Grounded By Love

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Grounded By Love Page 10

by Lily Thomas

  “Where did you see them? When?”

  Claira explained, she had been out searching for a few herbs, when she saw the giants. Then she described how she had stayed hidden until they disappeared.

  “I’m glad you are safe.” He may have no intention of hurting her, but he knew other rock giants wouldn't care for her life. She would just be one more human.

  They fell into silence, as they made their way through the forest. Kaeldar kept thinking about how to keep her safe, when they came across other rock giants. He knew they would think he had her for more intimate reasons. Why else would he keep a human female alive?

  It was a little too late for him to take her to a different human village. Not that he thought she would leave him. She still wanted to keep an eye on his wound, if he knew her.

  Then came the question of a human village accepting her. He doubted they would with the way the last village treated her. Even before he had shown up on the scene, she’d been treated like an outsider. She was stuck with him, and he would do his best to keep her alive.

  He was left to his own thoughts until the afternoon, when he noticed Claira drifting off into sleep, while on her horse. She would shake her head and wake, but he didn't need her falling off her horse and getting injured.

  Eventually, her head drooped, and she didn't wake. So Kaeldar pulled his horse up to hers, grabbed her, and placed her in front of him.

  Claira tried to protest. “I’m awake, put me back.”

  But Kaeldar only shook his head down at her. “I don't think so. You are going to end up falling off your horse, and we don't need you getting injured as well.” Then he added, “You stayed up to take care of me, you need some sleep, Claira. Get some.”

  She stared up at him, and he thought she would keep protesting, but instead she nodded. She fell asleep, as soon as her head touched his chest.

  He gazed down at the top of her blonde hair. His heart got a strange hitch in it, and he couldn't help but puff out his chest a little. She trusted him enough to sleep within his arms.

  He told himself she didn't mean anything to him. She was just a human female he owed his life to, that was all. There was nothing between them, nothing at all. There never would be anything between them either.

  Taking the reins of the second horse he tied them to the back of his saddle and then got back to traveling. He tucked her a little more firmly against his front, as he wrapped an arm around her slim waist.

  She was so tiny compared to giant females, so short and lightweight without much muscle build. It was a nice change to have such a feminine body in his arms. It was an attribute most giant females lacked.

  He was leading them to a rock giant camp he knew of. He almost felt like dragging out their travel time so they would miss the encampment of rock giants. Yet he had a job to do. He was a warrior, and he needed to get back to help with the war against the humans.

  He knew when they arrived at the camp he would have to pretend he was taking Claira as his bedmate. It would be the only way to protect her. She’d have to be his spoils of war. He knew what her reaction would be to such a proclamation, but that was exactly what he was going to need, if it was going to look real.

  Kaeldar wasn’t known for an even temper. Claira may think she knew him, but he would always be a rock giant. If he claimed her, no one would touch her. He’d take their heads, if they dared, and any rock giant would know that.

  Kaeldar stopped himself.

  Would he really take heads to defend a human female? He was using her for her knowledge of healing, and then he would get rid of her. Right?

  The rock giant world was going to be quite different, but she would learn that soon enough. It was more violent and less forgiving.

  “How long was I asleep?” Claira asked, as she woke in Kaeldar’s arms.

  “All day and night.”

  “That would explain the crick in my neck.” Claira used a hand to massage her shoulder, as she straightened up in front of him. “Mid-day?”


  Claira yawned loudly. It felt so good to give a stretch.

  What she wouldn't give to sleep in a bed again. Then she might be able to get a good night’s rest. She wished she could get some more sleep, but she felt awkward asking Kaeldar to keep holding as she snoozed in his arms.

  Until they rode out of the forest and entered a rock giant camp. Then she wanted to shrink into his arms.

  Couldn’t he have prepared her first? A little forewarning wouldn’t be amiss. Her eyes went wide, as she took in the sights before her. She’d imagined something along these lines, but the reality was more spine-chilling than her imagination had been.

  Her spine shot straight up, and she tried to become one with Kaeldar's chest. Claira did her best to bury herself in his arms and hoped no one would notice her.

  A grunt sounded from behind her.

  She mumbled an apology. She knew she’d sunk her elbow straight into his wound, as she tried to disappear, but she still didn't budge from her position.

  The rock giants noticed their arrival, and she could feel their dark eyes landing on her, one after the other. A few of the rock giants cast her wicked smiles, as Kaeldar kept the horse moving through the camp. She could see the meaning behind those smiles. They were interested in her, and she really wished they weren't.

  They probably thought Kaeldar had brought them a treat from the border. Hopefully, Kaeldar would be able to uphold his promise about keeping her safe from all of these men.

  She watched as a rock giant stood, a knife being used as a toothpick. They were all just as tall and well-built as Kaeldar. Claira had no idea how he was going to fend them all off.

  Shivers coursed up and down her spine causing goose bumps to spread over her flesh.

  “I'm here for you.” Kaeldar whispered in her ear.

  She tried her best to take comfort in his words, but somehow she had her doubts. She couldn't see any of these rock giants sparing her life. Death would probably be the kindest thing they could do to her.

  They probably thought she was Kaeldar's plaything. How wrong they were about that. Kaeldar hadn't even touched her once. She was his healer, nothing more.

  As Kaeldar rode through camp, she realized she really hadn't known true terror among the villagers. She felt like she might faint, her heart was beating so quickly, causing her head to feel light.

  Now she feared something else besides death, the unknown about what would happen to her if Kaeldar were to die. There would be no one on her side if that happened, and she’d be at the mercy of these giants. It might make what almost happened between Robert and her pale in comparison.

  Until that wound completely healed, she would be watching him like a hawk. If he died, she would’ve signed her own death warrant.

  Claira tried to keep her back straight, to face them proudly, but she found herself slowly sinking down into a hunched position. All those hate filled eyes were focused on her. She obviously hadn't been thinking, when she thought this would be fine because she had Kaeldar by her side.

  It really sunk in, right there and then, that she didn't actually know Kaeldar. He had shown her a different side, not too long ago, when he killed Robert. He was a trained killer through and through.

  But she had dug her hole and now she was stuck. It was she who had insisted on staying by his side to heal him. She just had to face this challenge head on and get past it.

  A rock giant rose and came over to stand before the horse, blocking their way.

  Kaeldar pulled up on the reins, as they spoke in their own language, and Claira just sat there wondering what was being discussed.

  Glancing between them she noticed the other rock giant inspecting her. She had a funny feeling they were discussing her, and curiosity pricked at her.

  She was able to make a couple guesses. The other rock giant probably wanted to know who she was, why she was there, and what Kaeldar planned to do with her. As the only human among the giants, she would, o
f course, be the main attraction now.

  As the conversation came to an end she watched, puzzled, as the other rock giant bowed to Kaeldar. What was that about?

  Maybe Kaeldar had some standing among his own people after all. Hope blossomed in her chest. Perhaps she would live through this with Kaeldar as her protector.

  After the conversation, Kaeldar spurred the horse onwards, and they kept going until they reached a tent within the camp.

  Kaeldar dismounted, and without asking wrapped his large hands around her waist to swing her down to the ground. A gasp escaped her, as he let her gently slide down his torso until her feet touched the ground.

  Was that a sizzle she felt? She was alarmed it may have indeed been a sizzle. Kaeldar made her body awake in ways no other man had, and it worried her. There was no room for attachment between a human and a giant.

  Coughing she turned in his arms and took a step away from his overwhelming body.

  “Stay here. I'll be back in a few moments.” With that he disappeared into the camp of rock giants.

  Claira stood there with her jaw hanging open, as she stared after him, but he was gone from her sight within seconds. He was leaving her there, to stand by herself among these rock giants!

  Automatically, she backed herself up into the tent. There was no way she was going to stand out there in full sight of every rock giant walking by. Claira just hoped her adventure didn't turn into a terrible nightmare.

  “How could he do this to me?” She mumbled to herself. “But he wouldn't leave me here unless he knew he didn't have to worry about me.” Claira reasoned to herself. “But then again he might not care what happens to me.” He might not even need her skills anymore. The wound was probably going to be fine.

  Taking a look around the tent she tried to keep her mind from thinking about what she would do if an unknown rock giant walked into the tent. She didn’t want to think about all the rock giants just outside the thin walls of the fur tent.

  So she distracted herself with exploring the inside of the tent.

  The tent was quite large, about three times the size of the tent they’d been sharing these past few days. She smiled, when her eyes landed on the bed of furs. Finally, she’d be sleeping on something better than one fur blanket. The last item in the tent was a trunk.

  Had she expected there to be more inside? This was an army camp, after all. They probably only kept a few personal effects and nothing more. They’d need to be ready to pack and be on their way in a moment’s notice.

  Deciding she had nothing better to do than pry into other people's belongings, Claira made her way over to the trunk.

  Before she reached for the lid, though, she looked at the tent flap and listened to make sure Kaeldar wouldn't come striding in right as she opened it. She would hate to get caught red handed, while prying into someone else's belongings.

  But she was intrigued. What if this larger tent was his? Then she might learn something about him by taking a look inside the trunk. Objects could give her some insight into his life and who he was as a man.

  How could she miss this opportunity to get to know Kaeldar, especially when she was going to be with him for the foreseeable future?

  She hesitated. It wasn't hers, and she really shouldn't.

  Folding her hands in front of her she turned on her heel and went to sit on the bed of furs. She could mind her own business, and there was probably nothing inside anyways.

  She sat there for a few minutes, her hands folded in her lap, but the trunk called to her. Inch by inch her head turned to look at it. She knew she shouldn't, but if she sat there for much longer she was going to bore to death or go crazy.

  Claira shot to her feet and strode over to the trunk. Again she listened to make sure no one was about to enter the tent.

  Ever so slowly, Claira slipped her fingers under the lip of the trunk and started to raise the lid. As she was about to glance inside, the tent flap moved, and Kaeldar strode in.

  Startled Claira jumped and her fingers slipped, letting the trunk lid slam shut. She gasped and cringed, so much for stealth. She felt foolish, and then when he cocked an eyebrow at her as if asking what she was thinking, she felt even worse.

  She was a snoop.

  “Sorry. I was growing bored, while I waited for you to come back.” She twisted her hands in front of her, wondering what he must be thinking of her.

  He waved his hand in the air brushing it off. “It isn’t even my trunk.” He stated, as he made his way over to the bed of furs.

  She frowned. She felt disappointed she wouldn't have been able to learn anything about him from taking a look in the trunk. She’d been snooping for no reason.

  With pursed lips, she turned to find Kaeldar stripping off his shirt. She rushed over to look at his wound. His eyebrows shot up at how fast she moved.

  Gingerly, she pressed her fingertips against his wound. It was looking better every day, and she knew they had nothing to fear from it anymore, but she would keep it to herself for now. There was no need for her usefulness to disappear.

  “After this is all over, I’m afraid you will be left with a horrible scar.” Claira informed him.

  “Is that the bad news?”

  She nodded and backed up. He was so tall that she had to crane her neck back to look at him.

  “For now, that is the bad news.” Claira confirmed.

  “I suppose I will have to learn to deal with it then.” Kaeldar sent her a playful wink.

  Of course, a warrior like him wouldn’t be bothered by the knowledge he would be adding yet another scar to his collection. It only showed he couldn’t be killed, no matter how hard someone tried.

  She kept remembering how the other rock giant bowed to him. He couldn’t just be a soldier. She may not know a lot about soldiers, but they didn’t bow to each other. “Who are you, because I get the feeling you aren’t just a normal soldier.”

  He turned to look at her, a crease forming between his brows. “Who am I?”

  “Yes. The other rock giant bowed to you, when we entered camp. Soldiers don’t bow to each other.” Claira folded her arms in front of her chest, as she stuck out a foot.

  Her question caught him a bit off guard. Kaeldar didn't know if he actually wanted to tell her the truth. So, instead, he replied with, “I am his commander.”

  She watched him for a second, but then nodded, accepting his answer. “So I was right. Not a simple soldier then.”

  He let out a breath he hadn't known he’d been holding. He hadn't wanted to tell her about being the possible future king of the rock giants. He was a part of the family who initiated the war with the humans, and he wasn’t sure what her reaction might be towards him being a prince.

  Then again what did he care what she thought of him? He believed in the war, if only to put the humans in their place, and show them they could only push the giants so far.

  He shrugged to himself. It didn't matter who he was, it just mattered if he kept his promise to her. No matter what it took, he had every intention of keeping her safe among his people.

  As she went over to the furs to sit down, he glanced at his wound. It was definitely looking a lot better, and he expected to be in top shape in no time.

  “Your skills are impressive. I’m sure I can find some work for you here among my people. With a war, we are always in need of skilled healers.”

  They had their healers stretched pretty thin with the war, and they could always use more hands.

  “Would your people allow a human to heal them?” Claira asked. “They might not trust me.”

  “It might take some convincing on my part, but it would be preferable to death.” They would need to trust she wasn't going to poison them in the sick bed, but he was sure he could prove her ability in healing. He was already a living example.

  If he wasn’t able to convince them, he would need to figure out what to do with Claira. So far, her only value was her skill with healing.

  Worst came to wors
t, he could always leave her at some human village near the rock giant border. She was resilient enough to get a new life started, even if she was shunned.

  His word would hold some weight, as prince, but he’d have to keep it from his father's ears or there could be problems. A prince with a human in tow wouldn’t please his parents.

  Bending down he grabbed a new shirt and slipped it on over his head. “I will be back. Stay within the tent, for your own safety. No one will enter my tent without my permission.”

  As he headed for the tent flap, she rushed to catch his arm. Damn, she moved quickly. He turned to face her.

  “I will come with you.”

  He read the uncertainty within her eyes. She wasn’t keen on being left alone. “Stay inside the tent, and you have nothing to worry about. Trust me?”

  She took a little bit to answer. He saw the emotions flicker through her beautiful jade eyes, as she thought about it. “Yes, I trust you.”

  He felt satisfaction flow through him, and then pushed it away. He was getting too close to her. She was his healer, not his female.

  “Then stay within the tent, and you will be fine.” He rested a hand on her shoulder and gave it a small squeeze for reassurance.

  “I may trust you, but I feel safer by your side.”

  He could tell she was trying to be strong, and Kaeldar could understand how the rock giant world could be intimidating to a lone human female.

  “Stay.” He hoped the confidence within his eyes would give her some courage.


  His eyes widened, as his brows rose. She had a confident streak hidden within her body, when she wanted it.

  Kaeldar shrugged his shoulders. “So be it, but don't stray far from my side.”

  Her head bobbed in acknowledgement.

  It was time to see if he really could keep her safe among his men.

  This ended up being another very poor decision on her part. Why had she insisted Kaeldar keep her by his side? She probably would’ve been safer in the tent. Out of sight, out of mind.

  Claira was glued to his side. She never strayed too far, as they moved through the camp. Every time she met the gaze of a rock giant, she was able to read the malicious intent clearly. If they got a chance to harm her, she knew several of them would end up taking it.


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