Wounded Love [A Dragon's Growl 11] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Wounded Love [A Dragon's Growl 11] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 7

by Marcy Jacks

  Theron reached for him, taking his hand and bringing the knuckles to his lips. He made sure they had eye contact before he said what was on his mind. “Look at me. I would do the exact same thing for you. If anyone ever had you captive, I’d burn all the bridges I had up just to keep you safe. As much as I don’t like that you felt that way, I can’t blame him for it because I’d do the exact same thing.”

  Angel’s cheeks colored. He ducked his head. “Even if I didn’t want to be your mate?”

  The question was a solid punch to the gut. Theron touched Angel’s cheek. He was so damned beautiful that it kind of hurt to look at him sometimes.

  “Even then. Even if you just wanted to use me like a piece of meat and toss me away, I’d still come back for more.”

  The short burst of a laugh that popped out of Angel’s mouth told Theron he was on the right track to making his mate feel better.

  “I’ll bet you wouldn’t mind it if I used you for your body.”

  Theron growled. “Not in the least.”

  He leaned in, not asking for permission, just taking what he already knew to be his as he kissed his mate, the omega he was destined to love for the rest of his life.

  This kiss was different from their first one. It wasn’t the rushed, desperate thing it had been when Theron had rescued Angel from that bar.

  It was calmer, but the heat, the passion, and desire were still absolutely there.

  It was just…a little more contained. Even though Theron had been waiting for what felt like an eternity to get to this point, now that he had his mate here, his main objective was to keep from terrifying the man as he rocked Angel’s world.

  He had all the time in the universe now. He could really make love to his mate, really claim him, and when he was finished with that, Angel would be his forever.

  Angel mewled softly against Theron’s mouth. It was a beautiful sound, and one that Theron happily swallowed and then took advantage of even more as he slipped his tongue between Angel’s lips, pushing inside, taking what he knew to already be his.

  Angel moaned, harder this time, his hands coming up and holding tightly to Theron’s shoulders in a way that made their connection so much better.

  So much more intimate, even though they were still barely touching each other.

  Barely touching in comparison to what Theron really wanted to do to him.

  Theron let his hands slide. He pushed them down and around Ange’s waist, cupping his cock through his pants. Angel moaned and suddenly jerked back, his eyes wide.

  Fuck. Had he taken it too far?


  Oh God, please don’t let him walk away.

  Angel looked down at himself as though shocked to be seeing his dick was tenting his pants.

  Then he looked at Theron.

  Theron smiled at him, trying to be calm and collected, but if Angel denied him now, he was going to have to sit in a tub of ice for the next ten days to get over this.

  “Wish I knew what you were thinking when you look at me like that.”

  Angel nodded. “Okay,” he said, and without bothering to say anything else to make sense of that, he pushed himself forward, back into Theron’s arms, kissing him again.

  Theron was shocked, but he was also a warrior, and he knew how to keep himself from getting distracted.

  His jaw ached as he kissed his mate.

  For the most part he knew how to keep himself from being distracted. Either way, now was the time. Now was absolutely the time.

  Theron gripped Angel by his hips and pulled the man up. Angel instinctively seemed to know what to do as he wrapped his legs around Theron’s waist, and Theron took his mate to bed.

  He fell down on top of the bed, on top of his mate. Their mouths found each other quickly. Angel seemed to be dying of thirst, and Theron’s lips were the drink of water he apparently needed.

  His mate hadn’t done much kissing before. Theron could tell. He smiled through the sloppiness of it, the lack of finesse, but he was also pleased with the utter desire that radiated from the other man.

  When Theron thrust his hips forward, his and Angel’s clothed cocks coming together, the shiver and moan that it drew from the smaller man made Theron’s smile even wider, even when their kiss broke off.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” Theron rasped out. He threaded his fingers through Angel’s ginger hair, touching his fox ears. He was so damned glad Angel had managed to get through life without losing them. Theron wished he’d been there to protect him, to take Angel away from that damned house.

  He never would have known about his mate if he hadn’t come to live here. He would have never known he had a mate if Sorin and Lucian hadn’t been kidnapped.

  Funny the way the world worked sometimes.

  “I love your freckles. I love your hair. I love your ears. I love you.”

  Theron kissed his mate another time. He took control over it this time, showing his mate how it was done, giving Angel all the love he possibly could.

  “My strong, brave little fox.”

  Angel’s face was turning such a bright shade of red that it was getting difficult to see his freckles at all.

  “E-even when I’m going into town by myself?”

  Theron pulled back from Angel’s body, but only so he could undress the man, starting with his pants. “Even then. Just don’t do it again.”

  He winked at his mate. Angel smiled at him.

  Theron pulled his pants down around his feet, removing Angel’s shoes so he could properly get each pant leg off his ankles.

  “You don’t wear any underwear?”

  Angel shook his head. “I’m not used to it. I don’t like it.”

  That sounded so sexy. At least it did at first. Then Theron realized why Angel wouldn’t be used to wearing boxers or any kind of underwear.

  Because he’d worked in a vampire household, and they wouldn’t have given him any. Probably for easy access.

  Angel seemed unaware of what was going through Theron’s head. His eyes remained dilated, his cheeks pink, and he reached out for Theron’s shoulders, trying to pull him back down on top of his body.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  Theron snapped himself out of it. He wasn’t going to ruin this for his mate. Angel needed support, but he didn’t need a reminder of what his life had been like before he’d been able to come to this house.

  Though it was hard to think about, knowing his mate had been suffering like that, Theron was able to let himself slip easily back into the role of lover and protector.

  “Sorry.” Theron pressed a swift kiss to Angel’s incredibly kissable lips. “I was just thinking about how much I wanted to put your cock into my mouth.”

  Angel’s eyes flew wide. “Really?”

  Theron grinned, nodded, and let himself slide down Angel’s body, keeping his eyes locked onto Angel’s as he moved down, down, down.

  Angel propped himself up onto his elbow. “I thought alphas didn’t do that.”

  Theron took Angel’s cock in hand. “Do what? Go down on their lovers?”

  Angel nodded, inhaling shakily when Theron stroked with just the right amount of pressure, up and down, up and down.

  “Well, that’s because those alphas have no idea what they’re missing out on.”

  Theron didn’t know if Angel was referring to other lovers he’d had over the years, lovers he’d been forced to take, but he was going to do his damned best to keep the vibe in this room solely focused on themselves.

  Maybe it was because Angel sounded so new at this that made Theron so eager to do this for him.

  He leaned down, letting his tongue slide along the hard, silky flesh of Angel’s cock. Angel sucked back a hard breath, his body tensing. Theron glanced down and noted the curling of his toes.

  And then he smiled and kept right on going. He pressed his wet lips around the head and then began to sink down lower.

  “M-maybe you shouldn’t…I could do t
hat for you…ah, God.”

  Theron tried not to smile around the mouthful. It was difficult. Every moan from his mate went right to Theron’s ego, and it only made him want to do more. It made him want to give Angel all the pleasure in the world and never stop.

  He hollowed his cheeks, tightening the grip of his mouth on Angel’s cock, bobbing his head, moaning from the pleasure it was giving to him.

  Theron hadn’t touched himself yet, and the act of going down on his mate was making his groin tight.

  Theron’s cock throbbed. He was going to have to do something about this soon, otherwise it was going to hurt, but at the same time, he wanted to do this for hours. Theron hummed softly, knowing what those vibrations would be doing for his lover, and each moan that came from Angel’s throat was as good as his hand stroking Theron’s cock.

  “I’m…I’m not gonna…” Angel moaned, falling onto his back on the bed, whatever he’d been about to say lost as he suddenly gripped himself by the hair and arched his back.

  Theron glanced up, watching Angel puff and pant for breath, feeling the tension building within his mate, and then he knew it was coming. Theron prepared for it.

  He tasted the warmth of his mate’s cum when it began spurting into his mouth. Theron swallowed it all down. The taste was a little salty, and it was thick.

  He loved it. He loved everything about this omega.

  Why in the hell had Theron ever had a thing against animal shifters?

  Oh, right, now he remembered, his brother, but Angel had nothing to do with any of that, and Theron was more than confident that Theon would approve.

  Especially with the energy Angel had apparently been hiding. His dick softened only a little, but the shaft remained interested, twitching against Theron’s tongue as he continued to milk his mate of his pleasure, bobbing his head back and forth, not daring to stop until he was sure there was nothing left for his mate to give.

  “Oh God, what…what are you doing?”

  Theron was briefly aware of the way Angel looked down at him, but Theron was also too focused on his work. He didn’t want to be bothered with taking his time and energy away from the beautiful body beneath him.


  Angel pressed his hand against Theron’s shoulder, pushing him up. Angel shivered as his cock slipped from Theron’s mouth.

  It shined with Theron’s saliva. Theron wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and he looked at his mate as though he was staring at something good to eat.

  “I want you. Right now.” Theron crawled over his mate’s body, feeling as though he was stalking prey.

  The best kind of prey.

  Angel held still. The only movement he made was when he lay back, allowing Theron to come on top of him, to press their bodies together and then their mouths.

  It was always a good sign when a man closed his eyes during a kiss. Theron was going to take it to mean only the best when his mate did it after an orgasm.

  Angel moaned softly. Theron pulled back, needing to look at him, needing to see his eyes.

  “You just tasted yourself.”

  Angel nodded. His pupils were dilated. He nodded, seeming to be in some sort of dream-like state. It was interesting. Theron liked that he’d been the one to put his mate there.

  Theron pushed his hands beneath Angel’s knees. He lifted them up, propping them over his shoulders.

  “Keep them here.”

  Angel nodded, pressing his lips briefly together. His face kept darkening with that bright shade of red.

  Theron grinned at him. He grabbed for the bottle of lube, opening it. “Your face is going to match your hair and ears shortly.”

  Angel didn’t say anything. He just nodded, his chest still rising and falling heavily as he stared at Theron.

  Theron brought his hand down. He was very much aware of the way Angel sucked back a deep breath when Theron’s fingers touched Angel’s asshole.

  “Are you nervous?” He circled his fingers around the pucker, not yet ready to push inside. He was going to wait a little longer, until he was sure Angel was relaxing for him.

  Angel swallowed. “A little.”

  Theron’s heart ached. It swelled enough that the pain of such a thing overcame his lust.

  Angel was trusting him here. A lot. Theron couldn’t allow himself to ever betray that trust.

  This was a precious thing he was being given, and for a second, he nearly psyched himself out with the weight of what he was about to do.

  “I promise you’ll like it.”

  That didn’t seem like nearly enough to be saying. It seemed so shallow, but it was true and a promise Theron had every intention of keeping.

  Angel swallowed again. “I know. Not trying to be nervous. I guess I just am a little.”

  “Don’t you worry about that.” Theron pushed his fingers forward. He was met with a harsh resistance, but only at first. It went away quickly, and Angel’s body opened for him, allowing him to push his fingers inside, right where he wanted to be, his digits gripped by the heat and warmth of Ange’s body.

  “That will go away soon. Just trust me. I won’t do anything you don’t like.”

  Because everything Theron planned on doing was something he knew his mate was going to like. It was as simple as that, really.

  Angel swallowed hard again. If he kept doing that, he was going to make his mouth as dry as sandpaper.

  “Does this hurt?” Theron needed to do something, to say something that would show his mate this was something he could enjoy. He needed to show Angel that he could be just as in control as Theron was, despite the positions they were both in. None of it mattered. Only the two of them.

  “N-no,” Angel said softly. “It doesn’t hurt.”

  Theron pushed his fingers deeper inside. He hooked them, using his fingertips to search out the thing he was most desperate to have.

  “How does it feel?”

  Angel opened his mouth, breathing heavily.

  “It feels good. It’s…it’s never felt like this before.”

  Theron nodded, doing his best to keep what he was thinking from showing on his face.

  Considering Angel’s former position back in Varrick’s house, a position Theron wished he’d been there to protect him from, it made sense that none of his vampire overlords had bothered to worry about Angel’s pleasure. They were selfish. Only caring about themselves.

  The pricks. The motherfuckers. Theron wished he’d been there. He wished he had been the one to rescue Angel instead of Seth and his dragons.

  That would have made it better somehow. Then Theron could at least say he’d been there in the beginning, instead of just showing up after the fact.

  That was fine. He was just going to have some time to make up for, and Angel had said that what was happening to him did feel good. So that was something to be happy about.

  “How good does it feel? Tell me. I want details.”

  Theron purred his words, grinning down at his mate, focusing all of his attention onto him.

  And when Angel smiled back at him, it made all of it worth it.

  “It feels really good. F-feels like you’re…I don’t know.” Angel shook his head, as though he honestly didn’t have the words to describe what he wanted.

  Theron chuckled. He pushed his fingers deeper, the tips finding that hard nub inside. He stroked it.

  Angel’s mouth dropped, and his eyes flew wide. The instant he had that reaction, Theron swooped in for a kiss.

  A wet kiss, pushing his tongue into Angel’s mouth as the man moaned, swirling their tongues together before pulling back with a smile.

  “That’s what I wanted.”

  Angel blinked at him, his eyes becoming all the more bleary, as though he was struggling to keep control over himself.

  It was cute. The most adorable thing Theron had ever seen in his entire life.

  He stroked again. Angel arched his back as much as he was able. His fingers clenched the sheets beneath
him, his small claws coming out and actually ripping at the sheets beneath him.

  It was a wonder to see. It really was.

  “You are so beautiful.” Theron stroked that spot again. “I can’t believe I went my whole life without you.” He pushed his fingers forward again, this time holding them in place for several seconds, watching with pleasure as Angel clenched his eyes shut, opened his mouth, and cried out hard.

  “God, you should see yourself,” Theron rasped out, even though he was pretty sure his mate wasn’t paying any attention to him at all.

  “I need you. I can’t stand waiting anymore.”

  Theron pulled his fingers away. He’d stretched and stroked enough. Angel’s cock pointed up at Theron, dark in color, as though angry for being ignored the way it was.

  Theron had the urge to lean down and put his mouth back around the head, if only to give it the affection it rightly deserved, but he was still a man, and he needed to take care of himself, as well.

  Angel didn’t seem to notice as Theron got the bottle of lube again, coated his hand, and then stroked his cock.

  Theron gritted his teeth from the rush of pleasure that hit him when his hand made contact. He stroked once and then twice. He refrained from doing it a third time because then he would just be jerking off when he could be inside his lover.

  Angel blinked his eyes open. He looked up at Theron, as though confused. “Did you stop?”

  Theron barked a laugh. “Just for a couple of seconds, baby, don’t you worry.”

  He pressed the thick head of his cock against that ring of muscle. Angel tensed again, his eyes widening, as though he was in a real panic over what was about to happen.

  Theron turned his head to the side, pressing a soft kiss to Angel’s ankle, if only to comfort the man.

  “Trust me.”

  He could hear the flurried beating of Angel’s heart. Theron was pushing his luck real far on this one. He could tell. Angel was being pushed to his limits.

  Which was why Theron was happy to have his mate nod. “I trust you.”

  That was exactly what Theron wanted to hear.

  He pushed his hips forward, his cockhead much larger than a couple of fingers, and so he needed more pressure before he was able to pop inside of that tight pucker.


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