The Only One for Her

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The Only One for Her Page 14

by Carlie Sexton

  “Will do.”

  “Thank you.”

  Monica had helped me before and I definitely needed her help now. I wasn’t going there empty handed. The plan was to make Lindy mine and bring her back to California with me. She belonged with me. No one else.

  “I have Monica on line one,” Fran buzzed.

  “Hi Monica,” I said.

  “Mr. Michaels, good to hear from you. What can I do for you today?”

  “I will be coming by before I go to the airport. I’d like to see what you have for engagement rings. I’d like a two carat round diamond, platinum setting. I’d also like a necklace with a key.”

  “Certainly. When do you plan on arriving?”

  “Around nine. My flight leaves at twelve-forty, so I won’t have a lot of time to look.”

  “I’ll have everything ready, Mr. Michaels.”

  “Thank you, Monica. I’ll see you soon.”

  No sooner had I hung up the phone, Angelina was standing in my doorway. “Ready for our meeting?” she asked.

  “Sure,” I managed. She had a man standing behind her that I didn’t know. They both proceeded into my office. Dean Sorenson, my lawyer was right behind them.

  We all sat around my table. I extended my hand to introduce myself to Angelina’s friend. I’d never laid eyes on him before. “This is Franco Sartini, my lawyer,” she said.

  He looked more like a bodyguard. Shaking my hand, he looked me up and down. I already didn’t like the guy.

  Dean introduced himself to Franco as well. Opening his briefcase, he took out what I presumed was the contract between Derrick and myself.

  “Let’s get to it, shall we?” Dean asked.

  “Please. I know we all have busy schedules,” I suggested. I wanted to get this done and be on my way.

  “Since you are the sole beneficiary to Derrick’s estate, I need you to sign here and here. You will now own forty percent of TEK Medical.”

  “Forty percent? Don’t you mean fifty percent?” Angelina asked curtly.

  “No, Derrick owned forty percent.”

  “How is the rest of the company divided? Does Trace own sixty percent?”

  “Trace owns fifty percent and Medical Solutions owns ten percent.”

  “Who the hell are they?” Angelina demanded.

  “Derrick didn’t have enough capitol when we began the company, so we have an investor,” I said deadpan. Inside, I was so fucking happy Derrick never told her.

  “I thought you and Derrick were partners. I can’t believe this. Franco, is this correct?” she asked, pushing the file over for him to peruse.

  After a moment, he nodded. “Yes, everything seems to be in order.”

  Angelina signed in all the places Dean had flagged. “How come I never heard of this Medical Solutions before?”

  “I guess we just didn’t feel it was important information to share.”

  “Everything will be fine, Angelina. We can approach them about buying their shares,” Franco said.

  “Is there anything else we need to do here, Dean?” she asked, pushing her chair back.

  “No, that’s all,” Dean said.

  “Trace, I’ll be moving into Derrick’s office.”

  “Okay,” I said. I wasn’t in the mood to argue. I had to go see about my girl.

  Before leaving for Tiffany’s, I stopped by Jack’s office, closing the door behind me as I entered. “I know there was nothing to find on Angelina, but now I need you to research her attorney, Franco Sartini.”

  “Not a problem. Is your meeting with her done?”

  “Yes. She now owns part of my company. I don’t think she’s going to be happy until she owns all of it, so I need you to dig deep. Check out her parents, too.”

  “Consider it done. I will make this my top priority.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be out of town for a day or two. I’ll talk to you when I get back.”

  Jack nodded and I left. Only a few hours until I was with my girl.

  Chapter 30: Lindy

  My evening with Randy had been fine, but my heart hurt because it didn’t compare to my evenings with Trace. Somehow, I was going to have to put him out of my mind. Texting Trace that I was getting married had ripped me to shreds. I had cried the entire time and had retyped what I was trying to say over and over. Even auto-correct couldn’t figure out my clumsy fingers. Why does letting go of him feel so hard? I couldn’t get his gorgeous hazel eyes out of my mind. He was so handsome, but more than that, his compassion had wooed me from the first moment we’d touched.

  When he’d saved me on the rocks, I didn’t want him to ever let me go. Our connection was fierce and instant. I was bonded to him and I hated that I was never going to see him again. It almost felt cruel that I had met him. But, life was mysterious and though I had wondered why things had worked out the way they had, I’d resigned myself to my decision to marry Randy. Eventually, I’d be over Trace and he’d just be a beautiful memory I’d hold dear in my heart. Like Dane?

  I was so grateful I was off today. I could spend time alone, contemplating my future, evaluating my dreams, and…not thinking about Trace. Taking out my journal, I opened to a blank page. I needed to write about Randy and all of his great qualities. Maybe seeing them on paper would make things easier. He was a good, loving man and any woman would be lucky to have him. I had to figure out how to make myself feel that way. Lucky.

  Two raps at the door and it opening grabbed my attention. It was Ro. I hadn’t been expecting her, but she probably wanted to find out about my date with Randy.

  “Lindy, we need to talk,” she said as she moved toward me, her tone urgent.

  “Is everything okay? Did something happen to Todd?”

  “Everything’s okay in my life. Todd is on the mend. We need to talk about your life.”

  “My life? What’s wrong with my life?”

  “How about for starters, you’re marrying the wrong man? You don’t love Randy.”

  “Ro, we set the date last night. We’re getting married in two weeks.”

  Joining me on the sofa, Ro exhaled loudly. “Lindy, we both know marriage can be hard, even with a person that seems perfect for you. That it’s filled with both good and bad times.”

  I nodded. As much as I’d loved Dane, our marriage hadn’t been perfect.

  “But, it’s really hard when you’re doing it with someone you’re not crazy in love with.”

  “I know, but—”

  “No buts, Lindy. This is the rest of your life we’re talking about. You can’t marry someone you don’t love.”

  “But, I could fall in love with him. I just need to give myself time.”

  “Well, that may be, but you don’t have to get married in two weeks or even two years for that matter. There’s no reason to rush. Tell him you need to wait.”

  “I know I should, Ro, but I don’t want to hurt him. He’s so happy. He’s so in love with me.”

  “Like you are with Trace?” she asked, eyebrows raised.

  Ro knew me better than I knew myself sometimes. “Yes,” I whispered. “I’ve tried to stop, but I still think about him constantly.” Tears streamed down my face and Ro grabbed my hand. My lip was beginning to tremble.

  “I know, sweetie.” Ro took an envelope out of her handbag. “This is for you. Dane wanted me to give it to you on your wedding day, but I think you need to read it now.”

  Ro handed it to me and I stared at the envelope with my name written on it. It was Dane’s writing. “You’ve had this for three years?” I asked, staring at my best friend.

  “Yes. He wrote it a couple of weeks before he died and made me promise not to give it to you until your wedding day. I’ve wanted to give it to you so many times, but he made me promise.”

  “I understand.” I didn’t know what else to say. My husband was reaching out to me from the great beyond. Part of me was thrilled to have this from him. The other part was scared.

  “I’m going to go. I think you need to rea
d this and spend some time soul searching. You’ll figure it out, Lindy. I have faith in you.” Ro hugged me and then left me sitting on my sofa, holding a letter from the first man I’d ever loved.

  I’m not sure how long I stared at the letter in my hands. It seemed that a couple of hours had gone by and I hadn’t found the courage to open it yet. This was ridiculous. I was a grown woman. I could do this. Carefully, I began tearing the envelope open. Breathing heavily, I pulled out the page it contained. “Oh, Dane. I wish you were here with me. Why did the Lord have to take you so soon?” I knew the answer to my question. Life wasn’t fair. Anything could happen at any time. I had to trust it had all happened for a reason and was part of God’s plan. It was just sometimes, I didn’t understand the plan at all. I felt so weak in my unbelief. Please, God, help me to have more faith.

  I opened the folded letter and just gazed for a moment at my husband’s handwriting.

  My Darling Lindy,

  If you are reading this letter then my greatest wish for you has come true. You have found love again and I want that for you more than anything. No one I know deserves more happiness in life than you do, my beautiful girl. I am certain the man you have chosen is as in love with you as you are with him. He is the luckiest man in the entire world to have your heart. I was so blessed to be loved by you and he will be as well. I want you to move on and create the life and family you have always wanted. That you have always deserved. You are a rare and precious gift and I’m sure you have found a man who is worthy of your love and tenderness. Have faith, my love, that it is all going to turn out wonderfully.

  All my love,

  Dane xx

  I pulled the letter to my chest, holding it tightly. My shoulders shook as I sobbed and attempted to catch my breath. Just breathe, Lindy. In and out. In and out. How did Ro know I needed this letter today? What if she had waited until my wedding day instead? I couldn’t marry Randy. Not right now. Not yet. I would be disappointing myself and Dane if I married someone I wasn’t completely in love with. My husband…always giving me what I needed just when I needed it. I closed my eyes and pictured Dane’s handsome face. He had always been there for me and on some level always would be. He’d never let me down.

  I heard another knock at my door. Thank God. Ro had come back. I needed to talk to her desperately. Not hearing the door open, I rushed to it, but Ro wasn’t on the other side. It had to be a hallucination. My eyes were playing tricks on me.

  “Lindy, may I come in?” Trace asked.

  I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I couldn’t retrieve words from my brain, so I simply nodded. Trace opened the door and I stood there, staring at him.

  “You’ve been crying,” he said, lifting his hand to caress my face. I put my hand on his.

  “Come here,” he said, reaching his other hand out to me. Two small steps was all it took and I was wrapped in his strong, muscular arms. I finally felt like I was home. I was where I was supposed to be. More tears came and my shaking continued. Trace just held me, not saying a word. One of his hands rubbed my back, the other snaked around my waist. This had to be real. I couldn’t be imagining it. Please, God. Let it be him. If I were imagining this it would be such a brutal joke.

  I didn’t want to move, for fear that somehow this wasn’t really happening. But Trace’s warm body against mine helped me to believe he was real. He was here in the flesh.

  When Trace loosened his grip, he placed his hands on my face. All I could do was stare into his adoring eyes. “Please don’t marry him.”

  “Trace…I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I got your text about you getting married, so I came as soon as I could. Please tell me I’m not too late.”

  “No. You’re not too late,” I said, still gazing into his eyes.

  “Thank God. I don’t know what I would have done if you were already married.”

  I shook my head, unable to form any words. Trace took my hand and we sat on the sofa. He held me in his arms and I finally felt at peace. Is he the one for me?

  “Lindy, I’ve missed you so much. I’ve thought about you constantly, and am wildly in love with you, honey. I want you to be with me. Will you marry me?” He got down on one knee and pulled a box out of his travel bag side pocket.

  “Trace…we hardly know each other.” Yet why does this proposal feel so right?’

  “Actually, I feel as though I’ve never known or connected to someone more than I have with you. I believe we belong together.”

  I still couldn’t believe he was here. I looked up into his eyes, and I could see he believed what he was saying. His eyes were loving and warm. He touched my tear-stained cheek again and it felt right to lean into his touch.

  In a gentle voice he asked, “So, what do you say?”

  “Yes, Lindy. What do you say?” I heard Randy’s voice behind me. In less than a second, I went from the elation of being in Trace’s arms to the agony of knowing I would be breaking Randy’s heart.

  Randy came walking in, his stance territorial. His face showed a mixture of anger and fear. I think if he could have breathed fire on Trace, he would have. “Randy, this is Trace. We met in Maui.”

  Trace stood and extended his hand, but Randy didn’t shake it.

  “What are you talking about? You didn’t say anything about meeting anyone in Maui. And now he’s here trying to steal you away from me. You don’t even know this guy.”

  “It’s complicated,” I said.

  “Well, un-complicate it for me. Baby, we’re about to get married,” Randy said, softening his tone. He face was as white as a sheet.

  “When I was spreading Dane’s ashes, I lost my balance on the rocks and Trace caught me before I fell into the ocean. He saved me from being hurt.”

  “Well, I’m much obliged for him saving you. If anything happened to you, I don’t know what I would do. You’re the love of my life. Please tell me you’re not considering his proposal.”

  I glanced up at Trace who was staring intensely at Randy. Randy was staring at me. The tension was suffocating. I took in a deep breath. Then another, but my heart felt constricted. There wasn’t enough air.

  “Why don’t we all just sit down,” I said, hoping to calm the situation.

  “I don’t need to sit, Lindy. I need to know why this guy is here proposing to my woman.”

  There I was, standing between two men with balled up fists. I thought at any second they were going to charge each other like bulls going after a matador.

  “You’re right, Randy, you deserve an explanation. Trace and I spent time together in Maui. He took me to dinner, on a picnic, parasailing. We had a very strong connection, but I ran away.”

  “I see,” he said running his hand through his hair. “Lindy, none of that matters. What matters is that you’re my fiancée and we’re getting married.”

  “I know I agreed to marry you and at the time I really thought it was the right thing for me. But, I’m so sorry, Randy. I love you as my friend, but not as a wife should love you.”

  “Did you fuck him, Lindy? Please tell me you didn’t,” Randy said, defeat etched in his voice.

  It was killing me to hurt Randy like this. I moved toward him. “I know you’re angry, but you have no right to ask me that. You and I weren’t together when I went to Maui. What I did there is my business.” Slipping my ring off my hand I said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you. I don’t feel for you the same way you do for me.” I placed the ring in Randy’s hand.

  “Lindy, I can make you happy if you just give me a chance. I’ve waited for you for what seems like an eternity. I love you. I want you to be with me, not someone else. You made a promise and you’re going to keep it,” Randy said, grabbing me by the shoulders.

  “Randy, you’re hurting me. Please let go,” I cried.

  “Man, you need to get out of here right now,” Trace said, pulling me from Randy’s grip and putting me behind him.

  “Or what? She agreed to marry me. She’
s supposed to be my wife, not yours.” Randy was losing it. I’d never seen him act this way before. Possessive and territorial.

  In one fell swoop, Trace had Randy with his arm behind his back, dropping to his knees. “Sorry it has to go down this way, but it’s time for you to go.” Trace pushed Randy forward. As Randy got up, Trace shoved him out through my screen door, closing the door behind him.

  “This isn’t over, Lindy,” Randy yelled from outside. Randy had scared me with his reaction. Goose bumps covered my body as chills ran through me. I knew he’d be angry, but I didn’t think he would sound threatening.

  “Are you okay?” Trace asked.

  “Yes. I’ve never seen Randy like this before. Thank you for protecting me. It seems to be something you are quite good at,” I said, moving into Trace’s arms. We stood there, in the middle of my little place in this world, holding each other. I never wanted to let him go.

  “It’s understandable. He doesn’t want to lose you. I really can’t blame him,” Trace said, stroking my hair. “I know how I felt when I thought you were marrying someone else. I couldn’t get here fast enough.”

  I didn’t respond to Trace. No words would form in my brain. All I could do was cry. I was filled with so many emotions. He came for me.

  “Lindy, you must be feeling overwhelmed right now.”

  “Yes, I am. I’m overwhelmed by you coming here…me breaking Randy’s heart…your proposal. Earlier Ro gave me a letter Dane had written to me to be read on my wedding day. It’s been quite a day, to say the least.”

  “I see,” he said, casting his eyes downward.

  Taking his handsome face in my hands, I lifted his head so his eyes were looking into mine. “I didn’t get to answer your question.”

  “No, you didn’t,” he said, hope radiating from his eyes.

  When Randy asked me to marry him, I felt obligated, as if it were the right thing to do to say yes. I knew that now. My heart hadn’t been racing, my skin hadn’t felt flushed, my eyes hadn’t been moist with tears of joy. Like they were now. Looking into Trace’s eyes, I saw my future. I saw my dreams coming true. I saw…hope. For me. Joy. “Yes, Trace. I’ll marry you. I’m crazy in love with you and haven’t been able to get you out of my heart since I ran from you in Maui.”


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