Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7)

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Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7) Page 5

by Charlene Hartnady

  No way! That was just stupid thinking. It wasn’t him per se. It was the sex. It had been the best she had ever had … ever. That was it. She had hoped for more and was disappointed. The elevator doors opened and Charlotte headed for her suite.

  It was perfectly fine! Great even! She wasn’t looking for love anyway. What was the kiss on her palm all about then? And the way he had looked at her. His eyes had been filled with such desire. There was more there though. Need, yearning as well as desire. So much that his stare had made her heart quicken.

  Stop! she told herself. Enough! Keto was taking a mate and moving on and so must she. It was a disappointment. She would have liked to have rutted him a few more times. Oh well. She would deal. There were plenty of males out there. They were starting a program soon for vampires and shifters. It seemed that the two species were highly compatible. Just look at Brynn and his little wolf mate. They were so in love that it was difficult being in the same room as the two of them. Stephany and Ward were also prime examples. A set of twins had come from that union.

  She stopped walking for a second as pain welled up inside of her. There would be no babies in her future. What shifter would have her? What vampire male would want her as a mate?


  Not one.

  Every single one of them would want a family. They would all hold out for fertile vampires and human mates. Charlotte had been sterilized many years ago. Although she still had her ovaries, her womb had been removed to prevent an accidental pregnancy. Her hips were too narrow to bear large vampire young. The procedure was irreversible. She clasped her belly and made a sobbing noise. Then she pulled herself upright and sucked in a deep breath. What was done was done. She was not alone, many of the vampire females had been sterilized because so many had lost their lives in the past.

  Once a baby was stuck in the birthing passage, it was always fatal for the child and mostly fatal for the mother. Drastic steps were taken to prevent this from happening and so she, along with many others, could never have children. She bit down on her lip to stop it from trembling. She didn’t feel emotional about it much anymore. She wondered what had brought this on. At least things were improving drastically for the young females today.

  It was possible for vampire females to birth shifter young. Something they’d only recently discovered. Even those with extremely narrow hips like hers. Young female vampires were no longer going under the silver knife. Instead, they were being taught to use human covers. The pills to stop pregnancy also worked on vampires, so both of these methods were being implemented with great success. The human doctor, Becky, was making great strides in changing the current systems which were unfair to females.

  This made her think of Keto all over again. Charlotte was sure that the male would bring about great change for his own people. She’d seen the determination in his eyes. She was glad for the elven females. It was such a pity that it was too late for her and others like her.

  Charlotte entered her suite and headed for the bathroom. She set the shower to hot and undressed quickly. Then, she stepped under the water. She loved her job. She had many friends. Charlotte forced herself to push thoughts of a family aside. She couldn’t however, manage to stop thoughts of a certain elven prince from racing through her mind. Hard as she tried, it just wasn’t possible.

  Chapter 7

  It was beyond uncivilized. Keto looked back towards the castle to where the vampires had erected a make-shift barricade. Several hundred vampire females stood behind the structure. A whole host of male warriors lined the barrier, keeping the females at bay.

  They were shouting. Trying to get his attention. Keto turned away from the throng. There was no way he was giving them an ounce of attention.

  Brant flinched at the ruckus but quickly schooled his emotions. “Thank you for visiting with us,” he said as they walked towards Keto’s vehicle. The sports cars were gone and in their place a row of SUVs. How uncivilized. He pushed out a breath.

  Brant straightened his suit jacket. “Apologies for all the … that.” He gestured to the crowd. “You are a prince, next in line to the throne. Thank fuck they don’t realize how soon you’ll be stepping up,” he whispered. “There might have been more females in the crowd and they might have been more aggressive from the get go. Vampire females are not wilting flowers. If they want something they go for it.”

  “Take me with you!” one of the females shouted. “I know how to please a male!” she screamed.

  “They don’t mince words.” Brant gave a small shake of the head.

  “I know.” Keto couldn’t help but think about Charlotte and how she had called him out on his bullshit. He wasn’t the sentimental type, but his bag was filled with the soaps she had brought him. From different scented shower gels to actual bars of soap. She had taken the time to fill the basket, so he would use them. “My visit was long overdue. I appreciate your time.”

  “You must come again soon.” Brant smiled; the male raised his brow, clearly waiting for a reply.

  Keto nodded. He wasn’t about to commit to a date when he didn’t plan on coming back. Not until he was mated and his female was with child. Maybe then he’d be ready. It was a shame that the thought of taking a female didn’t appeal. He needed to stay optimistic that the right person … elf … would come along. Keto needed to give it a chance.

  There was the sound of approaching footfalls on the stone path as Zane approached them. “Good!” the male growled as he reached them. “I thought I might have missed your departure. Glad I didn’t.” He looked to the crowds. “Looks like you have quite the following.” He raised his brows.

  Keto had hoped to avoid having to see the male, he worked at keeping his distaste from showing.

  Zane gave the air a sniff. He grinned. “I see you enjoyed our vampire hospitality. I’m sure you had your pick.” The asshole king gave him a slap on the back.

  “Yup.” Brant gave a chuckle. “You should come back sooner rather than later. I’m sure our females would appreciate it.” The male winked at him suggestively.

  It irked him that they could scent he had rutted with Charlotte. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to know which female he had been with. He didn’t like the way that others were privy to his private information. It somehow took away from the moment. Turned it into a joke or something to brag about. He may have rutted Charlotte like an animal possessed, but it had still meant something to him.

  “You should even consider taking a vampire female.” Zane pointed to the crowd of females.

  What an asshole! What a ridiculous thing to say. “No!” Keto growled. Truth was, his mind had immediately gone to Charlotte, which was fucking insane. Zane was an idiot. “I will be expected to take an elven female, as is customary. My council will not accept any other species. We are big on traditions.”

  Brant frowned. “What about Esral then?”

  “Esral is not taking the throne,” he answered dryly. Keto realized that he was being rude. “I think your females are amazing. If not for my council, I would certainly consider taking one.”

  “Of course.” Zane nodded. “So, do you have any special female in mind?”

  “I am still undecided,” Keto said. “I will be taking a mate almost as soon as I am crowned though.”

  “I see.” Brant grinned. “Having a mate is a truly wonderful thing. I am sure you will meet the right female soon. You need to keep an open mind though.”

  “I am sure that once the announcement is made, suitable candidates will come forward and present themselves to me.”

  “Interesting,” Zane said. “What makes a female suitable?”

  “Ideally highborn, but it’s not a necessity. My lord father is not old-fashioned about such things. The councilors on the other hand …” He lifted his brows. “The female would need to still have her thorn.”

  “Thorn?” Brant frowned.

  Zane looked pointedly at the other male. “Thorn … remember?” he spoke under his breath. “York filled
us in after Esral and Xavier were mated.” He nudged the male and widened his eyes.

  “Oh!” Brant pulled a face. “I forgot about that. Oh yes, vampire females do not have thorns.”

  “So I have heard,” Keto sighed. “In this regard vampires are more closely related to humans?” He raised his brows, turning the statement into a question. “I would assume,” he added when neither male responded.

  Zane frowned. “Have you never rutted a human?”

  Keto shook his head. “No.”

  “Yes, you are right. I think that the only species with a thorn are the elves.”

  Of course, he knew all of this already. Why was he even going down this road? “I must leave now.” His voice was overly deep. “My crowning ceremony is in a month’s time. You will receive invitations to attend soon enough.”

  “Of course, we will most certainly be there.” Zane put out his hand and Keto clasped the male at the wrist.

  “Yeah,” Brant nodded. “Tanya will be thrilled.”

  Keto clasped Brant’s wrist and they shook once as was customary. He climbed into his vehicle and drove away, his entire entourage behind him. On his way to Pulamor. To his people. To his destiny. Keto had never felt more alone.

  There was a knock at her door. Charlotte stopped typing. “Go away,” she said, looking up from the computer screen.

  Her door began to open.

  “Go away!” More harshly this time. “I’m busy,” she added.

  “It’s only me.” Grace stuck her head around the jamb. Her eyes widened and her mouth rounded into a startled ‘O’. “Oh my god!” she shrieked.

  “Don’t say it.” Charlotte put up a hand. “Don’t say anything if it isn’t work-related.”

  Grace’s face grew animated. The female laughed as she closed the door. “You. Did. Not!” She took a seat across from her. She gave a yell that was so filled with excitement that Charlotte cringed. She looked back down at her keyboard and began typing. Not really paying any attention to the words.

  “You are going to have to tell me all about it. Why the long face? Was he shit? Let me guess, he didn’t make you come?” She gasped, clasping a hand over her mouth. “Oh no! Please don’t tell me he has a tiny cock.” Her voice was muffled as she spoke through her fingers. “Please. I would die.” She removed her hand. “A male as sexy as that …”

  “He does not have a small cock,” Charlotte blurted.

  Grace grabbed her chest dramatically. “Thank the gods. If a male is crap at rutting, you can teach him. In fact, it can be quite fun to show him how it’s done. How to touch a female, but there is nothing to be done about a little pencil dick. I wouldn’t mind teaching the prince how …”

  “The prince does not need teaching.” She used a firm tone.

  Grace grinned. “Okay, so you had a good time.” She looked at Charlotte quizzically. “Why the long face then? You should be basking in the afterglow. You should definitely be gloating. Every female who laid eyes on the good prince wanted a little rut action with him and yet here you are brooding and hiding out in your office.”

  “I don’t want everyone to know. I’m friends with Esral. How do you think she would feel? She’s not as open as we are about rutting.”

  Grace snorted. “Prince Keto is her brother, I’m sure she’s used to the male getting plenty of rut-action.”

  Charlotte pursed her lips. “Whatever.” She hated that it irked her that Grace was right. Keto would get all the action he wanted. Stupid elf. She wished she hadn’t rutted him. Should have learned from the first time. That had also taken her an age to get over but for very different reasons. Reasons that were far more worthy. Oh well!

  Grace leaned forward in the chair. “What happened with the prince to make you so mad?”

  “I’m not mad!” she yelled. “Okay,” she sighed. “Maybe I am a bit irritated.”

  “Why?” Grace widened her eyes. “You can tell me. We’re friends for goodness sake. You’ll feel better.”

  Charlotte looked the other female in the eyes for the longest time. It was true. She liked and trusted Grace, saw her as a friend. Grace had confided in her when she was falling for a male who didn’t seem to hold the same interest in her. In the end he took another female as a mate. Charlotte had been there for Grace when she had been so hurt, and maybe her friend wanted to reciprocate. Not that this was the same. Far from it. “I guess I felt cheap and used, after he was done.”

  “You lucky female,” Grace gushed. “He was obviously that good. Do elves talk dirty?”

  I want you! In my bed, under me, anyway I can get you as long as I’m inside you … deep inside.

  Turn around. On your knees.

  Put your hands on the table.

  Not going there! “You don’t understand. I felt used but it was in a bad way, not in a good way. We rutted and as soon as he was done, he basically dismissed me, like I was one of his subjects or an employee.”

  “As soon as he was done …?” Grace narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean by he was done?”

  Charlotte ignored the question. Grace was too fixated on the sex. “Thing is … despite dismissing me like that, I’ve never had a male look at me the way he does and yet, he couldn’t get rid of me quick enough. He was by far the best lover I’ve ever had.”

  Grace squealed. “I knew it. Wait a minute? What about Zane? Our king was surely better.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “It was like he would die if he wasn’t inside of me and then his focus was unwavering. Like I was the center of his world and pleasing me was his only mission. It was desperate and hard and yet, somehow, tender.”

  “Rutting at its finest. You’re just suffering from withdrawals. That’s all. Give it a couple of days. Take another male to your bed and you’ll feel better … guaranteed.”

  “Yeah.” Charlotte forced a smile. “You’re so right.”

  “Of course I am. What about Drago?” she gushed. “Or, what about Elliot? Both males are so sexy. Elliot has the serious hots for you.”

  Charlotte scrunched up her nose. “Elliot is very young.”

  “There’s a reason he already has a management position. When that male wants something he goes after it and he gets it. He’s an overachiever. They make the best lovers. Haven’t you watched him during sparring sessions?”

  Charlotte shook her head. “Nope. I have better things to do.”

  Grace rolled her eyes. “You should go and watch some time. Give one of the guys a break. Drago is soooooo dreamy as well.”

  “Both Drago and Elliot are part of the ten though, aren’t they?” If the males were in The Program it meant that they were dating human females in the hope of finding a mate.

  “So what? Neither of them is mated yet. They’re still fair game. I know for a fact that Elliot would be all over you in a flash if you so much as crooked a finger at him. Human or no human.” Grace gave her a weird look. “It’s not like you’re looking for love or anything …” She narrowed her eyes. “Are you?” she added the last, using a harsher tone.

  “No.” Charlotte pulled a face. She snorted to really get her point across. “Of course not.”

  “Well then?” She cocked her head.

  “You are right. Thank you! I do feel better.”

  “Glad I could help. By the way, elves don’t leave as big a signature scent as other species like shifters and humans do. I’m sure you’ll be okay by tomorrow and I promise not to say a word to anyone.”

  Charlotte pushed out a breath. “It’s okay. I’ve had two other people come and see me already this morning and there’s no way I’m getting from here back to my suite without running into at least one or two more so,” she shrugged, “don’t worry too much about it.”

  Grace’s shoulders slumped. “Shew! Something like one of us having sex with the elven prince is big news. I didn’t think it would really go unnoticed. I promise not to gossip about you though.”

  Charlotte had to laugh. “Gee, thanks. Don’t do me any favors or
anything,” she said between laughs.

  “I’ll tell you what people are saying and I’ll keep my lips shut … promise.” Grace grinned. “You’re going to be the envy of every unmated female in the castle.”

  “You talk such shit.” Charlotte waved her hand, dismissing the other female.

  “Really now?” Grace sucked in her lips for a second or two. “While you’ve been locked in here for two days, oh and keeping the prince company, I’ve been out there.” She pointed to the door. “All the females are going nuts about Prince Keto.”

  “How so?”

  “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you. It seems like young, gorgeous and royal is all the rage.”

  Chapter 8

  Two and a half weeks later …

  “Come in, come in …” Brant instructed.

  “Take a seat.” Zane pointed to a chair on the other side of the boardroom table.

  Charlotte felt like a deer in the headlights. She was sure she looked like one. She racked her brain trying to think of why she was there. How had she dropped the ball? Where had she gone wrong? Was it the kitchen or the dining room? Was it housekeeping or maintenance? She’d ordered supplies for phase two of the refurbs and had signed off on phase one. She sat down and clasped her hands in her lap, looking at each one in turn.

  “Firstly,” Brant leaned forward and unbuttoned his jacket, “you’re doing a brilliant job.”

  “I second that,” Zane said.

  Charlotte felt a weight lift. So they weren’t going to crap on her. She should be more confident. She didn’t give herself enough credit.

  Zane leaned back in his chair. His vest pulled tight around his chest. Interesting, once upon a time, not so long ago, she would have admired the hell out of that chest. Why wasn’t she doing it now? Maybe because he was mated to a female she considered to be a friend. What was wrong with her? Why was she second guessing everything?

  “Great!” She was glad to hear that her voice came out sounding strong and true. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ve been working round the clock to—”


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