Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7)

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Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7) Page 20

by Charlene Hartnady

  “You choose. Just pick one. I don’t care who it is.”

  “Don’t care?” Savar sounded flustered, which didn’t happen often. “Back to the fact that you need to spend the rest of your life with this female. I can’t be expected to—”

  “Please.” Keto narrowed his gaze onto the male’s. “Do this for me. I can’t do it for myself. There is no one else for me.”

  Savar didn’t say anything for the longest time. He finally rolled his eyes. “Fine, but don’t complain when she’s not to your taste or—”

  “It doesn’t matter who you pick, the female will not be Charlotte and will therefore …” He sighed. “I can’t talk like this. I will respect whomever you pick. I will work hard to make the relationship a success.”

  “You make it sound like you’re about to step through the fiery gates of hell. Granted, I am not ready to take a mate yet, but it’s not that bad.”

  “It is for me.” He held Savar’s gaze for a few moments and turned back towards the stairs. “Choose a female and have her meet with me. Not here though.” He looked around his home. It wouldn’t feel right to him. Fuck! How the hell was he going to do this? “Somewhere public but quiet.”

  “The hall. No one will be there.”

  “I don’t want to be alone with her.” Keto turned back, his hand on the banister. He sounded like a pussy but he didn’t give a shit.

  Savar grinned. “Be at the hall in an hour. I will stay. I can organize for a couple of others to be there as well. We can ease ourselves into a dinner perhaps and then you can introduce your female to the council. We’ll organize an official ceremony for tomorrow and the Blooming ceremony can take place on Saturday.”

  His heart pounded. Three days from now. It took everything in him to force a nod. “Do it.” He rushed up the stairs before he could change his mind.

  It was the sweet strawberry blond from his crowning ceremony. The female was very pretty. She flashed him a shy smile and looked down at her feet.

  “You look lovely.” It was true and yet the words seemed to stick in his throat as he said them. Just talking with Lafara made him feel like the biggest asshole alive. It made him feel like he was cheating on Charlotte, which was nuts. He also felt like he was being a shit where Lafara was concerned. A sweet kind person like her should be loved and cherished. She should not be anyone’s second choice.

  “Thank you.” Her smile grew wider. “Are you sure you wish to pick me, my lord?”

  Was he that easy to read? Shit! He stepped forward and took her hand. “I am quite sure.” It was hard to get the words out but somehow he did.

  “My lord father was thrilled when he heard.” She didn’t look all that thrilled. Maybe she was just afraid. This female didn’t even know him so he couldn’t blame her. “I would prefer it if we were honest with each other from the start,” she went on. “Your heart still belongs to the vampire, doesn’t it?”

  “I’m sorry.” Keto released her hand. “I wish I could lie and tell you differently but yes, one hundred times yes. I promise to do my best. To be the best mate, the best friend. To try and love you in a way in which you deserve.” Fuck! He was screwing this up.

  Lafara nodded and gave a small bow of her head. “As you wish, my lord … and in that case, I would be happy to accept.” Her eyes were clouded with hurt though as she lifted her face. He couldn’t blame her for feeling that way.

  Keto took her hand and brought it too his lips, brushing a chaste kiss over her knuckles. It made him remember how he’d planted an intimate kiss on the inside of Charlotte’s hand. How he had kept his lips against her flesh for longer than what was customary. How he had bitten into her palm during sex. This was the opposite. He released Lafara.

  He needed to forget. Forget Charlotte’s warm smile, the way her mouth turned slack as she came, her laugh. How they had lain together in each other’s arms talking long into the night. Fuck! It was over. “Good! I’m glad you agree. You will make a fine queen.” It was true.

  She smiled at him. “Forgive me, my lord, but you look like you are unhappy.”

  He sucked in a deep breath. “I’m so sorry. We are starting off on the wrong foot. Know that the fault lies entirely with me.” He forced himself to smile back at her. This female did not deserve this. “Shall we go and sit?” He put a hand to the small of her back. “I want you to tell me more about yourself. A three-day courtship must be a new record.”

  She laughed softly. “Yes, I’m sure that it is.” There was a sadness in her eyes. In her smile. This wasn’t right. It was so far from being right that it was scary. He didn’t know what else to do though.

  Chapter 28

  Charlotte felt sick to her stomach. She should have called. She really should have called. What was wrong with her?

  No, she was going to leave. If she hurried, maybe no one she knew would see her. Maybe no one would report having seen her. Even if they did, she’d be long gone. What had possessed her?

  Oh yes!

  Some things needed to be done in person and on the spur of the moment and this was one of them. Her heart raced. A smile spread across her face. Please. Please. Please. She said a silent prayer and knocked on his apartment door one last time. He wasn’t home. It was for the best though. She’d message Keto and come back tomorrow … maybe … only if it wasn’t too late.

  Charlotte turned and almost ran into someone. “Oh god!” She grabbed her chest. “Oh, it’s you.”

  The guard’s eyes narrowed on her. “You should not be knocking on the front door.” Then he smiled. “But since you know our king well and since you’re not an elf, I’ll forgive you.” He winked at her.

  Thankfully it was the nicer of the two guards. She got the feeling that if it had been the other one, she’d be escorted off the property. Possibly off of elven territory.

  “Where is the king?” She bit down on her bottom lip.

  “At a dinner, I am told. I am going over there now. I only just started my shift.” He narrowed his eyes. “Do you want to go with me?”

  Charlotte nodded. “That would be great, but …” She wasn’t sure how to ask. Didn’t want to know but had to. Her mouth felt stuffed full of cotton wool. Her stomach clenched tight. “Did Keto take another female? Is he mated? Is he okay?” She clenched her teeth to keep herself from talking more.

  The guard smiled. He gave his head a shake. “I shouldn’t tell you anything but since you’re the female he is in love with …” he whispered it, looking around them. “He has been a nightmare. Sullen, mopey and in a terrible mood. He didn’t leave his apartment for days after you left.”

  “Really?” She shouldn’t sound so darned happy, but she couldn’t help it.

  “He hasn’t mated anyone,” the guard growled. “Hell, he hasn’t even chosen someone new ‒ much to the dismay of the council.”

  “That’s great!” Charlotte’s smile was about a mile wide by now.

  “So,” he widened his eyes, “you are back to see if you can work things out?”

  Charlotte nodded. “Yes, well, hopefully. I thought I was too late.”

  “You’re just in time. Come with me, I’ll take you to him.”

  Charlotte followed the guard. “What’s your name?”

  “Eziral.” He glanced back at her. “Why the change of heart?”

  Charlotte smiled. “It was never my heart that was the problem.”

  “That’s good.” Eziral grinned.

  Within minutes, they arrived at the great double doors. They had the most beautiful designs carved into them. Eziral reached for the handle and stopped just short. He turned to her, a pained expression on his face. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  “About?” Charlotte frowned.

  “You’re not a helper and yet, you’re not a highborn. You could very well be our future queen and …”

  “Is everything okay?” Then she realized what the problem was. “Oh, you’re worried about letting me in through the front door.”

nodded. “I’m so sorry, I know that my king would want you to enter through the front, but I’m not sure if …” He paused. “Thing is, it’s protocol. I wouldn’t be doing my—”

  “It’s okay.” Charlotte put a hand on his arm for a second. “We can go through the back entrance.”

  “Are you sure?” He still looked pained. “I feel terrible.”

  “Let’s go, unless you’re late and need to get inside there?” Charlotte pointed at the door that lead to the hall. “In which case I’ll head around the back on my own.”

  Eziral shook his head. “We’ll go around together.” They walked the short distance in silence.

  Eziral opened the back door and waited until she entered. They walked through a back hallway that led to a few different doors. He held open the one she assumed led to the dining room. Charlotte could hear several voices, both male and female. Someone laughed, a female. Then she heard Keto’s deep voice and picked up on his scent.

  Her heart sped up and her hands felt a bit clammy. She’d never been so nervous in all of her life. What if Keto didn’t want her back?

  No way! He’d texted her just the other day. Granted, his messages had been less and less frequent but that last one hadn’t been too long ago. Precisely three days and a handful of hours ago. She was just being paranoid.

  “Are you going in?” Eziral asked. “Or, would you like me to check ahead? Invite my king to come back here?”

  Maybe she should do that. “I’m suddenly feeling really nervous.” She licked her lips.

  “My king will be very happy to see you. I’ll go and get him, you wait here.” Eziral started to walk through the door but Charlotte stopped him.

  “No, I’ll go.” It was hard to breathe, even though her chest expanded and contracted rapidly. “I’ve got this,” she added for good measure, speaking more to herself than the guard.

  Eziral nodded. He gave her a wink. “You’ll be just fine.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled. “I appreciate it.”

  Charlotte squared her shoulders, smoothed her dress and headed into the hall. What she saw caused her to stop in her tracks.


  She was too late.

  Frozen. Charlotte felt like her feet had been glued to the floor. Her eyes felt wide in her skull, her blood felt like it ran cold in an instant. Her throat clogged and her eyes pricked.

  Keto had his hand on the small of her back. A tiny elven female. Long hair, delicate features. The female laughed. It was soft and strangely melodic.

  Keto said something else and the female responded with a nod. They both laughed. It felt like barbed spears were penetrating her heart.

  “Did you attend the last games?” Keto asked, his attention on the beautiful elf before him.

  The female nodded. “Oh yes, of course, who didn’t?”

  “Indeed.” Keto smiled.

  “You won a couple of battles, if I’m not mistaken?” The eleven female had to crane her head at Keto, who towered above her. She held a glass of red wine, as did he.

  Keto gave a nod. “You noticed?”

  The female smiled. “Of course, yes. You are highly skilled, my lord. You even beat Ragdi in the arrow shooting contest.”

  Keto laughed. “I got lucky. He beat me, though, when it came to the clay targets. No one beats Ragdi in that particular facet of the sport.”

  “No.” A wistful expression crossed her beautiful face and she looked down at her feet. “That is true. Ragdi is a wizard with the bow.” Her voice sounded breathless, her lashes fluttered seductively.

  “That’s Lafara,” the guard at Charlotte’s side whispered. She could hear the confusion in his voice. “It looks like ...” He let the sentence die.

  Charlotte knew exactly what it looked like.

  “If my lord would not mind, I should like to take my leave now.” Lafara gave a small incline of the head. “I need to get home to start preparing for tomorrow’s announcement, not to mention the Blooming ceremony.” A radiant smile lit up her face.

  Charlotte bit down on her lip to stifle a cry, a moan, a shout. She wasn’t sure what exactly was building inside her throat, only that it hurt.

  “I would like to walk you home.” He put his glass down on a nearby table. Then he took her glass and placed it next to his.

  “I would appreciate that, sire.” The female curtsied.

  “No.” Keto shook his head. “We are to be mated. You must call me Keto.”

  It felt like her world began to spin. Like her ears became blocked. Like her heart took residence in her head. She could hear it beating while everything else was muffled.

  Then everyone in the room turned to stare at her. It was in that moment that she realized that there were several others including Lenore, Savar and even Esral and Xavier, as well as a couple of others she didn’t recognize in the room.

  Eziral took her arm. He was saying something to her, something she couldn’t make out. If only her heart would stop beating so wildly.

  Keto’s eyes widened.

  She’d screamed. Charlotte had screamed the word ‘No!’ That was why they had all turned to her. She clasped a hand over her mouth to keep from saying anything more. Who was she kidding? It was to stop the sob that threatened.

  Charlotte turned and ran. She should never have come. She should have called first. What else had she expected?

  Not this.

  Never this.

  She’d told Keto to move on. Had demanded it. She’d asked Savar to help him do it and yet, she’d never actually expected it to happen. She was a fool. Charlotte raced down the hallway, out into the crisp night air. She paused for a moment. Bent down, afraid she might be sick. Then she stood tall and jogged on. She couldn’t remember where she’d parked. Which way to go.

  Someone grabbed her elbow, pulling her up. She wasn’t sure whether she turned on her own steam or whether he turned her. It was Keto, he still held onto her. His eyes were still just as wide. “Charlotte!” He sounded shocked. “What are you doing here?”

  “Making a fool of myself,” she blurted, lifting her eyes so that she could look into his. Shock, confusion, pain. He also looked angry … at her?

  “I need to go. I need …”

  “Why are you here?” His voice boomed.

  “I already told you why. It doesn’t matter though does it? From the looks of things you’ve moved on.” She yanked her arm out of his grip. Charlotte could hear the anger she was feeling in every word she uttered. She clenched her teeth, trying to gain back at least a semblance of control. She had no right to be angry with him, and yet she couldn’t help it.

  His eyes darkened. His jaw tightened. Keto swallowed thickly. “It wasn’t like I had a choice. Like you gave me a choice.”

  His words stung. They hurt her so badly that she put a hand to her chest to try to stop the pain. “There is always a choice.” The words were choked. It was wrong of her to say them. She had left Keto. Not the other way round. She knew that this scenario was a distinct possibility. Charlotte knew that coming here was a long shot. Knowing all that, she still expected to find him alone, pining for her. Not with his hands all over another female. It had ultimately been her choice, her actions that had set the wheels in motion. Despite her own words of reason, anger and hurt still bubbled inside of her. “Go back to her. I should never have come.”

  Keto frowned. “Why did you come? Why are you here?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  He held her gaze for a few moments and then sighed, squeezing his eyes closed. Keto gave a small shake of the head. “You’re right. Hearing whatever you say won’t change things, it’s too late.” It didn’t matter that his eyes had a wounded look. That she heard the hitch of his voice, which welled with emotion.

  Keto took a step back. Regret mixed with longing bled into his features. Just as quickly, he schooled his emotions. Tethered the hell out of those suckers. An impassive mask fell into place. “Goodbye, Charlotte. I’ll have Savar give you a ride ho
me. I’m sorry you came for nothing.”

  Screw him.

  She hurt so badly she could hardly think. Her chest was so tight she could barely breathe. Her eyes stung like mad. Charlotte needed him to hurt just as badly as she was hurting. “I can drive myself home. I don’t need you or anyone else for that matter. I came here today to thank you.”

  Keto frowned. “Why would you possibly thank me?”

  “Turns out you were right.” She cocked her head, planting a hand on her hip. Charlotte used every ounce of resolve she had left to act like she didn’t give a goddamn even though she was dying inside. “I grew that garden you were talking about …”

  His jaw dropped. Just as quickly as the gape formed, he pursed his lips into a tight, white line.

  “I can have kids. How about that?” She forced a laugh. “Good thing I joined that little program. You know, the one introducing us vampire females to shifter males.”

  His whole frame was so tense she was sure that something might snap. His muscles roped and popped. His hands clasped into fists at his sides.

  “Such a great coincidence that Ash, you know, the alpha shifter from your crowning ceremony, is taking part as well. I’m sure he would still love to get to know me better. What do you think?”

  Keto growled. Elves weren’t as good at growling as shifters and vampires, but you would never say that hearing that low rumble. She held his angry stare for a moment longer before turning and walking away, moving as fast as her high heels would take her. Stupid, she’d gone and dressed up and everything. For him. He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve her.

  Keto called after her but she ignored him. “Don’t do anything stupid!” he yelled. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret because of me,” he added, with less venom.

  “Don’t flatter yourself!” she shouted over her shoulder. As soon as she turned the corner. Far enough away, she leaned up against the wall and put a hand over her mouth to stifle a sob. Tears streamed down her face. Splintered heart … Hah! Try dust. The organ was now dust. That beating she felt in her chest was all a lie. Charlotte felt dead inside.


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