Grounded By Love

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Grounded By Love Page 19

by Lily Thomas

  How was she going to deal with being surrounded by all those rock giants? How would the rock giants deal with it? She was unable to see any of them wanting her to eat with them.


  He turned back to look at her.

  "I don’t believe I’ll be welcome at dinner. Maybe I should just wait up here, and perhaps have some food sent up. I don't want to cause any ruckus over me being here. Out of sight out of mind is better, in my opinion."

  He tisked. "Claira, you can't live up here forever. Some day, you will have to go down, and some day they will have to get used to seeing you around the castle, maybe even in the village."

  Claira cast her eyes away, a sparkle of wetness glistened in her green eyes. She was terrified of stirring up trouble by being present at dinner. She always put up a brave front, but she had emotions like anyone else. She wasn’t about to break down, but she was starting to feel the immense stress weighing down on her shoulders.

  There’d been enough trouble back in her village, and she seemed to attract hatred from others. She didn't want Kaeldar in the middle, because although he was acting differently towards her, she still knew he would do anything to keep her safe.

  "If you insist I go, then let me take a look in the mirror first."

  Pointing to a table in the corner he said, "There is one over on that side of the room. Take your time.”

  Nodding her thanks she headed over, dreading what she might see in the reflection. Taking a steadying breath she looked into the mirror and grimaced. Worse than she could’ve ever thought.

  Her hair looked dirty, the blonde had been dulled, and she looked like she had a few smeared marks on her face. Licking a thumb she tried her best to wipe them off, but the marks were determined to mar her face.

  She restrained a groan that formed on the tip of her tongue. Here she was going to be a soiled human woman among so many finely dressed rock giants. If only she could have the time to take a bath and change her clothing.

  With a frown plastered to her face, she turned around to take a look at Kaeldar.

  He was standing beside the door, one hand on the handle, and an impatient look on his face. "Are you ready to go down now?"

  "As ready as I will ever be, I suppose." Claira stated glumly. He was definitely acting abnormally, now that they were here at the castle.

  "Good." He opened the door and motioned her forward.

  As they neared the hall and the noise of the dining giants entered her ears, her steps slowly faltered. She couldn't force herself to take another step forward. No matter how much she tried, she just couldn’t lift a foot.

  Kaeldar's arm threaded it's way through her own. Looking up she met his steady and reassuring gaze. Thankfully, he didn't have his shield up, and she was able to read his concern for her discomfort.

  It pleased her immensely, but the pity she saw made her chin come up. She wasn't one to be pitied.

  Some of the villagers had sympathized with her, before it turned to burning hatred. Claira didn’t need it, she was a strong woman, that was why she’d picked healing. It gave her a sense of belonging.

  Waiting by her side, Kaeldar gave her time to think and take control of her feelings.

  "I am ready." Claira whispered up to him, while she faced back to the hall.

  Kaeldar took the initiative and led the way. Since her arm was entwined with his, she had to get her feet to move or be dragged into the hall. If he hadn’t taken her arm, her feet would’ve faltered again.

  As they took the first few steps into the great hall, it was as if she hit a wall of sound. The rock giants sure knew how to enjoy themselves, she would give them that.

  There was such a vast number of rock giants within the great hall. Overwhelming terror shot threw her and choked up her throat. If Kaeldar hadn't been beside her, she would’ve turned tail and fled the room.

  She could never have imagined how many rock giants would be in the great hall.

  It seemed as though some of them had been waiting to see her. Eager eyes looked up from random tasks, as she and Kaeldar walked in. It wasn't surprising the word had got around. She was the only human around for miles upon miles. Their was bound to be a lot of curiousity and open-mouthed gawking.

  Rock giants stopped eating, as Kaeldar led her through the hall. With so many pressing stares, she felt sweat build up on her brow.

  How could Kaeldar protect her from all of these rock giants? He was only one man, after all. There were some who despised her presence and others who just wanted to see what she looked like.

  She tried her best to keep her eyes forward and her chin held high, yet, she felt herself being drawn towards their gazes. It was too much to bare, and it made her skin crawl.

  Slowly, she let her gaze roam around the hall. Claira saw some of the rock giants whispering behind their hands. Their eyes roamed up and down her, as they took her in.

  She wondered what they were thinking about her. Claira wanted to make a good impression, not only for Kaeldar, but for humans in general. Not all humans were the same, and she wanted to show them the softer side of humanity, the accepting side.

  Kaeldar seemed unphased with the stares sent their way, and that made her feel better. She needed a strong force beside her, if she ever planned on making it through this terrifying night.

  Finally, after what felt like forever they stopped in front of a table.

  “This is where you will be staying for dinner.”

  “I will be staying? Are you going somewhere else?” Claira’s voice escalated.

  “I will be sitting just over there.” Kaeldar pointed to a table just a few feet away. “I will be able to keep a close eye on you. Do not fret.”

  “I really don’t think it will be fine.”

  Every rock giant in the hall was staring at them, by this moment.

  “Sit, Claira.”

  Claira plopped down. Kaeldar had never used such a strict tone with her before. When she gained her voice, he’d already headed over to the other table.

  There he sat with the two older rock giants she’d seen before, the same rock giants she suspected of being Kaeldar’s relations.

  Kaeldar bowed deeply to them and, at that moment, everything came together for her. He was bowing to the king and queen and Kaeldar was their son. She had been sleeping with the prince of the rock giants.

  Claira was floored by it.

  It would explain why they were sitting at a table with the best vantage point in the room and why the servants were at their beck and call.

  Who would have guessed Claira would be the one to set eyes on them? She was sure her king had never even seen the rock giant king, and here she was sitting only a few feet away.

  She caught glances from the king and queen and knew they had to be wondering about her. Perhaps they would make Kaeldar get rid of her or maybe they would just get rid of her themselves.

  She gulped for she felt like she was intruding upon their lives. If there was one thing she didn't want to do it would be stirring up trouble. Claira was still getting some looks thrown her way. Some seemed intrigued, while others seemed to be casting glares her way.

  Thankfully, there were only a few rock giants sitting at her table, which meant she had some space.

  They were surely whispering about Kaeldar as well. The rocks giants weren’t only casting her looks, but they were also casting Kaeldar some curious glances. How could they not puzzle over why their prince was toating around a human woman?

  A servant came over to the table and set down some food before her.

  Claira tried her best to keep focused on anything but the stares directed towards her.

  She nibbled on some of the food through out the night and wondered what was being said around her. The rocks giants were speaking in their own language, and she was left to her own thoughts. It was as if Kaeldar had forgotten about her presence altogether.

  He was speaking with his mother and father. Every once in a while, it seemed as if
their conversation would get more than a little heated. Their facial expressions said it all, they weren’t too thrilled with him, and she thought it might have something to do with her.

  She wondered if it would be possible for her to ever learn any of their language, since it was just a bunch of growling and grumbling that she doubted her throat would ever be able to make. She might learn how to understand it, but she might not ever speak it.

  How was she going to keep herself safe, if she didn’t know what was going on around her?

  As the evening continued on, Claira was amazed by the amount of food the servants kept bringing to each of the tables. In her life, things had been hard and there had never been this much fare in front of her before.

  The village she came from wasn’t wealthy by any means. Life on or near the border could be strenuous. Before the war began, random bands of looters from both sides would raid the other one. Usually, there wasn’t death, just burning of farms and stolen farm animals.

  Every time something new was brought to the table she would grab a bit of it. Claira had to face the reality that someone here might try to kill her at some point, and she wasn't about to sugar coat it for herself. Before that time came she needed to enjoy everything she could.

  Sadly, the night kept going, and Kaeldar never looked in her direction and never spoke a word to her. She was starting to feel abandoned at her table. If Kaeldar was going to abandon her, she would’ve preferred he’d done it while she was still on the human side of the border.

  Maybe he’d already tired of her, but just didn’t know what to do with her. It could be a possibility. She’d have to think about plans of escape, if that was true.

  The rock giants cast her fewer and fewer glances, but she could tell that several drunk rock giants couldn't keep her from their mind. They kept casting glances her way, actually they were more like glares.

  She felt so uncomfortable having to endure their hate filled gazes. Claira wished she’d been able to bath and get some new clothing. She had an image to present here, and she was doing a horrible job of it. Not to mention, it would give her some self confidence, which she dearly needed.

  Kaeldar glanced over at Claira. She was holding her own, even with all the glares cast in her direction. He only hoped he could change their opinions. Claira wasn’t like the rest of the humans, there was only a good heart beating in her chest.

  She’d save anyone, no matter who they were. She might not know it, but she held a lot of courage and passion in that tiny body of hers.

  “If you need a place to store the human female, I’m sure I can find it room in the stables.”

  “I’m not going to stick her in the stables, mother.” Kaeldar rolled his eyes. Claira wasn’t an animal.

  “You can’t keep her in your rooms.” His mother whispered harshly. “What will people think of you? Bed a giant female, my dear, they will get your mind away from this human.”

  “She is my prize, and I plan on enjoying her.”

  “Do as your mother wishes.” His father chimed in.

  Kaeldar shook his head. He didn’t need this right now, he had enough to worry about without his father jumping in.

  There’d never been a good relationship between them. Everytime Kaeldar had fallen in love with something his father had killed it, to break any weakness in his future heir. He just wanted his son to be an exact model of him, which meant hating everything.

  All it had done was create animosity between them.

  He wouldn’t let his father touch Claira though. He would do anything he had to for her safety.

  Chapter 17

  Eventually, the evening meal ended, to her great relief.

  Kaeldar came to her table to speak to her for the first time in the night. "I was thinking of heading back up to my room. I assume you will want to return with me, rather than stay down here in the hall."

  Claira sputtered. "Of course, I want to return to your rooms with you."

  Had he truly thought she would want to stay down here by herself? She was sure if she ever left his sight she would be torn to pieces by the other rock giants. Claira could feel the target on her back, and she was sure it was only a matter of time.

  Following closely on his heels, she followed, as he led the way from the table and back to the stair well that led to his room.

  Once they reached his chamber, Kaeldar opened the door and politely let her enter before him.

  Claira gave a twinkle of a smile, as she walked through the doorway, and her eyes landed on the brass tub before her. The large tub was filled with hot water. Her gaze eagerly took in the swirling tendrils of steam coming off the surface.

  This was something she would be willing to give anything for. Oh, how she wanted to feel the water flow over her skin, as she sank deep into the tub.

  Kaeldar must’ve ordered one to be ready by the time he finished with eating, and she was glad he had. She only hoped he was going to allow her to use it as well. It’d be borderline cruel, if he didn’t let her bathe.

  Or maybe he ordered it for her and her alone. She could only hope. Then again it could be a subtle hint she was stinking up the air around her. A frown replaced the smile that had been on her lips.

  She sat down on the edge of the bed, as she watched him take off some of the layers of his clothing. If there was one thing she wished she could have for the rest of her life, he would be it.

  Turning towards her he asked, "Would you enjoy a bath?"

  "Yes, of course, I would enjoy a bath. I would never deny an opportunity for a bath."

  He returned her smile. "I’m glad you are pleased. Please." He motioned her forward with a hand.

  She stood to undress. Stripping her clothing she did her best to not show any trembles in her fingers. She’d never bathed in front of another before. Bathing had always been a private matter for her, but there were also trembles of excitement. Claira wouldn’t mind, if Kaeldar wanted to make love.

  Seeming to sense her uncertainty Kaeldar took off his final layer of clothing, until he was standing in front of her in his masculine nakedness. Those hard muscles called out to her. She wanted to be wrapped up in them and to have them make her feel like nothing in the world would be able to touch her.

  Claira shed her clothing within seconds, her shyness forgotten. Even if they couldn’t have a future, at least, they could be lovers for the meantime. She wasn’t the one with power, but she could enjoy her time here.

  Before she even looked up at Kaeldar to see his reaction, she felt his gaze roaming up and over her body. It made her skin tingle and made her feel clean. He didn't seem to find any faults with her appearance.

  She blushed. It felt empowering to be the apple of his eye. Such a strong man was interested in her, and she enjoyed it.

  "I was thinking you would want to be the one to take a bath first."

  Or maybe she was just as dirty as she thought she was. "I would, indeed, like to take a bath. I feel like I need one with all the dust and horses."

  Kaeldar stepped around the tub to offer her his hand. Slipping her hand into his, he helped her into the hot soothing water. Baths felt sacred to her. Hot water could wash away any worries a person held. It was true magic.

  A sigh slipped from between her lips, as she stuck her second leg into the tub. Kaeldar then helped her sink down, as she submerged her bottom half into the steaming water of the tub.

  Kaeldar bent down beside the tub edge. She glanced over at him with a half hooded gaze. The hot water just felt so good, and she felt her muscles finally relax, since meeting Kaeldar. Being surrounded by so many rock giants could make one extremely tense around the shoulders.

  Claira let her head fall back against the edge of the tub and watched as Kaeldar leaned over to grab a cloth.

  "Do you mind?" He asked, as he held up the cloth for her inspection.

  Claira nodded her head. If he washed her down, then she would be able to just sit there and enjoy the warm water of her bath.

/>   Kaeldar lifted one of her feet out of the water and gently slid the soft cloth over her suple skin. Her eyes slid shut, as she let all of the sensations flow over her. No one had ever massaged her body before, and she loved the feel of his hands on her skin.

  Ever so slowly, Kaeldar made his way up her body, until he reached her breasts. Her eyes popped open, as he rubbed the cloth over her tits. The once soft cloth now felt so rough and pleasurable against her sensitive skin.

  He moved on to her arms and legs, and then he made his way to the area between her thighs. Rubbing the cloth over her nub he watched as her eyes grew hazy. There was nothing Claira wanted to do, but enjoy the sensations rolling through her.

  Then he stopped washing her down with the cloth. Looking over at him she saw a smile on his face. In his black eyes, she could see passion within his gaze, and she knew she hadn't been the only one who’d been taking pleasure out of what he’d been doing.

  "I think it’s my turn to get washed."

  She pouted her lips at him, but relented. "If I have to get out, then I suppose I will." After all, he had been kind enough to let her wash first, even if it had been more passionate than she expected.

  Standing she stepped gracefully out of the tub and turned to watch as Kaeldar sank down. She loved watching his muscles flex, as he moved around. He was a trained predator, and heaven forbid you were ever his enemy, but she also knew what those muscles could do under the covers.

  "Wash me like I did you." Kaeldar's onyx eyes caught her every movement, as he commanded her.

  With one of her own wicked smiles, she grabbed the cloth and bent down next to the tub. She was going to make sure to take her time washing him. As she made her way up his legs, a wicked idea popped into her head, and she acted upon it. As she came up to the apex of his thighs, she wrapped the cloth over his cock.

  Claira was surprised to find it already rock hard. Then again, of course, it would be, he’d been washing her, and now he had her rubbing up his body.

  Her long fingers curved around his cock, the length felt good between her fingers. When she had him in her hand, she felt like she had all the control, and it gave her such a tremendous thrill.


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