Masked Indulgence

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Masked Indulgence Page 44

by Michelle Love

  “That was amazing,” said Anderson.

  At that point there was a line outside the restroom waiting to get in, so the two of them scurried out and made their way back to the table.

  They finished off their meal and then ordered some coffee. Angela had to apologize to Anderson and Francis for having to dine and dash. When she explained that her friend was very ill, they understood completely.

  When Angela arrived at Maxine’s apartment, she noticed right off the bat that her dear friend had taken a turn for the worse. Her face was extremely pale and she seemed weak. She could barely acknowledge the entrance of her friend.

  Henry was absolutely frantic. He was on the phone with the hospital trying to see if they had a bed available so that she could go in. Henry had never seen her that sick before. Neither had Angela.

  “I know, goddammit. Her regular doctor already said that there was nothing that could be done,” barked Henry angrily on the phone. “The situation has changed. She is much worse. Yes, she has a fever, for Pete’s sake. Don’t you think I checked that already? You’ve got to let her in. I have insurance up the yin-yang.”

  Angela walked over to Maxine and looked into her eyes. All Maxine could do was stare through her.

  “Maxine, it’s me, Angela. Do you recognize me?” she asked.

  Maxine moaned in response, but she managed to nod her head.

  “We’re going to get you into a hospital as soon as possible. I’ll get your clothes ready and help you put them on. Stay put. I’ll be right back.”

  Angela entered Maxine’s room and came out with a duffle bag and a bunch of clothes. She packed the bag to the best of her ability, trying not to forget anything. She packed her toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and other miscellaneous toiletries. Then she raced over to Maxine and felt her forehead again. She seemed to be burning up even worse than before.

  “What’s going on, Henry?” asked Angela seriously.

  “I think I found a hospital that will take her. It’s on the other end of town. I can get us there, so let’s walk Maxine to the parking lot and get her in my car.”

  “I am going to come with you and make sure that everything is all right,” stated Angela.

  “Fine,” replied Henry.

  The three of them got to the hospital as quickly as possible. It only took them about twenty minutes, because of light traffic. Angela thanked her lucky stars that it didn’t take longer.


  The wait time in the hospital lobby was excruciating to both Angela and Henry. They wanted their loved one to be seen as soon as possible. Finally, after about an hour’s wait, the insurance went through and a nurse came to the waiting area with a stretcher. Two other nurses helped put Maxine on the stretcher. Maxine seemed very incoherent and was probably only barely aware of what was going on. Angela was positively petrified. This was not how she imagined her Friday night going.

  Angela and Henry insisted on accompanying Maxine into the main hospital. They followed the nurses and the stretcher until they came to a small private room where Maxine was going to be treated. Angela got a text from Anderson asking how Maxine was doing. Angela had to reply that she had no clue as of yet.

  Angela and Henry waited with Maxine until the doctor came, at which point he recommended that Angela and Henry go home. They were going to keep Maxine there overnight so they could run some tests and be sure of what was ailing her.

  Angela arrived back at her apartment but could not sleep. She was much too concerned about her friend. So she put on the news and lay back in her bed. The clock showed 11:30 p.m. She was just in time to catch a rerun of Anderson’s press conference that had evidently happened earlier that day. He was talking about exporting some of his customer service jobs to India. He maintained that he was not cutting jobs at his firm in general. In fact, the merger was actually going to add jobs, which would be paid for through increased international revenue, as a result of economies of scale.

  Angela thought he looked very handsome on TV. She wished she didn’t have to be with Maxine that evening, for she really had wanted to go on another date with her dreamy Anderson. There was always time for that. Both Anderson and Angela were extremely busy people, so it was to be expected that their dates would suffer. She resolved to call him in the morning. Surely he didn’t have to go into work on a Saturday.

  That night was another restless one for Angela. She was very worried about her friend. When she woke up at 7:30 a.m., by force of habit, she made herself some breakfast and decided to go for a workout. Her workout was intense and she felt much better afterwards. On the taxi ride home, she called Henry. Henry had some news for her.

  Apparently, Maxine had come down with a rare strain of the flu, one that the doctors hadn’t had much experience with. They had seen other cases of it over the past year or so. So Maxine was in treatment, and expected to recover within about a week or so. It was just important that she had plenty of rest, drank lots of fluids, ate when possible, and had plenty of positive support around her.

  That evening, Angela had dinner with Henry at a small coffee shop near the hospital. Most of the dinner was passed in silence as they were worried sick about Maxine and didn’t have much to say. After the dinner, they stopped by the hospital to visit Maxine. She actually seemed to be doing better. Her head was propped up and she was able to watch TV. Some of the pallor in her face was gone. It appeared as though she had been able to eat, however minimally. Angela approached the bed.

  “Honey,” she began. “We are here for you, one hundred percent. How are you feeling?”

  Maxine groaned, but then she added, “Thanks, you guys. I’m sorry.”

  “You have no reason to apologize to us,” said Henry. “I just wish I had gotten you into the hospital sooner. We might have been able to nip this in the bud a bit earlier.”

  “You’re going to get a lot better, I promise,” said Angela, and she stroked a lock of Maxine’s hair away from her face.

  “I feel like my insides are on fire,” said Maxine, who then let out another groan.

  “The doctor said it should take about a week for you to get out of here. Two weeks, at the most. I bet you’ll be back out on the courts before the month is up,” said Henry optimistically.

  “I hope so too,” uttered Maxine.

  Angela, Maxine, and Henry waited around for a bit more. Visiting hours wouldn’t be done for another half hour. So they watched TV and tried to be as cheerful as possible, given the gravity of the situation. When it was time to go, Henry and Angela shared a cab back to their respective destinations. Angela said that she would visit Maxine again and again—as often as possible. Henry thanked her for the gesture.

  When Angela got home, she kicked off her shoes and collapsed on the couch. Then her phone rang. It was Mark.

  “Hey, Mark!” said Angela.

  “Hey, baby doll,” he said. “I was in the area. Thought I’d drop by for one of our movie nights.”

  “Sure, you can drop by. Just know that I am feeling kind of bummed. Maxine is in the hospital; she is really sick.”

  “Feeling bummed? I bet I can cheer you up, princess.”

  “Yeah, maybe,” said Angela. “Come on up. I’ll be here. I’m just watching TV.”

  Mark opened up her door and came right into the living room, plopping down on the couch next to her. Then he planted a kiss on her cheek and gave her shoulders a quick massage.

  “You’re right, baby. You do look kind of sad. I am so sorry about Maxine.”

  “That’s all right. It’s just a major bummer, is all. The doctors are optimistic. They say she’ll be out in a week. Two weeks, tops.”

  “That’s good,” said Mark. “She has to keep on her game if she is going to compete in any tournaments.”

  “That’s what she is most worried about,” said Angela.

  Angela leaned on Mark. It was comforting for her to have a close personal friend at a time when she was most worried about Maxine. She cared for Mark deeply,
just as she cared for Anderson. With Anderson, all sorts of doors were opening up for her. With Mark, she took comfort in the familiar. His hands were familiar, as were his lips, and his masculine aroma.

  Mark put one of his long arms around her and pulled her tight. Then he kissed the top of her head, before working his way down to her forehead, then her nose, and then finally her lips. She kissed him back. Pretty soon they were making out again. She climbed on top of him and took off her shirt. Then she unhooked her bra. Mark kissed her large, milky-white breasts and she pushed them onto his face. His hands gravitated down towards her ass. He cupped each cheek in one hand and gave them a squeeze.

  Angela felt electricity once again running through her entire body. At that point, she was unequivocally turned on. Then she grabbed his hand and led him towards the bed. They lay down on the soft bed. He took off his clothes with her help and then positioned himself on top of her.

  He slid off her pants, exposing her naked body. His powerful hand grazed her belly on its way down to her womanhood. He then positioned his head between her legs. He took in the full aroma of her moist vagina. He then licked her lips, parting them with his fingers. As his tongue danced and swirled about her clit, he inserted two fingers and then began to rhythmically finger-fuck her into ecstasy.

  As she cried out with her first orgasm, Mark took delight in being able to give her that much pleasure. He then kissed his way back up to her mouth and they shared a long, passionate kiss.

  “I’m ready for you,” said Angela softly, still breathing heavily.

  “Good, so am I,” responded Mark.

  He then proceeded to make love to her. With every fervent thrust, he sent both himself and Angela into a deep state of bliss. It only took about three or four minutes until he was ready to come. When they reached climax together, she dug her nails into his back and called out his name. Afterwards, they laid next to each other, cuddling and laughing to themselves.

  Angela reached into a cupboard and took out a large, 12-inch vibrating dildo.

  “Have you ever used one of these on a woman?” asked Angela.

  “No, I can’t say as I have. Have you used that on yourself?”

  “I do sometimes, but I love being fucked with it. Mark, I want you to put it in my ass. I want to feel fucked in both holes.”

  Mark took the dildo and squeezed some lube onto it. Angela got on all fours and spread her knees apart, arching her back so that her ass was in full view. It was a beautiful ass, so curvaceous and fresh-looking. Mark leaned in and kissed her right between the cheeks, leaving a trail of saliva that dripped its way down her crack to her cunt.

  "Fuck me with it, Mark,” said Angela. “I’m ready.”

  Mark lubed up her ass again for good measure and then slowly inserted the length of the dildo into her butt. As it went in almost all the way, Angela gave a moan in pleasure.

  “Keep fucking me,” instructed Angela.

  Mark slid the dildo into her ass, then out again, then back in. He continued this for several minutes. He began to become stiff again himself, as this sight was quite beautiful. With his free hand he began massaging her clit, which sent Angela to the moon and back. Angela came several times, each time screaming out Mark’s name.

  Finally, as her final orgasm wound down, Mark took out the dildo and tossed it onto the bed. He gave her cunt another playful massage, fingering her vagina a bit, and then withdrew. He kissed up her back and neck, followed by her cheek and lips. They lay next to each other silently for a while.

  “You are so great in bed, Mark,” said Angela.

  “Thanks, so are you,” said Mark.

  “I hope we can continue these meetings,” said Angela.

  “Why shouldn’t we?” asked Mark.

  “No reason.”

  Angela felt bad about not telling Mark about Anderson. She wasn’t the type to two-time anybody. She just felt that it was not time yet to share her relationship details with the man. She and Anderson had only been on one date, really. She did not consider herself to be his girlfriend, just yet. So making love to Mark seemed normal. Their relationship came with no strings attached.

  Mark spent the night, and the following morning they went out for breakfast. They ate at a brunch place only a few blocks from her apartment. Mark told her all about his new real estate deals that were going down. Apparently, he was very close to securing a major client that would bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars. He was excited, and said that he would finally be able to afford a really nice condo with the proceeds.

  Angela told Mark about the new job possibility working for the government. To Angela, the idea of working for Frank was sort of becoming more and more like the preferred route to take. She wondered to herself how she was going to break the news to Eric. Mark was very supportive, and told Angela that it was a good idea and that she should go for it.

  After Mark left to go home, Angela walked back to her apartment and got on the phone with Henry. Maxine was doing a lot better that morning, and was almost fully coherent. The medicine that they had been giving her was, apparently, working well. The doctors even estimated that she might be ready to go home in under a week.

  “Do you want me to stop by the hospital this afternoon?” asked Angela.

  “You can if you want,” replied Henry. “She might enjoy seeing you. Absolutely no pressure. If you’re busy, then we totally understand.”

  “Nonsense,” said Angela. “I was just going to go for a workout, but I can do that any time. I’ll take a cab over right now. I want to see my best friend.”

  When Angela arrived at the hospital and made her way into Maxine’s room, her friend was very happy to see her.

  “Girlfriend!” exclaimed Maxine. “You look great. How was your night last night?”

  “I met up with Mark,” said Angela. “Don’t focus on me. The important thing is your recovery. How do you feel? You look a lot better.”

  “I think the medicine is working. The doctors, at first, weren’t sure what to do. Apparently that strain of flu that I had was really rare. They got their act together, and just in time. I was afraid that my illness was fatal. I sure as heck wasn’t getting any better.”

  “No, you weren’t,” agreed Angela. “You gave us all a fright. Promise me you’ll never do that again!”

  Angela squeezed Maxine’s hand.

  “I promise, dear,” said Maxine.

  “Thanks for being here for us,” said Henry. “It really has meant the world to us to have you by our side in this time of need.”

  “As if there were any two ways about it!” cried Angela.

  Angela gave Maxine a hug. Then she walked up to Henry and hugged him as well. She remained for a few more minutes and then took her leave. She headed back to her apartment to start deciding on ways to let Eric know that she had chosen to go to work for Frank.

  What She Needs

  Part Three

  Paving the Way

  Angela had been overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that was going on in her life. There were her relationships, her interview, Maxine getting sick, and the romance with Anderson. She loved her life, but even she had to admit that things were getting a bit busy. It was Sunday night, and she knew that tomorrow she would have to break the news to her boss, Eric, that she was accepting Frank Edwards’ offer to go and work for him. She dreaded this conversation, for Eric had been a great boss for the entire time that she had worked for him. But she counted on him understanding that this move was only to advance her career. It was nothing personal.

  Since it was Sunday night and the rest of the world was getting ready for the workweek, Angela decided to have a relaxing night alone. As she was wont to do, she decided to have a bath and then watch Netflix. As she got into her robe, she started preparing the bath by adding bubbles as well as essential oils. Her bath was one of the best things about her apartment. It was large, had jets for massaging her tender muscles, and plenty of room to move around. The faucet was a heavy, thick
stream, and filled up the bath quickly.

  Angela dropped her robe and put one foot into the bath. It was piping hot. Then she slid in comfortably, swinging her other leg over the edge of the bath and fully submerging herself into the relaxing, pulsating jets. She closed her eyes and let out a long, drawn-out sigh of relief.

  Whenever she took a long bath like this, her mind always went to how her life was doing. This evening, her mind was filled with positive emotions. She was moving up in her career. She had great relationships. Anderson, the hottest billionaire in town, was treating her like a downright queen. She had been having great sex with some great people. In fact, Angela thought merrily, she was turning into quite the little slut. She had had several sexual encounters with different people in the past week alone. But she knew those encounters were safe, and as long as she wasn’t careless in letting the wrong people find out, she figured, what was the harm?

  She thought of the last blowjob she had given Anderson. Angela had seen a lot of cocks in her life, but none of them were quite as nice as Anderson’s. She loved everything about it. She wasn’t one to love blowjobs all that much, but she had to admit that going down on Anderson was downright fun. He seemed to appreciate it so much.

  As she thought of Anderson’s dick, she grabbed the nozzle of her bath and lowered it just in front of her pussy. She spread her knees and brought the stream of water in close. It was amazing how much it felt as though she was receiving head. The nozzle pulsated and stimulated her clit, massaging around her outer lips. She kept the nozzle there for a few minutes.

  She was rapidly becoming very turned on. She rubbed the nipple of one of her massive tits, circling it with her thumb and forefinger. She was on the brink of orgasm. She then dropped the nozzle and began rubbing her lips with her free hand. In a few more moments she was rocked to her core by an explosive orgasm. It felt wonderful.


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