A Quantum Convergence (Nexus Trilogy Book 1)

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A Quantum Convergence (Nexus Trilogy Book 1) Page 20

by C. A. Farlow

  Stepping into the Council Room, the Seneschal announced Alex, her voice rang through the circular space. “I present Her Royal Majesty, Alexandra, Rigain Rìoghachd Fuar Ćala, Queen of the Country of Cold Harbour. All rise and pay homage to your Rightful Ruler and Sovereign.”

  Rightful Ruler and Sovereign. That is a nice touch. Alex barely had time to wipe the smirk from her face before Merilyn stepped aside and opened the way for her to stride forward into the room. Ahead of her stood the Table of the Thirty-Six. In the shape of a dodecagon, three chairs sat along each side. It was carved from the trunk of a fir—Hyper-arborea Sempervirens. This species of fir was indigenous to the Homeworld and reared from seeds that survived the journey after the Comin attack. Though it’s top was flattened into a table, its core and roots still lived. The roots grew deep into the substructure of the Keep, where they were fed and watered by the royal gardening technicians. It is said Sempervirens possessed some sentient properties.

  Each set of three chairs was swathed in the Tartan of one of the original twelve clans. The thirteenth clan had no direct representatives and had no place at the table. No chair was larger nor smaller than the others. All equal. One chair sat empty, the one before Alex. But she didn’t sit. Instead she stood behind the chair, and pulled the Doouglas tartan off. With a swirl, the tartan settled around her shoulders. Alex sat. She noticed Merilyn’s smirk out of the corner of her eye.

  “Let us get this meeting started so it can end, and I can go back to the more important task of rounding up the Comin patrol that is hounding our borders.”

  Chapter Five

  LAUREN HEADED TOWARD THE laser-tagged spot that marked the cache entrance. As she moved into the open, snow exploded around her as an energy pulse struck near her feet. Another energy bolt cut through the branches over her head, blowing more snow and pine needles into the air. Lauren was thrown back into the sled. Stunned and barely able to breathe, she struggled to roll out of the sled.

  Lauren crawled back into the stand of fir trees, hiding behind the trunk of a giant spruce. Another blast followed her, striking the trunk just above her head. What is going on? Her heart raced as another bolt tore into the trunk, sending pine splinters exploding into the air. Lauren curled into a ball and covered her head as best she could.

  “Come on out, you Comin bastard, you are trapped,” a deep, growling voice called out.

  Comin bastard? She wasn’t Comin. Lauren tried to make herself as small a target as possible, but in her red fleece she knew she couldn’t hide for long. There was no escape through the deep snow drifted around the tree. I can’t stay in these trees for long. Her only chance to survive was to hide as best she could. A blast again tore through the trunk above her head. At this rate, the tree will fall and crush me. She pulled the sword closer to her body.

  Another blast exploded near her head, rolling her over on her back. Lauren watched the shooter advancing toward her, his blaster leveled. Lauren raised her arms to cover her head and held her breath, waiting. I’m going to die. Alex! Help! But nothing came. Peeking between her crossed arms, Lauren saw the shooter kneeling in the snow a dozen meters away. His blaster was loosely held in his hand, his head was bowed, and his eyes were closed. What the hell?

  Slowly Lauren lowered her arms. Turning to face the shooter, Lauren stood. “Who are you?” She spoke Alex’s language—Terran.

  “I am Guardian McLaran, McLaran the Elder, m’lady.” He never lifted his head.

  “I’m not your lady, and I don’t know what a Guardian is. Stand up so I can see your face.” Lauren had no idea who this man was, but for some reason a sense of safety and calm washed over her. Just like I feel with Alex.

  McLaran rose to his full height. His blue gaze reassured Lauren. This man was related to Alex.

  “I beg your forgiveness, m’lady. I had no idea who you were or I would never have brought a weapon to bear upon you.”

  What the hell is he talking about? Has Alex told him about me and sent out a search party to look for me? Why does he think I’m Comin? These questions and more streaked through Lauren’s mind. “No forgiveness needed.” Lauren looked at him. “McLaran was it?” He nodded. “I don’t know about you, but I’m freezing. Let’s find the cache and take this discussion inside, shall we? No one is going anywhere tonight.”

  Before McLaran could respond, Lauren turned back to the granite wall and raised the sword high above her head gripping the hilt in both hands. Slowly she swept the blade in a wide arc. Lauren watched the sapphire, trying to determine if its flash was brighter in one direction or another. When she glanced over her shoulder, she noticed his shocked expression, his blaster lying in the snow. He was kneeling in the snow again. Shrugging, she focused back on the sword.

  Chapter Six

  “Why are there Comin hounding our borders? How did they get here?” MacDonald asked from where he slouched in one of the high-backed chairs.

  Leave it to MacDonald to get the meeting started with a deflection. Alex chuckled to herself.

  “Yes, that is exactly what we want to know, Majesty,” Oswein's use of the title sounded more like an insult than an honorific. “How did they get to Terra?”

  A quiet settled on the large room. Alex settled deeper into her tartan and calmly surveyed the Council. A few, the Seneschal, McLaran the Younger, Newkirk the Younger, and MacDonald were comfortably settled in their chairs. Others were not so calm. Oswein and his cronies sat forward in their chairs, stiff ready to defend, as if waiting for Alex to pounce on them from her seat. But it was the Hebridean contingent that was of most concern. They were too calm, too quiet, yet unwilling to meet her gaze. A true sign of conspiracy, or at least guilt about something untoward. The quiet became increasingly uncomfortable. Small movements increased as some began to fidget in their seats. Alex let the time drag. When the weight of the silence became unbearable, Oswein stood from his seat.

  “Seat yourself, Oswein! You will not stand when Her Majesty is seated,” the Seneschal snapped, fire lancing in her eyes. But it was Snow that got everyone’s attention. Her growl rumbled around the circular room shaking it to the foundation. She stood stiffly on her paws, all her hackles upright. Alex reached a calming hand toward her companion. Wait. Not yet.

  Dropping back into his chair, Oswein dipped his head toward Merilyn and restated his question. “How did the Comin come to be in our land?”

  Slowly turning her head toward the Hebridean puppet, Alex smiled. Her smile feral and challenging, her lips curled in a silent growl. Alex dropped her left hand onto Snow’s shoulder and felt her growl continue to rumble. Reaching up with her other hand, Alex lifted the tartan to clear the path to her blade on her right side, accepting his challenge with her gesture.

  “It’s the Doouglas blade,” MacDonald exclaimed, pointing at Alex.

  Alex nodded. “I just thought I’d change it up, and wear something different this afternoon.”

  MacDonald jumped from his seat and rounded on Oswein, hand instinctually going to the hilt of his blade. “You scum! You called this meeting to challenge Her Majesty and her right to rule, yet she carries the Doouglas blade. You touch that blade, and see if you are the one to rule as you say. Or should we have your Hebridean witch take up the blade, since you both think she should rule this fair land!” MacDonald spun to his left and thrust his arm at the small woman seated diagonally across the table.

  Oswein shrank in his seat. He paled and turned pleading eyes on Gwenhwyfach. All he got for his entreaty was a raised eyebrow.

  Turning to the Seneschal, MacDonald bowed his head and settled back into his chair. “My pardon, Your Grace. I cannot tolerate this insult to the throne! How can I be of service to you and Her Majesty?”

  “As we speak, the entire Comin patrol but one has been dealt with. All dead but two. One wounded and being returned here for questioning. The other under watch for information gathering and being followed. You may be of service by allotting troops to the Guardians. By continuing to safeguard th
e Keep in winter.” Though she never raised her voice and did not this time, her words reverberated around the room.

  With that the Seneschal stood, and banged her staff on the floor three times. “The Council is dismissed!”

  In a swirl of tartan, Alex stood and strode from the room. Snow pawed at her side. The great oak doors parted before them without Alex’s hand touching their surface.

  Chapter Seven

  THE SAPPHIRE PULSED AND flashed as Lauren swept the sword back and forth before the granite wall. Lowering the sword, she unsheathed the blade and with a sweeping move, sliced through the air. The blade sang as it cut through the shield. The cache’s arched entrance stood open and inviting. Since the wind couldn't penetrate the shield, no snow covered the ground behind the shield.

  Lauren resheathed the blade. “I’ll go get my sled, and we can get comfortable while we wait out the night.”

  “Sounds excellent. I believe I lost my toes several kilometers ago.” McLaran lifted his snow-covered foot and stared at the fur boot.

  “It was a terrific shelter the first time we were here. And I know there is fresh food in stasis.” Stomping off to her abandoned sled, Lauren was worried about why McLaran was there. And why did he call me Comin? Where are the ones that attacked us? I should be more afraid. But I feel so calm around him.

  Just as Lauren pulled the sled into the cavern, a body tackled her from behind. Lauren struggled to rise, only to be pushed back down as the weight on her back settled over her. “What?” Lauren gasped as all remaining air was forced from her lungs. “Ice?”

  A familiar, rough tongue swept down the side of her face and landed in her right ear. “Get off me.” This is where the feeling of calm came from. Ice must have been close all along.

  Rolling to her back, Ice exposed her ice-encrusted belly to Lauren. Lauren sat up and rubbed Ice’s stomach. “You’re such a brat, Ice.”

  “I am not. We must leave now, Lauren. You must come back to the Keep. Alex is sick and lost. She cannot remember. She cannot hear me. You must come back.” Ice turned and started back out of the cavern.

  “I’m not going anywhere tonight. Tomorrow, I’m going back to the Mount Zirkel area to try and get back to Colorado. She told me to leave, so I left.” Speaking the words out loud caused Lauren to really hear them, and the reality of it all hit her harder than Ice landing on her back.

  Ice crawled over to her and placed her head in Lauren’s lap. Soft eyes gazed up at her. “It will be all right. You must come back. Alex will fix this.”

  Lauren turned to McLaran, who watched from the entrance of the cavern. She waved him in, and the three settled down. Lauren shook out her sleeping bag and turned toward her thermo-pad in her corner. The wolf lay to the side of the pad. Ice smiled a wolfy-grin up at Lauren. “Ice, what’s wrong with you. You’re not on my pad. Did you learn to share all of a sudden?” Lauren teased with her hands on her hips.

  “Lauren, I am comfortable here. This is the spot I choose. The sandy floor is warm and soft.”

  “Whatever, Ice.” Lauren waved her hand, dismissing the wolf. “I just want some food and a soak, before I go to sleep. Maybe you should see if McLaran will share his blankets with you?” And she began to shoo Ice away. But moving a hundred and fifty-pound wolf that didn't want to move was harder than it looked. Ice wasn't budging. Laughter from the other side of the cave didn't help her mood or her attempts at removing Ice’s furry butt. “If you think this is funny, you can get over here and help me.”

  “M’lady, you are not going to unseat a wolf that does not wish to move. Ice probably weighs more than you, and she is staying put. Perhaps when dinner is ready, you could use food as an enticement. But if I know Ice, she will move when she chooses.”

  “Fine, I’m going to take a bath. I’ll figure out dinner later. Hope you like chili.” Chuckling, she disappeared to the back of the cave in a swirl of towels.

  Dinner did indeed consist of chili, supplemented with veggies from stasis. “You know, we could have Ice hunt for us and augment the supplies in these storage cases with fresh meat.” McLaran’s comment elicited a wolfy smile from Ice and a grimace from Lauren.

  Lauren waved the suggestion away. “McLaran, I’ve seen what Ice eats from her hunts, and I would sooner become a vegetarian, then eat what she would bring back.”

  McLaran glanced up from his chili. “What is a vege-terran?”

  “It’s a person who eats nothing but vegetables and fruits, eliminating meat from their diet.”

  “Are they out of their minds? How does a Terran survive without meat?” McLaran shook his head and took another spoonful of chili.

  Lauren shrugged. “Terrans might not be vegetarians, but where I come from its a common choice.”

  “Well then, your people are crazed.” McLaran pointed his spoon at Lauren. “No one should voluntarily give up meat.”

  Following their meal, Lauren began to make tea. McLaran settled in his bedroll and asked, “Are you willing to share your story with me?”

  “I’ll gladly tell you what I know. But first, I ask that you tell me about Alex. Is she all right? I’m so worried about her.”

  McLaran eyed her. Worry rolled through Lauren in waves and her hands shook. “Let us make a deal, I will tell you what I know, and you will tell me what you know. It seems you can converse with Ice. Perhaps she can add additional information as well. Deal?” He stretched out his hand toward Lauren.

  “Deal,” Lauren said. McLaran clasped her forearm in his large hand. Lauren looked down at their joined arms. Peace and calm traveled along their physical connection. She had so many questions, but she was half afraid of the answers she might get. Her unease continued to settle as McLaran looked her in the eye. “You start. And drop the m’lady thing, I’m not a member of any royal or ruling class, I’m just Lauren.” Alone again.

  “Her Majesty returned from a journey that no one knew she had taken, gravely injured. She is healing but has isolated herself from everyone. The Seneschal stands guard over her like a mother bear over her cub. No one has seen or heard from her in days. But we know she is in her solar. Somehow, a patrol of Comin militia was found within the boundaries of Fuar Ćala. The Guardians ran them to ground and killed all but two. Or so we thought. I headed off to track the second one, as the injured man we caught was returned to Fuar Ćala. What I thought was the remaining Comin patrolman, turned out to be you. Who are you?” It’s like he’s giving me a military report.

  Lauren slowly sipped her tea. Shaking her head, Lauren placed her cup in the sand next to the corner of her pad, and placed a hand on Ice’s head. “My name is Lauren Beckwith. I was setting up a series of scientific experiments in the mountains of northern Colorado when I dropped through the ice into a lake during a blizzard. I was able to make it to a cave.”

  “Where is this Colorado? I have never heard of such a place.”

  “Colorado doesn’t exist in your world, your time. What I’m going to say about that would have me committed in my time. Here not so much, it seems.” Lauren shared her tale: starting with her hypothesis that Terra exists as a parallel universe—a self-contained, separate reality, co-existing with her own—and ending with the hooded figure who demanded she leave the Keep. It was as detail oriented as any project report she would write for Geodynamics.

  McLaran stayed quiet, occasionally sipping his tea, letting Lauren share her story at her own pace. Time stretched after Lauren completed telling of their journey. Ice slept at her side with Lauren absently stroking her furry head.

  McLaran nodded at the wolf. “How are you so comfortable with Alexandra’s companion, and she with you? No one at the Keep can get close to them. Even Her Majesty’s closest allies are hesitant to be near them. And yet, you can communicate with her.”

  Smiling, Lauren answered, “I haven’t a clue how I communicate with them. Alex thinks I bonded with them in some way, and they with me. They taught me your language as we traveled, and helped me get Alex back to her home.

  McLaran frowned. “Then that is how you use her sword. You know it is the Ruler’s Sword?” Lauren nodded. “If I were to touch it, it would kill me instantly. You not only touch it, you use it. You opened this cache with it.” He shook his head in what appeared to be wonder. “How is that possible?”

  “I understand nothing about any of this. I only know that I’m here in this now. And all I want to do is get back to my time, my reality. Perhaps when you return to your Keep, you can ask Merilyn. Alex seemed to hold her in high regard and thought she would be able to answer some of these questions.” Lauren rose from her thermo-pad. “I’m going to try and get some sleep. Rest well, McLaran, and thanks for not shooting me.”

  McLaran motioned her to settle back down. “I acknowledge your distress, but I feel I must take you back to Fuar Ćala. You, your abilities, your actions fly in the face of everything we know to be true. We must have answers before we allow you to leave us.”

  Lauren couldn’t believe what she was hearing. How could he make demands of her? He has no right to do that! “You want answers? That’s all I’ve wanted since waking up in that cave in the Zirkels. But no one can or will answer my questions. So why should you get answers? All I want is get back to my reality.”

  Her outburst may have vented some of her frustrations but it did nothing to assuage her deep despair. Defeated, Lauren hung her head as silent tears slid down her cheeks. “Please, just leave me alone. I can’t take much more. I’m trying to be strong, but I’ve about had it. I haven’t much more to give.”

  McLaran sighed. “I am sorry, Lauren, but my duty is to Her Majesty and Fuar Ćala.”

  “Don’t you understand? I patched her up and got her home. That’s what she wanted. I’ve done my duty, and I’ve no allegiance to Terra or Fuar Ćala. Alex sent me away.” The only duty I have left is to protect my heart as much as I can. She settled down, pulled her sleeping bag over her head, and tried to clear her mind. Figuring out how she would convince McLaran that she would not go back to Fuar Ćala would have to wait until tomorrow. Silent tears tracked down her cheeks.


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