Hope Falls_Sparks Fly

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Hope Falls_Sparks Fly Page 2

by Jennifer Miller

  “Follow me, I’ll show you to the waiting area. You can have a seat while we check out your car and see what’s going on. Okay?”

  “Alright,” I follow him and when we swing through the door the cool air greets us. I sigh at the feeling of it on my skin.

  “There’s water, coffee, a soda and snack machine. Help yourself. I’ll be back shortly.”

  “Thanks,” I tell him as he disappears. Sitting down I look around the room. There’s a coffee table in front of all the chairs bearing several car magazines and newspapers, and framed pictures of various cars. A photograph draws my attention and I walk over and peer at it. Smiling back at me is a younger Mr. Mechanic - and a woman that looks like his mother on one side given the resemblance and his father on another. There’s also a young girl that must be the distrusting writer. They all have their arms draped around each other’s backs and are smiling into the camera. I can’t help but smile at the photo. This place must be a family owned business and for some reason that makes me feel a little better about trusting Mr. Mechanic to not rip me off.

  Sitting back in my chair, I lean my head back on the wall behind me and close my eyes. I’m eager now to get to my brother’s place. He’s close. Once I hit this town, Hope Falls is just fifteen minutes away, the next town over. Plus, I’m starving. Closing my eyes, I picture the fun Brady and I will have together the next few days. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him and I’m eager for some advice and companionship that my big brother provides. I consider calling him and letting him know I’ll be late, but know he’d insist on coming to get me, so I refrain.

  I’m startled when the door swings open interrupting my thoughts. Opening my eyes, Mr. Mechanic stands there wiping his now greasy hands on a rag. I bet getting that out from underneath his fingernails is a bitch. “Well I have some good news and some bad news, which would you like first?”

  “I’ll go with the good news.”

  “It’s not the battery, which I figured given the smoke you said…uh Henry…emitted, but I still checked it just in case.” he says.

  “Well that’s good, right?”

  “Yes, and here’s some more good news. The problem is your radiator, it has a hole in it, which is easily replaceable.”

  “Great,” I tell him. “So… what’s the problem?”

  “The bad news is that I don’t have a radiator for your car’s make and model. The computer tells me that the dealership in the next town has one, but I’ll need to keep your car here at least through tomorrow to get it done. Also, you’re looking at about eight hundred bucks for the part and labor to repair it.”

  “What? Are you kidding me?” I ask in shock and surprise. “My car is only five years old. How is this a problem already? Seriously? Eight hundred dollars? This is because I told you I don’t know anything about cars isn’t it? You’re totally running a racket here aren’t you? I will report your ass to the Better Business Bureau, Mr. Mechanic! I actually believed you wouldn’t scam me, especially when I saw the sweet picture you have posted in your lobby here. I bet that’s why it’s here isn’t it? Is this even you and your family? You just want to make people think you’re a nice little mechanic until you ream them up the ass with the cost of doing business with you!”

  “Whoa. Are you done?” he asks me, arms across his chest and a look of surprise on his face.

  “I don’t know,” I tell him still catching my breath from my outburst. I take a few more breaths, and swipe at the hair that’s fallen into my face. “Alright, I’m done.”

  He takes a print out from his hand and shows me where he’s printed out the bill estimate. Most of the cost is due to the part, he’s hardly charging me much for labor at all. Therefore, most of the fee is out of his hands and that totally makes me an ass. Whatever, not like I’m going to admit that to him. Instead I sigh dramatically, “How long until it’s done?”

  “Two days tops.”

  “Two days?” I whine.

  “I have a few other cars ahead of you that have to take priority, but I’ll get to yours as soon as I can,” he says exasperated.

  “Fine. I guess I don’t really have a choice.”

  “Alright, I need some information from you first.”

  “Okay,” I tell him.

  “May I have your driver’s license?”

  I fish it out of my wallet and hand it over, my mind reeling from the unexpected expense that’s going to make things a little tight. I’ll be able to transfer money from my savings, but that’s going to drain it quite a bit.

  I practically cleared out my account when I moved to L.A. and used most of my funds getting my new place and setting up my business. Perhaps I’m going to need to look for a roommate after all.

  “Your name is Brittney Larson?” he asks me, his brows high.

  “Yep.” He smirks, “Something funny about that?” I ask in annoyance.

  He clears his throat, “No. You just don’t look like a Brittney.”

  He makes no sense. “Seriously? I have blonde hair, blue eyes, a great tan and a banging body. Remind you of anyone?”

  “I’m guessing most of the women in LA?” he asks and I roll my eyes.

  “Whatever,” I tell him.

  “Wait! I’ve got it,” he says. “Is it Barbie?”

  “Are we done now?” I ask.

  “I just need a phone number,” he says pen poised. I rattle it off and he writes it down. “Okay, I’ll call you when your car is ready. In the mean time, did you need me to give you a ride somewhere? You mentioned you have somewhere to be.”

  “No, I’ve got the app on my phone for a car service. I’ll use it.”

  “Really, it’s not a problem.”

  “I’ve already imposed on you for a rescue and a ride here, I’m good.”

  “Alright,” he smiles. “But if you change your mind… I’m available…for a ride.”

  “You wish,” I throw over my shoulder and he laughs. Turning away from him, I tap the information needed into my phone. I suppose I can’t be mad given I started the flirting, and I’m not mad at him, not really. I’m just pissed about my freaking car. He’s left the waiting room, and ten minutes later, my ride shows up. Grabbing my bag and purse, I get into the car and tell the driver where to go, never seeing Mr. Mechanic again.

  Chapter Four


  Watching Brittney get into the car to leave I shake my head. She’s something else. From the moment I saw her waiting by her car I knew she would be. Head held high, chin jutting, flirty smile and legs for days the girl is a looker. And sassy and infuriating and annoying and many more adjectives I haven’t thought of yet. Returning to work, she runs through my mind for the rest of the day. When five o’clock comes, I’m more than ready to close up, anxious to get home and in the shower. I have some paperwork to do tonight and I really want to eat something. It was too busy to have much more than a granola bar and apple on the run today. Not exactly enough.

  Taking over this business from my dad has been an unexpected journey. Truth is, it wasn’t what I wanted at all. Although since I can remember, it’s been expected that I would take over as soon as I could so my dad could retire and travel with my mom and the business could still thrive. It does well, even given its small town location, it’s the only car place in town, the next one in Hope Falls, but sometimes I get business referred to me from there and I send it back as needed. It’s a fine living, a good living even; I’m just not passionate about it. However, I’m not sure what would make me feel differently. At least…I haven’t figured it out yet. If I do, I’m not sure it matters much anyway. I don’t know if my dad would ever forgive me if I chose to sell it, so that’s never been more than a passing thought.

  Saying good night to my employees, I close and lock all the garages, the office and then I take off. I work in Spring Valley, but I live in Hope Falls. It’s a great town I think to myself as I begin the drive down the main road of the town, aptly named Main Street. I drive slowly as I pass the bus
inesses that are the heart of the town. Sue Ann’s Café is one of my favorite places to catch a bite. When I pass Lone Pine Lanes I wonder when the last time is I enjoyed a simple game of bowling, and when I pass Hope Falls Twin Cinemas, I think it’s been far too long since I’ve gone to see a movie. In fact, the only place I go frequently, even though I drive past here every single day, is Brewed Awakenings. Vivien and Audrey know me on sight and immediately get my order to me without me having to tell them what it is. The whole town is kind and a great place to live, I’ve just been thinking a lot about the chance of finding someone and being able to settle down. I thought that was a possibility, until recently, and now I guess I’m just questioning everything.

  Turning left when I reach the end of Main St., it’s only a few more miles to my apartment building. Happy to be home, when I pull into the parking area, I’m already thinking about what I’m going to make myself for dinner. I’m barely in the door when I hear talking and laughter. I think about quietly making my way to my room, but know that a confrontation is inevitable, so I close the door loudly and wait for my roommate to yell for me. I don’t have to wait long.

  “Landon, come here!”

  It’s a small apartment, so even if I walk slowly it won’t take me many steps to get to the kitchen where I can tell they are. I hesitate in the doorway, take a deep breath and briefly wonder what smells so good, and then move down the hall. When I turn the corner and stand in the threshold, I’m facing my roommate who’s sitting at the table. He smiles at me and says, “Landon, hey, I’d like you to meet my sister. Britt,” he says as she pushes back her chair and stands before turning to face me, “This is my roommate and best friend, Landon.”

  Brittney, or Britt apparently, freezes when she sees me. Her mouth drops so wide, it’s almost comical and she begins sputtering and looking from Brady to me, and back again.

  “Mr. Mechanic? Wh-wh-what are you doing here?” She asks me with a point of her finger. “Are you stalking me?” Now it’s my mouth that falls open in surprise. Is she serious? He just told her who I am. “You know him?” she asks her brother now.

  Brady looks between us and raises his brows, “I guess the question is how do you two know each other?”

  “We met today,” I tell him. “When her car broke down and I had to tow her to my shop. My last name is Miracle,” I add.

  “Your car broke down? Why didn’t you tell me that when you got here?” Brady asks Britt.

  “I was excited to see you, we got to talking and I just didn’t get to it.”

  “What’s wrong with her car?” Brady asks no one in particular.

  “The radiator.”

  “Shit,” Brady says.

  “Yeah. Tough luck,” I agree. “But an easy fix.”

  “So wait, he lives here?” Britt asks.

  “Does it normally take her a really long time to process things? Is she mentally challenged? And speaking of her, has she always been so overly argumentative or what?”

  “Excuse me?” Britt asks indignantly.

  Brady laughs, “Not normally, not that I know of and perhaps,” he replies answering all three questions. “What did you do to her?”

  I hold up my hands in a gesture that says surrender, “I didn’t do anything to her. I told her how much her car was going to cost to be fixed and she lost it.”

  Brady’s brows furrow and Britt’s face flushes. Realizing my mistake at spilling her business I feel uncomfortable. “No worries, I can help you out if you need it,” Brady says to Britt.

  She gives me a death glare that Brady can’t see since he’s still behind her before she turns to face him. “No, it’s okay. I’m fine. It was just unexpected, that’s for sure.”

  Finished with this conversation, I open the refrigerator and look inside, “I’m starving,” I say to no one – just a statement.

  “Well you’re just in time. Britt made her famous baked chicken and rice with some rolls. Eat with us,” Brady says.

  “I didn’t make enough for him too,” Britt says.

  Brady laughs, “You made a huge dish!”

  “Yeah, but I’m sure he won’t like it.”

  Closing the refrigerator, I turn to look at them. Brady is smiling and Britt…well she kind of looks like she wants to kill me, so of course I choose to smile and nod. “Sounds great!”

  “Fine,” she says with a sigh throwing up her arms in the air. She moves past me, and as she slides past, I realize for the first time how small our kitchen is. “Excuse me,” she says as she grabs oven mitts and needs me to move so she can open the oven.

  Glancing at the table, I see that it’s clear, so I grab plates, glasses, napkins and silverware and set the table while she gets out the food. When she places the chicken and rice on the table, she smiles. “Alright, help yourselves. I’m not serving you too.” She moves to grab the rolls next and Brady immediately begins scooping food onto his plate, which tells me it must be really good. My stomach growls in anticipation.

  “So, Britt,” Brady begins when she returns to the table and sits down. “I have some good news and some bad news,” he says after he chews a mouthful of chicken and rice, “which do you want first?”

  A laugh pops out before I can stop it, but Britt throws her hands up again, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Chapter Five


  What are the chances that the mechanic I used today would be my brother’s roommate? It figures. I mean really, why should I be surprised? These are the kinds of things that happen in my life. Not that seeing him again is a bad thing necessarily, I mean he is nice to look at - it’s just unexpected. Maybe I’m just feeling embarrassed after my severe mood swings with him earlier.

  Brady waits for me to answer his question, and Landon just shoves food in his face. His brows raise and he looks at me, mouth full, and gives me a thumbs up. I barely keep myself from laughing. Who knows when the last time is they’ve had a good home cooked meal, or if they ever do. I know Brady sure as hell doesn’t know how to cook many things.

  “What’s the bad news?” I ask automatically wanting the worst news first and then hope to be somewhat mollified by the good news.

  “I have to work tomorrow,” he says mouth full of food.

  I put down my fork, “Seriously? Why? You told me that you were going to take some time off when I was here.”

  “I know, and I did. It’s just that I put in my request for the time it was approved but then yesterday one of the guys had emergency surgery and there really isn’t anyone to cover his shifts. I can’t leave them short staffed. So I said I’d do it. ”

  “Is the crime that bad here in Hope Falls?” I ask sarcastically because I’m feeling irritated.

  “That’s not the point and you know it.”

  “I know, it’s just I don’t see you often. I was looking forward to spending some time together.

  “I know and we will. That’s the good news. He wasn’t scheduled one of the days you’re here, so I won’t be tied up the whole time.”

  “Great,” I mumble. I know I should be grateful and really any time we get at all is worth it, it’s just not what I was expecting.

  “I could hang out with you tomorrow,” Landon says catching me completely off guard.

  “Excuse me?” I ask looking his way and see he’s returning my stare.

  He leans closer to my face and repeats slowly, “I said, I can hang out with you tomorrow.” He’s an ass, and I kind of like it. He’s amusing.

  “You?” I ask with a disgusted tone.

  “Sure. I’d be happy to hang out and show you the town. I was just thinking on my way home that it’s been a while since I’ve actually gone out and enjoyed some leisure time doing some things I enjoy.”

  “Don’t you have cars to work on tomorrow? In particular my car?”

  “Well I have employees, a couple of which you saw, that help with those things. So, I’m all yours tomorrow. I could use a day of fun.”

  “You sur
e you don’t mind taking care of my little sis?” Brady asks.

  “I don’t need taken care of,” I intercede not caring for Brady’s words which only makes him laugh.

  “Just warning you, she can be a handful,” he adds and I give him a look that could kill.

  Landon laughs, “I can handle her, don’t worry. Question is, can she handle me?”

  Looking at Landon, there’s laughter in the lines around his mouth, and when he’s amused I notice his eyes crinkle in the corners. He’s being playful, and I glance at Brady who seems oblivious. Rolling my eyes I tell him, “Bring it on.”

  Landon laughs and immediately stands after taking his last bite of dinner. “Alright then, I have some business to work on tonight and a couple calls to make for activities I have in mind tomorrow.” He brings his plate to the sink, rinses the dish and places it in the dishwasher. I admit it; I’m impressed.

  When he leaves the room I stare down Brady until he looks at me in confusion, “What?”

  “Pawning me off on your roommate so you don’t feel guilty? Seriously? I could have spent the day by myself, it’s fine,” although just saying that makes me feel bad. I didn’t come here to spend more time by myself. I came here to spend time with my brother.

  “Well I didn’t want you to spend time alone,” he says as if reading my mind, “plus Landon is a good guy. I know you’ll be in good hands.”

  It’s his hands that I’m worried about, but of course I don’t say that. My brother and I clean the kitchen together and then spend some time catching up. He tells me some stories about crazy arrests he’s made and I tell him about dye jobs gone wrong and the latest celebrities I’ve seen in L.A. We talk about our parents, retired and still living in Colorado while we laugh about how much they hate that we moved away but we know they are secretly loving retirement and being able to come and see us whenever they’d like.

  The time goes quickly and before I know it I’ve slept restfully on the pull out sofa in the living room of their small apartment and am ready to go the next morning when Landon walks out into the kitchen ready as well. It’s going to be a warm day but he’s sporting jeans and a t-shirt while I’ve got a sundress on. When he sees me he stops, “Did you bring jeans and sneakers by chance?”


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