[Alabama Summer 01.0] Where I Belong

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[Alabama Summer 01.0] Where I Belong Page 1

by J. Daniels

  Where I Belong

  Copyright@2014 J. Daniels.

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and other elements portrayed herein are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real persons or events is coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, storied in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the author.

  Cover Design

  Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations

  Interior Design & Formatting

  Christine Borgford, Type A Formatting


  Where I Belong



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Author's Note

  Sneak Peek of Four Letter Word


  Books by J. Daniels

  About The Author

  To my family.

  BENJAMIN KELLY WAS the bane of my existence.

  His teasing was relentless, always making sure to point out each and every one of my insecurities whenever I was around him. And because I was best friends with his sister Tessa, I was around him all the time.

  “You have food stuck in your braces. That’s so disgusting. Maybe you should just stop eating since you’re so fat anyway.”

  “Gross. What is that on your face? It looks like a second head.”

  “God, can you even see anything out of those glasses, nerd? How many times are you going to run into things?”

  “Mia Corelli is the ugliest girl I’ve ever seen. Oh sorry, Mia. I didn’t see you sitting right next to me.”

  I hated him with a fury. I was convinced that his sole purpose in life was to break me down to nothing. And he succeeded on more than one occasion. I never cried in front of him, though. I never gave him that satisfaction. I just stood there and took it, saving my tears for when I was alone. Tessa was always standing up for me, throwing every insult she could think of at him. And I was grateful for that, because I didn’t have it in me to give him what he deserved. My bank of comebacks were pathetic compared to Tessa’s. So I’d just sit back and let her handle it.

  “You’re just jealous that Mia’s teeth are going to be straighter than yours, loser. Why don’t you go get that giant gap fixed before someone kicks a field goal through it?”

  “What’s that on your face, Ben? God, it’s hideous. Oh, never mind. There’s nothing on your face. That’s just how you look.”

  “At least Mia isn’t stupid like you, Ben. If you make it out of eighth grade, it’ll be a miracle.”

  “Ben Kelly has the smallest penis in the world. He has to hold it with a pair of tweezers when he pees.”

  Her comebacks would shut him up temporarily, but when he found his voice again, it was frequently used to take a shot at me. I was his sister’s nerdy, awkward best friend who became his favorite punching bag for five grueling years. I grew some thick skin and became used to the torment, but my insecurities were always there. He’d never let me forget about them. He was the spawn of Satan, the biggest jerk on the planet, and I’d hate him for the rest of my life.

  Benjamin Kelly was the worst thing to come out of Alabama. And if I never saw him again, that would be fine by me.

  “I DON’T HAVE to go. If this is too much on you, I can stay here. It really isn’t a big deal, Aunt Mae.” Closing the door to my mother’s bedroom, I walk down the hallway into the kitchen behind my aunt. “Really. I mean it. Just because she’s doing okay right now doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for me to leave the state.”

  My aunt places her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently. “You need a break from all of this, sweetie. You’ve been taking care of her twenty-four hours a day for the past nine months. Everyone needs to take some time for themselves.” She tilts her head, her expression softening with a smile. “She wants you to have fun, Mia. Go enjoy your summer and leave all of this to me.”

  Sighing, I shake my head, not fully committed to the idea of leaving. “What if she gets really sick and I’m not here? What if she needs me?”

  The thought of my mother calling out for me while I’m four hours away is enough to cancel this whole trip. She loves my aunt, but I’m the one that’s been here. I’m the one that’s been doing everything for her since she fell ill. She’s used to me, not Mae. I know the look she gets when she’s really feeling bad, but won’t admit it. I know how to get her to eat when she refuses. Me; I don’t need a break, let alone an entire summer off from taking care of my own mother.

  “If anything happens, even the slightest change in her condition, I’ll call you.” Her hand cups my face, her thumb stroking the skin of my cheek. “Promise me you won’t let all of your worrying prevent you from having an amazing summer with Tessa.”

  “I just don’t know if this is the best time. She hasn’t had her strength back for that long.”

  Aunt Mae issues me a look, indicating that she’s not letting me back out of this. “This is the perfect time. And like I said before, she wants you to go. If you try and stay home now, I’m afraid you won’t only be getting an earful from me.”

  I smile and nod in agreement. My mom does enjoy laying into me when I deserve it. She’s stern but sweet at the same time, always following up a punishment with a hug.

  “All right, I’ll go. But you need to promise you’ll call me if there’s any change. Even the slightest.”

  “I promise.” She drops her hand and steps around the counter, digging into the pile of dishes that has accumulated in the sink.

  I’ll be staying with Tessa at her parents’ house for the summer while she looks after it. I have a ton of memories at that house, considering the fact that I practically lived there for five years. I’d always go to Tessa’s house after school, staying there until my mom would pick me up on her way home. Tessa was like the sister I never had, and when my grandmother got sick and we had to move to Fulton, Georgia the summer before ninth grade, I cried for weeks. We kept in touch over the years, and now I’ll be spending the entire summer with her just like we used to. And as long as her pain-in-the-ass brother stays as far away from me as possible, it’s going to be the best summer of my life.

  Benjamin Kelly. World’s biggest dickhead.

  I head back to my bedroom, needing to finish up my last bit of packing. Tessa is expecting me tomorrow afternoon sometime, but I’m not waiting until then to get into Alabama. There is something I want to do before I start my summer break. Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. If I’m really going to enjoy myself this summer, I need to let go of all my inhibitions. This will not be the summer of hang-ups or shyness. I’m not the same girl that left Ruxton nine years ago. That girl has been gone for a long time. The braces came off first, followed by the weight and the glasses; which were exchanged for contacts. My hair is no longer a wild mess of curls now that I’ve learned how to manage it. My skin cleared up in tenth grade, and tha
t wasn’t the only big change to my appearance that year. My breasts came in overnight it seemed, and they are definitely my best asset, if I do say so myself. And with the help of the volleyball team I joined in high school, my body got tight and stayed that way. The new Mia Corelli is going to let loose and experience everything an Alabama summer had to offer. But in order to do that, I need to handle something first. And that thing is going to be handled tonight.

  I grab my phone, falling back onto my pillow after pushing my suitcases to the floor.

  Me: All packed up! I’ll call you when I’m on the road tomorrow.

  Tessa: OMFG I’m so excited! Your ass is mine for the summer! I have so much planned for us already. :)

  Me: Yay! I can’t wait to get there and relax by the pool for three months.

  Tessa: That’s not all we’re doing. We’re finding you a play thing for the summer. I’ll surround you with penises if I have to.

  Jesus, Tessa.

  Me: Well there’s an image. Speaking of dicks, any chance your brother will be out of the country for the summer?

  Tessa: Don’t worry about Ben. I don’t even see him that much so you won’t have to either. And besides, he’s already been warned. If he bothers you, I get to kick him in the nuts.

  Me: Only after I get the first shot at him. :)

  Tessa: There’s my girl. This summer is going to be amazeballs!!! See ya tomorrow!

  Me: See ya!

  I don’t even know the name of the bar I’m currently sitting in. But I doubt it matters. It was the first one I spotted when I got off the Ruxton exit and it looked promising enough. A bar seems like the perfect venue for what I am about to do, or at least attempt to do. I don’t want to face another summer as a virgin, especially when my best friend isn’t shy about her sexual conquests. If I am going to keep up with her this summer, I have to ditch my virginity, and fast. That’s why I picked a bar. This doesn’t need to be romantic. I’m not looking for a relationship. This is just sex. Get-it-over-with kind of sex, and hopefully with an orgasm in the process.

  Tessa has no idea that I still hold my v-card, and I really don’t want to show up tomorrow waving it around like some sort of abstinence banner. So, with the help of my most non-virginal outfit, I’m going to be giving away that card to one of the lucky men in this bar tonight.

  “Here ya go, sweetheart,” the bartender says, placing a bright purple drink in front of me. “From the guy with the black shirt at the end of the bar.”

  I wrap my fingers around the glass and glance down the length of the bar, meeting the eyes of the man that bought me the drink.

  He’s hot. Really hot. Insanely hot. The kind of hot that makes you think, there’s no way in hell this guy is looking at me. He has short, dark hair and eyes that are bright enough to see in the dim lighting.

  I send him a smile before looking away to take a sip of my drink. It tastes delicious, like raspberry and coconut. I take another sip and glance back down the bar, but the man is no longer there. A surge of disappointment floods my system.

  “Crap. Where’d he go?” I utter under my breath as my eyes search the crowded bar. Who buys a girl a drink and then leaves before cashing in on the thank you? Didn’t he see the giant florescent arrow pointing to me, flashing this chick wants to get laid by you? Damn it. That hottie was definite v-card redeeming material.

  “Where’d who go, baby?”

  Whipping my head around, I meet the eyes of my sexy little drink buyer as he claims the stool next to me. Gasping softly, I allow myself a moment to take in the hotness that is now brushing up against my arm.

  His bright gray eyes are hooded by dark eyebrows, and my attention is drawn down to his lips as they curl up into a smile.

  Those. Lips. Holy hell.

  Full and way the hell inviting. If I had the nerve, I’d jump all over them.

  I look back up into his eyes with a grin. “Oh, um, you actually. I wanted to thank you for my drink. It’s really good. What is it?”

  “Purple passion. No, purple hurricane?” His eyebrows furrow as he thinks it over. I smile around my straw, taking another sip. “I don’t know. Some purple, girly drink. You looked really thirsty from where I was standing, so I thought I’d help you out.”

  I arch my eyebrow. “Oh? And how long have you been watching me to make that observation?”

  He chuckles one of the sweetest laughs I’ve ever heard before replying, “Long enough to see that you’re also here by yourself, which surprises me.”

  I watch as he motions for the bartender, admiring the way the muscles in his arm flex as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet.

  “Why does that surprise you? And are you here by yourself, or is your girlfriend in the ladies room?” My tone is teasing, and I see his lip curl up in the corner as he absorbs my words.

  This guy better not have a girlfriend. He’ll be wearing my delicious drink if he does.

  He turns his body toward me, reaching his hand out to trail down my arm. “You’re really fucking hot, that’s why it surprises me. And I wouldn’t be taking you back to my place if I had a girlfriend.”

  Old Mia would be shocked by his forwardness, but new Mia is looking up to the heavens, thanking God for putting this gorgeous man who doesn’t waste any time on this planet and in this bar tonight.

  His finger stops on the top of my hand and he begins rubbing my skin softly there. “That is, if you want to go back to my place. Or we could do yours. It doesn’t matter to me. I’m game for any place that’ll put me between your legs.” His grin spreads and two massive dimples appear in each cheek.

  Oh, good God. That’s adorable.

  “You certainly cut right to the chase.”

  He shrugs. “I just know what I want, and I’ve been staring at her for the past twenty minutes.”

  I like this guy. And not only because he’s too good looking for words and blunt as hell. There’s something about his playfulness that’s drawing me to him. Plus, I feel hotter than I’ve ever felt; confident even. Which could be because of the one drink I’ve already downed before this hottie bought me another. Either way, Tessa would be proud of this Mia.

  I cross one leg over the other, gaining his attention when the hem of my dress slides higher up my thigh. “Getting between my legs requires changing locations? You don’t seem like the type of guy that shies away from public sex.”

  He definitely doesn’t. He looks like the type of guy that would take me anytime, anyplace, and not give a shit what the consequences are. There’s an edginess to him that is definitely hitting all my hot spots.

  He smiles before he leans in and brushes his lips against my ear. “I’m not, but this bar will eventually close, and I don’t plan on stopping what I’m going to do to you until your body can’t take anymore.”

  I shudder at the thought and move my hand to his thigh, flexing my fingers and feeling his muscles contract against me. Turning my head, I put my lips right up to his ear and mimic his position. “Will you be gentle with me? I’ve never done this before,” I whisper. “But God, I want this. I want you to make me come.” I lean back and meet his bright eyes, noticing the specks of blue that stand out against the gray. His gaze hypnotizes me. “Do you think you can handle me?”

  I swear I hear a growl rumbling in his throat as his hand trails back up my arm and grips the back of my neck underneath my hair. It feels possessive, as if he’s claiming me right here in front of everyone. And I know it sounds crazy, but I want to be owned by this man. I want to give myself to him completely and a huge part of me doesn’t want gentle. I don’t care that it might hurt. I want him to take me and I don’t want him to hold back.

  He grabs my chin with his other hand and turns my head, bringing our lips together for the slightest bit of contact. I crave more instantly, whimpering when his mouth leaves mine. I see his lip twitch in response to my desperation.

  He has me and he knows it.

  “I’m going to fucking consume you,” he sa
ys against my mouth, bringing his other hand around and raking his thumb across my bottom lip. I open my mouth and he slips it inside, his eyes watching with a new heat as I scrape my teeth along his skin and bite down with the smallest amount of pressure. The muscles in his neck twitch and he slides it out, dragging his now wet thumb down my neck. “Your place or mine, baby? I’m close to losing my mind if I don’t get inside you soon.”

  I lick my lips, tasting the trace of whiskey that he left on them from our brief kiss. “Yours. I don’t have a place.”

  “Just passing through?” he asks with raised eyebrows.

  We’re still sitting so close together, practically on top of each other, and I feel safe. Protected. Something about his looming presence makes me feel like I can trust him completely. It’s unexplainable.

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  I finish off the rest of my drink and stand, indicating that I’m ready to take this where we both want it to go. I can’t sit in this bar any longer with him touching me and not lose my mind right along with him.

  He gets to his feet and my eyes do a double take.

  Damn, he’s gorgeous. I couldn’t tell from his seated position, but the man has a torso that goes on for days. Broad and built, he definitely works out–and often–with this type of physique. His narrow waist is fitted perfectly in a pair of jeans, and his legs are long and muscular. I can only imagine what the back of him looks like.

  I grab my clutch and look up, way up into his face. “I could seriously climb you like an oak tree.”

  “Oh yeah? I think I’d like to see that.” His playful response makes me laugh, and I’m quickly being pulled through the crowd and out the door.

  The sweet Alabama air blows my hair off my shoulders.

  “You wanna follow me or should I bring you back here to get your car? It’s up to you.” He stops once we reach the middle of the parking lot, my hand still firmly placed in his.

  I don’t want to pull it out of his to get in my car. I don’t want to be away from him for one second, because we’ll only have tonight. That’s how one-night stands work, or so I’ve heard. It’s not like I know what I’m doing here. But it would make more sense if we drove separately. Besides, if he’s some psycho, I’ll need a getaway vehicle.


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