The Only One for Her

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The Only One for Her Page 16

by Carlie Sexton

  “Randy from earlier today?”

  “Yes. He and Dane had been best friends since third grade.”

  “When did you meet Randy?”

  “I met him when I was ten. When I met Dane.”

  “Wow, so you two go way back. I’m sorry. What happened earlier must have been so hard on you. On both of you.”

  “It was. But it was worse for Randy. I feel awful about him overhearing us and finding out things weren’t going to work out for him and me the way he did. He really is a good man.” Oh Randy. I’d devastated Randy. He didn’t deserve to be hurt the way I had hurt him. I hoped one day he would be able to forgive me.

  I had been ignoring his texts, but I’d have to find a way to tell him he deserved better than me and how sorry I was.

  “I’m sure he is a good man. You wouldn’t have agreed to marry him if he wasn’t.”

  “Yeah, I’ve known him forever, it seems like. He’s been there for me through everything.”

  “Honey, you look like you’re ready to call it a night.”

  “I am. I’m exhausted and it’s taking so much effort just to keep my eyes open.”

  “Why don’t we go to bed? We have to get up early in the morning for our flight.”

  Trace stood up, still holding my hand. He pulled me into his arms and walked me toward the bed. I snagged my pjs out of my bag, changing in a matter of seconds. Trace pulled the covers back and I slid in between the cool sheets. He went around to the other side, stripped down to his boxers, and got into bed with me. Spooning me from behind, his muscular arms made me feel safe and secure. One of the things I loved about him I thought, as I began drifting.

  Chapter 33: Trace

  Contentment. That’s what I was experiencing having Lindy in my arms. Lindy had agreed to begin a life with me and I couldn’t be happier. Inhaling her essence, I wanted to nibble on her neck and show her my gratitude. I was so turned on by her, but I knew my girl was dead tired. She had been through so much emotionally between me proposing and having to break things off with Randy all in one day. He had been an important part of Lindy’s life and had loved her for years. I was worried this wasn’t over. Desperation had filled his eyes last night. He probably thinks she is making such a huge mistake in leaving with me. I could understand why he adored her. She was an amazing woman. He’d seemed a little obsessed yesterday though. Sometimes obsession drives people too far. Randy definitely seemed obsessed.

  But today wasn’t the worst thing she had ever been through. As she had shared some of her childhood with me, my heart had broken for her. My girl had had it tough growing up. So much loss in her life. She wouldn’t be experiencing anymore of that if I had anything to say about it. I wanted to spoil her, shower her with love and attention, make her know just how special she was to me. Lindy had changed my life that day on the rocks and nothing would ever be the same.

  It didn’t take long before I couldn’t keep my eyes open. One last yawn and then I surrendered to sleep, holding my beautiful girl.

  Waking up before the alarm wasn’t out of the ordinary for me. However, Lindy still in my arms, definitely was. Holding her made my heart beat faster.

  Lindy’s hand moved on top of mine. “Are you awake?” she asked.

  “Yes, honey. Did you sleep well?”

  “How could I not? I have you wrapped around me,” she said. The sultriness of her voice caused me to stir. I wanted to wake up this way every day for the rest of my life.

  Lindy turned to face me. “How did you sleep?”

  “I was wrapped around you, so it was perfect,” I said, moving to kiss her on the lips. “How does a shower sound?”

  “You shower in the morning too? I can’t get my day started without a shower and coffee.”

  Looking at the clock I said, “Room service should be here in about fifteen minutes. That should be enough time, don’t you think?”

  “Yes.” Lindy got out of bed and I followed behind her. She turned on the water and waited for a moment for it to become hot, then adjusted it to her liking. She slipped off her pajamas and got in. I wasn’t going to waste this opportunity.

  “Showering with me, huh. You’re so resourceful,” she said with a wink and a smile.

  “I’m all about the environment, beautiful. And right now, my biggest concern is this environment here in front of me,” I said, pulling her body into mine.

  “I’m growing very fond of your environment too,” she said, waggling her brow.

  “I wish we had more time for our shower, but our breakfast is going to be here soon,” I said as I washed Lindy’s curvy body. She returned the favor by washing mine too.

  “I’m starved. Plus, if we stay in here too long it defeats the purpose of conserving.”


  “Yes, you know. Helping the environment.”

  “Oh, of course. Sorry, I was a little distracted by the sights before me now. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” I said, kissing her on the lips.

  “Aw, Trace. You’re so sweet.”

  I turned off the water and we both wrapped ourselves up in the white fluffy towels hanging on the rack, then donned the provided robes. Without a minute to spare, a knock came at the door.

  “That must be breakfast,” I said, making my way out of the bathroom.

  Opening the door, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room. By the time Lindy sauntered out of the bathroom, everything was set up on the table. I poured us each a cup of coffee.

  “Just what I needed,” Lindy said as she brought the cup to her lips. A soft moan of satisfaction escaped her when she swallowed her first sip.

  “How are you doing today? I know yesterday was hard on you.” She took her time to answer. Raising her eyes from her breakfast, she looked out the window momentarily. A thinker. I liked that.

  “It was, but before you knocked on my door, I had already decided I couldn’t marry Randy. The letter from Dane had made that clear to me. I hate hurting him, but there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be than with you,” she said, reaching across the table, gliding her hand over mine.

  “Lindy, I feel the same way. You’re so important to me,” I said, lifting her hand to kiss it. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  Lindy tilted her head. “I can’t believe how fortunate we are. I mean, I had given up on finding love again. I’ve felt so lost in this world. But, now all I am is lost in you.” Lindy got up and came over to me. I pushed my chair back and she sat in my lap, her lips finding mine. Her kisses were soft…gentle…sweet. All I wanted to do was take her back to bed, but we didn’t have enough time. We had to be at the airport soon. But I’d be making up for this missed opportunity when we got home.

  Lindy talked to Ro on the phone while I turned in the rental car. From the occasional high-pitched squeals and giggles I could hear, it sounded like Ro was excited for Lindy and really supported her. I felt relieved, because her best friend could tell her she was acting impulsively and possibly talk her into staying here. But, that didn’t seem to be happening. When Lindy ended her conversation she said, “I can’t wait for you to meet Ro. She and her husband Todd are going to come visit us this summer.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her either. I have a guest room with their name on it,” I said, taking Lindy’s hand. “So, she doesn’t think you’ve lost your mind, leaving your life here behind to come to California with me?”

  “No. She knew how I felt about you when I met you in Maui. She gave me Dane’s letter before she was supposed to. Her way of telling me I shouldn’t marry Randy. I think she’s been waiting for me to get a life for a long time.”

  “She sounds like a good friend.”

  “She is. She’s the best.”

  I smiled at my beautiful girl. We walked from the parking lot across to the terminal. Lindy spotted him before I did.

  “Randy, what are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come to talk some sense into you, Lindy. You’re maki
ng a terrible mistake.”

  “Man, she’s made her choice. You need to accept her decision,” I said, holding onto Lindy’s hand tighter.

  “Lindy, can you please show me the courtesy of speaking with me in private? I think I at least deserve that much, don’t you?”

  Lindy looked up at me. No way in hell did I want her to be alone with this guy, but I might not have a choice.

  “Trace, I’ll be with you in a minute,” she said with a brief nod.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, slightly shaking my head. She didn’t need him making her feel any guiltier than she already did.

  “Yes, it’ll be okay.”


  We moved out of earshot from Trace. Randy looked like he hadn’t slept all night. He was unshaven, his hair a mess, and still wore the same clothes from yesterday. I guess if I were him, I’d look the same way. But, I wasn’t the one dumped, he was. I wasn’t exactly excited to see him here or talk to him, but I did at least owe him a conversation. I actually owed him way more, but I didn’t want to live my life out of obligation.

  “Lindy, I know you think you’re in love with this guy. He’s good-looking, has money, lives in California, but he’s not right for you. I am. I’m the one who has been here waiting for you. He’s just swooped in to take you away from me. Please. Don’t. Go.”

  Fighting the tears took all of my strength. I did love Randy…as a friend. Hurting him hurt me. But I’ve never been in love with him. Damn it. If I had been, the last couple of years would have been much easier. “Randy, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I never should have agreed to marry you. I love you as a friend, but I’m not in love with you.”

  “What does that even mean? Most married people probably aren’t in love after a few years. Love changes as relationships change. We have a good foundation for a lasting marriage.”

  “No, Randy. You’re wrong. I know Ro and Todd are madly in love with each other. I want what they have. I deserve that. Plus, you deserve a woman who loves and adores you. I’m sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me.”

  Randy hung his head down. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me. This is worse than you marrying Dane instead of me. You’re choosing someone else again.”

  I couldn’t hold the tears back any longer. They streamed freely down my face. Randy wiped one of my tears away. “Please, Lindy. I’m begging you. Don’t leave me. I’ll do anything.” He had a hitch in his voice and I could see he was on the verge of crying too.

  Trace walked up and put his arm around me. He didn’t say anything, but I knew he was trying to help me through this. “I have to go, Randy. I really wish you all the best and I know you’re going to find the right woman. She’s waiting for you to find her and she will be so lucky when you do.”

  Before Randy could say anything else, Trace and I made our way into the airport. Keeping his arm around me, Trace supported me as we walked. I hadn’t stopped crying yet. Randy begging me not to leave him had been heart wrenching. I couldn’t stand it.

  When they announced it was time for first class passengers to board, Trace stood up. I’d never flown first class before. Heck, I’d barely flown at all. I was surprised when the flight attendant offered me a glass of wine or champagne. It was early, but I needed a glass of wine. My nerves were shot after seeing Randy. Yesterday had been hard, but seeing him today was much worse. It was awful.

  Trace had been smart enough to let me have the few minutes we waited to board the plane to myself. He sat next to me, held my hand, kissed my temple occasionally, whispered to me that he loved me, but he didn’t push me to talk.

  The flight attendant handed me a glass of white wine, but Trace had declined alcohol, opting for a Ginger Ale instead. After taking a sip he said, “You know, I think the only time I ever drink Ginger Ale is when I fly.”

  I laughed. “Huh,” I said. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a drink this early in the day before.”

  “After what you just went through, you’re entitled. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but it looked like Randy was doing his best to present his case. I’m sure it couldn’t have been easy.”

  “No, it wasn’t. I feel so guilty for hurting him. He begged me not to leave. The devastation on his face is going to haunt me for a while.”

  “Honestly, I don’t blame him for begging you. I felt that way when you left me in Maui.”

  “I haven’t really apologized to you for that, have I?”

  “You don’t need to apologize. I withheld information from you. You had every right to leave.”

  “I didn’t know what to do at the time. I just couldn’t take being hurt if you were still in love with your ex.”

  “I know, honey. I don’t blame you for your decision. You did what you needed to do to protect yourself. All I care about is that you’re here with me now. Nothing else matters.”

  “I am sorry I left you. I should have heard you out and given you the benefit of the doubt.”

  Trace gave me a peck on the lips. “It’s forgotten. We’re moving forward.”

  I put my head on Traces’ shoulder and exhaled loudly. “After Dane died, Randy looked after me. He wasn’t pushy, but he kept up a friendship with me and I cried on his shoulder more than I care to admit. He was one of the few people who had an idea what I was going through.”

  “I know he’s been a good friend. I’m sorry it turned out this way. But someday he’ll realize you did what you thought was best.”

  “I hope so. He just deserves better. I hope he’ll find some else who can love him the way he should be loved.”

  “He will, Lindy. He’s a good guy. I could tell, even though we met under these circumstances.”

  Trace was right and I was so glad he could see the good in Randy. I sipped more of my wine. It was taking the edge off. Trace held my hand, rubbing it with his thumb. He was so affectionate, a trait I really liked. Dane hadn’t ever been as tactile as Trace, and I hadn’t realized how much I craved touch. My dad had always cuddled and caressed me. Trace’s positive attitude was like my dad’s too, and had the same calming effect. It was time to look ahead, not back. Confidence brimmed in me knowing I was moving forward in my life with Trace. I thought back to Dane’s letter, and just as I had been convinced he hadn’t been talking about Randy, I was convinced his words were about Trace. I am certain the man you have chosen is as in love with you as you are with him. He is the luckiest man in the entire world to have your heart. Trace is that man, and I am the lucky one.

  Chapter 34: Trace

  After Lindy finished her wine, she snuggled up to me and fell asleep. I didn’t mind being her pillow, or her everything if I were honest. In such a short time she had become a very important person in my life. Derrick’s death had reminded me that life was short. Too short. I didn’t want mine to be over and not have what I wanted. I wanted Lindy. From our first touch I’d known she was the one for me. Felt it.

  Having been on an emotional roller coaster in the last twenty-four hours I wasn’t surprised she was sleeping. Sleep was the best thing for her. Hopefully, she’d feel better when she woke up. Even if she didn’t I was here to love her and support her no matter what.

  I did feel bad for Randy, but obviously not that bad. I didn’t blame him for fighting for her. I would have done the same thing. She chose me. She deserved some happiness in her life, and I would make every effort to provide that.

  Lindy began to stir as the flight attendants were offering lunch. She lifted her head off my shoulder. “Did you get to rest a little?”

  “Yes, I can’t believe I fell asleep. I’ve just been really tired lately.”

  “You’ve been under a lot of emotional stress. It’s only natural you would be tired.”

  The flight attendant gave us the choice of shrimp or beef. We both took shrimp.

  “Not bad for airplane food,” I said.

  “I was thinking the same thing. So, how much longer till we land?”

  “We have about an hour
and a half.”

  “That’s not bad.” Lindy put her hand in mine. “You’re taking me on another adventure.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, all my life I’ve played it safe. But meeting you has changed that. Being with you in Maui was adventurous for me. Probably not for you, but you make me want to do things I’ve never done before. Like flying away from my life and starting a new one with you.”

  I lifted Lindy’s hand and kissed the back of it. “This is just the beginning of adventures for us. We’re going to get married, have a honeymoon, travel, have a family. It will never be a dull moment, I promise.” The smile on her face made my heart soar. She was so beautiful.

  “So, how many kids do you want to have?” she asked, looking up at me through her lashes.

  “I think two is good. I don’t want to be outnumbered,” I said chuckling.

  Lindy laughed too. “I completely agree. Sometimes we had four kids at the house and it was a little crazy. But, I was an only child until I was ten, so I was used to a more quiet home life.”

  “Yeah, I had a similar experience. Kristie and I are only eleven months apart, so we are very close. We did everything together growing up. My other sister, Shannon, was born seven years later. I love her, but we’re not connected the same way.”

  “Oh, that is a big age difference.”

  “It’s better now that we’re grown up, but we’re still not close. Something I want to work on.”

  “Well, I’m looking forward to meeting them both.”

  “Kristie knows all about you, so I know she’s excited. I haven’t really talked to Shannon about us. The last time I talked to her was at Derrick’s funeral. But, my family’s going to love you. I’m not worried at all.”

  “I haven’t exactly met too many…families. Just Ro’s family and Randy’s. Dane didn’t have a family to meet.”

  “Well, there’s nothing to be nervous about.”

  “What if your mom doesn’t like me?”


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