Watcher Untethered

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Watcher Untethered Page 23

by JL Madore

  Seth came over and gave Austin a hug. “It’s good to see you on your feet, cowgirl.”

  She pulled him down and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for comin’ for me. How’s your brother?’

  Seth shrugged, the look on the guy’s face tired and drawn. “We think there’s a blade tip or shrapnel of that alloy inside him blocking his healing, but we don’t know from which hole or where to start looking.”

  “Will you take me to him, please? I’d like to sit with him.”

  Tend to my warriors, tend to me, Zander thought. It was the oldest of the warrior codes. The gratitude that washed over him almost knocked him on his ass. As he followed the two, he sent up yet another prayer of thanks to Lady Divinity for giving him and Austin a second chance.

  The air surged behind him and a female materialized. Though her short turquoise hair and athletic physique didn’t fit with the Lightworld, he recognized her designation. He drew his dagger, blocking any access to Austin.

  “Get the fuck out of my home,” he said. “You have no business here, female.”

  “Zander,” Kyrian said, jogging over. “I summoned her.”

  “She’s a fucking Reaper.”

  Kyrian bristled. “You think that escaped me? Drina is here to help.”

  “I’m not here to reap, warrior. Be at ease.” She glanced down to where he gripped her arm and scowled. “Be. At. Ease. Commander. Or we will have a problem.”

  A growl rumbled deep from his chest and his wings extended. “You’re in my realm and in my home, Reaper. You don’t threaten me or mine or I end you. Give me one reason why I shouldn’t do it now.”

  “Because three days ago, your Moor could use his intestines for a skipping rope and the Persian was bleeding to death.” She lifted her chin and though she stood a solid foot shorter than him, she held her ground. “Stop ruffling your feathers at me, Sumerian. You might think they’re bad-ass, but where I come from, they’re old news.”

  Sparks spit from the outlets as he cast a feral glance toward the injured Egyptian. “Yeah, well if you’re such a hot-shit healer, why is Phoenix still suffering?”

  Austin stepped between them and frowned. “Simmer down, both of you. Y’all seem to be on the same side here.” She raised her finger at him. “If Kyrian brought Drina here, let her help. He wouldn’t invite someone into our home without thinkin’ it through.” She turned to the female next. “And while you’re here, missy, you’ll mind your manners. We’ve had a crap time of it and are all a bit cranky. Poking a bear is liable to get your arms ripped off.”

  Well alllrighty then.

  “I guess we’re all clear on that,” Seth said.

  Zander replayed that rant in his head. She said our home. Hells yeah, it was.

  “Welcome to the new world order,” Brennus said, offering him a half-empty bottle of Scotch. “Damn, those wings are spank, Sumerian.”

  “You look seriously bad-ass, Z.” Seth nudged Phoenix. “Forget Red Bull, my brother, Austin gives us wings.”

  Austin’s cheeks flushed as she pulled a chair to face Phoenix and away from the room.

  “Austin may have given me wings, but you bastards are outta luck. And just to be clear, she won’t be going anywhere. Ever. Again. My need for her is nothing I can control, and you don’t want to get between me and what’s mine. My alter ego is not a monster you want to fuck with.”

  What Kyrian and the others told him about the cave gave him the shimmies. His beast had broken completely free. The eyes. The voice. He’d blacked out until he held Austin in his arms and carried her out to the forest clearing.

  Austin squeezed his hand. “A friend of mine in university, Pete, drank like nobody’s business. He was a happy drunk, for the most part, life of the party kinda cowboy. On the occasions when he really pushed his limit, though, he tripped a switch. Someone else took over entirely. We called his alter ego Jackson. And when Jackson came out, it was bad news. People always got hurt.”

  “Then here’s to Jackson,” Brennus said lifting the bottle of Aberfeldy in his hand. “May he stay well tethered until we truly need to hurt people.”

  “Or we need a six-and-a-half-foot nightlight,” Seth added.

  That took the edge off and they all took a turn drinking from the bottle.

  His beloved sat with Phoenix for a half-hour or so and Zander left her to her thoughts. He didn’t want her to feel responsible for the twin’s injuries but knew that was how his woman was wired. He jumped when she shot to her feet.

  “Hey, any of you strong men up for a road trip?”

  Zander laughed. “You’re not going anywhere. The entire Darkworld is looking for you.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, drawing his attention to the rounds of her breasts. “We’re not sightseein’. We’re fetchin’ equipment that could help Phoenix. If there’s metal stuck inside him and we know where, Drina can get it out.”

  “What do you need?” Seth asked, looking pleased with the prospect of doing something.

  “I have two different X-ray machines at my clinic, but some of my other equipment will help too if y’all are facing new injuries. Let’s clear out my stuff and set up a clinic here.”

  “Done.” Kyrian jumped up and grabbed his jacket from the supply hutch by the door. “Drina’s one hell of a medic, Z, give her the right tools and she’ll fix up our boy. It’s time for a division of assets.”

  Zander nodded. “Fine, but Austin stays here.”

  “No,” she said, propping her hands on her hips. “I still run my life, thank you, Mr. Ambrose. We’ll go, pick up what we need and be back before you miss us.”

  “Miss you? If you go, I go.”

  She pointed behind his head. “People will notice a man with five foot, ebony wings, angelman. You see the problem?”

  “Beyond finding shirts that fit?” Seth said.

  Zander rolled his eyes. “It’s cool, love, archangels, cherubs and Seraph all have wings, but humans don’t see them. I’ll just blend into the woodwork.”

  Austin snorted. “I’m sure. Subtle is your middle name. Now, we’ll need muscle and a big truck.”

  “I’ll call Colt.” Seth retrieved his cell from his leather vest. “He’ll want to join the fun.”

  Located downtown, ironically ten minutes from the loft, Austin’s physio-care clinic was everything she’d thought she wanted. Before she knew better. How many times had her path crossed with Zander and his men without them knowing? Zander parked the Navigator in her spot while Seth backed a large cube-truck up to the side door.

  She rubbed clammy palms against the thighs of her jeans.

  Taking four massive Nephilim soldiers and a Fire Demon into a hostile confrontation with Rick made her queasy. Not knowing if the equipment would even help made it worse.

  Why was her throat so dry?

  “Second thoughts about cutting ties?” Zander asked, his voice eerily calm.

  She turned in her seat and patted Zander’s solid thigh. “Nothin’ like that. It’s not my feelings for him, it’s . . . well, I feel foolish havin’ y’all meet him when everyone knows what he did behind my back. It’s embarrassing.”

  “Well if that’s your concern, don’t worry. Dick is the fool.” He leaned over the console and touched his lips to hers, his eyes bright. “He let you get away.”

  Zander swung out of the car in a graceful sweep and strode around to open her door. Daddy always wanted her to find a gentleman to love her. He wanted her to have an old-fashioned man who stood when she entered a room, who’d protect her from the cruelties of the world and who would take care of her.

  In Zander’s case, he was really, really old-fashioned.

  “Cowgirl?” The door was open and his hand offered.

  “Okay,” she sighed, “let’s get this over with.”

  Zander sent Kyrian and Seth inside first, while he and Colt took up the rear, and Brennus secured the trucks and the exit. Austin’s info had been leaked, leaving all her former hangouts compromis

  “Back here boys,” Austin said taking the first hall to the right. “The big stuff I want is that exam table, this massage bed, and the X-ray machine. I’d also like the massage chair in the corner there and Seth, would you put everything from this cabinet into a bin or something?”

  “All of it?” his brother asked, looking around the pale blue room, eyeing the equipment she’d pointed to. “Why not take the whole cabinet?”

  “Uh, okay, great idea. I’ll take that cabinet and—”

  “What the hell is going on? And where have you been?”

  Zander’s beast surged and he forced himself to keep his distance. This was Austin’s show and he’d be damned if he undermined her. Good looking, in a clean cut, Matt Damon kind of way, Rick would be considered a catch in the human world. In his world, Zander would snap his twig body into kindling without effort. A growl escaped his chest.

  Austin sent him a warning glare and faced her ex. “Sorry I didn’t call first. We’re here for my things.”

  “Your things?” he sputtered. “This equipment belongs to the clinic.”

  “I own half the clinic. We talked about this, Rick. I told you I planned to relocate.”

  “Yeah, but you can’t just haul things away.”

  “You made it clear that our partnership is over, so I’m movin’ on and movin’ out.”

  “We’ll see what the cops think.” He grabbed his cell from the pocket.

  Colt’s smile was priceless. The cop set down the massage bed and stood to his full six-foot-six height, pulling out his badge. “Good morning, Dick. Day Sergeant Colton Creed at your service. Actually, I’m at Austin’s service at the moment. You’re covered by the 51 here. When you call in, ask for me. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I’m busy helping a friend.”

  Rick’s look of disgust made the entire visit worthwhile. “And who the fuck are you, her new boyfriend?”

  Colt shook his head and grabbed a supply cabinet. “No, the big guy leering at you from the corner is her boyfriend.”

  Zander flashed a fuck-you smile, hoping Dick was stupid enough to say something he didn’t like. The guy’s gaze ping-ponged from Colt to Kyrian to Austin and then back.

  “Oh,” Kyrian said, chiming in, “and since you fucked with our girl, I think we need to go over the finer points of how to treat a woman.”

  “Yeah,” Seth said, as they sauntered past with the X-ray machine, not even breaking a sweat. “Austin deserved better than an email that you were fucking around, you spineless shit sack. Annnnd, I know you asked us to behave, cowgirl, but I honestly think we should fuck this guy up a little. Pleeease?”

  Rick looked more alarmed by the second.

  “Not today, Seth,” Austin said. “Today we help Phoenix, but I’ll tell you what, if he tries to stop us, you’re good to go.”

  Seth’s grin widened into a brilliant white smile. “You’re the best, Austin.”

  She turned back to a very pale Rick and extended her hand. “Here are printed copies of the credit card receipts showing that I bought and own this equipment. There’s also a copy of your email asking me to step away from the business. I haven’t been to a lawyer, but if you want to go that route I’ll get one.”

  “No need, love.” Zander pushed off the wall and closed the distance. “I have a team of lawyers at your disposal, the best in their fields. Somehow, though, I don’t think Dick here is foolish enough to challenge what he knows is just.”

  Rick looked like he might explode.

  “So, sweetheart, you wanted this too, right?” Kyrian pointed to a massive, white enamel machine with a million dials. His grin widened as he pulled his dagger out of his jacket. “Z, would you hold these while I move this to the truck?”

  Zander accepted the dagger, two other knives, brass knuckles and finally Kyrian’s twin forties. “Don’t want any workplace accidents, do we, Dick?”

  White as a sheet, Rick shook his head.

  “Cowgirl?” Zander said, looking at the vacant space. “Is there anything else you need while we’re here?”

  “Umm . . . did we get the ultrasound equipment?”

  Zander nodded.

  “Then, I think we’re good to go.”

  He kissed her nose and inclined his head to the door. “You check on the boys loading the truck. I’ll be right out.”

  She hesitated. “Uh . . . are you sure?”

  Zander handed Kyrian his mountain of weapons when he returned and tilted his head toward the door. His brother offered her his elbow and away they went. When she hesitated, he smiled. “Don’t worry, darlin’, s’all good. I’ll be right out.”

  Out at the truck, Austin waited with her heart in her throat. What would Zander do to Rick in the privacy of the back room? He protected humans. He wouldn’t hurt him, would he? When the door creaked open and then slammed shut, a rush of lightheadedness threatened to take her. She focused on Zander’s smooth, confident gait and steadied herself.

  Zander pressed his lips to hers in gentle reassurance and then leaned his broad back against the side of the truck. “Let’s sit tight for a couple minutes, boys. Something tells me Dick won’t be seeing any more patients this morning.”

  “Oh, Zander, what did you do?”

  As they stood there, the door once again creaked open and slammed shut.

  “What?” she said, the wondering eating at her. “Tell me what’s happened.”

  Kyrian chuckled beside her. “Your ex is making a hasty dash for his car sporting a noticeable dark patch down the front of his chinos.”

  “Oh. My. God. Z, you are fucking awesome,” Seth howled.

  Zander kissed her hand and shrugged. “He humiliated you. I returned the favor. Now, let’s go see if Kyrian’s Reaper is as good as she thinks she is. I want my men on their feet and you on your back as soon as possible.”

  “Will it ever ease?” Zander asked softly against Austin’s neck a long while later. He shifted his weight, sank deeper inside her. “My need to claim you, to sheath myself in your warmth and take from you. I need you more than food to nourish me, more than breath to sustain me.”

  Her lips yielded to him as their bodies took over. More than an immortal warrior and protector of man—Zandros of Kish was now a lover. Passionate. Possessive. Enthralled.

  They’d lain together for hours, him stroking her hair, kissing her skin and relishing in the scent of her filling his lungs. They’d slept too. It was a sleep unlike any he’d known. The kind of rest one finds at the end of a harrowing journey.

  “Tell me again,” she whispered as he rocked inside her.

  He dropped his mouth to her ear and in his first language repeated the words she had him utter all afternoon. “I love you.” He’d told her in English, Sumerian, Latin, Greek, Egyptian and any other language he could remember.

  She liked Sumerian best.

  Thrusting languidly his body stiffened, his release not the desperate storm of their previous sessions, but a glorious wave breaking and receding and breaking again upon a welcoming shore. As he rode that gentle ebb-and-flow rhythm he felt, for the first time in his life, he had found peace.

  Until he felt the archangels arrive.

  Showered, dressed and tucked under Zander’s protective wing as they moved through the loft, Austin’s breath caught. What if the archangels didn’t let her stay? What if, after everything, they sent her back? By the sound of the shuffling feet, the entire garrison launched to their feet as the two of them entered the living room. She eyed Michael, Raphael and Gabriel in their entire celestial grandeur and nodded hello.

  “Austin,” Gabriel said, his smile genuine and breathtaking, “I am pleased to see you looking so well.”

  Austin couldn’t manage polite. “Can we cut to the chase. Do you still intend to keep us apart? I’ll tell you, boys, right now, it won’t work.”

  Zander nodded. “It’s too late to forbid me to love her. I do. I claimed her and survived the prophecy. Are we going to have issues, or will
you let us be?”

  Before the Angel replied, a tingle crawled up her neck and her nape prickled. Someone else was crashing the party. The air emitted a powerful electrical charge as an ebony-haired woman materialized.

  Austin saw every detail of her stunning, Prussian blue velvet pants, matching jacket, and copper bustier beneath. She drew the attention of every male in the room. As she walked the bustier transitioned into shades of bronze, gold, and copper. Her boot heels clicked on the hardwood as she approached, her hand resting on the hilt of a glowing scimitar at her hip.

  “That question is mine to answer, Zandros of Kish. And my answer is that you are mated. For good or ill, you two are bound e’ermore. As the humans say, let no man put asunder.”

  The woman’s voice rang like the clearest bell mixed with the most melodious bird’s song.

  The men reacted in harried unison. Archangels and Nephilim alike drew their daggers and in a movement so synchronized it seemed choreographed, dropped to one knee, sliced their palms and placed their bloody hands over their hearts. Then, they fell as still as statues.

  Austin followed their lead and bowed her head.

  “Stand tall warriors. You too, child.”

  The room fell silent. Nerves got the better of Austin and after a moment and she took the bull by the horns. “Thank you for comin’ to answer our questions, ma’am. I am Austin, the umm, human in this equation.”

  She took a step forward and offered her hand.

  A collective hiss broke out. Zander clasped her wrist and rushed in front of her, wings raised. “Apologies, Milady. My beloved is new to our world. She meant no offense. If there be penance made for any affront, I offer myself.”

  The woman raised a hand, her skin sparkling like an opal in the light. “Be at ease, warrior. Let her come to me.”

  Austin’s heart beat as loud as a marching band in her chest. Milady? As in Lady Divinity? She stood rubber legged, peeking from behind the shield of Zander’s ebony screen and waited. He wasn’t moving. Would he let her pass?



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