Forever Love

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Forever Love Page 20

by Jade Whitfield

  Chapter 24


  How did I get so lucky? I always new my girl was beautiful, you'd be blind not to see it. I always knew she was funny, with her smartass comebacks. I knew she was smart, the way she can keep anyone on their toes. Tonight I've learned that my girl, my soulmate, the girl I'm gonna spend forever with is not only beautiful, smart and funny, as well as about a hundred other attributes that make her perfect, shes also unbelievably fucking brave. I can't imagine what she's been through, the pain she's felt, not having anyone to talk to of confide in. I knew all those weeks ago that the girl who was afraid of love, afraid of commitment was hiding something, I had no idea what though. If I'm honest, I always thought maybe a guy cheated on her or her Mom had just messed with her head too much, made her feel unworthy. The fact that she was ra-…......I cant even fucking say. My blood boils, my muscles crack just thinking of some piece of scum doing that to her. I don’t know whether to be thankful the assholes already dead cause I'm sure if he wasn’t, id be in jail by the end of the night. I'm not even gonna touch upon the thing that gave birth to her, unluckily for her shes still fucking breathing. From what Liv had already told me about her, I hated her, now though, I don’t even know how to describe what I feel for that piece of shit. And Phil? How the fuck was he married to her? He's gotta have known what she's like, how twisted she was. Why the fuck would he leave his daughter with her? The minutes she said that she was ra-, yeah, I just shut down. I still heard everything she said, as much as I wanted to cover my ears and pretend I couldn’t.

  The guilt I feel in bringing Liv here, if id have known I never would have done it. Fuck, I cant imagine how painful it must be and I'm more than happy to screech out of that place. I keep her hand safely in mine, I can't let her go, I need to feel her touch and the grip she's returning tells me she needs the same thing. I don’t wanna go back to the hotel but I don’t wanna have a conversation with her in that place, I don’t want her to have to look at that motherfucking tree. I don’t know whether to bow down to it for killing that piece of scum off, or chop it down and burn it until its fucking ashes.

  "How you feeling?" I ask as I slow down for the red light.

  Pulling the car to a stop as I wait for the light to change, I look over at her. This is the second day her eyes are all red and puffy from crying, he face is still a little red. She's as beautiful as ever and the small smile gracing her face makes her look angelic, she'd have my balls and give me the bitch brow if I ever said that to her though.

  "I feel.........good. I just feel like a weight has been lifted and the lights been turned back on, you know? I never realized how good it would feel to get it off my chest."

  I'm not gonna lie, I was more than a little worried before she said that. I was scared that this would break her, that she'd put those walls back up, thankfully those walls seem to be staying down.

  "I'm sorry."

  "What for?" She asks, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

  "I shouldn't have pushed. I just, I had no idea."

  "No, thank you for pushing." Now it's my turn to look surprised.

  "So, are you gonna tell your Dad? The police?"

  Her whole body practically turns to stone and her eyes widen, not in the same panic as earlier though.

  "No, no I can't, you can't tell anyone Noah, please." She pleads.

  I pull over to the side of the road, thinking of a way to say this without her going batshit at me. I can't feel that fear I did earlier, when I thought she was gonna leave me. Selfish, I know, after all look what she's been through. All I know is, I thought my world would end, I can't live without her. I turn so the top half of my body is facing her, figuring its best just to come out and say it.

  "I think you should tell them. I think that this guy shouldn’t get to fucking rest in peace with everyone thinking he was a fucking Saint."

  "Noah, Tommy's dead, I accepted that a long time ago. Doesn’t matter if the world knows about what he was like, he's not gonna feel a thing. The only people who'll suffer are his family, who despite everything are actually good people. And my Dad, as much as a complete idiot he can be, I don’t wanna do that to him, it'll destroy him."

  "You deserve some fucking justice, Liv. What about that fucking whatever it is you wanna fucking call her, incubator, fucking piece of shit. She deserves the damn chair."

  "Yeah, I'll agree with you on that. Concerning Tommy though, I got my justice I guess. I didn’t feel it at first, I felt like he'd got away scott free, that he got to rest in peace while I had to live here suffering with what he did. I gotta be honest, he didn’t exactly have a peaceful death from what I heard, that’s enough for me. As for the incubator, its pretty hard to hurt somebody that is incapable of fucking feeling anything in the first place."

  I nod, not liking it but she makes a valid point. Not about the fucking Bitch that has the nerve to call herself a Mother, oh no that bitch is going down. As for the bastard that’s rotted in the ground, there's no point bringing shit up that’s gonna hurt my girl anymore and that's all it'll do. I couldn’t give two fucks about his family, or Phil for that matter, Liv is my only concern and frankly she's been through enough.

  "Do you see me differently now?" Her voice, barely above a whisper, startles me out of my own thought.

  "What? NO! Of course I don’t. Liv, the only difference is that now I understand and to be honest I feel like the world biggest asshole for pushing." I cup her cheek in my hand. "You’re the same beautiful, sassy girl I fell in love with, I just know more about you now, I know how brave you are. I love you so fucking much, that'll never change, no matter what. Only a complete an utter piece of shit would look at you differently, none of what happened was your fault, it's not your fault that that asshole pervert did what he did. Do you hear me? It's not your fault so don’t ever think I see you differently, that I don’t love you as much, that I don’t feel the same all because some piece of shit did that to you."

  Her eyes water, the sight near enough brings me to my knees. Did I do that? I Don’t want her to shed another tear for as long as she lives, not a single one.

  "Oh baby, I love you, please don’t cry." She sniffs and rubs her eyes. "I'm sorry babe, I just don’t want you to ever feel not good enough, I love you too damn much."

  She nods and I pull her over to me, lifting her over the stick and sitting her in my lap, the cars way too small but I don’t give a fuck.

  "I love you Noah, I know I should have said it before but I was so scared."

  Her admission makes me smile, not that she was scared, that just pisses me off. Hearing that she loves me though, those words I've been dying to hear, well that just puts me on top of the world.

  "I'll always keep you safe Liv, I'll always love you."

  It’s a vow not just to her, to the whole damn world. I'll do anything to keep her safe, to make sure she's never hurt again.


  I carefully close the door behind us, taking a glance at the clock at the side of the bed. Its 3 in the morning and I feel like this has been the longest night of my life. Liv looks around the room before turning towards me, biting into her lip and looking completely awkward.

  "You ok?"

  "Yeah." She says, picking up my T-shirt that she discarded earlier and gripping it in her hands. "I'm just gonna go get changed, I'll be out in a sec."

  What the fuck?!

  "Erm, why are you going into the bathroom?" I'm pissed off, did she not hear everything I said to her earlier?

  "Well, I just thought that, um, that you wouldn’t wanna-"

  "Stop talking, just stop. You forget everything I said earlier? I said I don’t look at you any different and I don’t. Now if your going in that bathroom because you feel uncomfortable around me, I don’t like it. If you think I'm suddenly gonna be turned off by you, you're wrong. Comer here." I say, sitting on the edge of the bed with my arms open, ready to welcome her.

  "I thought you'd feel uncomfortable, you know."

  That thought did go through my mind but in the opposite way. I thought she'd feel uncomfortable with what she just told me and would want a bit of distance. Why the fuck would I feel uncomfortable?

  "You thought I wouldn’t want you?"

  "Well, I just thought you'd want a bit of time, I dunno." I shut her up my kissing the fuck outta her, she thinks I don’t want her, I'll prove to her that couldn’t be further from the truth.

  Her body responds to me the instant my lips touch against hers. She wraps her arms round my neck, my hands going straight to her waist as our tongue battle it out for supremacy. I pull away, looking at her swollen lips for a second before looking into her eyes which are slowly opening.

  "Babe, if you wanna wait, I'll understand. But feel that underneath." I grind into her ass, hoping she can feel how much I still fucking want her. "Never doubt that I want you Liv."

  She nods before attacking my mouth again, pulling at my hair as she practically crawls up my body. I lie back, bringing her with me, holding her tight body against mine. I can feel every curve against my skin.

  "Noah, I need, I need you." She says, out of breath and in between savagely kissing me.

  I grip the back of her thighs flipping us over so that I'm now lying in between her legs on top. I can feel her hands grabbing at my shirt, trying the drag it up my torso and I grab to back on the neck and pull it over my head. Before I can do anything else, she pushes me to the side and straddles me, bending her head to kiss down my stomach. Her lips feel like heaven as she looks up into my eyes while leaving nips and kisses down my body. All I want is to return the favor, to rip her clothes off and devour her.

  "I." Kiss. "Love." Kiss. "You." Kiss.

  What I can only describe as fucking growl leaves my mouth as I drag her up to me by her underarms. As much as I love the feel of her mouth on my dick, all I wanna do right now I'd be deep inside her, showing her how much I still want her, how much I need her. I take the hem of her top and practically rip it over her head, baring her white lacy bra to me. The white against her tanned skin looks amazing and I run my hand down her sides before unbuttoning her gray jeans a lying her down as I peel them down her legs. I feel like fucking drooling when I see her matching white lacy thongs and I'm pretty sure another growl escapes me. What am I? A fucking wolf or some shit?

  She sits up on her elbows staring at me as I unbuckle my own jeans, my eyes never leaving hers, not even for a second. Once out of the restricting jeans, my boxers joining them on the floor, I crawl up towards her. I stop at her panties, pulling them down her legs and throwing them across the room, moving more up her body I pop her bra cups down, too desperate at this point to care about the hassle of unfastening it. I take her perfect pink nipple in my mouth as she lets out a gasp, sneaking my hand in between her legs to feel how ready she is for me.

  "You're so wet." I whisper as she arches her breasts into my face.

  Taking ahold my dick, I lead it towards her entrance, sliding in ever so softly so that she can adapt to my size.

  "Never doubt how much I want you Liv." I say as I thrust deep inside her.

  I'll make sure she knows just how much I want her, even if it takes me till morning.


  I don’t think I've ever been so fucking happy to see my house, if not because traveling back from Atlanta with my nosy ass little brother watching me and Liv like a hawk was pure torture, then because our stay in Atlanta was the weekend from hell. I gotta say, I don’t think I'll be in a hurry to see that city again.

  As I pull up behind Phil's car, I notice Brady sitting by the front door, his head in his hands.

  "Did you tell Dickwad we were on our way back?" Liv asks, to which I shake my head.

  I don’t know how the hell he knew we were on our way back, if he even did know. He looks like crap anyway so I'm guessing there's something up. I climb out the car, bringing my seat forward so that Chase can get out before jogging round to Livs side to open the door. Livs basically trained in all things Noah now. She knows I'll open doors for her, whether they're car doors or front doors, I'll always pull a chair out for her and I'll always love her. If not because I'm a gentleman and that’s how my Dad taught me to be, then because she deserves nothing but the best. She has no doubts that I still want and love her after confiding in me, after all I did spend the night showing her. I'm pretty manic, since I'm running off about two hours sleep but I'm too happy to even be tired. Liv, the girl who was scared to love, has admitted she loves me no less than nine times since last night. Oh yeah, I'm counting! Those three words, eight letters, theyre fucking music to my ears.

  "He looks like shit." She says, a frown marring her beautiful forehead.

  "I'll go talk to him, he's probably had another fight with Cindy."

  I walk over to my best friend who pretty much looks like he's hasn’t had a good night's sleep in days. Phil and my Mom walk round the side of the house, Chase and Liv following, obviously trying to give us some privacy. He was fine on Thursday before we left, his usual dumbass self, now he looks as if someone kicked his fucking puppy. I don’t say anything when I reach him, just look at him as he head stay sunken on his knees. I take seat next to him on the ground, I don’t see his car anywhere so I don’t know how the fuck he even got here. This isn't the first fight Brady has had with Cindy that’s ended with him a mess. As much as hes an asshole, I know he loves the fuck outta her. If I didn’t like Cindy so much and if I didn’t know that come tomorrow it'll all be sorted and water under the bridge, I'd give her a piece of my mind. After all, whether Brady in the wrong or not, he's like my brother and I don’t wanna see him hurt like this.

  "She ended it." He says, not taking his eyes from the ground.

  I repress the urge to roll my eyes, like I said before, this isn't the first time.

  "You'll sort it out bro, you always do."

  "I don’t think so this time dude. She said I was too immature, me? Immature?"

  Yeah I don’t think I'll comment on that observation.

  "I mean, the fucking nerve of it. She said that I'm a fucking child, that the whole world doesn’t revolve around going to college to party. I'm seventeen! What the fuck else am I meant to be thinking about? Babies? Marriage? Who the fuck thinks like that? She was talking like there was a ticking clock or some shit."

  From previous times, I know that Brady doesn’t actually want my opinion on anything, just to vent. He'll rabbit on about this for the next half hour, throwing questions out at me that he doesn’t actually want me to answer, I'll sit here nodding and humming and then he'll make some rash decision that he'll probably change his mind.

  "You know what, I'm done. Fuck girls, fuck Cindy."

  "What was it over?"

  "College, she wants to get an apartment and live together but I told her, I said I can't, me and Noah are gonna live it up."


  "We've been planning this for fucking ever dude, I love her but I'm not gonna throw you over just cause I got a girl. The plan stays the same, we go to college, we party like its fucking 1999, I don’t see what the big deal is."

  Fuck, now I feel guilty, this is all my fault. I should have told him months ago about my plans, that I was never planning on going to college. What can I say, I'm a complete pussy. It's like he said though, we've been planning this forever,we go to college, join some kind of fraternity or whatever it is that’s always in the fucking movies, go wild and then worry about being grown ups when college has finished. How the hell am I meant to tell him that my plans have changed? How am I meant to tell him that hes just fucking broken up with his girlfriend over something that’s never gonna happen anyway? It's just one thing after another, just as I seem to be getting on an even keel with Liv, the angst comes from another direction.

  "You'll sort it out bro, guarantee that by Thanksgiving you'll be all lovey dovey and shit again."

  Now I'm even more of asshole for not coming out and telling him right this second. I know Brady though, this
isn't the time or place. I'll just make sure he and Cindy sort everything out and then I can break the news to him. If I tell him now, he's gonna feel like he's being attacked from all sides.

  "I love her, I don’t think it's gonna be ok this time though bro." He whispers. "You didn’t see her, she wasn’t even mad, just sad. I've never seen her with that look on her face before, this is the end, I just know it."

  "Then you fight for her, if you know that she's the right one for you, you fight."

  He gives a stiff and sure nod before lifting himself from the floor.

  "You coming in?"

  "Nah dude, I'm gonna get off, maybe try and talk to her. Thanks though." H claps me on the back. "You're a good friend brother, you never let me down."

  The guilt is damn painful, watching him walk away.

  "Bro, where's your car?"

  He turns to me, smiling.

  "I kinda came here drunk at like ten this morning. I sobered up on your doorstep though." He says with a smirk.

  "You've been here since ten?" Fuck, it's like two in the afternoon now.

  I pull my car keys out of my pocket, looks like I'll have to unpack and make plans later.

  "Come on dumbass, I'll drive you home. You look like shit by the way."

  "Thanks for the complement Mr fucking Universe."

  I roll my eyes, yep, I'm definitely picking up on Livs habits. I don’t think I've fucking cursed so much in my life as I do since she's arrived. The funny thing is, she seems to be doing it less and less. Fucking women!


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