Masked Indulgence

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Masked Indulgence Page 88

by Michelle Love

  “Then shut that damned door,” Harry Flynn shouted as the rest laughed. Emeli shooed Dave, who was very drunk, back to the party table, grinning and rolling her eyes.

  “Dude, my heating bill just tripled, so thanks for that. Now, who’s still hungry? I can whip up some grilled cheese if you like?”

  She grinned as they all yelled their approval. Sasha, sitting at the opposite side of the table, winked at her and Emeli flushed with pleasure. The tall, dark-haired actor had become a good friend, often spending his off time in the coffeehouse with her, even helping out serving sometimes. She had kept it professional and friendly, although the attraction between them was obvious. But, knowing actors weren’t the most reliable men in the world, Emeli guarded her heart. Despite that, Sasha was never too far away from her thoughts and it was only yesterday when she’d sought out Cody, one of his co-stars who she’d become close to, and plied her for information.

  Cody, with her straight blonde hair and wicked grin, had known exactly what she was asking. “Sash isn’t like that,” she said, “he’s one of the rare good ones. He’s crazy about you, Boo.”

  Emeli had flushed madly and denied they were anything but friends, but Cody had hugged her and laughed. “Girl, chill out. Just enjoy it.”

  The trouble was she couldn’t stop thinking about him. At night, she lay alone in the small apartment above the coffee house and thought about his tall frame, his broad shoulders, and his long, long legs. The cool green eyes which crinkled with laughter whenever she joked around. His voice … God … his voice. That was a sex toy all on its own …

  Anytime they touched—and that was increasingly often—her skin would burn, and a frantic pulse beat between her legs. God, she wanted him—and she hadn’t wanted anyone for a long, long time.

  She set about making the grilled cheese, the kitchen door ajar in case her barista Tom or her waitress Sally needed her. It just so happened that she had a good view of Sasha too.

  As she cooked, she fantasized about him coming up behind her in the kitchen, pressing his lips against her shoulder, his hands sliding her dress, into her panties …

  Stop it, she told herself, you’re behaving like a sex-starved teenager.

  Taking the plate of sandwiches out to the others, she noticed most of the other customers had gone apart from a lone man, sitting in the corner, sipping his coffee. Emeli realized he had been there all day—if she was honest, she found him a little creepy. He had been into the coffee house frequently over the past few days and sat there watching her. Emeli had almost asked Sasha to have a word with him but then held back; Sasha wasn’t her keeper, wasn’t obligated, and she could handle a creepy customer all on her own; she’d done it before. It was just nice to think someone was looking out for her.

  “Come, eat.” Sasha tried to grab her hand. She ducked out of the way, grinning.

  “Two secs.” She moved around the room, switching on the lamps, turning down the overhead lights. She loved this time of day when the coffee house would glow with a soft warmth, the rush would ease, and she could relax. She looked up to see Sasha at the counter, slipping a disc into the shop’s sound system, and a second later, Billie Holiday filled the room with sweet music.

  “I'm gonna love you like nobody's loved you, come rain or come shine …”

  Sasha turned and smiled at her. Emeli, flushed with pleasure, grinned shyly; she loved that he already knew what music she loved. Sasha sat down again, and she could feel him watching her, a smile on his face. Her heart began to beat just a little faster.

  She felt someone move alongside her and looked up. It was the stranger. He was tall, solid, blandly handsome, and his smile did not reach his steely gray eyes.

  “You're gonna love me like nobody’s loved me, come rain or come shine …”

  “Can I help you?”

  His voice was nasal, flat.

  “No, thank you, I’m just about done.” He stood very close to her, too close. She cleared her throat, uncomfortable, and let her dish cloth fall to the floor. She turned to pick it up and moved away from him. He looked down at her with a mocking smile on his face. Flushing, Emeli felt like a bad kid caught in a lie by her father.

  “We’re just about closing but can I get you some coffee?” Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Sasha watching them. She shifted her gaze to his, and he jerked his head up slightly—You okay? She nodded at him and the stranger looked around and met Sasha’s gaze. The two men stared at each other for a beat. Sasha’s face hardened and he stood up, his tall, broad body imposing. The stranger looked back at Emeli, and his eyes raked over her body. He smirked. Emeli swallowed, her chest tightening

  “No.” The stranger threw some money down and strode to the door.

  Emeli, irritated at the man’s rudeness, locked the door. Sasha was behind her then and she turned, looking up into his gloriously handsome face. He smiled down at her and for the millionth time, she felt a desperate need to kiss him.

  “Is he my competition?” Sasha asked softly and a thrill ran through her.

  “There’s none who could touch you,” she said softly, feeling brave. She saw his eyes soften.

  “Good,” he said so softly she could barely hear him. “I’m happy about that. I’ll show you later just how happy.”

  He reached over and brushed a lock of hair from her face. An electric charge ran through her skin. Emeli couldn’t help but lean into his touch. Sasha smiled, sliding his hand to the back of her neck. His eyes were shining. Emeli sighed happily.

  “But I'll love you always. I’m with you rain or shine…’

  Dave and Cody—who were dating—were the last to leave, quickly followed by a grinning Sally and Tom. Emeli saw them out and locked the door behind them. Sasha drained his wine glass and stood up. Billie Holiday was still crooning away gently, and he smiled at Emeli, his eyes intense on hers. He held out his hand. “Come dance with me.”

  As she went into his arms, Sasha pulled her close and buried his face in her hair. God, she was so damn beautiful, and she smelled so good, of spice and fresh air.

  At nearly forty, he’d avoided relationships—mostly due to a bad breakup in his twenties—but the day he’d walked into this coffee house and seen her, he’d been lost. She was so different from the women who he was usually around— Hollywood types mostly. Her dark hair, gathered up into a messy bun at the nape of her neck, was a glorious mahogany shade, her dark hazel eyes warm and kind. The pink blush of her cheeks drove him crazy.

  Now he tipped her chin up and pressed his mouth against hers for the first time, and it was a sweet as he had imagined. The kiss deepened and he heard her soft moan, which made his blood pump faster. He swept her up into his arms and onto the couches in the corner of the coffee house. She stroked his face, looking at him as if she couldn’t quite believe this was happening. Neither could he and as his fingers moved to the buttons of her dress, he found they were trembling. He couldn’t stop kissing her soft mouth, wanting to taste every part of her. He pulled the fabric apart and marveled at her soft skin, her full breasts, and her softly curved belly.

  “Christ, you’re beautiful, you know that?”

  Emeli laughed softly. “As long as you think so …”

  His lips were fierce against hers. “I need to be inside you.”

  “Oh, yes …” Her whispered sigh made his cock, already pressing hard against his jeans, swell and engorge and her small hands freed it from his pants. Sasha hitched her legs around his waist.

  “I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long,” he whispered and as he slid his entire length into her, she gasped and gave a cry of pleasure. Sasha buried his face in her neck as he fucked her, this goddess of a woman, her lips parted, her eyes closed as she gave herself to him. He murmured her name over and over, not wanting this moment to end.

  Emeli’s back arched as she came and the sight of her beautiful body undulating and vibrating with pleasure made his cock pump thick, creamy semen deep inside her and they c
ollapsed together, breathing hard. Sasha did not let go of her, gazing down at her. Emeli smiled up at him.

  “Proof that reality sometimes is better than fantasy,” she chuckled, and he laughed.

  “You fantasized about me?”

  She lifted her lips to his. “In every way, Mr. Eisley.” An animalistic growl came from the back of his throat, and he ground his mouth down onto hers.

  “Then I hope you haven’t made any plans for the rest of the evening because I plan on making every single one of those come true …”

  And he plunged his huge cock back into her.

  Emeli stroked the salt-and-pepper hair over his ears as they lay in her bed a couple of hours later. Sasha had been true to her word and had fucked her thoroughly and expertly, giving her intense and overwhelming orgasms, and now they were talking, about the evening, their friends, and about the future.

  “I love Seattle,” he said, and grinned at her, “not just because of the cute girl at the coffee house; it’s just a great place to be.”

  “You live in L.A. now?”

  He nodded. “Convenient for work, but I’ve never liked it. I’m an old-fashioned guy; I like small towns, friendly neighborhoods, places to walk instead of drive.”

  “I guess Seattle is pretty small compared to L.A.,” she mused, “and you’re right about the people. And I …”

  She stopped. There was a loud thump against the building followed by another. “Is that someone trying to get in?”

  She shook her head, her eyes wide. “I don’t know.” They both slid out of bed and went to the window.

  “Jeez, it’s a white out.” He was right. Outside, the weather had turned worse, and now the snow was falling heavily, stacking up against the buildings, almost blanking out the light from the streetlamps. “Maybe a car went into a slide. I’ll go down and check.”

  He grabbed his jeans and Emeli pulled her robe on and followed him. Downstairs, the main coffeehouse was lit by the light of the Christmas tree, and Emeli glanced up at the clock.

  “Hey,” she said, and Sasha stopped and looked back at her. She smiled softly at him. “Merry Christmas, Sash.”

  He grinned and came to her, brushing his lips against hers. “Merry Christmas, beautiful.” They kissed for a moment then went to the door, Emeli unlocking it. The snow was piled halfway up outside, and Emeli and Sasha stuck their heads out into the blizzard for a second but couldn’t see anything.

  “We won’t see if there’s any damage until the snow melts now.” Sasha pulled her inside and brushed the snow out of her hair, kissing the flakes from her eyelashes. She giggled and shrieked with laughter as he pulled her robe open and scooped a handful of snow onto her nipple.

  “You are a dead man,” she giggled and gathered a handful of snow and pounded it down on his head. A free-for-all followed until they were both soaked and laughing like maniacs.

  “Stop, stop, I’m going to freeze,” she said breathlessly, and Sasha closed the door.

  “I’ll warm you up, sexy.” He slid his arms around her waist and looked over to the tree. He grinned at her and raised an eyebrow. “Ever been fucked under the Christmas lights?”

  Emeli moaned as Sash went down on her—God this man was incredible. His body was hard and athletic, his cock magnificent as it drove deeply into her. She lost herself in the physical pleasure he was able to give her—no, she’d never been fucked under the Christmas lights—she’d never been fucked like this, period. When he brought her to near ecstasy with his tongue, his cock plunged into her, and she came almost immediately, his fingers keeping up the pressure on her clit. She loved the feeling of him coming inside her, his seed shooting deep into her belly. She wanted all of him. The way he looked at her made her weak.

  “You look so beautiful lit by the twinkle lights, almost otherworldly.” He kissed her gently as they came to a breathless stop.

  I never want to move from this place, she thought. I could so easily fall in love with you …

  The crash from the kitchen startled them both, and they looked at each other, alarmed. Sasha jumped to his feet. “Wait here, beautiful.”

  He felt her behind him—he wasn’t surprised, but he rolled his eyes at her. “No good at doing what you’re told, are you?”

  She gave him a cheesy grin. “Only when your cock’s inside me.”

  He laughed out loud, but as he pushed into the kitchen with Emeli behind him, his smile faded. “Jesus …”

  Emeli looked past him and gasped in horror. Great gobs of what was either blood or red paint were smeared on the far wall: a message.

  Ever wonder if you’ll make it through the night?

  Sasha went cold, and his arms reached automatically for the small brunette at his side, wrapping around her protectively. She was trembling violently. “Who would do this? Who would do this?”

  Sasha shook his head grimly. “I don’t know, sweetheart, but it’s a sick joke. I’m going to call the police.”

  He went to grab his phone but came back immediately. “Phones are down.”

  Emeli was still frozen where he’d left her. She looked at him with haunted eyes. “There’s more.”

  He looked where she was pointing. On the countertop under the message, a set of chef’s knives were arranged, a note pinned under them.

  Sasha stepped towards it. “Read it out,” Emeli said with a shaking voice.

  Sasha read the note and closed his eyes. “It says … Stupid, leaving all these sharp knives around. Fuck!’

  He was angry now. “This is beyond a sick fucking joke, Em … do you know anyone that would want to hurt you?”

  She shook her head, “No.”

  “An ex-boyfriend?”

  She just shook her head. Sasha pulled her into his arms again. “I swear to you, nothing will happen to you tonight. This is some fucker’s idea of a joke.”

  She wriggled out of his grip and went to the back door, opening it. She looked out onto the pure white snow. She slowly turned to him with fear and horror in her eyes. “Sasha … there are no footprints in the snow. Whoever did this is in the building.”

  Emeli tugged on her sweater. Whatever cruel joke was being played had ruined their special night together. Together they had searched every room in the building, Sasha insisting on her staying behind him, and that she take a knife with her. They found nothing. Sasha and Emeli checked every window, every door, locking them all.

  Sasha shook his head, confused. “I don’t know how they got in, but there’s no one here now.” He smiled at Emeli. “I think we’re good, baby. Someone was just playing a dumb prank.” He wrapped his arms around her. “What say we go back to bed and forget it? We’ll wait out the storm and in the morning, call the police.”

  She hadn’t been convinced, but she nodded. Sasha had barely let her go since, but it wasn’t the tender embrace of a lover, more the protective way of someone who might lose the person he … loved? No. Their relationship had gone quickly from friend to lover, but there was no way Sasha should feel as responsible as he clearly did.


  “Yes, baby?”

  She warmed at the endearment but looked at him with serious eyes. “I hate that this has ruined our Christmas.”

  He pressed his lips to her forehead. “Our first Christmas of many, many more. And no, forget that stupid prank. Nothing will spoil this night.”

  She flushed and kissed him. “Many?”

  He stroked a finger down her face. “You have to know how I feel about you, Em. I’ve spent nearly every free moment breathing down your neck for the last few months.” He grinned, and she stuck her tongue out at him.

  “What a creeper,” she joked, and he laughed. Nuzzling her nose with his own, he kissed her.

  “This creeper’s in love with you,” he whispered and Emeli felt tears prick her eyes, her heart swelling with joy.

  “I love you too,” she said softly, and they kissed tenderly. Emeli closed her eyes, wanting to forget all the unpleasantness, the
cruel “joke” downstairs. This was all that mattered, this was what was real. The Christmas tree—smaller than the one downstairs but more lovingly decorated—twinkled with white lights. Sasha was trying to get the TV to work, but the snowstorm had knocked out most of the TV stations. Emeli took the remote from him.

  “Let’s just go make camp in my bed until morning.”

  Sasha frowned, then his face relaxed. “That sounds like a plan.”

  Sasha woke with a start and sat bolt upright. There was a figure at the end of the bed. “Hey!’ A flash of alarm made him shout out—and the figure vanished. Vanished. Sasha blinked.


  Emeli touched his shoulder, and he turned. The sheet covering her was covered in blood.

  “Jesus, Em … are you okay?”

  She looked down and gasped. “I don’t know … nothing hurts.” He tore the sheet from her and sighed with relief. There were no wounds on her body. She looked at him, wide-eyed. “What the hell is going on, Sash?”

  He stared back at her for a long moment then told her about the figure at the end of the bed. Emeli nodded slowly, looking sick. Sasha stroked his hand down her face. “You’ve seen it before?”

  Emeli drew her knees up to her chest. “Only once, and I thought I was either dreaming or hallucinating. I was sick at the time—last Christmas, actually. I had the flu really badly and we closed for a week. Sally came to check on me, said there was some weird stuff outside the doors, dead animals, some blood smeared on the doors. I didn’t think anything of it. Anyway, I was in bed and woke to see the figure. I blinked and it had gone.”

  “What did yours look like?”

  “Someone, couldn’t tell if it was male or female, with a white mask on. Blank, featureless, but with a mask.”

  “Same here. This is getting weird.”

  She nodded, looking at him with sad eyes. “Not what you want, really.”

  He realized she thought he was backing off and reached for her. “Hey, look. It’s almost daylight. As soon as we can, we can go to my hotel for the rest of Christmas—we’ll come back here when things have eased off, go to the police, have this place searched.”


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