Innocent (Inequitable Trilogy Book 2)

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Innocent (Inequitable Trilogy Book 2) Page 44

by Lesli Richardson

  Then a mouth closes around my balls, teeth gently tugging on them.

  “Maybe I should lock my baby boy up so only Daddy can play with you.” His voice coming from by my ear means it must be Elliot’s mouth around my balls.

  Nails dig into the sit-line on both legs, making me cry out.

  “Tsk.” Leo licks the tracks of my tears along my right cheek. “The boy’s ass is so tender and sweet.”

  Another jolt of pain from Elliot’s nails digging into my flesh washes through me.

  “That’s it, baby boy.” Leo licks my left cheek. “Let it all out. Because Daddy’s home, and you might be Elliot’s Sir, but who do you belong to?”

  “You, Daddy!” I gasp.

  Elliot releases my balls and his teeth sink into my inner right thigh. That’s no playful nip, either.

  “Yes, boy,” Leo says. “Take your marks for Daddy.”

  Elliot sucks hard, and the thought briefly floats into my mind that sitting will be all kinds of interesting tomorrow.

  Then he does it to my inner left thigh.

  Leo cages my head with his hands and stares down into my eyes. “My very good boy.” A wide smile beams at me and turns the pain down from an 11 to a 1.

  I’ll take anything he asks of me.


  Elliot bites up and down the insides of my legs until, finally, Leo nuzzles my nose with his. “The boy needs to be rechristened by me, doesn’t he?”

  “Yes, Daddy!” I don’t realize I’m begging until it’s already out of my mouth. “Please mark me, Daddy!” Words begin to spill from my lips in a jagged ramble, begging for any number of filthy, dark things from Leo, until he finally chuckles and kisses the tip of my nose.

  “Soothe the boy, Elliot,” Leo playfully teases. “While I get ready.” I feel Leo move away, and my begging to be marked changes to wanting him to return.

  They could have me pinned down in the middle of the Senate chambers and be beaming this out live on C-SPAN, and I wouldn’t give one single, solitary fuck. Flying or otherwise.

  I flinch when Elliot’s tongue swipes down my crack and circles my hole.

  “Oh, the pet has you in his thrall now.” Leo’s teasing tone comes from somewhere off the bed, in the direction of the bathroom door.

  Elliot does it again, and again, making me shiver as my cock aches and throbs where it’s inaccessible to me.

  This shuts off my brain almost as well as the pain did moments ago, and Leo damn well knows it.

  I can only pray he doesn’t edge me for hours.

  Hands settle on my ass again, but this time it’s Leo. I can tell from the angle and location, and his warm breath blows along the seam of my ass, where Elliot’s tongue has primed me.

  “Oh, baby boy.” He licks the underside of my sac. “You are going to be walking funny in the morning.” Leo sits up, then Elliot changes positions, which allows me to free my arms. Suddenly, Elliot’s cock’s poking me in the lips.

  Of course, I open.


  Say aaaahhhh, bitches.

  I suck him down deep while his mouth closes around my cock. And then Leo’s hands return. This time, it’s two fingers, coated with lube and pressing for entrance.

  My brain slips into neutral because my body’s running the show. I try to rock in time with what they’re doing to me, but I can’t move because of the weight of Elliot’s body. He grabs a pillow and pulls it under my head, which makes it easier for me to keep him deep in my throat without killing my neck.

  I’m soaring. I’ve never done drugs, despite all the easy access I’ve had to them over the years I’ve spent going to clubs. But if I did, I can imagine this is what it’d feel like. Now I remember one of the reasons why it hurt so much leaving Leo, and why we were so perfect together.

  He’s a drug I can’t get out of my system. Now that I’ve had another hit of him after so many months of sobriety, it’s a high unlike any I’ve ever known.

  “Get him off, pet,” Leo says. “Then build him up again. You can come, too, if you want to. Or hold back, if you can. Your choice.”

  The fingers inside me scissor and turn, seeking, finding my sweet spot. I let out a moan around Elliot’s cock and Leo’s evil chuckle stokes my need.

  “That’s it, baby boy. Let the pet have his fun so you and I can have ours. You’ll get all the orgasms you can handle tonight.”

  That’s really all it takes to get me over. My body clamps down on Leo’s fingers as pleasure rolls through me and I fill Elliot’s mouth. Elliot moans, too, from my mouth vibrating around his cock.

  Leo pats me on the ass with his free hand as he laughs. “There you go, baby.”

  Elliot’s cock disappears from my mouth as Elliot releases mine. “I want to hold back, Master,” he says. “I think I only have one in me tonight.”

  “Fair enough, pet.” I hear them kissing. I’m catching my breath and come-drunk and totally compliant. I’m in their hands, now, totally.

  Leo’s fingers disappear and reappear just as quickly, three fingers this time. The pinching burn quickly turns pleasant as he once again strokes my prostate.

  Elliot sits up and his fingers find my nipples, twisting and tugging. Doesn’t take Leo and Elliot long to get my cock hard again, either.

  “That’s what I wanted to see.” Leo’s fingers disappear, quickly replaced by his bare cock pressing in hard and fast and feeling so damned good.

  Elliot frees my legs and Leo takes them, wraps them around his waist, and they adjust position. Elliot’s cock returns to my mouth and he sucks mine down again.

  Like that, we’re off to the races.

  This is unlike anything I ever dreamed of. Every fantasy I ever had, every dirty, greedy wish come true, times ten. I can wrap my arms around Elliot now, holding him, massaging his ass and raking my nails across his flesh the way I know he loves.

  We’re moving as one now, and they’re both in control of me, with Leo setting the pace. I quickly spin down again into bliss as Leo starts pounding me, and I think I’ve forgotten how to speak English, much less any of the phrases I know in other languages, thanks to Leo’s tutelage.

  This orgasm hits me harder, slamming into me faster than I expected. Elliot drives his cock down my throat while Leo fucks me, and then a moment later, we’re all sitting there breathing heavily.

  Elliot sort of flops off me, then turns around so he can kiss me.

  “Fuck, that’s sexy,” Leo mutters. He leans in and kisses me, too. “Bathtime.”

  I was right—the three of us do fit in the tub. It’s a little snug, but the best snuggling is performed close up.

  Leo takes the middle. “Baby, I never thought I’d ever get to hold you again like this.”

  On his other side, Elliot snorts. “I, for one, welcome my new overlord’s presence.”

  “Please tell me you’re staying all night, Sir,” I ask, already drifting dangerously close to sleep.

  Leo kisses me. “Just try getting me out of here before morning, baby.”

  I do drift off for a moment. Then Leo’s helping me out of the tub, drying me off, and carrying me back to bed. He climbs in the middle, wraps his arms around me…and that’s pretty much the last thing I remember that night.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  I awake before my alarm the next morning to find that Leo’s curled around me, which is a bonus.

  This officially means I am no longer trapped in a hell of my own making.

  Yesterday…really happened.

  I not only get the hot guy, I get the other hot guy, too.

  When I start to move, Leo’s arm tightens where it’s hooked around my waist.

  “No, you don’t,” he mumbles against the back of my neck. “Where d’you think you’re going, baby?” His cock hardens along the seam of my ass and I realize I’m not getting out of here this morning without him fucking me first.


  Good thing I’m awake early.

  I roll in his arms to face
him. As I kiss him, his hands land on my deliciously sore ass. Unfortunately, I didn’t look at myself in the mirror last night before going to bed to see what kind of marks I had. I’m sure they’re more pronounced this morning.

  Leo nips my bottom lip and tugs. “Who’s my good boy?”

  “Me, Daddy.”

  “That’s right.” In the dim light, he stares into my eyes as his fingers dig hard and deep into my ass, making me wince. “You’re Daddy’s good boy, and you’re never leaving me or the pet again, are you?”

  “No, Daddy.”

  “Can I ask a question?” Elliot mumbles next to us before he rolls toward us and drapes an arm around us.

  Leo tips his head back. “Yes, pet?”

  I feel Elliot’s right leg hook over mine. “When’d the Daddy thing start? That’s kinda hot.”

  “Yesterday,” the two of us say in unison, triggering our laughter.

  “I should clarify,” Elliot adds. “I think it’s hot when Jordan calls you that, Master.”

  Leo chuckles. “Don’t want the boy calling you ‘Daddy’ when you top him, pet?”

  “No, thank you, Master. It’s difficult enough for me to climb into that mode for him as it is. And please don’t ask me to call you that, either.”

  Leo sighs. “I suppose I can be a nice guy this time. Even if I thought I trained you better than to let me know what irritates you, pet.”

  Yeah, never let a sadist know what gets under your skin. That kind of falls under the Submissive Survival Tactics 101 header. I learned that within the first few weeks of my life with Leo.

  Elliot raises his head so he can look me in the eyes. “You trained me to give you all pertinent information, Master. You also said the act of giving you the information will never be held against me.”

  “You do say that,” I add. “All the fricking time.”

  Leo sighs. “Ahh, this is true. Hoisted by my own pedantic nature.”

  Elliot gives me a sleepy smile and a wink. I’m struggling not to grind myself against Leo, because my cock’s hard now and grinding on him without permission will usually earn me the not-fun kind of punishment.

  Like ordering me to wait to get off, while he torments me even more to make me hornier.

  It’s not that Leo minds us grinding on him. It’s a control issue, for him. Because if we break that rule, he gets to mete out punishment of a sadistic nature.

  Kind of a win-win, even if I’m swearing at him in the process.

  I turn off the alarm and, in less than a minute, I find myself on my back in a sixty-nine with Leo while Elliot fucks me.

  Not the worst way to start our morning.

  Unfortunately, the real world still exists. We drag ourselves out of bed and Leo sends us into the shower while he goes to make our coffee. I stand under the spray while holding Elliot, who sits on his shower bench.

  “I could get used to this,” Elliot murmurs against my abs. “As much as it terrifies me.”

  That’s actually progress, for him.

  I massage his head. “Me, too, boy.”

  He looks up at me. “Please don’t ever leave us again, Jor. I love you.”

  I cup his face and kiss him. “Love you, too, El. I promise I’ll never leave again.”

  We’re still standing there like that when Leo returns, carrying three coffee mugs on a small tray. He sets them on the bathroom counter before joining us in the shower. From his beaming smile, I know he’s happy watching us together like this.

  He wraps his arms around us, kisses me, leans in and kisses Elliot, and sighs. “Putting you both on notice right now. The morning after Elliot’s no longer in office, I get to hog both of you, and the rest of the world can get in line behind me.”

  I notice how deliberately he worded that. No mention of four or eight years.

  As much as he’d be happy if Elliot withdrew from the race today, and despite knowing Elliot absolutely would withdraw if Leo demanded it, Leo would never do that to him. He loves Elliot and will do whatever he can to make the man happy.

  Even at great cost to himself.

  Always at great cost to himself. That’s something I’ve witnessed first-hand over the years.

  Leo always puts himself last when it comes to us and our well-being. It’s the sign of a good Dominant, but long-term, the cost to his own soul is incalculable.

  “Yes, Sir,” we say in unison.

  As we take our shower and start our morning, I realize that no matter what the rest of my life brings, as long as I have these two men beside me, I can deal with anything.

  And I’ll do anything for either of them.

  * * * *

  Over the next several weeks, we settle into some semblance of what passes for a new normal, for us. At night, when Elliot and I are in DC, Leo frequently comes over to the residence, and sometimes stays for the whole night.

  Meaning I have to get creative with Elliot’s schedule. I want the two of them to have time alone together.

  I also spend nights here and there with Leo at his apartment, as long as I can leave early enough in the morning to return to Elliot’s, awaken him, and start his day. Keeping his routine steady means less stress on him.

  I also notice he always acts a little territorial with me on the mornings after I’ve been alone with Leo. It’s adorable, but I don’t mention it to Leo, or even tell Elliot I notice he does it.

  Things like he makes sure to leave at least one really dark mark on me, usually on my arm.

  Something he knows Leo will see.

  Ironically, he no longer intentionally leaves marks on Leo for me to see like he used to.

  With this new world order, I can finally get all of us back on a schedule that allows time for a daily workout, either in the morning or evening. A half-hour of cardio, if nothing else.

  Eh, cardio that’s not sex-related. Elliot has to stay in shape, after all. He’s the candidate.

  With the personal shit settled and stable, it allows me and Leo to focus on working together to give all our support to Elliot. I guess I shouldn’t have worried about Leo trying to take control of Elliot from me. When it comes to the work part of Elliot’s life, Leo is hands-off, other than offering advice when I request it. He defers to me about scheduling and handling Elliot, and never tries to overrule me or play mind games with me.

  Did I mention how much I love that sadist? Because I do.

  Yes, there are times I go directly to him and ask him to handle a situation for me. I do that as much for my own needs as I do Leo’s and Elliot’s. To make sure their power dynamic doesn’t suffer.

  And, sometimes, to give myself a desperately needed respite.

  The care and feeding of a pet VPOTUS is a lot of fricking work.

  Over the next several months, Elliot’s campaign gains ground, takes in donations, and builds a strong volunteer network. We’re hiring staff and, in my free time, I’m studying polling data and working closely with Elliot’s speechwriters and policy advisors.

  In a generic poll of Elliot against any GOP candidate, if the election were held today, he’s ahead by nearly forty points. The closest any single candidate has ever gotten to him is twenty-six points down. That number’s fluctuating to the good sometimes, but never any closer than that.

  I like his odds, but we won’t get cocky. Not at all.

  Cocky candidates make terminal mistakes. Terminal in regards to their candidacy. They do preventably stupid things, like let out a yodeling scream on camera, or misspell the name of a common tuber root in front of a classroom full of kids and TV cameras.

  Elliot is attacking this campaign like he’s got a broad field of competitors not just from the GOP, but from his own party. While there were various rumblings from a couple of perennial Democrat bridesmaids, President Samuels had private chats with them and backed them off. Because any challenge from politicians who’ve got a considerable history in DC could prove disastrous in terms of people continuing to take Elliot seriously, and it would divert precious r
esources at a national level that’ll be needed late next year.

  Right now, Elliot’s not just campaigning for himself, but for other down-ballot candidates as well, so he’s garnering a lot of goodwill.

  The GOP candidate field wildly fluctuates with candidates declaring and dropping out, never more than four or five frontrunners at any given time, and no one dominating the polls in any meaningful way.

  We have our message. Whoever ends up becoming Elliot’s opponent will be chasing us in pretty much every way.

  That’s just the way I like it. Make them play catch-up.

  Leo was sooo right about living a split life. It’s totally worth it, though. With Leo’s presence, I don’t need Elliot to step into Top mode for me. I get what I need from Leo, he helps me keep Elliot sane and centered, and Leo patiently bridges the gap between his job working for POTUS and his relationship with us.

  The few times when the two of us have been alone together, when I’ve asked Leo for his honest thoughts on Elliot being in the race, he’s always demurred and distracted me instead of giving me a direct answer.

  Which is in itself an answer, I suppose.

  I know he wishes Elliot wasn’t running, but Leo’s a man of his word. Once Elliot’s through this, he’ll have no choice but to confront head-on any remaining issues. He’ll also have no excuses, except worrying what his family will think, holding him back from being with Leo full-time. No worries about winning elections from that point on.

  If Elliot wins.

  Which… I know Leo’s no idiot. He knows the chances are likely Elliot will win. I don’t even want to contemplate what happens if Elliot loses and then decides to try again in four years. I would have to sit down with Leo for a serious talk about us confronting Elliot and forcing him to come out. I won’t let Elliot put Leo through additional years of standing in the shadows.

  Hopefully, I will be enough for Leo to get him through the coming years while we share Elliot with the nation.

  Elliot’s sister might not survive the damn election, though. I had to leave standing orders with the campaign staff not to make any promises to Stella about appearances, or bringing guests to events, and that they must refer her to me every time she makes a request.


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