Masked Indulgence

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Masked Indulgence Page 56

by Michelle Love

  Now…Lenox Hill Hospital

  Charlie took Cora by the upper arm as he caught her at the door of the hospital and steered her to a quiet place. ‘Why the hell did you tell her that?’ He kept his voice low, but Cora could see how angry he was.

  ‘I’m sorry, Charlie…she was just sitting there defending him, all those tubes stuck in her arm and I couldn’t bear it.’

  Charlie’s face softened as he looked down at the young woman, so broken-hearted and vulnerable. He ran a hand through his hair. ‘I’m sorry, Cora…I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just…I care about her, you know, I hate seeing her like this.’

  Cora nodded. ‘I know. God, Charlie, every night I go to bed and lay there awake trying to figure out who would do this. And the only answer, the only motive belongs to my brother.’ She looked at Charlie’s set face. ‘I know you are on both sides of this, wanting to find who did it and having to arrest my brother. I’m so sorry, Charlie. I want you to know none of us blame you for Rich’s arrest.’

  ‘I want to know who did this Lila. That’s all.’

  Cora sighed. ‘Look, you go back in, I’m going to go home and talk to my mom. I want to be there for Lila…especially after all she’s done for me.’

  Charlie nodded. ‘Okay, pickle.’

  Cora gave him a smile. ‘You know you’re the only person who calls me that. Lila says you never call anyone by a nickname except me.’

  Charlie smiled back at her. ‘Can’t help feeling like you’re my little sister too.’

  Cora drove home to the vast family mansion in Westchester. Once a home of love and laughter, now it rang with sadness and hurt. Her father had disappeared into his work; her mother had canceled all of her committees and social events. Cora knew everyone in their circle was talking about them. The prodigal son in jail for the brutal stabbing of his beautiful bride-to-be. It was unthinkable. She had tried going back to school – had lasted a day before the whispers and loaded glances got too much. She’d almost broken her sobriety, found someone who had connections in the college dorms… she had resisted. Just. The thought that kept her going wasn’t that she would spiral down immediately had she taken something but the hell and the pain her family – and Lila - would go through if she did.

  Because Lila and Richard were the ones who had gotten her straight in the first place. Both of them had risked their reputations, their position, and their lives to help her get free of that life and she would not betray them by falling back into addiction.

  Never again…

  Then… Mickey’s Bar, Manhattan

  Late night, Friday night, Mickey’s Bar was busy. Lila, not working for once, was sitting in a booth with Charlie watching Richard and Riley, Charlie’s partner, howling with laughter at the bar with Mickey. Tinsley, the Australian waitress who’d been there for a month and was already Lila’s good friend, winked at them as she moved around the bar. Lila noticed she colored a little as she looked at Charlie then looked away when she saw his set face. Lila nudged Charlie, sitting stone-faced next to her. ‘You are scaring people again. Quit scowling.’

  He shrugged. ‘Wasn’t aware I was, sorry. Just thinking about work.’

  ‘Bullshit,’ Lila hissed under her breath, and he turned to her, his full attention on her now.


  She looked at him, her violet eyes flashing with annoyance. ‘You hate Richard. Just be honest about it, Charlie, you hate him and always have.’ She grabbed her glass and got up, intending to go over to her boyfriend and Riley, who were playing pool. Charlie reached out and grabbed her wrist.

  ‘No, don’t go, I’m sorry.’

  Lila sat back down with a sigh. ‘At least, tell me why you don’t like him.’

  Charlie rolled his shoulders. ‘I don’t dislike him…I just don’t trust him.’

  Lila looked at him coolly. ‘Because?’

  ‘Something’s hinky. What the hell was he doing on that street at three am.? Dude’s loaded, seriously loaded, and yet he’s on skid row getting a beat down by known junkies? Nah, hinky.’

  Lila sighed and rubbed her eyes. ‘So what? I can tell you – he’s not on drugs. Even you can’t see any signs.’

  Charlie nodded. ‘I admit that freely…he’s not using so the only explanation is that he was dealing.’

  Lila slammed her glass down on the table and did get up that time and Charlie didn’t stop her, but she could feel him watching her as she crossed to the bar.

  ‘Another Grey Goose please, Michael. Straight up.’

  Her boss squinted at her. ‘Not like you, Lila, but hey, it’s your night off and more profit for me so…’ He grinned as he poured her a drink then frowned as she downed it in one. ‘You’re pissed about something.’

  ‘Just…’ she sighed, ‘Don’t worry about it. Thanks, Mikey.’

  She went over to Richard who was bemoaning his loss at the pool table to a gleeful Riley. She kissed Richard’s cheek. ‘Can we go?’

  Richard didn’t hesitate. ‘Of course, baby.’ He stuck his hand out to Riley who, grinning, shook it. ‘Rematch, dude? You gotta let me try and win my money back.’

  ‘Absolutely, man, you just let me know when I can whip your ass again, and I’ll be there,’ Riley’s handsome face was split with the biggest grin and Lila was grateful that at least one of her friends liked Richard. They said goodbye to Riley and waved to Mikey. Richard stopped her as she reached the door.

  ‘Hey, you wanna say goodbye to Charlie?’

  Lila hesitated and glanced over to her friend. He was deep in conversation with a blushing Tinsley. ‘No, it’s okay, don’t wanna be the third wheel.’

  Outside the evening was cool, and as they got into Richard’s car, he looked over at her and smiled. ‘Want to go for a drive?’

  She grinned back at him, her eyes soft. ‘Sure.’

  ‘We can go parking, like in yesteryear.’ He pulled a face.

  She laughed. ‘Yep, the days of yore. I’ll probably do some modern day stuff to you, though.’

  ‘Such a dirty girl, I can’t wait.’

  They drove around the city for a while trying to find somewhere they could park the car and as Richard put it, ‘make out like teenagers’ but in the end, they got so fed up and horny, they drove back to her place.

  Lila loved that, in the month they had been dating, Richard had spent as much time here hanging out with her as they did in his penthouse apartment. He teased her about her books, piled high, some of them even serving as an improptu coffee table. He spent hours looking at her artwork and talking about art with her. They would turn all the lights off except the string of twinkle lights along her bookshelf, drink wine, listen to music.

  He had no pretensions, none that she would have expected but then again, when she’d met Delphine and Richard Sr., she realized where his every-man charm came from.

  Now, on her single bed, they stripped off, tumbling together onto the hard mattress (the only thing he complained about) and made love, completely absorbed in each other as they moved together.

  Afterward, famished, they ordered pizza and ate it in bed, chatting about school and work and what to do the next night. There was never any question that they spend their free time together – they were still in that heady, love-struck phase.

  ‘So when do you finish school for the summer?’

  ‘A couple of months. I do love it, but I’m looking forward to a break. Why?’

  Richard smiled, hooking a lock of her hair over her ear. ‘Because I thought we could take a trip together…Paris, London, wherever you want. My treat, of course.’

  Lila picked at her pizza, feeling uncomfortable. ‘Rich…’

  ‘I know what you’re going to say. But it’s a gift from me to you; a thank you gift if you like.’

  She shook her head, half-smiling. ‘You can’t get around it like that.’

  Richard sighed. ‘Look, Lila, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Yes, I have money. I’ve been very lucky both with my family a
nd in business. That’s just reality. But I’m also just a guy who wants to go on a vacation with his girlfriend. Do I not get to do that because I’m rich?’

  She touched his face. ‘But I don’t want to be…kept.’

  Richard laughed out loud. ‘You are nothing of the sort. Look, we can even do a budget, backpacking thing if you like, if that’s what makes you feel better.’

  Lila was surprised. ‘Really? You’d do that?’

  Richard stroked her cheek. ‘Of course. For you, anything.’

  Lila wound her arms around his neck. ‘In that case…yes, I’d love to travel with you, Richard.’

  He kissed her thoroughly then looked at her with a wicked look on his face. ‘Can I make one suggestion…as a compromise?’

  She squinted at him in amusement. ‘What?’

  ‘Paris…that’s luxury and all on me.’ He studied her face and she shook her head, laughing.

  ‘Oh if you must…’

  He grinned and pushed her down onto the bed, covering her body with his. ‘Thank you, Lila…now, let me show you just how thankful for you I am…’

  Afterward, Rich slept as Lila lay awake, unable to sleep. She was chewing over the idea of Rich’s offer. She’d love nothing more than to travel with him – and she was touched by his understanding of her financial situation. She knew, if she let him, he would pay for…well, her entire life, really but she would not let that happen. They had to have some kind of parity.

  Something else was bothering her too…Charlie. Despite her annoyance with him, she had to admit he had a point; what had Rich been doing on that street that night? She couldn’t believe he was dealing – why the hell would he need to? He was a billionaire, several times over. She turned on her side and gazed at him…she had no experience with drugs except the odd joint now and again so she didn’t know what a high-functioning junkie would look like. Was he using? He didn’t have track marks, that much was obvious, so whatever it was, it was going up his nose...

  Stop it, don’t think like that. Charlie’s just being over-protective as usual.

  She closed her eyes and willed sleep to come but couldn’t get the thought out of her mind. Just ask him. She sighed. Later, another time. After all, was it any of her business?

  She had a lot to learn about Richard, she knew, it was just…she had already fallen hard for him, and Lila didn’t want anything to break this blissful bubble she was in…

  Now…Lenox Hill Hospital

  Dr. Honeychurch wrote down Lila’s latest vitals then frowned at her. ‘You’re not doing as well as I would hope by this point,’ she said gently. ‘We’ve handled the risk of infection, and your wounds are healing well. But I’m worried, Lila. I think we need to set up a session with a serious neuro specialist because your nerves are obviously badly damaged, and I’m concerned your spinal injuries will affect your range of movement.’

  She moved to the foot of Lila’s bed and raised the covers. ‘Can you feel this?’ She drew her finger up both of Lila’s feet.

  Lila nodded. ‘I can feel it, but the pins and needles are still there. I have been walking, but it’s like walking on someone else’s legs.’

  ‘Right. And how’s the pain?’

  Lila sighed and shrugged. ‘Pretty bad but it is what it is.’

  Dr. Honeychurch pursed her lips. ‘I think I’ll change up your meds. You really shouldn’t be in this much discomfort still.’

  Lila looked at her. ‘Do you think it could be psychosomatic? I’m all for finding out.’

  Dr. Honeychurch smiled. ‘I don’t know, but that’s the right attitude. How’s the counseling going?’

  ‘Good. Slow but good, although I just wish I knew…’ She trailed off as Delphine Carnegie knocked and poked her head around the door

  ‘Is this okay? I can come back.’

  The doctor looked as if she was about to agree to that but Lila shook her head. ‘No, please, come in.’ She smiled at the doctor. ‘Delphine and I have no secrets; she was to be my mother-in-law after all.’

  Delphine’s eyes widened, but she said nothing, sitting in the chair in the corner so not to get in the way.

  ‘Well, look, I’m going to go see if I can make an appointment with the neuro gods. Just happens we have a superstar attending neurosurgeon visiting for a week. He’s from your old haunt, actually,’ the doctor was scribbling on her notes, ‘Seattle-born boy. Nice fella too.’ She leaned in conspiratorially. ‘Has already won every surgical award going and he’s not even forty yet. That’s who you want on your case.’

  With a smile, she left Lila and Delphine alone. It was the first time Delphine had been to see her since Charlie had told Lila about Richard’s arrest and Lila could see the upset, the wariness in the older woman’s eyes. She reached out a hand to Delphine, and she could see Delphine relax slightly. ‘Come sit with me,’ Lila said and when Delphine was settled, Lila fixed her with a steady look. ‘Richard did not do this. I believe that with everything I have, with every cell in my body. He did not do this, Delphine.’

  Delphine promptly burst into tears. ‘Oh my little darling, I’m so sorry. Thank you for saying that…I’ve been so worried. I know my son, and he simply isn’t capable.’

  Lila tried to smile through her own tears. ‘I know. He’s flawed, and spoilt,’ – she grinned playfully at Delphine at that – ‘and sometimes the biggest pain in the ass but a murderer he is not. I will not believe it until Richard himself tells me it’s true.’

  Her smiled faded. ‘Delphine…Cora told me that…’ She couldn’t get the words out and choked a little, breathing deeply. ‘He cheated on me.’ She said the words in a rush to help soften the blow, but her own heart clenched with sadness. ‘Now that…sadly I can believe.’

  Delphine was staring at her in horror. ‘Sweetheart…no. He loves you. Deeply.’

  Lila nodded. ‘Oh, I know that, I do. But Delphine…he’s done it before.’

  Delphine got up, shaking her head. ‘He wouldn’t, Lila. He just – ‘

  ‘He told me.’ Lila said in a small voice. ‘He confessed it to me. I just didn’t listen at the time, blocked it out. But hearing Cora say the words…I assume the police think that’s the motive for the stabbing. Which is why I know he didn’t do this – or rather – it’s another reason I know he wouldn’t do this. He confessed once – in a rather roundabout way – so why wouldn’t he just say, ‘Lila, I don’t want to marry you, I have someone else,’ rather than sticking a knife in my gut?’

  Delphine flinched, her eyes dropping to the bandaging around Lila’s abdomen. ‘Do you remember anything about that day?’

  Lila nodded. ‘Whoever stabbed me wanted me dead; he was merciless, brutal. The level of violence is something I’ll never forget. Richard isn’t capable of that kind of…’ She stopped as Delphine looked away from her. ‘What? What is it, Delphine?’

  ‘No, nothing,’ the older woman said hurriedly. ‘I agree with you.’ She was silent for a long time, then, in a voice broken by fear and distress, she looked at Lila and spoke quietly.

  ‘Would you go see him? When you’re well, I mean? Talk to him?’

  Lila picked up her hand and squeezed it. ‘Of course. As soon as I’m able. I want to see him, see if we can’t sort this mess out.’

  Delphine clutched her hand. ‘Whatever you decide, you will always be my family, Lila Belle.’

  Lila smiled at her but couldn’t help feeling sorry for her. Caught in the middle.

  ‘Who would, then?’

  Lila blinked. ‘Would what?’

  ‘Want you, of all people, dead? Everyone adores you.’

  Lila laughed softly. ‘Not everyone. But, to answer your question, I really don’t know.’

  She hoped to God that she wouldn’t be proved wrong.

  Now…Lenox Hill Hospital

  Noah Applebaum flicked through his notes from the surgery he’d just completed. Thanks to him, the seventeen-year-old being wheeled into recovery would play football at college next year. Noa
h knew he was good at his job – hell, that’s why Lenox Hill invited him to the table – but he would go through the surgery in his mind, noting anything that went wrong, felt wrong, anything new he’d learned from the other people in the room. Noah had always listened to his nurses, his anesthesiologists, every one of the theater staff because they were the people in the trenches, as he called it. His collaborative methods and lack of arrogance made him one of the most popular surgeons back home in Seattle and his reputation was known around the country.

  Even though he’d deny it, it didn’t hurt that at six-five and built like an athlete, with a face carved by Greek Gods, his physical presence was like catnip to others.

  They’d laugh if they knew how shy he really was, that his last girlfriend had been a few months ago. She, Lauren, had been fun at first until he realized she had found out about his family. His very wealthy, very private family. Not that she wasn’t rich in her own right – her father owned one of the biggest PR firms in the world. Then she’d been constantly on his back to get engaged and after one too many ‘false’ pregnancy scares, he’d simply shut her down. Her vitriol and spite when he had broken things off with her had made him wary of getting too involved with anyone since then, his sex life being a series of one night stands. To most of them, he hadn’t even given them his real name.

  Work was his reason for getting up in the morning; he loved it more than anything except his family. Now as he made his way to the attending lounge to grab some coffee, he thought how nice it would be to have a break from Seattle – as much as he loved it. He’d been impressed by the staff here – more than impressed, inspired. One of his favorites, Delia Honeychurch, was in the lounge when he came in, and she grinned, raised her coffee mug in greeting.

  ‘Just who I wanted to see,’ she said, chuckling. Noah hid a smile, instead giving a moan.

  ‘God, what fresh hell is this?’ He winked at her and went to the coffee machine (not as good as the one in Seattle, but hey, he couldn’t have everything.)


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