Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2) Page 4

by Brie Paisley

  I fucked up.

  Oh God, I fucked up big time.

  Why did I think it was a good idea to smoke weed before work? Why oh why did I do it? Swallowing hard, my eyes search for a way out. The cops are all over the place, and paranoia is setting in hard. Everything was going just fine at Tampico Bay until two drunk college students started fighting. They were all but tearing the place down before my boss, Paul, had to call the cops. Now I’m hiding in a fucking corner behind the bar freaking the hell out because cops … are … everywhere. One look at me and they’ll know I’m high as a fucking kite. An hour into my shift and shit hits the fan.


  Searching again for a way out, I slowly move out of my hiding spot. If I can just get past the two cops talking to Paul, I can make a break for the back door. Deciding to take a chance, I quickly walk past them hoping and praying no one sees me. I’ve spent time in a jail cell many times, and I do not wish to do it again. Yes, I made a lot of stupid mistakes in my younger days, okay not that long ago, but I really would rather not risk it again. Making my way around the bar, I look back at the front door then to the two cops seeing they’re still talking to Paul. Holding my breath, I sneak past them, and my heart begins to pound as I make my way through the crowd in the small establishment. Normally this wouldn’t bother me, but it seems the fight has caused everyone to be on high alert. There are three rooms sectioned off from the front bar, and I have to push my way through the crowd to get to the back door. Thankfully no one pays me any mind as I get closer to the door, but I’m still holding my breath. All it’ll take is for one of these drunk fools to ask me what I’m doing, and it’ll cause unwanted attention.

  I can hear the pounding of my heart in my ears, but freedom is only inches away. Finally reaching the door, I don’t think about Paul looking for me once things calm down. I frankly don’t care about anything but getting away from the fucking cops. Without a second glance behind me, I jerk open the door and quickly shut it behind me with both hands. My shoulders sag in relief as I feel the night air hitting me, and I close my eyes as I finally let out a deep breath. “Sneakin’ out for a break huh?”

  My eyes snap open as I hear the deep manly voice with a thick southern accent behind me, and I quickly turn around. “You have got to be shitting me.”

  His head tilts as a huge grin forms on his face, and dare I say, there’s a hint of glee in his bright blue eyes. He walks closer to me, and I lean against the wall for support. This can’t be happening. Not while I’m still higher than the freaking clouds. “I never thought I would see you again, Sassy Savannah Owens.”

  “Fate must really love me tonight,” I huff out.

  He chuckles, and I find I like the sound way more than I should. “Why do I get the feelin’ you really don’t mean that?”

  “Because,” I drawl out. “It’s the truth.”

  “Is that why you looked as if you were runnin’ away from somethin’ chasin’ you with a hacksaw?”

  “What?” Turning around, I actually check to make sure no one is coming after me.

  Mysterious first name laughs once more, before adding, “Or maybe you’re tryin’ to rob the joint, and I caught you red handed.”

  Okay, I’m really starting to freak out. In the back of my mind, I know he’s joking, but I’m having a bad effect from the weed. In other words, I’m wigging out man. “Oh, please! Don’t take me to jail!” Seeing the confusion on his face, I plead some more. “I swear I’ll do anything.” Unable to stop myself, I grab onto this arms and shake them. “Just don’t take me to jail.”

  His eyebrows furrow as he really looks at me for a moment. I blink away the tears starting to pool in my eyes because I just know he’s going to arrest me. But instead of putting me in cuffs, he smiles at me again before asking, “Are you high?”

  “Uh … maybe?” I whisper.

  “You’re so fucked up.”

  Rolling my eyes, I drop his arms as I confess, “Okay, fine. I’m high as fuck. I did something stupid, and now I’m freaking out. There are cops all over the place, and now I run into you, and you’re just you, and I don’t want to go to jail.” Sucking in a breath, I can’t believe I just blurted that out.

  “That was quite a mouth full.”

  Covering my hand over my mouth, I try to hold in a laugh. I end up snorting and the sound alone is so embarrassing, but then again it feels good to laugh. “That’s what she said.”

  We both laugh loudly before his eyes turn serious. At least, I think that look means he’s serious. “I won’t arrest you,” he starts, and I hold in a breath. “On one condition.” He adds, and my stomach sinks.

  “I don’t have to suck your dick do I? Because I know I said I’d do anything, but I don’t know. That seems like a bit much.”

  His eyes widen for a good ten seconds before he smiles again while shaking his head. “I at least would like for you to buy me dinner first. Then maybe have a first kiss before we move onto other parts of my body then to yours.” I’m speechless as I listen to him. It’s as if he already knows how things are going to go between us. It’s the strangest conversation I’ve ever had before. But the more he talks, the more my eyes begin to wander down his face and chest. Then to his bulky arms and manly hands. My eyes get to his crotch, and I imagine what his cock would look like. “My condition,” he says loudly, and I meet his eyes again. My face flames with embarrassment knowing he caught me checking him out. God please let this night end already. “One date and I won’t arrest you.”

  “You’re serious?” This doesn’t seem real. Why would he let me off this easy? But I know he’s dead serious about taking me out on a date when he wiggles his eyebrows.

  I start to answer him, but a loud banging noise cuts me off. Mystery first name guy turns around, and that’s when I notice a man in the back of the cop car. I’m assuming the car belongs to C. Harlow. He signals me to follow him and for a moment I panic. What if all this was just a ruse to get me in his car so he can throw me in jail? Against my better judgment, I follow him anyway, but keep a fair distance in case he tries anything funny. As we get closer to the police cruiser, the guy in the back begins to curse very loudly and bangs his head against the window. “Hey man. Simmer down back there,” he yells. The man in the back seat however, either doesn’t hear him or doesn’t care. “Don’t make me pepper spray you.” C. Harlow pulls a small can of pepper spray out of his pocket and holds it up. “I will spray you in the eyes. It will hurt like a motherfucker.” The man in the back seat instantly calms down, and I snicker. Hearing his southern accent come out so thick is something I’m finding I want to hear more of. “Have you ever been peppered sprayed before?” he asks catching my attention.

  “I can’t say that I have.”

  He quickly puts his can of pepper spray away before saying, “I have. Sprayed myself in the face once.” His head snaps up to me then he adds, “By accident.” He chuckles as I smile and shake my head. “Why would I spray myself in the face with that shit?” Something tells me he might have just been curious, and he did spray himself. There’s something in the tone of his voice like he’s trying to convince me it was an accident. And the fact he won’t look me in the eyes. “Anyway did you ever hear the story about the guy dyin’ from shovin’ a pepper spray can up his ass?”

  Shockingly I know exactly what he’s talking about. “You mean the episode on A 1,000 Ways to Die, and the guy is an ex-convict?”

  “And he shoves a can of pepper spray up his b-hole when he gets pulled over so he won’t be violatin’ his parole?”

  Smiling while nodding my head, I add, “But the guy didn’t realize in doing so, when the cop pushed him against his car, the can went off inside him.”

  “I’m sure he had regrets from that,” he says while chuckling.

  “Well I’m not so sure if he regretted it since he died and all.” I deadpan, and when he laughs again, my stomach starts fluttering like crazy. I blame the drugs for the sudden sensation, but I can
’t help but join him as he continues to laugh.

  His laugh slowly dies as he says, “That was my favorite episode.”

  “No shit. It’s mine too.”

  “Looks like we’re made for each other.”

  Rolling my eyes, I still can’t stop a smile from forming. Even if he’s full of shit. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. I said one date, and that’s only because you promised not to arrest me.”

  My entire body tenses as he steps closer to me. He’s so close I can smell him, and my mouth begins to dry up. I’m not sure if he’s wearing cologne or not, but he smells divine. It has to be cologne because no man has ever smelled so good around me before. “I know a good thing when I see it,” he says huskily and brushes a strand of hair out of my face. It’s such a sweet and innocent moment, but tell my heart that. I have to open my mouth to take in more air, and it’s as if my mind is trying to play catch up. It’s just the after effects of the joint I smoked. “Let me see your phone.”

  “Umm, what now?”

  “Phone? Don’t you have a phone like every ten-year-old?”

  “Okay, Mr. Smart Ass. There’s no need to get grumpy on me,” I playfully scold. Reaching around to my back pocket, I unlock the phone then hand it to him. Our fingers brush ever so slightly, and I swear I’ll never smoke weed again. His touch, no matter how light or innocent it may seem, makes my body react in a way that I’ve never known before. It’s sort of freaking me out.

  His bright blue eyes hold mine for a moment more before he starts typing something on my phone. Curiosity nags at me, but I don’t have to wait long. “Here,” he says as he hands my phone back. “Don’t forget about me, Sassy Savannah.”

  I don’t get the chance to respond. He quickly turns around and gets into his police car. Standing in the middle of the back parking lot, I probably seem like an idiot as I watch him leave. Shaking myself out of my daze, I glance down at my phone to see what he added. Grinning widely, I read out loud what he put in my contacts. “Caden. The man of your dreams.” Well at least I know what his name is now.

  “Dude, you seriously need to stop with the grinnin’. You’re not supposed to smile so much.”

  Glancing up at my twin, I flip him the bird. “Why can’t you just be happy for me?” He knows I’m joking with my playful tone, but Cason can never take a joke.

  “It’s not that I’m not happy for you, it’s just … weird. You’ve been walkin’ around for three days with your phone attached to your hand, and that stupid shit eatin’ grin on your ugly face.”

  “Hey if my face is ugly, then yours is too. Twins remember?”

  “Like I could ever forget,” he says in a monotone voice.

  “Lighten up, buttercup.” Cason glares at me, and I flash him an even bigger grin. “Come on, Cas. Be happy for once in your life.”

  He lets out a huff then says, “Yay. Happy.”

  Bursting out in laughter, I smack him on his shoulder. “Very convincin’, bro. I’m sold.” I’m really not, but at least he tried. Cason wasn’t always this serious, but he sure does make it fun to fuck with him.

  “I’m just sayin’. I don’t want you getting’ your hopes up about this chick because if it doesn’t work out, then I’ll be the one to pick up the mess.”

  “Your concern for me is endearin’, but I’ve got this one in the bag.” And I do. I just have to figure out a way to keep her. It’s only been a few days since I last saw Savannah, but I’ve been texting her nonstop since that night at Tampico Bay.

  Cason sighs deeply as he shakes his head, then gets up from the couch. It’s been a rare lazy day for us, but I’m getting antsy just sitting here. “Alright I get it. Get your rocks off then cut her lose like all the others.”

  “As much as I’m enjoyin’ this conversation, I’m goin’ to have to stop you, bro.” Cason stops before he gets to the front door to give me his full attention. Getting off the couch, I walk over to him and place my hand on his shoulder. He glares at me again, and I think better of it and slowly remove my hand. “She’s different, man. I can’t really explain how I know. Maybe it’s my inner chick comin’ out.” Shrugging, I add, “Either way. She’s not like the others. Just wait until you meet her and then you’ll see.”

  Cason narrows his eyes at me for a moment before he nods. “I just don’t want to see you hurt like before.”

  “Awe my baby bro is lookin’ out for me.”

  “Don’t push it, dipshit.”

  “Come on, say you love me.”

  “I’m leavin’ now. You’ve ruined the moment.”

  “Oh come on. Don’t be such a wet blanket!” Placing my hands on my hips, I call after him. He flips me the bird over his shoulder, and all I can do is shake my head as he slams the door shut behind him. “What a crybaby.” Huffing out a breath, I walk back over to the couch and prop my feet up on the coffee table. Maybe I shouldn’t have pushed my twin so far, but his concern isn’t needed. I know there’s something going on with Savannah, I just haven’t figured out what it is yet. More research is needed. Okay maybe not so much as research, but I have this need to know more about her. What makes her tick? I wonder what it would take to make her smile again because Lord knows her smile can light up a room. It does seem a bit out of character for me to be wondering so much about one woman, but I can’t deny what my instincts are telling me. Not to mention, her eyes tell me she’s lost. There’s a sadness in them, and I’m determined to find out all her deep dark secrets.

  Glancing over at the clock, I decide I’ve waited long enough to text her again. Shifting to my side, I grab my phone out of my pocket and notice my little Sassy Savannah never responded to my last message I’d sent earlier.

  Me: What are you wearin’?

  Placing my phone face down on my leg, I turn the TV on to catch up on the news. I honestly hate watching the news, but it’s something to keep my mind busy while I wait for her to respond. Thankfully she doesn’t make me wait very long.

  Sassy S: Clothes.

  Me: What kind of clothes?

  Sassy S: The kind you buy at the store. Duh.

  A grin forms as I read her message, and I think once again maybe I have met my match.

  Me: What store did you buy them from? Let me guess … The sexy store?

  It takes her a few minutes to respond, and for a moment I’m afraid I pushed her too far. I do have a habit of doing that.

  Sassy S: Sexy store? What’s that? Another name for Wal-Mart?

  Me: How about I take you to the “sexy Wal-Mart” sometime? ;-)

  Sassy S: In your dreams maybe.

  Me: How about dinner instead?

  Smooth Caden. Real smooth. Never in my life have I been so nervous waiting for a chick to respond back to a date request. But in the short amount of time I’ve gotten to know Savannah, I know she’s worth the wait. Even if my balls feel like they’re lodged in my throat.

  Sassy S: I don’t know. You did blackmail me into agreeing. Doesn’t seem fair.

  Letting out a breath, I realize I can work with this. Yes, I did sort of blackmail her, but I really wanted a chance to get to know her. And mainly to get her phone number.

  Me: Don’t make me come arrest you. Cause I will.

  Sassy S: Why does that sound fun and less of like a threat?

  Me: Oh it’ll be fun for the both of us.

  Sassy S: You’re so full of shit.

  Me: Funny. All my brothers say the same thing.

  Me: Come on. One date and if you still don’t like me then I’ll leave you alone.

  Not hardly, but one little white lie won’t hurt.

  Sassy S: I’m not sure I believe that, but fine. What the hell.

  Me: It’s a done deal. No take backs.

  Sassy S: LOL I wouldn’t dare be an Indian giver. ;-)

  Damn this woman is made for me. Letting out a breath, I try to play it cool. For some reason, she makes me feel like I’m sixteen again.

  Me: All-time favorite food?

  Sassy S: Panca

  Me: I’ll pick you up at seven.

  Sassy S: Today? I have to work.

  Me: Call in sick.

  Sassy S: I can’t do that!

  Me: You can and you will. Come on. Live a little.

  Sassy S: Fine, but this date better be worth it.

  Me: Oh it will. That I can promise.

  I wait a few moments to see if she’ll respond, and when she doesn’t, I turn off the TV and quickly race to my room. It’s only after three in the afternoon, and I know I have a lot of time to kill, but this just gives me more time to plan the perfect date. I’m sure a quick phone call to Mama will help my situation because I’ll admit, I might have tooted my own horn a little. But I do want this first date to be epic. I want Savannah to know without a doubt, that after this, there’s no stopping me from making her mine.

  With having so much time to kill, I decided to forgo calling Mama and instead, I’m parking in my parent’s driveway. Quickly turning off the truck, I hop out and make my way to the front door. I don’t even bother to knock and walk inside my parent’s home as I yell, “Mama, your favorite son is here.”

  “Well make yourself right at home.”

  Smiling as I make my way to Mama’s voice in the kitchen, I respond back to her. “Now, now. Is that any way to treat your favorite son?”


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