Cowboy's Conundrum (Culpepper Cowboys Book 3)

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Cowboy's Conundrum (Culpepper Cowboys Book 3) Page 12

by Kirsten Osbourne

  “God, you look sexy covered in soap,” Chastity panted.

  “You too.”

  He dove in for a kiss. Their mouths met and parted, seeking and finding. Unfortunately, they also found the acrid taste of extra-strength detergent, and lost their footing.

  They broke apart as they scrambled to stay upright.

  “Bleh!” Chastity wiped her mouth with her sleeve. That only got more detergent in her mouth. She starts spitting and grumbling, and somehow managed to make it to the laundry room sink.

  Chris was right behind her. Within seconds, they had the tap running and took turns rinsing and spitting out soap.

  A knock sounded on the door, followed by Linda asking, “What are you two getting up to in there?”

  “She’s going to kill me,” Chris whispered, staring at the formerly clean, now ruined laundry around them, then called over his shoulder, “Nothing, Mom. Just some spilled soap.”

  “Spilled soap?” Linda yanked open the door. “Oh my word!”

  Soap and suds had begun to leak out under the laundry room door, but Linda’s unbelieving gaze settled on Chris and Chastity by the sink, covered in blue goo. At her shout, Karlan and Hope and Faith scrambled out of the living room and into the hall to take a look. Faith burst into laughter at the sight of them, which only caused the others to get up and come running too.

  “Chris, you idiot,” Cooper laughed as he craned his neck to see the soapy disaster.

  “And you wonder why we don’t let you mess with anything on the ranch,” Kolby added.

  “I don’t know,” Karlan shrugged. “Right now he looks like he could really clean things up.”

  The three brothers shared a laugh. Chris laughed with him, but from Chastity’s way of looking at it, there wasn’t much humor in his eyes.

  “Come here, Mom, I need a hug,” Chris said, starting toward Linda with slippery, outstretched arms.

  “Don’t you come near me, covered in soap like that,” Linda scolded and laughed at the same time. Chris held back, glancing down at the mess of his clothes and the foam on the floor. “I expect you to clean that up,” Linda went on.

  “Of course, Ma.” Chris winked at her, then winced and cried out. “I got soap in my eye.”

  “Here, I can get it out.” Chastity grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the sink.

  They spent the next fifteen minutes rinsing themselves off in the sink, then in the shower down the hall, until the only soap left was on the floor and the washer. Then they cleaned that up.

  “Well, at least it’ll be easy to wash all these towels now that they’re filled with soap,” Chastity sighed. She rested back on her haunches in a squat on the now squeaky-clean laundry room floor.

  “I guess so.” Chris tossed he towel he’d been using onto the pile the two of them had made, then flopped to sit against the wall. “So what are we going to do?” he asked, sounding a little too defeated for Chastity’s liking.

  Chastity shrugged. “Sex in the laundry room is out, that much is for sure.”

  Chris chuckled. “We could try it in the kitchen.”

  Chastity wrinkled her nose. “Too unhygienic. People eat in there.”

  “How about the stable?”

  “Nah, the horses would give us funny looks. Plus, hay.”

  Chris chuckled. “The car then?”

  “Too cramped.”

  “I give up.”

  Chastity grinned. This was fun. No one had ever really bantered with her before. Argued, yes. She was forever arguing and bickering with her sisters and her parents. But nothing had ever come close to this silly back and forth about ridiculous things. Yeah, she knew she was weird and different, but Chris didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, he was smiling at her now like he wanted to go through the whole soap-up again.

  “Well,” she sighed. “There really isn’t anything else we can do.”

  “We could always get married.” Chris shrugged.

  “You think?” She pretended as though no one had ever thought of the idea before.

  “Why not?” Chris grinned. “At least then we’d have the full green-light to go ahead and get our nasty on in an actual bed.”

  “What, and miss out on all the soap?”

  “We could bring a bottle of scented hand soap into bed with us.”

  Chastity pretended to consider, tilting her head to the side. “Doesn’t that stuff have a lot of alcohol in it? It could sting really bad in…places.”

  Chris laughed. “I hadn’t thought of that.” He rolled to his knees and crawled across the laundry room floor to her. “We’ll just have to buy a really big bottle of lube instead and slick ourselves down.”

  It was Chastity’s turn to laugh, but that laughter was cut short as Chris moved in for a kiss. One of the good kisses—not too hard, not too soft. Just right. It left her head spinning and her heart—and other regions—on fire.

  “Let’s get married,” he whispered, rocking back to grin at her. “Just you and me, at the church tomorrow. No one else invited.”

  She never would have guessed that the idea of getting married without her sisters would be so appealing, but at that moment, all she wanted was Chris, now and forever.

  “Okay,” she said with a fake casual shrug. “I’ve got nothing better to do tomorrow.”

  Chris stole another quick kiss, winked at her, then stood, pulling her up with him. “All right then. It’s a date. You and me and Brother Anthony. And then we’ll finish what we started here. Without soap.”

  About the Author


  Kirsten Osbourne

  Also by Kirsten Osbourne

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