Say, how’s business, by the way? I noticed you were reading the financial section.”

  “Oh, yes, I always try to stay on top of the financial news. As the head of a conglomerate that is currently undergoing a merger, I kind of have to. It’s my job. Which reminds me, your firm is doing some great work. I’ll have to talk to Eric about getting you a promotion. He
mentioned your name to me personally.”

  “Well, that would be great,” said Angela. “You know, I have actually been working very hard on your file. Our whole team is going to represent the legal work of the merger very well. You can count on that.”

  “Wonderful. Let’s not talk about business, though. That’s not why I asked you on a date.”

  “Why did you ask me on a date, Anderson, if I may ask?” Angela asked, raising an eyebrow at Anderson.

  “Well, because of this.”

  Anderson positioned himself closer to Angela so that he was next to her on the comfortable leather. He then put a hand on her leg. Angela raised her head and made eye contact with him. Their gaze lasted a few moments. Then Anderson slowly leaned into her and held the moment even longer. Finally, he closed the distance and kissed her softly on the lips. They held the kiss for a while and then Anderson withdrew.

  It was the sexiest kiss Angela had ever experienced. She figured it was just a sign of things to come. If Anderson was already kissing her, she could only imagine how bold he would be later in the evening.

  Angela decided to give Anderson a little taste of things to come.

  “Look what I can do,” she said.

  Then she took the gum that she had been chewing out of her mouth and discarded it. She went onto her knees in front of Anderson and slowly unzipped his fly. She could feel that he was already getting stiff beneath his pants. Then she took out his cock. It was semi-erect. It was a beautiful cock. It bulged like a love-muscle and begged to be serviced.

  Angela took Anderson’s cock in her mouth and slowly twirled her tongue around it. She grabbed his balls firmly with the other hand, cupping them and playing with them. Anderson leaned back in his seat and sighed, stretching his hands up over his head. Pretty soon, his cock was hard as steel, and fully erect. Angela bobbed her pretty head up and down his shaft, paying special attention to the tip with her tongue. She licked at his precum and played with his balls. Anderson could only stand a few minutes of this. Pretty soon, he was ready to come.

  “I am going to cum, Angela,” he said while panting, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead.

  “Come in my mouth, baby,” she said in a sexy, sensuous voice.

  Anderson began to move his hips up and down, a sign that he was on the verge. Then his cock squirted hot semen into her mouth and down her throat. With every pulse, more and more cum made its way into Angela’s mouth. She savored the taste and made a special effort to swallow all of it.

  She brought herself back up to the seat by his side and kissed him on the cheek. She ran a couple fingers through his hair.

  “How was that, baby?” she asked.

  “That was the best blow job I’ve had in a long while,” stated Anderson.

  Angela enjoyed the compliment. As they drove throughout the streets, Angela looked out the window. It was a busy night in the city. There were a lot of hot girls and guys going clubbing. She thought back fondly to the memories she had as a young woman in her twenties. When she was in college she would often go out partying with her friends. Now, she was riding past the clubs, in the back of a limo with the richest man in the city.

  Angela and Anderson talked about various things. They discussed how the local sports teams were doing. Then, Anderson mentioned his latest trip to Africa.

  “I was in South Africa on business, examining one of our new offices and getting feedback. We ended up going on a safari and saw some really interesting animals. One of the perks of owning a conglomerate, I suppose.”

  “That sounds wonderful. I don’t often get the chance to travel, but when I do I like to go all over the place. I have a soft spot in my heart for Paris. I went there in my twenties and I’ve been dying to go back. I also like Hawaii.”

  “Paris is great. We don’t have any operations located in France, currently, but we are thinking of expanding our economic base to include it. A lot of our competitors do business over there.”

  As their conversation became more engrossing, they were interrupted by the driver, who announced that they had arrived at Carolina’s. The driver opened the door for Angela, who exited the vehicle and then took Anderson’s arm. He led her up to the glass front doors of the restaurant and approached the reception area. Angela had never been to this restaurant before, but she had read about it. Nothing on the menu was under $100, and the bottles of wine averaged in the thousands of dollars.

  “This place looks great!” exclaimed Angela. “Thanks so much for picking it out and taking me here.”

  “It’s one of my favorite restaurants,” responded Anderson. “I’m glad to have the opportunity to introduce you to it.”

  They walked past the clientele to the far end of the restaurant. Their table was positioned in front of set of large windows. The night-time ambiance was palpable. A few tables away, there was a jazz band playing a Miles Davis cover. There was a dance floor, but it didn’t look as if anyone had gravitated towards it yet. Anderson decided to get the ball rolling.

  “Come, let’s have a dance before our drinks arrive,” he said.

  Angela felt somewhat nervous. She loved to dance, but it had been a while since she had done it. She decided to let Anderson take charge and lead her on the dance floor. She stood up and followed him towards it.

  “We’re going to have to get close,” he said, and put one hand on the small of her back, bringing her in closer so that there were only a few inches between them. Then, with his other hand, Anderson grabbed her ass. He squeezed forcefully, spreading her buttocks with his powerful hand. His fingers worked their way through the thin fabric of her dress and probed her crack.

  Angela could smell his expensive cologne. It was an intoxicating fragrance. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but if she had to, she would have guessed that it was Hugo Boss. Either way, he smelled great. His strong arms held her very firmly and confidently.

  They danced together for several songs. When they had first set foot on the floor they were the only ones dancing. After a few moments, several other couples joined them. Angela looked around. The other dancers were mostly wearing expensive tuxedos and suits. The women were dressed very extravagantly as well, in fine eveningwear.

  “Do you know anyone else at this restaurant?” asked Angela. She wasn’t sure why she asked that question. She just figured that Anderson might have known people here, since it was a place that he frequented quite often. Someone in his position was likely very well connected, and so it was quite possible that he recognized a few faces.

  “Actually, yes, I have already made eye contact with a few acquaintances. Mostly bankers come to this place. It is a hot spot for financial-type people. Our firm is a client of a few investment banks in the city. The head of the national treasury also happens to be here tonight as well. His name is Frank Edwards. He is a great guy. After we are done dancing, I’ll introduce you to him and his wife.”

  “That would be wonderful. Thank you!” exclaimed Angela.

  They danced a few more songs together and then retreated back to their tables. A bottle of wine had been uncorked and left there by their waiter. Their wine glasses had already been filled as well.

  “A toast!” said Anderson. “To new relationships!”

  “To new relationships!” repeated Angela, and they leaned in for a kiss. His lips were once again very soft and she found it impossible not to get excited. She felt a yearning in her core every time his lips touched hers.

  They sipped their wine for a few minutes, not really engaging in any conversation. His eye contact made her feel like she was the only woman in the room. She had never felt sexier. As she reached for a breadstick that was in the middle of the table, Anderson also brought his hand forth and they grazed hands. Then Anderson clasped her hand confidently and they held hands for a while.

  Anderson and Angela were engaged in some small talk when Frank Edwards, a tall man with a round belly and strong limbs, approached their table. He was accompanied by his wife, an eleg
antly dressed woman in her forties, wearing an exquisite blue satin dress and high heels.

  “Frank!” exclaimed Anderson. “So good to see you!”

  Anderson reached out his hand and grasped Frank’s in a firm handshake.

  “I see you have brought your lovely wife,” continued Anderson. “Amanda, how lovely to see you.”

  “Likewise,” responded Amanda. Angela could detect a faint English accent in her tone.

  Anderson wasted no time in introducing Angela to the high-ranking couple.

  “Frank, Amanda, let me introduce to you my date. This is Angela Hayes. We met just the other day at our gym. She works for the legal firm that is doing the paperwork for our merger.”

  “It is such a pleasure to meet you both,” said Angela. “I have seen you on the news very frequently, Mr. Edwards. Your wife is just lovely.”

  “Please, call me Frank,” said Frank. “I saw you two on the dance floor just now. You make a very fine-looking couple. Say, after your date, perhaps you two would care to join my wife and me for a nightcap at our new condo? It is actually only a few blocks to the north of here. Just head up Montgomery Street and it is the tall silver building on the left. You can find our name in the directory and we’ll let you up.”

  “A great suggestion,” said Anderson. “I’ll get in touch with you if we decide to do that.”

  “Well, it was wonderful bumping into you,” said Frank sincerely. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  Frank and his wife walked back over to their table at the other end of the room.

  “Would you like to hang out with them afterwards?” asked Anderson, rather directly.

  “Sure, but perhaps we could drive around in your limo a bit beforehand and have some more champagne and talk.”

  As Angela said this, underneath the table she grazed Anderson’s leg and slowly moved up his pant leg to his crotch area, moving her sole in circles in the area. Anderson gulped. Then Angela’s toes moved around his cock, playing with his balls and shaft. She traced the outline of his cock with her foot, quickly feeling it harden as a result of her touch.


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