Masked Indulgence

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Masked Indulgence Page 60

by Michelle Love

  Not even pretending to be subtle about it, Harry made his escape to the bar his parents had set up in the reception room.

  ‘Dewer’s on the rocks, please.’

  The barman nodded and went to get his drink. Harry leaned against the bar and rubbed his eyes. God, let this be over soon, please…

  ‘I heard an accent,’ said a voice….an Australian voice. ‘Might you be the sibling who escaped all this grandeur to go to the greatest country on Earth?’

  Harry grinned and looked up to see a stunningly pretty blonde girl grinning at him. ‘I might be. Well spotted.’

  She laughed. ‘Wasn’t hard. I have Oz-dar.’

  ‘The hell is Oz-dar.’

  ‘Like gay-dar, except I can spot an Aussie accent a mile away – even an ex-pat who’s caught the lingo. Where did you end up?’


  She clinked her drinks glass against his. ‘Born and bred.’

  Harry smiled. God, she was gorgeous, blonde hair pulled back in a low pony tail, blue eyes sparkling with humor, pink, rosebud lips parted in a wide smile. He stuck out his hand. ‘Harry Carnegie.’

  ‘Tinsley Chang.’

  Harry raised his eyebrows. ‘Chang?’

  She grinned, obviously expecting the question. ‘My stepdad is Chinese. And lot nicer than my real dad was so when my mum remarried, I took his name.’

  ‘That’s cool. I know the weight of having a ‘name’.’ He motioned around the place, then added hurriedly, ‘Not that I don’t love my family, because I do.’ Sadness enveloped him and Tinsley stepped toward him, placing her hand on his arm.

  ‘I’m sorry, Harry, about Richard, about all this. I got to know him quite well over the last few years; Lila and I used to work at the same bar and Charlie and I used to double-date with them.’

  A spike of disappointment went through him. ‘Oh, so you and the bulldog?’

  She laughed. ‘Not anymore, no, but thankfully, we’ve stayed friends.’

  Harry nodded, his mind racing. She was utterly beguiling but a complication he really didn’t need at the moment. Unless he was desperately needed, he wanted to get back to Australia and his life there. His shipping business was huge now, built from a small export and import company he’d started with some capital from his father and it had made him a billionaire in less than two years. He knew his father, to whom he was closest, was proud of him but within himself, there was a building dissatisfaction with his life. He wanted to create something, something tangible, with his own hands. He wanted to build boats, beautiful bespoke, hand-crafted sailboats for passionate sailors like himself. He just didn’t know how his family would react if the CEO of the world’s most successful shipping company was to give it all up to apprentice as a shipwright.

  So…Tinsley Chang, no matter how enchanting, was a no-go. Really. Seriously. You can’t go there, man. And guess what, you definitely can’t ask a woman out at your brother’s funeral, dumbass…

  He sighed. ‘Look, I have to get going but it was great to meet you.’

  Tinsley nodded, not showing any disappointment or insult. ‘You too, Harry. Hey, if you get the chance before you go back to Melbs, drop by the bar and I’ll buy you a farewell drink.’ She handed him a business card, and smiling, he took it.

  ‘I will, thanks.’

  Tinsley disappeared back into the gathering and he watched her go, feeling regretful and yet suddenly more optimistic. This trip home could be different than he’d planned. It could be the moment he finally broke free from his family’s expectations, and told them what he really wanted for his life.

  New York City

  A week after the funeral, and Lila was just about finished packing up the apartment. The Carnegie’s had insisted that she do whatever she wanted with the place; it was hers. So she decided to sell, find a small place in the city, put the money in a bond somewhere to gather interest. Not that she ever had to worry about money again, of course; Richard had left her his fortune, his properties, his cars, his personal effects. Only his trust fund and his seat on the board of Carnegie’s industries went back to his family, the trust fund split between Cora and Harry.

  Lila had begged Delphine to come and choose anything of Rich’s that she wanted before Lila put it all in storage. ‘There’s no way I’m more entitled to anything than you,’ she told her and Delphine reluctantly acquiesced.

  Now the place rang with emptiness, with sadness, with the hole Richard had left. God, they had been so in love in the beginning, so sure that they belonged together. A part of Lila wished they hadn’t decided to end things that last time, that Richard had died with the certainty he was loved by her. Which he was, of course; they did love each other – but it hadn’t been enough.

  And then there was Noah…

  Lila sat down on the floor amidst the boxes, her entire body aching. She had pushed herself too far; it was still only a few months since her stabbing. Although she had made a remarkably quick recovery (thanks, in part, to Noah), tonight, her body was hurting – a lot. She lay down on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. She had rented a one-bedroom apartment in the village, and tomorrow she would make the final move and start over.

  Except…she didn’t want to be here, in New York, anymore. She wanted mountains, and orca, and the Space Needle. She wanted to go home and start her life over there…

  And then there was Noah…

  ‘You, again,’ she whispered and closed her eyes, recalling his tall, broad frame, those sea-green eyes that twinkled with mischief. She remembered the feel of his skin on hers. At first, only in a professional capacity. The first time they’d met, he’d examined her, fingertips light on her spine, then pressing down, doing a routine exam of her abdomen, her injuries. The look in his eyes when he’d seen the extent of the stab wounds – not pity – not anger, compassion, empathy.

  Only now could Lila admit that she’d been hooked from that first day. As they’d progressed through her rehabilitation, she got more and more excited when she knew she was going to see him.

  When he started to visit with her after hours, she knew she wasn’t the only one feeling it. They would sit and talk about their lives, about everything. She knew he was thirty-nine, from money (he’d rolled his eyes when he’d told her that) and that he loved what he did. They would laugh and joke about the same things, and every night his chair would get closer to her bed.

  That last day, she had woken up, knowing that she would see him, professionally, for the last time and Lila knew, with every fiber of her being, that she would have to do…something. She hadn’t counted on the passionate love-making on the floor of the rehab room; his gentle but firm touch, the way he caressed her body, the way he looked at her. She could recall every second that his huge, diamond-hard cock thrust into her, that she’d never wanted it to end, coming over and over. His kiss, his mouth on hers.god…

  Lila rolled onto her side and moaned softly. Noah…Seattle…so much temptation. Stop it. Get up, go grab some food, and get some sleep. ‘Okay,’ she said out loud and rolled up, scrambling to her feet.

  A searing, tearing pain ripped through her belly then and she gasped, doubling over. Overwhelming nausea and then she was running, just making it to the bathroom in time before she threw up. She vomited until her stomach was empty, and then sat down on the edge of the tub to recover, breathing deeply, trying to quell the nausea. Jesus…she had pushed it too far.

  She swiveled around and ran the hot water. A soak would be perfect, then maybe she’d order some Chinese food and…uh-oh…big mistake. She bent over the toilet and dry-heaved for a few painful moments. As the bathtub filled, she brushed her teeth, gagging gently, trying to breathe through her nose. Soon, she was sinking gratefully into the tub, letting the warm water sooth her tired body and she felt herself begin to drift. She reached out to grab a bath towel, rolling it up and resting her head against it. So tired, so warm…

  She awoke with a start. The water was freezing cold but it wasn’t that which wo
ke her. It was the fact that she felt something, even maybe heard something.

  Someone was in the apartment with her.

  Big mistake, my darling, sending the security team home for the night. I heard you telling them, in that sweet but firm voice of yours, that you didn’t need their protection anymore.

  But you were wrong.

  That glorious body of yours stretched out in the bathtub, your golden skin, your dark hair piled on top of your head, those dark circles under your eyes. The way those thick, black eyelashes rest on your cheek. Your breasts…I want to reach out and touch them but no…I hold back. I watch the soft rise and fall of your belly as you breathe; admire the scars my knife left on you that day. I imagine going back to your kitchen, finding a knife and returning to plunge it again into your center, watch the shock on your face as you bleed out into the tub. Letting them find you dead and gone.

  But not tonight, my love. Tonight, I allow you to live. Tonight, you may dream of days to come, weeks, months, years, in which you will make plans, plans which may never come to pass.

  Because, my lovely Lila, I will come back for you…and when I do, you will beg for death before I finish with you. The horrors I will visit on that perfect body of yours before I take your life…

  …they will be the stuff of legend.


  Noah Applebaum was having a bad day. A really bad day. First, a most beloved patient had died unexpectedly on his table, then later, a colleague, a good friend, had quit, telling everybody that he wanted to spend more time at home with his family.

  ‘Bullcrap, Billy,’ Noah had said to him, enraged, ‘They’ve forced you out.’

  Bill Nordstrom sighed sadly. ‘Noah, when you get to my age, you realize – older people are written off. They’re worried about their liability. If I make one mistake and a patient dies…’

  ‘That comes with the territory of being a doctor,’ Noah shook his head. ‘They’re fucking cowards, is all.’

  Bill, his seventieth birthday just passed, smiled at Noah, his wise old eyes crinkling at the edges. ‘Kiddo, I’ve seen it and done it all. It’s time.’

  Fuck the Board. Noah had fumed about it all day, his usual good humor missing. That’s not the only thing missing. Lila. God, he missed her like he was missing a limb. He wanted to see her, touch her, hold her, make sure she was okay, was safe. He had been shocked by Richard Carnegie’s murder, had wanted to reach out to her but he didn’t know if she would want that, whether it would be appropriate given what had passed between Lila and himself.

  That day was imprinted on his memory, the feel of her soft skin, her lips, and the velvety warmth of her cunt…her violet eyes shining up at him. What they did…so unprofessional, so wrong given her situation and her health…felt so right. The moment his cock had slid into her, he knew that he was lost. She was his for such a brief moment in time but his heart was forever hers now.

  Missing her was another reason why Noah drove home in a foul mood. When he saw Lauren, his ex-girlfriend of five year ago, parked in her convertible outside his condo, he was about ready to explode.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ Short, brusque, hoping she’d take the hint.

  She didn’t. ‘I was just driving past some of our old favorite haunts and I got nostalgic,’ she said with what she must have thought was a sensual smile. Noah wasn’t impressed.

  ‘Lauren, this isn’t a good time.’

  He stalked to his front door – and she followed. ‘Come on, NoNo; invite me in for a drink.’

  Ugh. He’d forgotten about that damned nickname – who calls a six-five forty-year-old man ‘NoNo’?

  Man, you really are in a dark place…calm down. Noah sighed. ‘One drink then. I’m really tired, Lauren.’ Please god, don’t let her call herself ‘LoLo’ – there was no way he was up for being ‘NoNo and LoLo’ tonight. Suddenly he found his humor again. As he walked into the house, he found himself wanting to talk with Lila, tell her about the horrifyingly twee names Lauren would give them. Lila would find it hilarious.

  Lauren saw his smile and got encouraged. ‘It’s been too long, Noah.’

  Noah poured the both a drink. ‘Tequila is all I have. No lime, sorry.’

  ‘Doesn’t matter. How have you been?’

  Noah drew in a deep breath. ‘Good, look, I don’t want to be rude but – ‘

  ‘Why am I here?’

  He nodded, and then relented. ‘Not that it’s not good to see you.’

  Lauren sat back and smiled. ‘I really was just passing some of the places we used to hang out, where we had good times. Remember we used to walk your dog at the Gasworks? Sunday afternoons. We’d make huge bowls of pasta when we got home and loll about in front of the TV. for the rest of the day. I miss that.’

  Noah sat down opposite her. ‘Yes, those were the good days. But, Lauren, they were quickly outnumbered by the bad.’

  Lauren’s smile faded. ‘And I know I was to blame for that, Noah. I was young and greedy and stupid, and I apologize. I was too dumb to see beyond your family, and their wealth.’ She leaned forward, her pretty face earnest. ‘But, Noah…I’ve grown up so much you probably wouldn’t recognize me. I’ve made my own money, become fully independent and I want you to know…I’d like to try again.’

  Noah opened his mouth to protest but she cut him off, her voice shaking. ‘Please, just hear me out.’

  Noah gave her a brief, short nod and she smiled gratefully. ‘Noah, these last five years apart have been lonely. Yes, I’ve seen other people but no-one I connected with as much as you. Please, Noah, won’t you at least think about it?’

  Noah sighed. ‘Lauren…it’s not that easy.’

  She studied him. ‘Is there someone else?’

  Yes, yes, god, yes. ‘It’s complicated.’

  Lauren’s hands were trembling. ‘I see. Well…I’m sorry to have bothered you.’

  Noah felt sorry for her. ‘Lauren, look, if it weren’t for – ‘

  ‘Please don’t say whatever it is you’re about to,’ Lauren cut him off and stood up. ‘I don’t want your pity, Noah. I came to say my piece and I have. I’m sorry to have bothered you.’

  He walked her to the door and as he opened it, she touched his arm. ‘I hope she knows how lucky she is.’

  Noah felt sadness settle over him. ‘It’s me who should feel like that. I’m sorry, Lauren, for all of this but I just can’t think past her at the moment.’

  Lauren nodded then suddenly kissed him full on the mouth. ‘Goodbye, Noah. I’ll never forget you.’

  Noah shut the door behind her, blowing out his cheeks, releasing the tension. If Lauren’s visit had done anything, it had just solidified in Noah’s mind that he couldn’t move on. He wanted Lila so much it physically hurt him to think about her. Screw it, he thought, just get to New York, find her and see what could be.

  In an hour, he was on the plane to the Big Apple.


  Harry Carnegie, not known for being nervous, now felt it keenly. He sat with his father, Richard Carnegie Sr., waiting for the older man’s reaction to what he had just told him. Richard Sr. stared out of the window. Harry noticed how much his pa had aged in the last year, how quiet and subdued he’d become. They talked every other day on Skype when Harry was back in Australia and although Richard Sr. had never been an exuberant man, he enjoyed joking with his son as they talked. Now, though, his eyes were flat, his posture one of defeat.

  ‘Dad?’ The waiting was killing Harry. Richard Sr. blinked as if finally remembering his son was in his office.

  ‘Harrison…you have to do what you love in this life. Do I wish what you loved was running the business you built? Of course, but realistically, who loves that? It’s your decision, son. It’s not as if you have to get rid of the business, just get some good managers in.’

  ‘That’s just it, Dad. I don’t want the business; I don’t want to be burdened by it. We could sell it for…well…billions. I just want to start over, build boats
, and be freer in my everyday life.’

  Richard Sr. rubbed his chin. ‘Harry, I mean it. It’s your decision – you’re a young man with every opportunity open to you. Do it, try it out. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.’ He suddenly gave his son a wry smile. ‘I’d be even happier if you decided to make boats here.’

  Harry shifted uncomfortably. ‘Dad…’

  Richard held up his hands. ‘Oh I know, I know. You’re an Australian now. We just miss you, is all.’

  Harry left his father’s office and decided to stroll around the city. Melbourne had half the population of New York City; here there were too many people in too small a place. Harry always felt like he couldn’t breathe when he was here.

  He shoved his hands into his pants pockets and felt something slit the top of his finger. ‘Son of a…’ He pulled the offending object out. A business card. The card Tinsley Chang had given him. Harry sucked his finger to get rid of the blood, and stared at the card. The bar was only a few blocks from here…

  Decision made, he turned on his heel and headed into the Village.

  ‘Tins, help me out here,’ Riley Kinsayle grinned at the blonde bar woman. ‘Charlie wants me to believe that the reason you two broke up was because of his huge…commitment to work.’

  Charlie, sitting next to his partner, grinned at his ex-girlfriend. ‘Ignore him; he has the mentality of a four-year-old.’

  Tinsley laughed, drying glasses and stacking them neatly behind the bar. ‘Riley, I’ll tell you the truth….it was just that his cock was too damn big for me.’ She winked at Charlie who raised a glass.

  ‘That’s my girl.’

  Riley cackled with laughter then sighed. ‘At least you got some action; I can’t even remember the last time I got laid.’

  ‘Probably because you’re always talking about it and not doing anything about it,’ Charlie muttered, rolling his eyes.

  Tinsley chuckled then her smile faded. ‘You guys any closer to finding out who tried to kill Lila? Because if it wasn’t Richard then…’


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