Grounded By Love

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Grounded By Love Page 15

by Lily Thomas

  He didn't need them doing it to Claira. They might make her uncomfortable, and Kaeldar wouldn't stand for it.

  Claira stretched her arms up above her head. A smile couldn't be stopped from spreading over her lips. She found someone who could accept her for who she was, even if he was acting strange this morning. Or at least it felt that way, but he was a man, maybe cuddling hadn’t crossed his mind.

  She put a hand down to her sensitive area and rubbed it a little. It might be sore, but it was a good feeling. None of her other partners had filled her with such passion or so fully.

  Thoughts of Robert came creeping back into her mind. She was sleeping with his killer. Kaeldar had done it to save her, but trading one life for another?

  She still couldn't believe what Robert tried to do to her. She regretted his death, but also felt like he deserved it for what he attempted. It was a conflicting issue she couldn’t decide on.

  The villagers had been foolish. She would’ve stayed and taken good care of their needs, if they’d only accepted her. They hadn’t, but she found a rock giant who accepted her.

  Claira would welcome Kaeldar between her thighs, if he desired to bed her again. When he looked at her, he made her feel seen.

  Maybe tonight Kaeldar would want to join her for another round. She could always try to initiate sex with Kaeldar again. She had no idea what had overcome her last night, but she didn’t regret it at all. She might not be the shyest person, but she wasn’t brimming with courage either.

  With a heavy content sigh, she rose and got dressed. As she slipped on her clothing, she knew she absolutely needed a new outfit. This one was becoming one large rag. Not to mention, she probably didn't look all that good in it anymore.

  She couldn’t do anything about it, at the moment, so she ran her nimble fingers through her hair, trying her best to take out the worst knots. When her blonde hair felt smoother, she took it all and wound it around itself to make a slight bun at the back of her neck.

  Thankfully, Kaeldar didn’t leave her to twiddle her thumbs. He was back within a few minutes, and he brought food with him. Her stomach gave an eager growl, as she grinned up at him.

  When he didn’t return her smile, she frowned. Was it just her or was he acting a little aloof?

  Kaeldar held his hand out to her. Looking at his outstretched hand she saw a chunk of bread and a dried piece of meat.

  Glad to have something to fill her stomach, she took the offered food and munched on them. The chunk of bread was a little on the crusty side and the dried meat was salted, but that was as much as she could say about it.

  Nothing impressive, but she didn't expect anything mind-blowing. They were in an army camp, after all. She could only hope Kaeldar would get them somewhere with decent food or send out a hunting party for fresh meat.

  Right as she took a large bite of the crusty bread, Kaeldar spoke to her in his deep gravelly voice. “I don't want you to be uncomfortable, but thought you should prepare yourself. The warriors in the camp know what we did last night.” At the blank look she sent him, he continued. “When we had sex.”

  Claira couldn't stop herself from choking on her bite of bread. Throwing a hand up to her throat she tried to cough up the bread crumbles.

  Kaeldar bent down next to her and laid a large hand on her back. “Are you alright, Claira?”

  Sucking in a deep breath she turned to look up at him. “Why do you think they know what we did last night?” She croaked up at him, her throat still had some breadcrumbs lodged away in there.

  “While I was out there to get our breakfast, some of the men threw me winks and grins. We weren't exactly the quietest last night.”

  She hadn't thought they’d been that loud though. Maybe they had been, after all, these were fur tents. It wasn't like much sound was going to be contained within the thin walls.

  Trying her best to stem any blushing, she felt a slight hint of embarrassment. How could she not? She felt like the men outside of the tent would judge her or think she was some easy mark who would do anything to ensure protection.

  Was there a tiny part of her that had wanted to ensure protection?

  Yes. Perhaps there was a part of her that wanted to be his bedmate for the benefits, but there was another part that found Kaeldar intriguing. He acted kind to her, and he kept her safe. He was honorable, and she wanted to know him better.

  “We should be leaving soon, so I would suggest being prepared to move out within a short time. The group will be separating. You and I will go with the group that is headed back to the rock giant castle.” He explained to her, as she finished the breakfast he brought her.

  “And the other group?” Claira inquired.

  “They will be going out to raid,” he coughed into his fist, “other human villages.”

  “A village? Kaeldar how can you let this happen?”

  “What do you want me to do about this, Claira?”

  “Stop them!”

  “I can’t stop them, Claira, this is war. You have to realize that. I’m not fighting for humans, nor have I pretended not to be a warrior. I’m not their commander, I’m just a commander.” Which wasn’t exactly a lie. He was a prince, and his father held control over the military.

  If he had no power to stop the giants, she could only hope the villagers would be smart enough to abandon their homes when they heard a giant army was marching on them. The human armies barely made it out of the battles alive. The villagers would have no chance, if they decided to defend their homes.

  Each side was committed, neither wanted to back down or draw up a truce.

  There was nothing she could do to save lives that weren’t near her. She couldn’t stop anything, and she had other things to worry about like a castle full of rock giants.

  Claira wasn't certain going to the rock giant castle would be such a great idea for her. Surely, none of the giants would be thrilled to have a human woman walking among them, even if she meant them absolutely no malicious intent. She was going to be presented to yet another group of people that wouldn't accept her.

  Her back straightened, both with dread and determination. She wouldn't let them beat her down, but she also didn't want to rub them the wrong way. Claira wasn't keen on the idea of literally losing her head. If she went to the rock giant castle, she would always have her back pressed to a wall.

  Her determination deflated a little, as she kept thinking about it.

  Kaeldar was one rock giant she could trust, even if they were having a disagreement about innocents getting hurt during wars.

  Kaeldar came over to put a finger under her chin and lifted her head up so she met his eyes. “I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, but I can’t save anyone else.”

  She gave him a smile, but she was still twisted in knots. He might be willing to protect her, but he might not have enough power to keep her safe forever.

  If anything, this was showing her there might be too many differences. She was a human healer, and he was a rock giant warrior. A worrisome thought for a little later, but Claira needed to focus on the present, not the unpredictable future.

  The best thing for now was to hope Kaeldar did have enough influence to keep her safe among so many rock giants. So far he kept her safe from all the terrifying giant warriors currently around them.

  Shaking her head, she pushed it from her mind.

  After taking a few breaths, she was steady enough to go out and face the knowing stares of the rock giant warriors. If what Kaeldar said was correct, then the rock giant warriors knew she slept with him.

  Putting back her shoulders she got ready to face them. If she couldn’t face down a few terrifying giant warriors, then she wouldn’t last in a castle full of them.

  Kaeldar went out first, but held open the tent flap for her.

  As she stepped through the threshold, the rock giants around them glanced over at her. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she felt like their gazes lingered on her and Kaeldar. She wasn't b
lind, she able to catch the winks thrown in Kaeldar’s direction.

  Kaeldar was correct. They knew.

  “Can’t they mind their own business?” Claira hissed over at him.

  “They’re males, and there isn’t much to do around here.”

  “Except kill innocents.” She whispered, under her breath.

  As they walked through the camp, she wasn't able to understand the giants, but she knew their callouts to Kaeldar were more than just innocent morning greetings. Her mind raced. She didn't like being the only woman among so many large strong men.

  Claira was so engrossed in her thoughts that when Kaeldar gave a cough she startled.

  “Are you alright?” He asked.

  “Yes.” Her hand came up to push her hair behind her ear. “I was just absorbed in my thoughts.”

  He gave a chuckle. “I could see that, since you were about to walk past my horse.”

  A frown formed on her lips, as she glared at him. “Here I thought you might be concerned about me.”

  Kaeldar mounted up on his horse, and then offered a hand down to her. “We need to get going.”

  Her hand hovered above his, but she didn't grab it. Instead, she looked up at him and asked, “May I ask one favor of you?”

  “If it is within my ability to fulfill.” He responded, still with his hand outstretched to her.

  “Would you mind swinging me up to sit side saddle in front of you?”

  “Of course.” He almost seemed surprised she thought that would have to be a favor. He took her hand into his own and gently swung her up in front of him.

  “Doing alright?” Kaeldar asked her, once she settled in front of him.

  “Yes, thank you so much.” She snapped. How could she be pleased with him, when he wasn’t going to at least try to save those villagers? She wanted to yell at him, but causing a scene wouldn’t be in her best interest. The rock giants would expect him to do something about her causing trouble.

  If he noticed the tone of her voice, he didn’t give any indication.

  A rock giant came up beside them and offered Kaeldar the tent, which had been wrapped up into a tight roll. Kaeldar accepted the tent roll and tied it down to the back of the saddle.

  “How are my horses doing?” Claira asked, hoping Kaeldar would know.

  “They’re doing fine and have already been readied to go. I made sure of that this morning, when I went to grab us some breakfast.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Again, your horses will be following at the end of the group.”

  Claira kept her back rigid. There would be no resting against Kaeldar's chest, until she figured herself out. She liked him, but she wanted those villagers to be saved.

  Kaeldar guided the horse through the camp to talk to his fellow rock giants. Even among so many rock giants, Claira felt comfortable as long as she was beside Kaeldar. The warmth of his body seemed to come out to embrace her and made her feel completely safe.

  Which made her think of the villagers who were going to have no one to protect them. She felt guilt eat at her, but more than that she felt helpless.

  Claira tried to relax her nerves, as their group made their way to the rock giant castle. The protection Kaeldar offered her would soon be tested.

  The day of travel passed quickly. Every once in a while, they would stop, so Claira could get off the large horse to stretch her legs.

  On one of their stops she decided she wanted to see her horse.

  “Your love for the beast is admirable.”

  “He isn’t a beast. Besides he saved your life or don’t you remember?”

  Kaeldar grabbed hold of her hand and guided her to the back of the group where she was able to visit with her horse. He was a friend she never wanted to lose. He had been the only one to accept her for who she was, until she met Kaeldar.

  Holding out her hand to her horse she waited for his nose to come up and softly nuzzle her offered hand. The small white hairs on his soft pink nose tickled, and she gave a hearty laugh.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kaeldar smiling down at her, as he watched her interaction with her horse.

  “He seems to have missed you.” Kaeldar stated, as the horse butted his head against her shoulder.

  As she ran her fingers through the horse's mane she laughed lightly. “I’ve missed him and have been worried about his well-being.”

  “No need to worry about the horse. No one here is going to kill or harm him. We don't eat horses, and besides he’s being useful.” Kaeldar motioned to the packs her horse was carrying.

  “I will still fret about him. I feel as though he is my closest friend.”

  Was that pity building in his dark eyes, because her only friend was a horse? Claira felt shame crawl up her neck.

  She’d never been able to make any friends among her own people, and here she had just come out and admitted it by claiming her horse was her best friend.

  Thankfully, a rock giant warrior came up and talked to Kaeldar, distracting him.

  “Are you ready to leave? We still have quite some time, before we reach the castle. We’d like to head out as soon as possible.”

  “Yes. Thank you for allowing me to visit with my horse.”

  He gave her a nod and faced back to the other warrior.

  Soon they were off, and Claira tried to keep herself calm by looking around at the beautiful forest around her. The beauty of the forest appealed to her and smoothed out her anxiety about facing a castle full of giants.

  Soon enough night started to fall, and Kaeldar called it a day, deciding it was time to set up camp and settle down for the night. Quickly, men dismounted and tents popped up, as campfires were lit.

  One had to be amazed by the efficiency of a giant soldier. They seemed to be determined and extremely organized. No wonder the human armies were having so much trouble resisting them.

  “Stay by the horse, while I set up the tent, Claira.”

  Once he walked away, she murmured to herself, “Stay put, Claira. Don’t move, Claira. Can’t save the people, Claira.” She glared at his back, as he worked. She might be acting like a child, but she wasn’t exactly happy with him.

  Once he was done, he guided her over to one of the fires where they sat on the ground with several other rock giants. They all seemed to be having one jolly good time, talking, laughing, and hitting each other on the backs.

  It was amazing for her to see all these different sides of the rock giant personalities’. They acted like any human soldier would. They weren’t just mindless beasts killing things, like humans thought.

  As the food was passed around the campfire, all she could think about was the upcoming night in the fur tent with Kaeldar.

  Anticipation pumped through her, as she recalled the previous night they spent together. She wanted to have another such night with him, but she also couldn’t believe herself.

  Could he really do nothing for those villagers? It would haunt her that there was nothing she could do.

  Her cheeks flushed, as Kaeldar interrupted her thoughts to hand her some dried meat. She knew he couldn't read her mind, but she still worried he would somehow know what she’d been thinking about.

  Her blood heated, as she accepted a piece of dried meat from Kaeldar, and her hand brushed against his. She was more than ready to go to the tent with Kaeldar for the rest of the night.

  She was able to feel the area between her thighs start to heat and the wetness spread. How was she to remain angry with Kaeldar when her body reacted this way to his presence?

  Even though her body was frustrating her, she understood where it was coming from. Kaeldar was different than any man she’d been with before. He might be a rock giant warrior, but he also treated her right.

  Romance had never worked out for her, and although she and Kaeldar had problems standing in their way she was hoping there might be a way. She wasn’t willing to admit defeat quite yet.

  Or maybe she should admit defeat before she
broke her heart. Claira could feel her heart attaching to him, but she had no idea of his feelings. She could end up being made a fool.

  There was still the possibility he wouldn’t keep her around for too much longer. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d been used by a man, and then thrown aside.

  Kaeldar couldn't stop himself from turning and looking over at Claira. She had some sort of aura surrounding her, and it kept drawing him closer.

  The firelight danced across her face, casting light into her jade eyes, as she gazed at the bright flames licking around the logs in the campfire. When she turned her head, the firelight would set her hair into a deep tone of strawberry blonde strands. He found the sight mesmerizing.

  He knew he should stay around the campfire longer with the men, but at the same time he wanted to just whisk Claira away to his tent. Then they would be able to do some more exploring of each other’s intimate pleasures.

  She nibbled on the dried meat he’d given her, and he knew she was thinking the same as he was.

  He was able to see it within her sea green eyes. Those lovely eyes of hers displayed her emotions so beautifully, and when she turned the full force of those jade depths on him, his heart stuttered. If she wanted, she would be able to get him to do anything, and no matter how hard he tried he would be helpless against it.

  It would be best she not learn the depth of his feelings for her, for now, he would keep his thoughts to himself.

  Eventually, the torture was too much for him to bear. He had to have her. He was going insane just watching her in front of the fire light without being able to touch her. That way her lips went around the dried meat before ripping off a piece. He kept thinking about her soft lips wrapped around his cock.

  Kaeldar turned to his men and excused himself. It was time to bring Claira back to his tent. He had some devilish plans for them to fulfill.

  Turning back to Claira he stood and offered her his hand.

  Claira was pleasantly surprised, when he decided to call quits on sitting by the campfire. She was more than ready to head back to the fur tent with him.


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